Joseph W. Rottman


College Of Business Administration

University Of Missouri St. Louis

One University Boulevard

St. Louis MO 63121




Last updated 07/2018




D.Sc., Engineering and Policy

Washington University in Saint Louis  8/02

Dissertation Topic:  Social Closeness as a Determinant of the Rate of Adoption of a Technological Innovation


M.S., Management Information Systems

University of Missouri - St. Louis 5/95


B.S., Business Administration

University of Missouri - St. Louis 6/92


Work Experience


Associate Dean, Graduate and International Programs, University of Missouri St. Louis 05/18 Present

Professor of Information Systems, University of Missouri - St. Louis  08/16 Present.

Director, International Business Institute, University of Missouri St. Louis 08/10 Present

Chair, Global Leadership and Management, University of Missouri St. Louis 09/15 07/18

Visiting Professor, University of Applied Sciences, Bremen, Germany, 07/13, 07/16.

Visiting Professor, Seinajoki University of Applied Sciences, 10/12, 10/15, 10/17, 09/18.

Associate Professor of Information Systems, University of Missouri - St. Louis  8/08 08/16.

Assistant Professor of Information Systems, University of Missouri - St. Louis  8/02 8/08.

Instructor: University of Missouri - St. Louis 2000 2002.

Manager, Support Services University of Missouri - St. Louis 4/97 to 8/00.

Senior Information Technology Analyst University of Missouri - St. Louis 5/95 to 4/97.

Instructor: University of Missouri - St. Louis 1996.

Supervisor, ATC University of Missouri - St. Louis, 5/93 to 5/95.




Willcocks, L., Oshri, I., Rottman, J., MISQE Theme Book: Outsourcing (2014), MISQ Executive.


Lacity, M., Rottman, J., and Carmel, E. (2012), Emerging ITO and BPO Markets: Rural Sourcing and Impact Sourcing, IEEE Readynotes, IEEE Computer Society.


Lacity, M., and Rottman, J., (2008) Successful Offshore Outsourcing of IT Work, Palgrave, United Kingdom.


Journal Publications


Lacity, M., Rottman, J., and Carmel, E. (2014), Prison Sourcing: Doing Good or Good for Business?  Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, Vol. 4, pp. 99-106.


Lacity, M., Rottman, J., and Carmel, E. (2014), Impact Sourcing: Employing Prison Inmates to Perform Digitally-enabled Business Services, Communications of the AIS, Vol. 34, article 51.


Lacity, M., Carmel, E. and Rottman, J. (2011), Rural Outsourcing: Delivering ITO and BPO Services from Remote Domestic Locations, IEEE Computer, Vol. 44 pp. 55-62.


Willcocks, L, Oshri, I, Kotlarsky, J, Rottman, J. (2011) Outsourcing and Offshoring Engineering Projects: Understanding the Value, Sourcing Models and Coordination Practices, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2011 Vol. 58, pp. 706 716.


Lacity, M., Rottman, J., and Khan, S. (2010), Field of Dreams: Building IT Capabilities in Rural America, Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal, Vol. 3, 3. pp. 169-191.  This research has been featured in BusinessWeek and CNN Money.


Oshri, I., Kotlarsky, J., Rottman J. and Willcocks, L. (2009), "A Review of Recent Trends in Global Sourcing of IT and Services", Information Technology and People, Vol. 22, 3.


Lacity, M., and Rottman, J. (2009), Effects of Offshore Outsourcing of Information Technology Work on Client Project Management, Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal, Vol. 2, 1, pp. 4-26.


Rottman, Joseph W. (2008) "Successful Knowledge Transfer Within Offshore Supplier Networks: A Case Study Exploring Social Capital In Strategic Alliances", Journal of Information Technology (2008) 23, 3143. Among the top ten most requested articles in JIT 2009, 2010.


Rottman, J., and Lacity, M. (2008), "A US Clients Learning from Outsourcing IT Work Offshore," Information Systems Frontiers, Special Issue on Outsourcing of IT Services, Vol. 10.


