Political Economy Bibliography
Business, Labor, & Corporatism

by Dave Robertson, University of Missouri-St. Louis / Last Updated June 11, 2011

This bibliography part of the Political Economy Bibliography and supplements the Political Economy Syllabus

See also the American Political Development Bibliography / Environmental Politics Bibliography

("UP" indicates University Press)



Business & the Corporation * Antitrust & Cartels (see also sectors in the Political Economy Bibliography)

Labor: * Texts and Overviews * Workers and Labor Markets * Unions and Unionization * Strikes and Strikebreaking * Regional, State & Local * Individual Unions and Labor Leaders * Unions and Unionization: Cross-National Comparison * Labor, Politics & Social Movements * Labor Market Policy * Policy Experts and Entrepreneurs * Labor Market Regulation: Hours and Factory Laws / Gender / Race & Fair Employment Practices / Child Labor / Prison Labor / Wages / Occupational Safety and Health / Immigration * Active Labor Market Policy: Public Employment Offices / Job Training and Public Jobs * Work Insurance 

Collective Bargaining & Trade Union Law


Globalization and Labor

Business & the Corporation (see also Antitrust )

·        Mansel Blackford and K. Austin Kerr, Business Enterprise in American History, 3rd ed. (Houghton-Mifflin, 1994).

·        Mansel G. Blackford, The Rise of Modern Business in Great Britain, the United States, and Japan. Second ed., rev. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1998).

·        Henrietta Larson's Guide to Business History (Harvard, 1948)

·        Franco Amatori and Geoffrey Jones, eds. Business History around the World (Cambridge UP, 2003)

·        James M. O'Toole, ed., The Records of American Business (Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1997).

·        E. Mason, "Corporations," International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences

·        Thomas DiBacco, Made in the U.S.A.: The History of American Business (Harper and Row, 1988)

·        Stanley Buder, A Social History of American Business (U of North Carolina Press, 2009).

·        Dow Vowta, Modern Corporations (Prentice-Hall, 1965)

·        Randall K. Morck, A History of Corporate Governance Around the World (U of Chicago Press, 2005).

·        Louis Galambos and Joseph Pratt, The Rise of the Corporate Commonwealth: U.S. Business and Public Policy in the Twentieth Century (New York: Basic Books).

·        Alfred Chandler, The Visible Hand (Harvard, 1977) and The Scale and Scope: The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism (Belknap/Harvard, 1990).

·        James Oliver Robertson,  America’s Business  (Hill and Wang, 1985)

·        Louis Galambos, The Public Image of Big Business in America (Johns Hopkins, 1975)

·        Thorstein Veblen, The Theory of Business Enterprise (1904; New York, Menot, 1958).

·        Philip Scranton, Endless Novelty:  Specialty Production and American Industrialization, 1865-1925 (Princeton University Press, 1997)

·        Mansell Blackford, A History of Small Business in America (U of North Carolina Press, 2003).

·        Andrea Colli, The History of Family Business, 1850-2000 (Cambridge UP, 2003).

·        Alfred D. Chandler and Richard S. Tedlow,  The Coming of Managerial Capitalism: A Casebook on the History of American Economic Institutions (Irwin, 1985).

·        J. Leander Bishop, A History of American Manufactures from 1608 to 1860 (Philadelphia: Edward Young & Co., 1868)

·        Andrew M. Schocket, Founding Corporate Power in Early National Philadelphia (Northern Illinois UP, 2007).

·        Pauline Maier,"The Revolutionary Origins of the American Corporation," William and Mary Quarterly 3rd series, v. 50 (January, 1993)

·        Ronald E. Seavoy, The Origins of the American Business Corporation, 1784-1855 (Greenwood Press, 1982).

·        Robert J. Dalzell, Jr., Enterprising Elite: The Boston Associates and the World They Made (Harvard University Press, 1987).

·        John W. Cadman, The Corporation in New Jersey: Business and Politics, 1791-1875 (Harvard UP, 1949).

·        Edwin Merrick Dodd, American Business Corporations Until 1860, with Special Reference to Massachusetts (Harvard UP, 1954)

·        James Willard Hurst, The Legitimacy of the Business Corporation in the Laws of the United States, 1780-1970  (Virginia, 1970).

·        G.H. Evans, Business Incorporations in the United States, 1800-1943 (New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1948).

·        Naomi R. Lamoreaux, The Great Merger Movement in American Business, 1895-1904 (Cambridge, 1985).

·        Thomas K. McCraw, ed. Creating Modern Capitalism: How Entrepreneurs, Companies, and Countries Triumphed in Three Industrial Revolutions (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998)

·        David O. Whitten and Bessie E. Whitten, The Birth of Big Business in the United States, 1860-1914: Commercial, Extractive and Industrial Enterprise (Praeger Publishing, 2005).

·        William L. Cary, "Federalism and Corporate Law: Reflections Upon Delaware," Yale Law Review 83 (1974), pp. 663 ff.


·        Robert Sobel, The Age of Giant Corporations: A Microeconomic History of American Business, 1914-1984 2nd ed. (Greenwood, 1984).

·        Richard S. Tedlow, The Rise of the American Business Corporation (Harwood: 1991).

·        William G. Roy, Socializing Capital: The Rise of the Large Industrial Corporation in America (Princeton, 1997)

·        Charles R. Geisst, Monopolies in America: Empire Builders and Their Enemies from Jay Gould to Bill Gates (Oxford UP, 2000)

·        Adolph Berle and Gardiner Means, The Modern Corporation and Private Property (Macmillan, 1937)

·        Edward S. Herman, Corporate Control, Corporate Power (Cambridge, 1981)

·        David Sciulli. 1998. Corporations vs. the Court: Private Power, Public Interests. Boulder: Lynne Rienner.

·        Bennett Harrison and Barry Bluestone, The Great U-Turn: Corporate Restructuring and the Polarizing of America (Basic, 1988)

·        Mark J. Roe, Strong Managers, Weak Owners: The Political Roots of American Corporate Finance (Princeton, 1994)

·        Randall K. Morck, ed. Concentrated Corporate Ownership (U of Chicago Press, 2000)

·        Jonathan Barton Baskin and Paul J. Baranti, Jr. A History of Corporate Finance (Cambridge, 1997).

·        Walter Adams and James W. Brock, The Bigness Complex: Industry, Labor, and Government in the American Economy (Pantheon, 1987).

·        Edward Greenberg, Serving the Few

·        Scott R. Bowman, The Modern Corporation and American Political Thought: Law, Power, and Ideology (Penn State, 1996)


·        Wolfgang Streek and Philippe C. Schmitter, Private Interest Government: Beyond Market and State (Sage, 1985)

·        Marc Schneiberg and J. Rogers Hollingsworth, "Can Transaction Cost Economics Explain Trade Associations?," in Masahiko Aoki, Bo Gustafsson and Oliver E. Williamson, The Firm as a Nexus of Treaties (London: Sage Publications, 1990), pp. 320-346

·        Gerald Berk, Louis Brandeis and the Making of Regulated Competition, 1900–1932 (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009)

·        Clarence E. Bonnett, History of Employers' Associations in the United States (Vantage, 1956)

·        U.S. Commissioner of Labor, Regulation and Restriction of Output, 11th Special Report (Washington: GPO, 1904)

·        Mark S. Mizruchi, The Structure of Corporate Political Action: Interfirm Relations and their Consequences (Harvard, 1992)

·        Benjamin Gomes-Casseres, The Alliance Revolution: The New Shape of Business Rivalry (Harvard UP, 1996)

·        John P. Windmuller, "Employers Associations in Comparative Perspective: Organization, Structure, Administration." In John P. Windmuller and Alan Gladstone, eds. Employers Associations and Industrial Relations: A Comparative Study (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984).

