Information Systems
College of Business Administration
University of Missouri - St. Louis

Decision Support Systems
Current Events, Discussions, and Announcements

It is the nature of a man as he grows older... to protest against change, particularly change for the better. -John Steinbeck

.Statistics for people in a hurry

.Daily Decisions Based on Data: Data Driven Life

. Analytics and Sports: The Electronic Coach

. The exam

. The Simple Genius of a good graphic

. 3 Ways to Make Better Decisions

. One simple reason we aren't acting faster on climate change

. More Presentations
. Business Intelligence
. Hadoop
. Data Governance

. Presentations
. Customs
. Immigration to the U.S.

.This is eligible for networking credit.

.This is eligible for networking credit.

CEO Speaker Series

The EQ Pitch is on! Thursday, November 29th at 5pm at ABH in the US Bank Room

The EQ Pitch is on! Thursday, November 15th at 5pm at ABH

. And the debate continues ... What do you hear, Yanny or Laurel? Here is more background on the issue.

. The Mark Zuckerberg vs. Ted Cruz

. Even Imperfect Algorithms Can Improve the Criminal Justice System - The New York Times

More about security
. The Security Mirage
. What is Big Data?; An alternative view
. Edward Snowden Interview

Amazon Scraps Secret AI Recruiting Tool That Showed Bias Against Women As seen in Reuters, by Jeffrey Dastin, October 9, 2018.
Amazon has discontinued an artificial intelligence recruiting tool its machine learning specialists developed to automate the hiring process because they determined it was biased against women. Starting in 2014, a group of Amazon researchers created 500 computer models focused on specific job functions and locations, training each to recognize about 50,000 terms that showed up on past Amazon job candidates' resumes. However, because most resumes submitted to Amazon had come from men, the models tended to favor candidates who described themselves using verbs more commonly found on male engineers' resumes, such as "executed" and "captured." In addition, the program penalized resumes that included the word "women's" and downgraded graduates of two all-women's colleges. Although Amazon declined to comment on the technology's issues, the company said the tool was “never used by Amazon recruiters to evaluate candidates.” The Full Article.

. Presentations
. Customs
. Immigration to the U.S.

.Visualization Recommendations
. A Comprehensive Guide to the Grammar of Graphics for Effective Visualization of Multi-dimensional Data
. The Art of Effective Visualization of Multi-dimensional Data
. 15 Stunning Data Visualizations (And What you can Learn from Them)

. Big Data
. Graphs by MIT Students Show the Enormously Intrusive Nature of Metadata
. Enron Offers an Unlikely Boost to E-Mail Surveillance
. Universities Rush to Roll out Computer Science Ethics Courses

. Governenance
. What is Data Governance
  . Data Governance is the exercise of decision-making and authority for data-related matters
  . Data Governance is a system of decision rights and accountabilities for information-related processes, executed according to agreed-upon models which describe who can take what actions with what information, and when, under what circumstances, using what methods.
  . Includes organizational bodies, rules (standards, policies, etc.), decision rights, accountabilities and enforcement methods

. What are the Goals and Principles?
  . Enable better decision-making
  . Reduce operational friction
  . Protect the needs of data stakeholders
  . Train management and staff to adopt common approaches to data issues
  . Build standard, repeatable processes
  . Reduce costs and increase effectiveness through coordination of efforts
  . Ensure transparency of processes

. Universal Data Governance Principles
    . Integrity
    . Transparency
    . Auditability
    . Accountability
    . Stewardship
    . Checks and Balances
    . Standardization
    . Change Management

. Data Stewards

. Assigning Data Ownership
    . Assign Data Ownership (e.g. compliance and access management)
    . Who can do what with the data: access only, use only, how much
    . Federated Responsibilities

. Governance and Decision Making

. Guidance by Gwen

. The Data Governance Institute

. Governance Cartoons

. Why Do We Need Data Governance?
. DataVersity
. Trends in Data Governance

. Decision Making
. Dan Gilbert: Why we make bad decisions
. Sheena Iyengar: How to make choosing easier
. Are we in control of our own decisions?
. The Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives
. Perception issues: what color is this dress?
    . More about it
. Attention to details
    . Basketball

. Perception issues: what color is this dress?

. DSS and Humans: Issues for Decision Making
Confidence Games: Why People Don’t Trust Machines to Be Right
Charles Barkley Comments on Role of Advanced Statistics, Analytics in NBA

. The Joy of Statistics
  • The best stats you've ever seen
  • Global population growth, box by box
  • How not to be ignorant about the world

  • . Approved paper topics.

  • Big Data
  • Business Intelligence Use in a particular industry
  • Analytics Maturity
  • Data Warehousing
  • Data Mining
  • ETL
  • Data Governance
  • OLAP
  • Comparison of BI Tools
  • Intelligence in BI Tools
  • Data Visualization
  • Metaphors in BI
  • DashBoards
  • Human-Computer Interaction Systems
  • Transnational Application Issues
  • Evaluation of BI Tools
  • Each student must select a topic from the above list and have it approved. Other topics must be approved by speaking to Dr. Sauter.

    . Analytics Blogs
    Mike Trick's OR Blog
    Punk Rock Operations Research
    Business Intelligence -- Oracle
    Cyril on Business Intelligence

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