Lacity, M., Willcocks, L., and Rottman, J. (2008), "Global Outsourcing of Back Office Services: Lessons, Trends and Enduring Challenges," Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal, Vol. 1, 1, pp 13 34. Outstanding Paper Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2009.


Lacity, M., and Rottman, J. (2008), "The Impact of Offshore Outsourcing on Client Project Managers," IEEE Computer, Vol. 41, 1, pp. 100-102.


Rottman, J., Smith L. D., Long, D., and Crofts, C., (2007) "Implementing Judicial Management Systems within an Integrated Justice Information Framework: A Case Study on IS Development in the Public Sector", The American Review of Public Administration, 37: 436-457.


Rottman, Joseph W., Lacity, Mary C. (2006) "Proven Practices for Effectively Offshoring IT Work," Sloan Management Review, Spring 2006, Vol. 47 No. 3, pp. 56 63.


Zwieg, P., Kaiser, K. M., Beath, C., Bullen, C., Gallagher, K., Goles, T., Howland, J., Simon, J. Abbott, P., Abraham, T., Carmel, E., Evaristo, R., Hawk, S., Lacity, M., Gallivan, M., Kelly, S., Mooney, J., Ranganathan, C., Rottman, J., Ryan, T.,  Wion, R. (2006) " The Information Technology Workforce Trends and Implications 2005-2008,"  MIS Quarterly Executive Vol. 5, 2, 2006, pp. 47-54.


Rottman, Joseph W. (2006) "Successfully Outsourcing Embedded Software Development" IEEE Computer, Vol 39, 1 pp. 55 61, 2006.


Jeyaraj, A., Rottman, J., and Lacity, M. (2006) "A Review of the Predictors, Linkages, and Biases in IT Innovation Adoption Research," Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 21, 1, 2006, pp. 1-23.


Rottman, J., and Lacity, M. (2004) "Twenty Practices for Offshore Sourcing," MIS Quarterly Executive, Vol. 3, 3, 2004, pp. 117-130.


Nelson, Anthony C., and Rottman, Joseph W. (1996) "Before and after CASE adoption", Information and Management, Vol. 31, 1996 pp. 193 - 202.


Book Chapters


Rottman, J., and Lacity, M. (2014), The Role of Social Capital, in Global Sourcing of Business Services, (eds. S. Palvia and P.  Palvia), Center for Global Outsourcing, REPRINT of Offshore Outsourcing, Strategy and the Role of Social Capital, The Practice of Outsourcing (2009), pp. 445-465, with permission from Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming.


Lacity, M., and Rottman, J. (2014), Offshoring: Tales From the Front Lines, in Outsourcing: All You Need to Know, (Cullen, Lacity, and Willcocks), White Plume Publishing, Melbourne.


Lacity, M., and Rottman, J. (2012), The Changing Role of Client Project Management, in Advanced Outsourcing Practice: Rethinking ITO, BPO, and Cloud Services (Lacity and Willcocks) Palgrave, London.  REPRINT of Lacity, M., and Rottman, J. (2009), Effects of Offshore Outsourcing of Information Technology Work on Client Project ManagementStrategic Outsourcing: An International Journal, Vol. 2, 1, pp. 4-26.


Lacity, M., and Rottman, J. (2012), Rural Sourcing and Impact Sourcing, in Advanced Outsourcing Practice: Rethinking ITO, BPO, and Cloud Services (Lacity and Willcocks) Palgrave, London.  REPRINT of Lacity, M., Rottman, J., and Khan, S. (2010), Field of Dreams: Building IT Capabilities in Rural America, Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal, Vol. 3, 3. pp. 169-191.


Lacity, M., Rottman, J., and Khan, S. (2012), What About Rural Sourcing? in The New IT Outsourcing Landscape, (Lacity and Willcocks) Palgrave, London.  REPRINT of Lacity, M., Rottman, J., and Khan, S. (2010), Field of Dreams: Building IT Capabilities in Rural America, Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal, Vol. 3, 3. pp. 169-191.

Rottman, J., and Lacity, M. (2009), Offshoring: Twenty practices for Offshore Sourcing,  in Strategic Information Management (edited by Robert Galliers and Dorothy Leidner), Routledge, Fourth Edition, pp. 520-540.