·        Alan Gladstone, "Employers Associations in Comparative Perspective: Functions and Activities." In John P. Windmuller and Alan Gladstone, eds. Employers Associations and Industrial Relations: A Comparative Study (Oxford: Clarendon Press: 1984): 24-43


·        Angel Kwolek-Folland, Incorporating Women: A History of Women and Business in the United States (New York: Twayne, 1998)

·        Juliet E.K. Walker. 1998. The History of Black Business in America: Capitalism, Race, Entrepreneurship. New York: Macmillan

·        Allan Cox, The Cox Report on the American Corporation (Delacorte Press, 1982).

·        Handler, Michael Useem, Executive Defense: Shareholder Power and Corporate Reorganization (Harvard, 1993)

·        Walter Adams and James Brock, Dangerous Pursuits: Mergers and Acquisitions in the Age of Wall Street (Random House).

·        Robert Collins, The Business Response to Keynes, 1929-1964 (1981)

·        Ellis Hawley, The New Deal and the Problem of Monopoly (Princeton, 1966)

·        Hobart Rowen,  The Free Enterprisers: Kennedy, Johnson, and the Business Establishment (Putnam, 1964)

·        Mark Nadel, Corporations and Political Accountability (1976)

·        Marshall B. Clinard, Corporate Corruption: The Abuse of Power (Greenwood, 1990).

·        Bennett Harrison, Lean and Mean: The Changing Landscape of Corporate Power (Basic, 1994).

·        Roland Marchand, Creating the Corporate Soul: The Rise of Public Relations and Corporate Imagery in American Big Business (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998)

·        Sanford M. Jacoby, Modern Manors: Welfare Capitalism Since the New Deal (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997)

·        Andrea Tone, The Business of Benevolence: Industrial Paternalism in Progressive America (Cornell University Press, 1997)


·        David Vogel, Fluctuating Fortunes: The Political Power of Business in America (Basic, 1989)

·        Graham K. Wilson, Business and Politics: A Comparative Introduction second ed. (Chatham House, 1995).

·        Richard Lehne, Government and Business: American Political Economy In Comparative Perspective, 2nd ed.  (CQ Press, 2005)

·        Robert Langran and Martin Schnitzer, Government, Business, and the American Economy 2nd ed. (Rowman & Littlefield, 2006)

·        Mark A. Smith, American Business and Political Power: Public Opinion, Elections, and Democracy (U of Chicago Press, 2000)

·        Neil J. Mitchell, The Conspicuous Corporation: Business, Public Policy, and Representative Democracy (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997) and The Generous Corporation (Yale, 1989)

·        Cathie Jo Martin, Stuck in Neutral: Business and the Politics of Capital Investment Policy (Princeton UP, 1999)

·        Raymond A. Bauer, Ithiel De Sola Pool, and Lewis Anthony Dexter American Business and Public Policy: The Politics of Foreign Trade 2nd ed. (Aldine, Atherton, 1972)

·        Kim McQuaid, Uneasy Partners: Big Business in American Politics, 1945-1990 (Johns Hopkins, 1993)

·        David Truman, The Governmental Process (1951)

·        Kim McQuaid, Uneasy Partners: Big Business in American Politics, 1945-1990 (Johns Hopkins, 1993)

·        H.F. Liebhafsky, American Government and Business (1971)

·        Louis Galambos and Joseph Pratt, The Rise of the Corporate Commonwealth: U.S. Business and Public Policy in the Twentieth Century (Basic Books, 1988).

·        Herbert Hovenkamp, Enterprise And American Law, 1836-1937 (Harvard, 1991)

·        Martin J. Sklar, The Corporate Reconstruction of American Capitalism, 1890-1916: The Market, the Law, and Politics (Cambridge, 1988)

·        Robert F. Burk, The Corporate State and the Broker State: The Du Ponts and American National Politics, 1925-1940 (Harvard UP, 1990).

·        Charles Perrow, Organizing America: Wealth, Power, and the Origins of Corporate Capitalism (Princeton UP, 2002)

·        Jonathan J. Bean, Beyond the Broker State: Federal Policies Toward Small Business, 1936-1961, (U of North Carolina Press, 1996)

·        MargeryM. Ambrosius and Susan Welch, "State Legislators' Perceptions of Business Interests, Legislative Studies Quarterly 13:2 (May, 1988), 199-209.

·        Edward Epstein, The Corporation in American Politics (1969)

·        Edward Handler and John J. Mulkern, Business in Politics (Lexington, 1982)

·        Daniel R. Ernst, Lawyers Against Labor: From Individual Rights to Corporate Liberalism (University of Illinois, 1995).

·        Robert Gilpin, U.S. Power and the Multinational Corporation

·        Robert Hessen, ed., Does Big Business Rule America? (Articles by de Sola Pool, JQ Wilson, E. Bardach), Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1981.

·        Michael Useem, The Inner Circle: Large Corporations and the Rise of Business Political Activity in the U.S. and the U.K. (Oxford, 1984).

·        Rebecca Starr. 1998. A School for Politics: Commercial Lobbying and Political Culture in Early South Carolina. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press

·        Ronald W. Cox, Business and the State in International Relations (Westview, 1996)

·        Robert A. Kagan and Lee Axelrad, eds. 2000. Regulatory Encounters: Multinational Corporations and American Adversarial Legalism. Berkeley: University of California Press


·        Yousef Cassis, Big Business: The European Experience in the Twentieth Century (Oxford University Press, 1997)

·        David Granick, Managerial Comparisons of Four Developed Countries: France, Britain, United States and Russia (MIT Press, 1972).

·        E.J. Hobsbawn, Industry and Empire

·        G.C. Allen, The Structure of Industry in Britain: A Study of Economic Change (London, 1966).

·        Leslie Hannah, The Rise of the Corporate Economy: The British Experience (Johns Hopkins, 1976)

·        Jonathan Boswell and James Peters, Capitalism in Contention: Business Leaders and Political Economy in Modern Britain (Cambridge University Press, 1997)

·        Prais, S.J. (1981) The Evolution of Giant Firms in Britain: A Study of the Growth of Concentration in Manufacturing Industry in Britain, 1909-70 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

·        Richard Whitley, Business Systems in East Asia: Firms, Markets, and Societies (Sage, 1992)

·        Richard Whitley, ed., European Business Systems: Firms and Markets in their National Contexts (Sage, 1993)

Antitrust and Cartels

·        Hans B. Thorelli, The Federal Antitrust Policy (Johns Hopkins, 1955).

·        Herbert Hovenkamp, The Antitrust Enterprise: Principle and Execution (Harvard UP, 2006)

·        Tony Freyer, Regulating Big Business : Antitrust in Great Britain and America, 1880-1990 (Cambridge University Press, 1992).

·        Marc Allen Eisner, Antitrust and the Triumph of Economics: Institutions, Expertise, and Policy Change (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1991).

·        Rudolph J.R. Peritz, Competition Policy In America, 1888-1992: History, Rhetoric, Law (Oxford, 1996)

·        William Letwin, Law and Economic Policy in America: The Evolution of the Sherman Antitrust Act (Chicago: 1965).

·        Jeremiah W. Jencks, The Trust Problem (New York: McClure, Philips, 1900)

·        Henry R. Seager and Charles A. Gulick, Trust and Corporation Problems (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1929).

