mini MHA
health informatics

What is Health Informatics?

The rapidly developings scientific field that deals with the storage, retrieval, and optimal use of viomedical information, data and knowledge for problem solving and decision making. It accordingly touches on all basic and applied fields in biomedical science and is closely tied to modern information technologies.

The study of the interrelationship between (a) information (including computers and communications); (b) science (including engineering and technology); and (c) medmical research, education and practice.

The analysis and dissemination of medical data through the application of computers to various aspects of health care and medicine.

The science of collecting, storing, packaging and using health information. A major component of the research conducted by this theme involves the development of standardized classification and coding schemes to enable data collection and connectivity within large, integrated information systems. This work is fundamental to the successful implementation of system-level structures, such as community health information networks, through which the linking of health records, critical to continuity of care across multiple providers, can be established.

Health Informatics (HI) focuses on the application of computer information systems to health care and public health. Informatics extends beyond simply using the computer as a tool for computation into the process of knowledge acquisition, storage, retrieval, representation, and manipulation. A major focus of Informatics is the support of information systems for reasoning, decision-making, and learning. Health Informatics encompasses the fields of information science, computer information systems, and educational technology in support of health care delivery, education, and management.

Health Informatics is a body of knowledge and a set of techniques to organize and manage information in support of research, education and patient care.

Includes projects such as the following:
Design of electronic patient records both locally and nationally
Development and delivery of public health information
Construction of clinical information support systems
Design and maintenance of protocols based on evidence
Development of terminology, coding, and classification systems
Evaluation of the impact of information technology on the clinical process, clinical outcome, organisations, and resources
Clinical audit
Database construction
Design of clinical workstations
Data management
Use of internet technology in medicine

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