Rottman, J., and Lacity, M. (2009), Proven Practices for Effectively Offshoring IT Work, Outsourcing Information Systems, Volume 3, Global Outsourcing Issues and Trends (editors Leslie Willcocks and Mary Lacity), pp. 79-90. Reprint of Rottman, J., and Lacity, M. (2006), Sloan Management Review, Vol. 47, 3, pp. 56-63.


Lacity, M., Willcocks, L., and Rottman, J. (2009), Global Outsourcing of Back Office Services: Lessons, Trends and Enduring Challenges, Outsourcing Information Systems, Volume 3, Global Outsourcing Issues and Trends (editors Leslie Willcocks and Mary Lacity), pp. 306-326. Reprint of Lacity, M., Willcocks, L., and Rottman, J. (2008), Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal, Vol. 1, 1, pp. 13-34.


Rottman, J., and Lacity, M. (2008), A US Clients Learning from Outsourcing IT Work Offshore, in Information Systems Outsourcing: Enduring Themes, New Perspectives, and Global Challenges, Hirschheim, R., Heinzl, A. and Dibbern, J. (eds), Third Edition, Reprint of article in Information Systems Frontiers, Special Issue on Outsourcing of IT Services, Vol. 10, 2, pp. 259-275.


Rottman, Joseph W., and Lacity, Mary C., (2006)  "Offshoring IT Work," in Global Sourcing of Business and IT Services, (eds: Willcocks, L., and Lacity, M.,) Palgrave, UK.


Research Reports


Lacity, M., and Rottman, J., (2012), Delivering Innovation in Outsourcing: Findings from the 2012 Outsourcing World Summit, Globalization Today, March, pp. 26, 31.


Lacity, M., and Rottman, J. (2011), Building a Better Outsourcing Community, Globalization Today, March, 2011, pp. 29-31.


Lacity, M., and Rottman, J. (2010), Cant We All Get Along: What Does it Take to Get Advisors and Suppliers to Collaborate? Globalization Today, March 2010, pp. 47-49.


Rottman, Joseph W. and Lacity, Mary C., "Knowledge Transfer is the Key to Successful Strategic Outsourcing", published in The Outsourcing Project, Summer, 2006.


Zweig, P., Kaiser, K., Beath, C., Bullen, C., Gallagher, K., Goles, T., Howland, J., Simon, J., Abbot, P., Abraham, T., Carmel, E., Evaristo, R., Hawk, S., Lacity, M., Gallivan, M., Kelly, S., Mooney, J., Ranganathan, C., Rottman, J., Ryan, T., Wion, R. "Information Technology Workforce: Trends and Implications 2005-2008," Society for Information Management, 2006, pp. 1-50.


Rottman, Joseph W. and Lacity, Mary C. "Proven Practices for IT Offshore Outsourcing" Cutter Consortium, Vol. 5, 12, 2004, pp.1-27.


Smith, Douglas L., Rottman, Joseph W. and Long, David A. "A Study of Alternative Criminal Case Management Systems for an Integrated Justice Information System".  Presented to the 22nd Judicial Circuit Court in the State of Missouri.  6/04.



Courses Taught

INFSYS 1800 Computers and Information Systems

INFSYS 2800 Information Systems Concepts and Applications

INFSYS 4850 Information Systems Design

INFSYS 5800 Management of Information Systems (both MBA and Professional MBA sections)


Grants & Funded Research


Research Fellowship, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 6/09.


Principal Investigator, University of Missouri St. Louis Center for International Studies Fellowship award for $1864 to support travel to China to explore the emerging Chinese software development market, 6/08.


Principal Investigator, University of Missouri St. Louis Center for International Studies Fellowship award for $3000 to support travel to China to explore the emerging Chinese software development market, 6/07.


Principal Investigator, University of Missouri St. Louis College of Business Summer Research Grants award for $5000 to support travel to China to explore the emerging Chinese software development market, 6/07.


Co-Principal Investigator, Center for Business and Industrial Studies, University of Missouri St. Louis funded research award of $75,000. "A Study of Alternative Criminal Case Management Systems for an Integrated Justice Information System" with Smith, L. Douglas, 6/04.