·        John R. Bowman, Capitalist Collective Action: Competition, Cooperation, and Conflict in the Coal Industry  (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989), 1-31.

·        Gretchen Ritter, Goldbugs and Greenbacks: The Antimonopoly Tradition and the Politics of Finance in America, 1865-1896 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997).

·        E. Thomas Sullivan, ed., The Political Economy of the Sherman Act: The First One Hundred Years (Oxford, 1991)

·        Eliot Jones, The Trust Problem in the United States. Macmillan, 1922.

·        Martin J. Sklar, The Corporate Reconstruction of American Capitalism, 1890-1916: The Market, The Law, and Politics (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988).

·        Steven L. Piott, The Anti-Monopoly Persuasion: Popular Resistance to the Rise of Big Business in the Midwest (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1985)

·        Christopher Grandy, New Jersey and the Fiscal Origins of Modern American Corporation Law (New York: Garland, 1993)

·        Richard A. Posner, Antitrust Law: An Economic Perspective (Chicago, 1976).

·        Fred S. McChesney and William F. Shughart III, The Causes and Consequences of Antitrust: The Public-Choice Perspective. (University of Chicago Press, 1994).

·        Marc Schneiberg and J. Rogers Hollingsworth, "Can Transaction Cost Economics Explain Trade Associations?," in Masahiko Aoki, Bo Gustafsson and Oliver E. Williamson, The Firm as a Nexus of Treaties (London: Sage Publications, 1990), pp. 320-346

·        George E. Garvey and Gerald J. Garvey, Economic Law and Economic Growth: Antitrust, Regulation ,and the American Growth System (Praeger, 1990).

·        Alan D. Neale and D.G. Goyder, The Anti-Trust Laws of the United States of America (Cambridge UP, 1980).

·        Robert L. Wills, Julie A. Caswell. and John C. Culbertson, eds., Issues after a Century of Federal Competition Policy (Lexington, 1987).

·        Guhan Subramanian,  "The Influence of Antitakeover Statutes on Incorporation Choice: Evidence on the "Race" Debate and Antitakeover Overreaching," University of Pennsylvania Law Review 150:6 (June 2002): 1795-1874

·        Gabriel Kolko, The Triumph of Conservatism. Free Press, 1963.

·        George Symeonidis, The Effects of Competition: Cartel Policy and the Evolution of Strategy and Structure in British Industry (MIT Press, 2002)

·        Corwin D. Edwards, Control of Cartels and Monopolies: An International Comparison (Oceana, 1967)

·        Peter Z. Grossman, ed., How Cartels Endure and How They Fail: Studies of Industrial Collusion (Edward Elgar, 2004)


·        U.S. Department of Labor / U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,& Monthly Labor Review / History @ DOL

·        Reference Sources on Labor / International Labor Organization Statistics (LABORSTA)

·    The State of Working America (various years)

Texts and Overviews

·    Nelson Lichtenstein, ed., Who Built America? Working People and the Nation's Economy, Politics, Culture and Society, 2 vols (Worth Publishers, 2000)

·    Daniel Nelson, Shifting Fortunes: The Rise and Decline of American Labor, from the 1820s to the Present (Ivan R. Dee, 1997)

·    Steve Babson, The Unfinished Struggle: Turning Points in American Labor, 1877-Present (Rowman and Littlefield, 1999)

·    Melvyn Dubofsky and Foster Rhea Dulles, Labor in America: A History, 7th ed. (Harlan, Davidson, 2004)

·    Daniel Jacoby, Laboring for Freedom: A New Look at the History of Labor in America (M.E. Sharpe, 1998)

·    Jacqueline Jones, A Social History of the Laboring Classes: From Colonial Times to the Present (Blackwell, 1999)

·    Robert E. Weir and James P. Hanlan, eds., Historical Encyclopedia of American Labor (2 vols.) (Greenwood Press, 2004).

·    Paul Le Blanc, A Short History of the U.S. Working Class: From Colonial Times to the Twenty-First Century, (Humanity Books, 1999)

·    Priscilla Murolo and A.B. Chitty, From the Folks Who Brought You the Weekend: A Short, Illustrated History of Labor in the United States (New Press, 2001)

·    J. Carroll Moody and Alice Kessler-Harris, eds., Perspectives on American Labor History (Northern Illinois University Press, 1990)

·    Derek C. Bok, "Reflections on the Distinctive Character of American Labor Laws," Harvard Law Review 84:6 (April, 1971), pp. 1394-1463.

·    Harry Braverman, Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century (Monthly Review Press, 1974)

·    David Gordon, Richard Edwards, and Michael Reich, Segmented Work, Divided WorkersThe Historical Transformation of Labor in the United States (Cambridge University Press, 1982)

·    Richard Edwards, Contested Terrain: Transformation of the Workplace in the Twentieth Century (Basic Books, 1979)

·    John R. Commons et al, ed., A Documentary History of American Industrial Society, (New York: Russell and Russell, 1958)

·    Rick Halpern and Jonathan Morris, American Exceptionalism? US Working-class Formation in an International Context (St. Martin's, 1997)

Workers & Labor Markets

·        Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Employment Outlook (annual)

·        Chris Tilly and Charles Tilly, Work Under Capitalism (Westview Press, 1998)

·        Richard B. Freeman, Joni Hersch, and Lawrence Mishel, eds., Emerging Labor Market Institutions for the Twenty-First Century (U of Chicago Press, 2004).

·        Peter Scholliers, ed. Real Wages in 19th and 20th Century Europe: Historical and Comparative Perspectives (Berg,1989).

·        Robert H. Haveman, Human Capital In The United States From 1975 To 2000: Patterns Of Growth And Utilization (W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2003)

·        Harry C. Katz and Owen Darbishire, Converging Divergences: Worldwide Changes in Employment Systems (Cornell UP, 1999)

·      Russell Muirhead, Just Work (Harvard UP, 2004)

·      Robert M. Solow, The Labor Market as a Social Institution (Blackwell, 1990)

·      Nancy MacLean, Freedom is Not Enough: The Opening of the American Workplace (Harvard UP, 2005)

·     Marcus Wilson Jernegan, Laboring and Dependent Classes in Colonial America, 1607-1783 (New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1931/1965)

·         Charles G. Steffen, The Mechanics of Baltimore (U of Illinois Press, 1984).

·         Howard B. Rock, Mechanics of the New Republic: The Tradesmen of New York City in the Age of Jefferson (1979)

·      Joshua L. Rosenbloom, Looking for Work, Searching for Workers:  American Labor Markets during Industrialization (Cambridge UP, 2002)

·      Robert Max Jackson, The Formation of Craft Labor Markets (Orlando: Academic Press, 1984)

·      Jackie Krasas Rogers, Temps: The Many Faces of the Changing Workforce (Cornell UP, 2000)

·      John Bezís-Selfa, Forging America: Adventurers, Ironworkers, and America’s Industrious Revolution (Cornell UP, 2003).

·        Jonathan A. Glickstein, American Exceptionalism, American Anxiety: Wages, Competition, and Degraded Labor in the Antebellum United States (U of Virginia Press, 2002)

·        Steven Leiken, The Practical Utopians: American Workers and the Cooperative Movement in the Gilded Age (Wayne State University Press, 2005).

