Durkheim and Anomie

Society is
a stable system.
- Balance
- Equilibrium
- All parts work
together to promote stability and order

Essence of
a society==> Moral order==> "Collective Conscience" (and perhaps

Study of Suicide:
Focus on "Social Currents" that can sweep through the "collective
conscience." These currents push people in different directions and determine
patternings of behavior.

Critical elements
of moral order: The Social Bond (issue of "solidarity")
- Normative
structure (regulatory function: expectations, responsibilities; role structures
for self and others.
- Integrative
function (relation/connection between individual and the group/society).
- Each forms
a continuum, "Normal" society is in balance.
- Mechanical
versus Organic Solidarity
- Society characterized by Mechanical Solidarity: strong normative order (repressive law) and tightly knit group structure (segmentary).
- Society characterized by Organic Solidarity: weaker normative order (restitutive law) and loosely knit group structure (differentiated).
- Significant issue: shift from Mechanical to Organic Solidarity ("dynamic density").

Types of Suicide and Social Currents
- Breakdown of
normative structure, rules/norms weak, unclear, indistinct.
- No "guidance"
for the individual, no limitations. Society lacks the regulatory constraints
necessary to control the behavior of its members.
- A product of
change, rapid, uncontrolled, and unpredictable. A temporal transition.
- Sweeps (flows)
across an entire society.
- Unleashes the
"essence" of the individual--passion for unlimited growth, greed,
unquenchable thirst--which can only be contained within the boundaries of
a stable social system.
- Without boundaries,
limits, norms, individual life (Self and Other's) becomes meaningless-behavior
becomes uncontrollable==>Deviance
Social control is functional, but bond between individual and group is weak.
Norms become ineffective in controlling behavior.
Group needs and significance override individual existence, norms may actually
support self-destructive behavior.
Rigidity and inflexibility. Individual (and group) stagnates.
Sociological Perspective
Functionalist Perspective
Disorganization Theory
Owner: Robert O. Keel
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Last Updated:
Tuesday, December 29, 2015 10:29 AM