Principal Investigator, University of Missouri St. Louis Campus Small Grants award for $500 for transcription of Offshore Outsourcing Interviews, 9/04.


Principal Investigator, University of Missouri-St. Louis Campus Research award for $12,485 to conduct case studies on Offshore Outsourcing of IT, with Lacity, Mary C., 6/04.


Conference Proceedings and Invited Presentations


Rottman, J., Lacity, M., and Carmel, E. (2015), The Impact of Impact Sourcing: Two Case Examples, The First Annual IAOP North American Outsourcing Research Workshop, Desert Ridge Arizona.


Summary: Insight from the Supplier and Provider Sessions, IAOP Global Sourcing Summit, February 22, 2012 Orlando, Florida.


Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing Among CUIBE Members, CUIBE Annual Meeting, February 18, 2012, Miami, Florida.


Low Cost Domestic Sourcing: Delivering ITO and BPO Services: Lessons from Research, Bay Area Outsourcing Event, San Francisco, CA December, 8, 2011.


The Global IT Sourcing Landscape and Lessons for the Korean Market, Seventh Busan International Finance Conference, October 31, 2011, Busan, South Korea.


Closing Session: Concluding Recommendations, Seventh Busan International Finance Conference, October 31, 2011, Busan, South Korea.


Delivering ITO and BPO Services from Remote Domestic Locations, Senior Leadership Team, Cayuse Technologies, Pendleton, Oregon, July 27, 2011 (with Mary Lacity).


Field of Dreams: Outsourcing IT Work to Rural Suppliers, Gateway to Innovation Conference, April 5, 2011 (with Mary Lacity).


CUIBE Repository and Website, CUIBE Annual Meeting, March 3, 2011, Kona, Hawaii.


 Rural Outsourcing, Dean's Business and Breakfast, College of Business, UMSL, December 2, 2010 (with Mary Lacity).


CUIBE Governance Status and Progress, CUIBE Annual Steering Committee Meeting, Brig, Switzerland, October 5, 2010.


Outsourcing IT Services to China: Advantages and Best Practices, Presented at the 2010 Sloan Industry Fellows Conference, Chicago 5/10.


Keynote Address: Global Sourcing: Leadership Roles and Best Practices, Presented to Nikkei BP Conference on Global Sourcing, Tokyo, Japan, 8/09.


Can China Compete with India, Presented to Accenture, Japan 8/09.


Global Sourcing: Leadership Roles and Best Practices, Presented to Beijing Union University, Beijing China, 6/09.


The Chinese Software Development Industry Outlook and Forecast Presented to Beijing Union University, Beijing, China, 6/09.


Chinas Emerging Role in the Global ITO/BPO Market," Third Information Systems Workshop on Global Sourcing,  Keystone Colorado, 3/09.


"Using MyGateways Grade Center to Help Students Stay on Track," presented to UM St. Louis faculty, 01/09.


"The Global Outsourcing Market and Chinas Role," presented to Jiangsu Entrepreneurs from Nanjing Province, China,12/08.


"Preparing for Promotion" presented to UM St. Louis faculty, December, 10 2008.


"Offshore Outsourcing of IT Work to India and China Lesson and Practices," presented to executives and project managers from Neusoft, Dalian China , June 2008.


"The Global Outsourcing Market and the Effect on Project Managers in Supplier Firms," presented to executives and project managers from anonymous suppler, Shanghai China , June 2008.


Enduring Challenges in IT Outsourcing, presented at the 9th Annual International Business Research Forum and 2nd Annual Offshoring Research Network Conference sponsored by Temple CIBER and Duke CIBER, Philadelphia, PA, April 4, 2008.


Lacity, M., and Rottman, J., ""Effects of Offshore Outsourcing of IT Work on Client Project Management"," Second Information Systems Workshop on Global Sourcing, France, 2008.


"The Chinese Software Development Industry Outlook and Impressions," presented to distinguished guests and visiting government officials from Nanjing Province, China, October 13, 2007.


"Offshore Outsourcing of IT Work to India and China," presented to Society of Information Management-St. Louis Chapter, St. Louis, November 20, 2007.