·       Ton Korver, The Fictitious Commodity: A Study of the U.S. Labor Market, 1880-1940 (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990)

·        U.S. Industrial Commission, Final Report, vol. 19 (Washington: GPO, 1902)

·        Louis Uchitelle, The Disposable American: Layoffs and their Consequences (Knopf, 2006)


Unions & Unionization

·        State of the Union: A Century of American Labor (Princeton UP, 2002)

·        Michael D. Yates, Why Unions Matter (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1998)

·        Robert E. Weir and James P. Hanlan, eds., Historical Encyclopedia of American Labor, 2 vols. (Greenwood Press, 2003)

·        Ray M. Tillman and Michael S. Cummings, The Transformation of U.S. Unions: Voices, Visions, and Strategies from the Grassroots (Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1999)

·        Gerald Friedman, "New Estimates of Union Membership: The United States, 1880-1914," Historical Methods 32:2 (Spring, 1999): 70-86.

·        George Sayers Bain and Robert Price, Profiles of Union Growth: A Comparative Statistical Portrait of Eight Countries (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1980)

·        John R. Commons and Associates, History of Labor in the United States (Macmillan, 1918, 1935).

·        Karen Orren, "The Primacy of Labor in American Constitutional Development," APSR 89:3 (June, 1995): 377-388

·        David Montgomery, Citizen Worker: The Experience of Workers in the United States with Democracy and the Free Market during the Nineteenth Century (New York: Cambridge U Press, 1994);  The Fall of the House of Labor: The Workplace, the State, and American Labor Activism, 1865-1925 (Cambridge, 1987); Beyond Equality: Labor and the Radical Republicans, (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967)

·        Ira Katznelson and A. Zolberg, eds., Working-Class Formation: Nineteenth Century Patterns in Western Europe and the United States (Princeton UP, 1986).

·        Philip Foner, History of the Labor Movement in the United States (1947-1983).

·        Herbert G. Gutman, Work, Culture, and Society in Industrializing America: Essays in American Working-Class and Social History (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1976)

·        David Brody, Workers in Industrial America: Essays on the Twentieth Century Struggle (Oxford, 1980)

·        Robert J. Steinfeld, The Invention of Free Labor (U of North Carolina Press, 1991)

·        Lloyd Ulman, The Rise of the National Trade Union: The Development and Significance of its Structure, Governing Institutions, and Economic Policies (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1955)

·        Gwendolyn Mink, Old Labor and New Immigrants in American Political Development: Union, Party, and State, 1875-1920 (Cornell UP, 1986).

·        Leon Fink, Workingmen's Democracy: The Knights of Labor and American Politics (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1983)

·        Kim Voss, The Making of American Exceptionalism: The Knights of Labor and Class Formation in the Nineteenth Century (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993)

·        Robert E. Weir, Beyond Labor’s Veil: The Culture of the Knights of Labor (Penn State University Press, 1996).

·        Norman J. Ware, The Labor Movement in the United States, 1860-1895: A Study in Democracy (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1959)

·        Terence V. Powderly, The Path I Trod (New York: AMS, 1968; Orig. 1940)

·        Samuel Gompers, Seventy Years of Life and Labour, 2 vols. (New York: E.P. Dutton, 1925)

·        The Samuel Gompers Papers, ed. Stuart B. Kaufman et al., (Urbana: University of Illinois Press)

·        Stuart Bruce Kaufman, Samuel Gompers and the Origins of the American Federation of Labor, 1848-1896 (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1973).

·        John Mitchell, Organized Labor: Its Problems, Purposes and Ideals and the Present and Future of American Wage Earners (Philadelphia: American Book and Bible House, 1903)

·        Michael Rogin, "Volunteerism: The Political Functions of an Antipolitical Doctrine," Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 15 (July, 1962): 521-535

·        Frank T. Stockton, The Closed Shop in American Trade Unions (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1911)

·        Ruth L. Horowitz, Political Ideologies of Organized Labor (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1978)

·        Selig Perlman, Theory of the Labor Movement (1928)

·        Philip Taft, Organized Labor in American History (New York: Harper and Row, 1964) and The A.F. of L. in the Time of Gompers (New York: Octagon Books, 1970)

·        Ileen A. DeVault, United Apart: Gender and the Rise of Craft Unionism (Cornell UP, 2004)

·    Clyde Summers, "Admission Policies of Labor Unions," Quarterly Journal of Economics 61 (1946): 66-107

·        Richard B. Freedman and James L. Medoff, What Do Unions Do? (Basic, 1984)

·        Thomas A. Kochan, ed., Challenges and Choices Facing American Labor (MIT, 1985)

·        Seymour Martin Lipset, ed., Unions in Transition: Entering the Second Century (1986)

·        Michael Goldfield, The Decline of Organized Labor in the United States (Chicago, 1987)

·        Lawrence Richards, Union-Free America: Workers and Antiunion Culture (U of Illinois Press, 2008).

·        Ruth Milkman and Kim Voss, Rebuilding Labor: Organizing and Organizers in the New Union Movement (Cornell UP, 2004)

·        Bruce Western, Between Class and Market: Postwar Unionism in the Capitalist Democracies (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997)

·        Seymour Martin Lipset, The Paradox of American Unionism: Why Americans Like Unions more than Canadians Do, but Join Much Less (ILR Press, 2004).

Strikes & Strikebreaking

·        P.K. Edwards, Strikes in the United States, 1881-1974 (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1981)

·        Edwin E. Witte, The Government in Labor Disputes (New York: 1932)

·        Richard Schneirov, Shelton Stromquist, and Nick Salvatore, eds. The Pullman Strike and the Crisis of the 1890s (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1999)

·        Bruno Ramirez, When Workers Fight: The Politics of Industrial Relations in the Progressive Era, 1898-1916 (Westport, CN, 1978)

·        Jerry M. Cooper, The Army and Civil Disorder: Federal Military Intervention in Labor Disputes, 1870-1900 (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1980)

·        Colin J. Davis, Power at Odds: The 1922 National Railroad Shopmen’s Strike (University of Illinois Press, 1997)

·    Link to exhibit on The Flint Sit-Down Strike

·    Richard A. Brisbin, Jr. A Strike Like No Other Strike: Law and Resistance During the Pittston Coal Strike of 1989-1990 (Johns Hopkins UP, 2002).

·    Deepa Kumar, Outside the Box: Corporate Media, Globalization, and  the UPS Strike (U of Illinois Press, 2007).

·        Robert Michael Smith, From Blackjacks to Briefcases: A History of Commercialized Strikebreaking in the United States (Ohio University Press, 2003)

·    Stephen H. Norwood, Strikebreaking and Intimidation: Mercenaries and Masculinity in Twentieth-Century America (U of North Carolina Press, 2002)

Regional, State and Local

·        George Gorham Groat, Trade Unions and the Law in New York: A Study of Some Legal Phases of Labor Organizations (New York: Columbia University Press, 1903)

·        Ronald Mendel, "A Broad and Ennobling Spirit:” Workers and Their Unions in Late Gilded Age New York and Brooklyn, 1886-1898 (Greenwood Press, 2003)

·        Doris B. McLaughlin, Michigan Labor: A Brief History from 1818 to the Present (Ann Arbor: Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, 1970)

·        Steven J. Ross, Workers on the Edge: Work, Leisure, and Politics in Industrializing Cincinnati, 1788-1890 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1985)

·        Eugene Staley, History of the Illinois State Federation of Labor (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1930)

·        Richard Schneirov, Labor and Urban Politics: Class Conflict and the Origins of Modern Liberalism in Chicago, 1864-1897 (University of Illinois Press, 1998)

·        Lizabeth Cohen, Making a New Deal: Industrial Workers in Chicago, 1919-1939 (Cambridge, 1990)

·        Susan Eleanor Hirsch, After the Strike: A Century of Labor Struggle at Pullman (U of Illinois Press, 2003).

