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Javascript Examples
Program One: Basic Output
-Source Code
-The program uses the "document.write" command to write to the screen and also to document the program.
Program Two: Basic Input
-Source Code
-The program uses prompts to get input from the user and then uses the "document.write" command to parrot that information back to the screen.
Program Three: Intermediate Input and Output
-Source Code
-The program uses a form to obtain the pushbuttons for input and introduces the "onClick" function and "alert boxes" to provide output.
Program Four: Launching Another Window
-Source Code
Source Code of the New Window
-The program shows how to launch a new window and control its location, size and other attributes.
Program Five: Introduction to Functions
-Source Code
-This program uses a prompt, document.write, and confirm
Program Six: Actions Upon Loading a Page
-Source Code
-This program introduces the "onload" command.
Program Seven: Actions Upon Unloading a Page
-Source Code
-This program introduces the "unload" command.
Program Eight: Actions Upon Unloading a Page
-Source Code
-This program further illustrates the "unload" command.
Program Nine: Aleration with Writing to the Status Line
-Source Code
-This program demonstrates the use of alteration, "roll overs," and displaying to the status line.
Program Ten: Alteration 1
-Source Code
-This program demonstrates the creation of a simple calculator. The user has the choice whether or not to complete the calculation.
Program Eleven: Alteration 2
-Source Code
-This program uses alert boxes to query the user about qualifications and then checks them against the standards specified in the program.
Program Twelve: Alteration 3
-Source Code
-This program expands upon the previous example to show not only "AND" conditions, but also "OR" conditions
Program Thirteen: Loops
-Source Code
-This program demonstrates how a loop might be used with alert boxes.
Program Fourteen: Loops
-Source Code
-This program demonstrates how a loop might be used to count the number of options selected.

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This page was last modified on: 02/10/2000 17:21:50
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