Rottman, J., and Lacity, M. (2007), "Project Attributes and Contextual Explanations of Offshore Outsourcing Outcomes: Evidence from a Clients Perspective," Third International Conference on Outsourcing of Information Systems, Heidelberg.


"Project Attributes And Contextual Explanations Of Offshore Outsourcing Outcomes:  Evidence From A Clients Perspective, 3rd International Conference on Outsourcing of Information Systems, Heidelberg, Germany, 6/07.


"Successful Knowledge Transfer Within Offshore Supplier Networks: A Case Study Exploring Social Capital In Strategic Alliances" at the First Information Systems Workshop on Global Sourcing: Services, Knowledge and Innovation, Val dIsre, France, 3/07.


"Managing Outsourcing Projects", Keynote Presentation at the Center for the Application of Information Technology Project Management Roundtable, Washington University, 6/06.


"Effective Presentation Skills for IS Professionals", presented to the Southwestern Bell Matrex Team, St. Louis MO, 11/05.


"Global Sourcing: HR Implications and Practices," presented to Society of Information Management/Marquette University IT Forum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 4/05.


"The Global IT Market," presented to the Deans Business and Breakfast, College of Business, UMSL, 4/05.


Jeyaraj, Anand, Rottman, Joseph W. and Lacity, Mary C., "Review:  Individual and Organizational Adoption of Information Technology Innovations", presented to the College of Business Seminar Series, University of Missouri St. Louis, 3/05.


"Proven Practices in Offshore Sourcing of IT Work",  presented to the Offshore Council Users Group, St. Louis, MO 1/05.


"Proven Practices in Offshore Sourcing of IT Work",  presented to Society of Information Management-St. Louis Chapter, St. Louis, MO 1/05.


"Fortune 500 Lessons Learned in Offshore Management", presented at the 2005 Washington University Doctoral Research Symposium, Grafton, IL, 1/05.


Jeyaraj, A., Rottman, J., and Lacity, M., "Understanding the Relationship Between Organizational and Individual Adoption of IT Innovations: Literature Review and Analysis,"  Proceedings of the Diffusion Interest Group in Information Technology, Washington DC, 11/04.


"Proven Practices in Offshore Management," presented to the IT Governance Council, Anheuser-Busch, 11/04.


"Managing Outsourcing Projects," Keynote Presentation at the Center for the Application of Information Technology Project Management Roundtable, Washington University, 11/04.


"Best Practices for Offshore Sourcing", presented to the College of Business Administration Seminar Series, University of Missouri St. Louis, 9/04.


"Global Information Technology Sourcing," presented to Advanced Practices Council for the Society of Information Management, Philadelphia, PA, 9/04.


"Best Practices for Offshore Sourcing" Keynote Presentation at The 2004 Michael Corbett and Associates India Outsourcing Summit, Bangalore India 10/04.


"Global Sourcing of IT Services" Presented at the Technology and Commerce Roundtable sponsored by Southern Illinois University and Hortica, 9/04.


"Near Shore Sourcing ", Presented at Ontario Ministry of Economic Development Outsourcing Seminar, Toronto, Canada 6/04.


"What do the Trends in Outsourcing Mean to My Career Path?", Presented at the IS Mentoring Program, University of Missouri St. Louis 5/04.


"Observations of Lessons Learned in Offshore Outsourcing", Presented at Leaders of Change Forum: Global Sourcing Summit, Washington DC 4/04.


"Bad Things Happen to Good Professors:  Legal Issues in the Academy", Presented at the New Faculty Colloquium, University of Missouri - St. Louis, 10/03.


 "Innovation Diffusion Theory & TAM & Social Cognitive Theory" Guest Lecturer, Presented at the University of Missouri - St. Louis Ph. D. Seminar, Theoretical Foundations of IS Research 4/03.


"Research Articles in Progress" Presented at the Washington University Doctoral Research Conference, St. Louis MO 3/03.


"Successful Adoption of Technological Innovations", Presented at the Executive Management Technology Briefings, Washington University 2/03.