·        David Thelen, Paths of Resistance: Tradition and Democracy in Industrializing Missouri (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1986)

·        Melton McLaurin. The Knights of Labor in the South (Greenwood Press, 1978).

·        Robert Zieger. Organized Labor in the Twentieth Century South (U of Tennessee Press, 1991) and Southern Labor in Transition, 1940-1995 (U of Tennessee Press, 1997)

·        Gary Fink and Merl Reed, eds.  Essays in Southern Labor History (Greenwood, 1977)

·        Gerald Friedman, "The Political Economy of Early Southern Unionism: Race, Politics, and Labor in the South, 1880-1953" Journal of Economic History 60:2 (June 2000), 384-413

·        Ray Marshall, Labor in the South (Harvard UP, 1967)

·        Ira B. Cross, History of the Labor Movement in California (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1935)

·        Neil Larry Shumsky, The Evolution of Political Protest and the Workingmen's Party of California (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1991)

·        Philip Taft, Labor Politics American Style: The California State Federation of Labor (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1968)

·        Robert Edward Lee Knight, Industrial Relations in the San Francisco Bay Area, 1900-1918 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1960)

Individual Unions and Labor Leaders

·    Hyman Weintraub,  Andrew Furuseth: Emancipator of the Seamen, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1959)

·        Mark Perlman, The Machinists: A New Study in American Trade Unionism (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1962)

·        Grace Palladino, Skilled Hands, Strong Spirits: A Century of Building Trades History (IRL/Cornell UP, 2005)

·        Walter Galenson, The United Brotherhood of Carpenters: The First Hundred Years (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1983)

·        Daniel Letwin, The Challenge of Interracial Unionism: Alabama Coal Miners, 1878-1921 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1998)

·       R. Todd Laugen, The Gospel of Progressivism: Moral Reform and Labor War in Colorado, 1900-1930 (University Press of Colorado, 2010)

·       John B. Jentz, "Unions, Cartels, and the Political Economy of American Cities:  The Chicago Flat Janitors' Union in the Progressive Era and 1920s" Studies in American Political Development 14:1 (2000): 51-71

·       David Palmer, Organizing the Shipyards: Union Strategy in Three Northeast Ports, 1933-1945 (Ithaca, NY: ILR Press, 1998)

·        David Witwer, Corruption and Reform in the Teamsters Union (U of Illinois Press, 2003).

·        Nelson Lichtenstein. 1995. The Most Dangerous Man in Detroit: Walter Reuther and the Fate of American Labor. New York: Basic Books.

·        Kevin Boyle. 1995. The UAW and the Heyday of American Liberalism, 1945-1968. Ithaca: Cornell University Press

·        Jonathan Cutler, Labor's Time: Shorter Hours, the UAW, an the Struggle for American Unionism, (Temple U Press, 2004)

·       Bruce M. Meyer, The Once and Future Union [United Rubber Workers] (University of Akron Press).

·        Joseph E. Slater, Public Workers: Government Employee Unions, the Law, and the State, 1900-1962 (ILR Press [Cornell], 2004)

·        Jennifer Klein and Eileen Boris, "Organizing Home Care: Low-Wage Workers in the Welfare State," Politics and Society 34 (March 2006): 81-107

·       Philip L. Martin, Promise Unfulfilled: Unions, Immigration, and the Farm Workers (ILR Press [Cornell], 2003)


Unions and Unionization: Cross National Comparison

·        Canadian Labour Congress / UK Trades Union Congress (TUC) / Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) / German DGB / French CGT

·        Gary Marks, Unions in Politics: Britain, Germany, and the United States in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989)

·        Wolfgang J. Mommsen and Hans-Gerhard Husung, eds., The Development of Trade Unionism in Great Britain and Germany, 1880-1914 (London: Allen and Unwin, 1985)

·        Henry Pelling, A History of British Trade Unionism (London: Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin Books, 1963)

·        Chris Wrigley, British Trade Unions since 1933 (Cambridge UP, 2002).

·        Derek H. Aldcroft and Michael J. Oliver, Trade Unions and the Economy: 1870-2000 (Ashgate Publishing) -[United Kingdom]

·       H.A. Clegg, Alan Fox, and A.F. Thompson, A History of British Trade Unions Since 1889, 2 vols. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964)

·       Chris Wrigley, British Trade Unions since 1933 (Cambridge UP, 2002)

·        John A. Moses, Trade Unionism in Germany from Bismark to Hitler, 1869-1933, 2 vols. (Totowa, NJ: Barnes & Noble)

·        F. F. Ridley, Revolutionary Syndicalism in France: The Direct Action of Its Time (Cambridge UP, 1970)

·        P. Stearns, Revolutionary Syndicalism and French Labor: A Cause Without Rebels (Rutgers UP, 1971)

·        Andrew Martin, "Is Democratic Control of Capitalist Economies Possible?" in Leon Lindberg, et al, Stress and Contradiction in Modern Capitalism

·        Jeffrey Haydu, "Trade Agreement vs. Open Shop: Employers' Choices Before WWI," Industrial Relations 28:2 (Spring, 1989), pp. 159-173 and Between Craft and Class: Skilled Workers and Factory Politics in the United States and Britain, 1890-1922 (California, 1988).

·        James W. Stitt, Joint Industrial Councils in British History: Inception, Adoption and Utilization, 1917-1939 (Praeger, 2006).

·        James E. Cronin and Carmen Sirianni, eds., Work, Community and Power: The Experience of Labor in Europe and America, 1900-1925 (Philadelphia, 1983)

·        Bo Stråth, The Organization of Labour Markets: Modernity, Culture and Governance in Germany, Sweden, Britain, and Japan (London: Routledge, 1996)

·        Sanford M. Jacoby, "The Duration of Indefinite Employment Contracts in the United States and England: An Historical Analysis, Comparative Labor Law 5:1 (Winter, 1982): 85-128.

·        Gerald Friedman, State-Making and Labor Movements: France and the United States, 1876-1914 (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1998) and "Strike Success and Union Ideology: The United  States and France, 1880-1914," Journal of Economic History 43  (1988): 1-26.

·        Kevin Theakston, The Labor Party and Whitehall (Routledge, 1992).

·        Chris Howell, Regulating Labor: The State and Industrial Relations Reform in Postwar France (Princeton, 1992)

·        Sheldon Garon, The State and Labor in Modern Japan (U of California Press, 1987)

·        Lowell Turner, Democracy at Work: Changing World Markets and the Future of Labor Unions (Cornell, 199x).

·        James C. McBrearty, American Labor History and Comparative Labor Movements: A Selected Bibliography (Arizona, 1973).


International Organizations

·       International Labour Organization / European Trade Union Confederation

·       The Commission for Labor Cooperation (established under NAFTA)

·        Bruce E. Kaufman, The Global Evolution of Industrial Relations: Ideas, People, and the IIRA (Brookings Institution, 2004 ).

Labor, Politics, & Social Movements

·    Martin Shefter, "Trade Unions and Political Machines: The Organization and Disorganization of the American Working Class," in Shefter, ed., Political Parties and the State: The American Historical Experience (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994)

·    Richard Oestreicher, "Urban Working-Class Political Behavior and Theories of American Politics, 1870-1940," Journal of American History 24:4 (March, 1988), 1257-1286.

·    Marc Karson, American Labor Unions and Politics, 1900-1918 (Beacon, 1958)

·    Julie Greene, Pure and Simple Politics: The American Federation of Labor and Political Activism, 1881-1917 (Cambridge University Press, 1998)

·    Kevin Boyle, ed., Organized Labor and American Politics, 1894-1994 (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1998)

·    Charles Rehmus and Doris McLaughlin, eds., Labor and American Politics (U of Michigan Press, 1967)

·    Robert H. Zieger, Republicans and Labor, 1919-1929 (Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1969)

·    Colin Gordon, New Deals: Business, Labor, and Politics in America, 1920-1935 (Cambridge U Press, 1994)

·        David Truman, The Governmental Process (1951)

·    J. David Greenstone, Labor in American Politics (U of Chicago Press, 1969)

·    Dan Clawson, The Next Upsurge: Labor and the New Social Movements (Cornell UP, 2003)

·    Christopher R. Martin, Framed! Labor and the Corporate Media (Cornell UP, 2004).

·    Peter L. Francia, The Future of Organized Labor in American Politics (Columbia UP, 2006).

·    Ethel C. Brooks, Unraveling the Garment Industry: Transnational Organizing and Women's Work  (U of Minnesota Press, 2007).


Labor Market Policy

·    David Brian Robertson, Capital, Labor, and State: The Battle for American Labor Markets from the Civil War to the New Deal (Rowman and Littlefield, 2000)

·        Harold L. Wilensky and Lowell Turner, Democratic Corporatism and Policy Linkages: The Interdependence of Industrial, Labor-Market, Incomes, and Social Policies in Eight Countries (Berkeley: Institute of International Studies, University of California, 1987)

·       John R. Commons and John B. Andrews, Principles of Labor Legislation, 1st ed. (New York: Harper and Bros., 1916)

·        Melvyn Dubofsky, The State and Labor in Modern America (University of North Carolina Press, 1994)

·         Labor Law in America: Historical and Critical Essays, ed. Christopher J. Tomlins and Andrew J. King (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992

·    Robert F. Koretz, ed. Statutory History of the United States: Labor Organization (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970).

·    Richard Morris, Government and Labor in Early America (Columbia UP, 1946)

·    James B. Atleson, Values And Assumptions In American Labor Law (U of Massachusetts Press, 1983)

·    Christopher Tomlins, The State and the Unions: Labor Relations, Law, and the Organized Labor Movement in America, 1880-1960 (Cambridge UP, 1985) and Law, Labor, Ideology in the Early American Republic (Cambridge UP, 1993)

·    U.S. Senate Committee on Education and Labor, Report of the Committee of the Senate on the Relations Between Labor and Capital, 4 vols. (Washington: GPO, 1885)

·    Melvyn Dubofsky, The State and Labor in Modern America (University of North Carolina Press, 1994)

·    Karen Orren, Belated Feudalism: Labor, the Law, and Liberal Development in the United States (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), and "Union Politics and Postwar Liberalism in the United States, 1946-1979," Studies in American Political Development 1

·    Victoria C. Hattam, Labor Visions and State Power: The Origins of Business Unionism in the United States (Princeton UP, 1993).

·    William E. Forbath, Law and the Shaping of the American Labor Movement (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1991)

·    Ruth O'Brien Workers' Paradox: The Republican Origins of New Deal Labor Policy, 1886-1935 (U of North Carolina Press, 1998)

·    Howell John Harris, The Right to Manage: Industrial Relations Policies of American Business in the 1940s (Wisconsin, 1982)

·    Larry J. Griffin, Michael E. Wallace, and Beth A. Rubin, "Capitalist Resistance to the Organization of Labor Before the New Deal: Why? How? Success?," American Sociological Review 51:2 (April, 1986), 147-167.

·    Jack Barbash and Kate Barbash, Trade Unions and National Economic Policy (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972)

·    Thomas R. Clark, Defending Rights: Law, Labor Politics, and the State in California, 1890-1925 (Wayne State University Press, 2002)

·    Chris Howell, Trade Unions and the State: The Construction of Industrial Relations Institutions in Britain, 1890-2000 (Princeton UP, 2005)

·    John H.M. Laslett, Labor and the Left: A Study of Socialist and Radical Influences in the American Labor Movement, 1881-1924 (New York: Basic Books, 1970), .

Policy Experts and Entrepreneurs

·        David R. Roediger, "Ira Steward and the Anti-Slavery Origins of American Eight Hour Theory," Labor History 27 (Summer, 1986), 410-426

·        Clarence E. Wunderlin, Jr., Visions of a New Industrial Order: Social Science and Labor Theory in America's Progressive Era (New York: Columbia University Press, 1992)

·        William R. Brock, Investigation and Responsibility: Public Responsibility in the United States, 1865-1900 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984), pp 148-184

·        James Leiby, Carroll Wright and Labor Reform: The Origins of Labor Statistics (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1960)

·        Kathyrn Kish Sklar, Florence Kelley and the Nation's Work, 1830-1900 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995)

·        Kathryn Kish Sklar, "Two Political Cultures in the Progressive Era: The National Consumers' League and the American Association for Labor Legislation," in U.S. History as Women's History: New Feminist Essays, ed. Linda A. Kerber, Alice Kessler-Harris, and Kathryn Kish Sklar (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press),

·        Colin Gordon, New Deals: Business, Labor, and Politics in America, 1920-1935 (Cambridge U Press, 1994)

·        J. Joseph Huthmacher, Senator Robert F. Wagner and the Rise of Urban Liberalism (New York: Atheneum, 1971)

Labor Market Regulation

·       Jim Stanford and Leah F. Voska, eds., Challenging the Market: The Struggle to Regulate Work and Income (McGill-Queens UP, 2004)

·       Annette Bernhardt, Heather Boushey, Laura Dresser, and Chris Tilly, eds., The Gloves-off Economy: Workplace Standards at the Bottom of America's Labor Market (Cornell UP, 2008)

Hours & Factory Laws

·       W.F. Willoughby, The Inspection of Factories and Workshops in the United States, U.S. Department of Labor, Bulletin 12 (Washington: GPO, 1897)

·      Melvin I. Urofsky, "State Courts and Protective Legislation during the Progressive Era: A Reevaluation," Journal of American History 72 (June, 1985): 63-91

·      Howard Gillman, in The Constitution Besieged: The Rise and Demise of Lochner Era Police Powers Jurisprudence (Durham: Duke University Press, 1993)

·      Labor Laws and their Enforcement, with Special Reference to Massachusetts, ed. Susan M. Kingsbury (New York: Longmans, Green, 1911)

·      David R. Roediger and Philip S. Foner, Our Own Time: A History of American Labor and the Working Day (New York: Greenwood Press, 1989)

·      Robert Whaples, “Winning the Eight-Hour Day, 1909-1919,” Journal of Economic History 50 (June, 1990): 393-406

·      George Lovell, "The Ambiguities of Labor's Legislative Reforms in New York State in the Late Nineteenth Century," Studies in American Political Development 8 (1994): 81-103

·      Fred Rogers Fairchild, The Factory Legislation of the State of New York (New York: American Economic Association, 1905)

·      Lynn Barnard, Factory Legislation in Pennsylvania: Its History and Administration (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1907)

·      Earl R. Beckner, A History of Labor Legislation in Illinois (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1929)

·      Marion Cahill, Shorter Hours: A Study of the Movement Since the Civil War (New York: Columbia University Press, 1932)



·    U.S. Department of Labor Women's Bureau / ILO Publications on Gender and Work

·    Alice Kessler-Harris, Out to Work: A History of Wage-Earning Women in the United States (Oxford, 1982), In Pursuit of Equity: Women, Men, and the Quest for Economic Citizenship in Twentieth Century America (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001), and Gendering Labor History (U of Illinois Press, 2007).