"Diffusion of Innovation & Research on email adoption", Guest Lecturer, Presented at the Special Topics: The Top Ten Technologies, Washington University 2/03.


"Essential Research Tools for Ph. D. Students" Guest Lecturer, Presented at the University of Missouri - St. Louis Ph. D. Seminar 10/01.


"A Discussion Of The Connections Between Diffusion Theory, Social Cognitive Theory, Theory Of Planned Behavior, Theory Of Reasoned Action And The Technology Acceptance Model" Presented at The Doctoral Symposium, Washington University, 9/00.


"An Evaluation Of Theory Building", presented at The Doctoral Symposium, Washington University, 3/00.


"Uses Of End Notes and the Social Science Citation Index", presented At The Doctoral Symposium, Washington University, 03/00.


"Research Implications Of Rogers Diffusion Theory", presented At The Doctoral Symposium, Washington University, 11/99.


"Social Cognitive Theory And How It Relates To The Study Of Information Systems", presented at the Doctoral Symposium, Washington University, 10/99.


Editorial Activities


Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Special Issue forthcoming 2011.


Guest Editor, MIS Quarterly Executive, Special Issue 10/09.


Guest Editor, IT and People, Special Issue 6/09.


Member, Editorial Board, MIS Quarterly Executive, 12/06 Present.


Professional Activities


Expert Witness, Civil Trial 22nd Circuit Court, City of St. Louis 9/04 4/05.


Professional Recognitions:


Research Fellow, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 6/09.


Research Fellow, International Business, University of Missouri St. Louis 5/08 Present


Fellow, Center for International Studies, University of Missouri St. Louis, 5/07 -             Present


Affiliate, Sloan Industry Studies Program, 1/07 - Present


Anheuser Busch Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Business, UMSL 2006.


Nominee, Sloan Industry Fellowship, 10/06.


Recent Media


"What You Should Know About Outsourcing to China" by Stephanie Overby, CIO Magazine, August 15, 2007, available online at .


"What The World Is Flat Means to IT Outsourcing", by Ben Worthern, May 1, 2007 available online at


"Bridging the CMM Gap" by Stephanie Overby, CIO Magazine, February 1, 2007, available online at


"Special Report: Secrets of Offshoring Success," by Stephanie Overby, CIO Magazine, February 1, 2007, available online at



Conferences Attended

IAOP Global Sourcing Summit 2/12, Orlando, FL.


CUIBE Annual Meeting, 2/12, Miami FL.


Seventh Busan International Finance Conference, 10/ 31, 2011, Busan, South Korea.


IAOP Global Sourcing Summit 2/11, San Diego California.


NYU-IBM Workshop on Global Sourcing 1/07.


Diffusion Interest Group in Information Technology, Washington DC, 12/04.


Sourcing Leadership, Sourcing Interests Group Houston, TX 4/04.


Sourcing Leadership, Sourcing Interests Group Phoenix, AZ 10/03.


9th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) Tampa, FL 8/03.


MIS Camp (Pre AMCIS) Tampa, FL 8/03.


New Faculty Teaching Scholars Academic Portfolio Retreat, Lake of the Ozarks MO, 4/03.


New Faculty Teaching Scholars Teaching Renewal Conference, Columbia MO, 2/03.


Washington University Doctoral Research Conference, St. Louis MO 3/03.


New Faculty Teaching Scholars Instructional Design Retreat, Lake of the Ozarks, MO 10/02.


MIS Research Seminar, St. Louis University St. Louis MO 9/01.


Washington University Doctoral Research Conference, St. Louis MO 1/01.


The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Charlotte, NC 12/99.


DIGIT (Pre ICIS), Charlotte NC 12/99.


Doctoral Consortium, ICIS 1999.



University Service


Doctoral Consortium Local Arrangements Chair, ICIS 2010 Planning Committee, 8/07 Present.


Member, MIS Area Undergraduate Curriculum Committee 3/05 Present


Member, University Senate Technology Committee, 8/04 8/07

            Chair, Technology Services Subcommittee 8/05 8/06.


Member, Undergraduate Studies Committee 2002 Present.


Coordinator of Doctoral Symposia  - Washington University - St. Louis 1999 - 2001