·    Baron, ed., Work Engendered: Toward a New History of American Labor  (Cornell UP, 1991).

·    Suzanne Mettler, Dividing Citizens: Gender and Federalism in New Deal Public Policy (Cornell UP, 1998)

·    Kathryn Kish Sklar, “Two Political Cultures in the Progressive Era: The National Consumers’ League and the American Association for Labor Legislation” in U.S. History as Women’s History: New Feminist Essays, ed. Linda K. Kerber, Alice Kessler-Harris, Kathryn Kish Sklar (U of North Carolina Press, 1995)

·    Theda Skocpol, Protecting Soldiers and Mothers: The Political Origins of Social Policy in the United States (Cambridge: Belknap, 1992)

·    Julie Novkov, Constituting Workers, Protecting Women: Gender, Law, and Labor in the Progressive Era and New Deal Years (U of Michigan Press, 2001)

·    Alice Kessler-Harris, In Pursuit of Equity: Women, Men, and the Quest for Economic Citizenship in Twentieth-Century America. (Oxford UP, 2001)

·    Eileen Boris and S. J. Kleinberg, “Mothers and Other Workers: (Re)Conceiving Labor, Maternalism, and the State,” Journal of Women’s History 15 (Autumn 2003)

·    Ileen A. DeVault, United Apart: Gender and the Rise of Craft Unionism (Cornell UP, 2004)

·    Eileen Boris, Home to Work: Motherhood and the Politics of Industrial Homework in the United States (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994)

·    Meredith Tax, The Rising of the Women:  Feminist Solidarity and Class Conflict, 1880-1917 (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1980)

·    Vivien Hart, Bound By Our Constitution: Women, Workers, and the Minimum Wage (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994),

·    Clara M. Beyer, History of Labor Legislation for Women in Three States, in U.S. Department of Labor, Women's Bureau, Bulletin 66 (Washington: GPO, 1929)

·    Florence P. Smith, Chronological Development of Labor Legislation for Women in the United States, U.S. Department of Labor, Women's Bureau, Bulletin 66 (Washington: GPO, 1929)

·    Robyn Muncy, Creating a Female Dominion in American Reform, 1890-1935 (Oxford UP, 1991)

·    Judith Sealander, As Minority Becomes Majority: Federal Reaction to the Phenomenon of Women in the Work Force, 1920-1963 (Greenwood Press, 1983)

·    Ulla Wikander, Alice Kessler-Harris, and Jane Lewis, eds., Protecting Women: Labor Legislation in Europe, the United States, and Australia, 1880-1920 (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1995)

·    Kathryn Kish Sklar, Anja Schüler, and Susan Strasser, Social Justice Feminists in the United States and Germany (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1998),

·    Jaclyn Greenberg, “The Limits of Legislation: Katherine Philips Edson, Practical Politics, and the Minimum-Wage Law in California, 1913-1922,” Journal of Policy History 5 (1993), 207-230

·    Jacqueline R. Braitman. “Katherine Philips Edson, a Progressive Feminist in California's Era of Reform,” unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of California - Los Angeles, 1988.

·    Ronnie Steinberg Rattner, ed., Equal Employment Policy for Women: Strategies for Implementation in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe, ed. Ronnie Steinberg Ratter (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1980)

·    Michael W. McCann, Rights at Work: Pay Equity Reform and the Politics of Legal Mobilization (U of Chicago Press, 1994)

·    Paul Weiler, "The Wages of Sex: The Uses and Limits of Comparable Worth," Harvard Law Review 99 (1986): 1728-1807

Race / Fair Employment Practices

Philip L. Foner and Ronald L. Lewis, eds., Black Workers: A Documentary History from Colonial Times to the Present (8 vols., 1978-1984)

Herbert Hill, “The Problem of Race in American Labor History,” Reviews in American History 24 (June 1996): 189-208

Eric Arnesen, ed.,  The Black Worker: Race, Labor, and Civil Rights since Emancipation (U of Illinois Press, 2007)

William Hamilton Harris,  The Harder We Run: Black Workers since the Civil War (Oxford UP, 1982)

Paul D. Moreno. Black Americans and Organized Labor: A New History (Louisiana State U Press, 2006)

Joe William Trotter, Jr. “African-American Workers: New Directions in U.S. Labor Historiography,” Labor History 35 (Fall 1994): 495-523

Pete Daniel, The Shadow of the Slavery: Peonage in the South, 1901‑1969 (Urbana:  University of Illinois Press, 1972)

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunities Commission  

Paul Burstein, Discrimination, Jobs and Politics: The Struggle for Equal Employment Opportunity in the United States Since the New Deal (U of Chicago Press, 1998)

Andrew Edmund Kersten, Race, Jobs, and the War: The FEPC in the Midwest, 1941-4 (U of Illinois Press, 2000)

Paul D. Moreno, From Direct Action to Affirmative Action: Fair Employment Law and Policy in America, 1933-1972

Child Labor

·      U.S. Department of Labor, Child Labor Exhibit & Bibliography / Standards

·      Library of Congress Child Labor Resources / World Bank Report / Child Labor Links 

·      Hugh D. Hindman, Child Labor: An American History (M.E. Sharpe, 2002)

·      Stephen B. Wood, Constitutional Politics in the Progressive Era: Child Labor and the Law (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968)

·      Walter Trattner, Crusade for the Children: A History of the National Child Labor Committee and Child Labor Reform in America (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1970)

·      U.S. Commissioner of Labor, Report on the Condition of Woman and Child Wage Earners in the United States, U.S. Senate Document 61-645 (Washington: GPO, 1910), 1: 187-197, 357-396, and 6:, 45, 134-135

·      John Braeman, “Albert J. Beveridge and the First National Child Labor Bill, Indiana Magazine of History 40 (March, 1964)

·      Jeremy P. Felt, Hostages of Fortune: Child Labor Reform in New York State (Syracuse UP, 1965)

·      Elizabeth Davidson, Child Labor Legislation in the Southern Textile States (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1939)

Prison Labor

·      Alex Lichtenstein, Twice the Work of Free Labor: The Political Economy of Convict Labor in the New South (London: Verso, 1996)

·      Matthew J. Mancini, One Dies, Get Another: Convict Leasing in the American South, 1866-1928 (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1996)

·      Martha A. Myers, Race, Labor, and Punishment in the New South (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1998)

·      Stephen P. Garvey, "Freeing Prisoners' Labor," Stanford Law Review 50 (January, 1998), 339-370

·      Glen A. Gildemeister, Prison Labor and Convict Competition with Free Workers in Industrializing America, 1840-1890 (New York: Garland, 1987)

·      Stephen P. Garvey, "Freeing Prisoners' Labor," Stanford Law Review 50 (January, 1998), 339-370


·     Jonathan A. Glickstein, American Exceptionalism, American Anxiety: Wages, Competition, and Degraded Labor in the Antebellum United States (U of Virginia Press, 2002)

·      Jerold Waltman, The Politics of the Minimum Wage (U Press of Illinois, 2000)

·      U.S. Senate, Committee on Education and Labor, Fair Labor Standards Act, Senate Report 75-884, July 6, 1937 (Washington: GPO, 1937)

·      James T. Patterson, Congressional Conservatism and the New Deal: The Growth of the Conservative Coalition in Congress, 1933-1939 (Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Press, 1967) 149-154, 182-183, 193-198. [Fair Labor Standards Act]

·      David Card and Alan B. Kruger, Myth and Measurement: The New Economics of the Minimum Wage (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995).

·       Susan B. Hansen, Globalization and the Politics of Pay: Policy Choices in the American States (Georgetown UP, 2006).


Occupational Safety and Health

·      OSHA Standards / Mine Safety Standards /

·      Steven Kelman, Regulating America, Regulating Sweden: A Comparative Study of Occupational Safety and Health Policy (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1981)

·      Charles Noble, Liberalism at Work: The Rise and Fall of OSHA (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1986)


·      Immigration and Naturalization Service / Immigration Law 

·      Aristide R. Zolberg, A Nation by Design: Immigration Policy in the Fashioning of America (Harvard UP, 2006).

·      E.P. Hutchinson, Legislative History of American Immigration Policy, 1798-1965 (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1981)

·      Charlotte Erickson, American Industry and the European Immigrant, 1860-1885 (New York: Russell and Russell, 1957)

·      Benjamin Klebaner, "State and Local Immigration Restriction in the United States before 1882," International Review of Social History 3 (1958): 269-295

·      Gerald L. Neuman, "The Lost Century of American Immigration Law, 1776-1885" Columbia Law Review 93 (December, 1993): 1833-1901

·      Elmer Sandmeyer, “California Anti-Chinese Legislation and the Federal Courts," Pacific Historical Review 5 (Summer, 1936): 189-211

·      Alexander Saxton, The Indispensable Enemy: Labor and the Anti-Chinese Movement in California (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971)

·      Gwendolyn Mink, Old Labor and New Immigrants in American Political Development: Union, Party, and States, 1875-1920 (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1986)

·      Andrew Gyory, Closing the Gate: Race, Politics, and the Chinese Exclusion Act (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1998)

·      Darrell Hevnor Smith and H. Guy Herring, The Bureau of Immigration: Its History, Activities, and Organization (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1924)

·      A.T. Lane, Solidarity or Survival? American Labor and European Immigrants, 1830-1924 (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1987

·      Keith Fitzgerald, The Face of the Nation: Immigration, the State, and the National Identity (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996)

·      Jennifer Gordon, Suburban Sweatshops: The Fight for Immigrant Rights (Belknap / Harvard UP, 2005)

Active Labor Market Policy

·      Jonathan Grossman and Judson MacLaury, "The Creation of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Monthly Labor Review 98 (February, 1975): 25-31

·      Judson MacLaury, "The Selection of the First U.S. Commissioner of Labor," Monthly Labor Review 98 (April, 1975): 16-19

·      Joseph P. Goldberg and William T. Moye, "The AFL and a National BLS: Labor's Role Crystallized," Monthly Labor Review 105 (March, 1982): 21-29

·      U.S. Bureau of Labor, Bureaus of Labor in the United States, Bulletin 54 (Washington: GPO, 1904)

Public Employment Offices

·        J.E. Conner, Free Public Employment Offices in the United States, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bulletin 68 (US GPO, 1907)

·        Shelby Harrison and Associates, Public Employment Offices: Their Purpose, Structure, and Methods (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1924)

Job Training & Public Jobs

·      Udo Sauter, Three Cheers for the Unemployed: Government and Unemployment before the New Deal (Cambridge UP, 1991)

·      Jonathan R. Kesselman, "Work Relief Programs in the Great Depression," in Creating Jobs, ed. John L. Palmer (Washington: Brookings, 1978)

·        Margaret Weir, Politics and Jobs: The Boundaries of Employment Policy in the United States (Princeton, 1992)

·        Gary Mucciaroni, The Political Failure of Employment Policy, 1945-1982 (Pittsburgh, 1990)

·        Amy Sue Bix, Inventing Ourselves Out of Jobs? America’s Debate over Technological Unemployment, 1929-1981 (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000)

Work Insurance

·        Theda Skocpol, Protecting Soldiers and Mothers: The Political Origins of Social Policy in the United States (Cambridge: Belknap, 1992)

·        Suzanne Mettler, Dividing Citizens

·        David A. Moss, Socializing Security: Progressive-Era Economists and the Origins of American Social Policy (Harvard UP, 1996)

·        Roy Lubove, The Struggle for Social Security, 1900-1935 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1968)

·        I.M. Rubinow, Social Insurance, With Special Reference to American Conditions (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1913)

·        Paul H. Douglas, Social Security in the United States (New York: Whittlesey House, 1936)

·        Edwin E. Witte, The Development of the Social Security Act (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1962)


·        Daniel Nelson, Unemployment Insurance: The American Experience, 1915-1935 (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1969)

·        Unemployment Insurance: The Second Half Century, ed. W. Lee Hansen and James F. Byers (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1990)

·        Bryce M. Stewart, Unemployment Benefits in the United States: Their Plans and their Setting (New York: Industrial Relations Counselors, 1930)

·        Edward J. Harpham, "Federalism, Keynesianism, and the Transformation of the Unemployment Insurance System in the United States," in Nationalizing Social Security in Europe and America, ed. Douglas E. Ashford and E.W. Kelley  (Greenwich, CN: JAI Press, 1986), 155-180

·        David G. Williams, Cooperative Federalism in Employment Security: The Interstate Conference (Ann Arbor, MI: Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, 1974).

·        Günther Schmid, Bernd Reissert, and Gert Bruche, Unemployment Insurance and Active Labor Market Policy: An International Comparison of Financing Systems (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1992)

·        Bernd Reissert and Günther Schmid, "Unemployment Compensation and Active Labor Market Policy," in Labor Market Institutions in Europe, ed. Günther Schmid (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1994), 83-119


·        Jennifer Klein. 2003. For All These Rights: Business, Labor, and the Shaping of America’s Public-Private Welfare State. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003)


Cross National Comparison

·      Peter Swenson, Capitalists Against Markets: The Making of Labor Markets and Welfare States in the United States and Sweden (Oxford UP, 2002).

·      Desmond King, Actively Seeking Work? The Politics of Unemployment and Welfare Policy in the United States and Great Britain (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995)

·      Thomas Janoski, The Political Economy of Unemployment: Active Labor Market Policy in West Germany and the United States (California, 1990)

·      Bo Rothstein, “Labor-Market Institutions and Working-Class Strength,” In Structuring Politics: Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Analysis, eds. Sven Steinmo, Kathleen Thelen, and Frank Longstreth, (New York: Cambridge University Press 1992), 33-57

·      Gary Cross, ed., Worktime and Industrialization: An International History, ed. Gary Cross (Temple University Press, 1988)

Collective Bargaining & Trade Union Law

·        Derek C. Bok, "Reflections on the Distinctive Character of American Labor Laws," Harvard Law Review 84 (1971): 1394-1463

·        Joel Rogers, “Divide and Conquer: Further ‘Reflections on the Distinctive Character of American Labor Laws,’” Wisconsin Law Review (Jan/Feb 1990): 1-147

·        Richard B. Freeman, ed., Working Under Different Rules  (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1994)

·        David G. Blanchflower and Richard B. Freeman, “Unionism in the United States and Other Advanced OECD Countries,” Industrial Relations 31 (1992), 56-79

·        Christopher Toumlins, The State and the Unions: Labor Relations, Law, and the Organized labor Movement in America, 1880-1960 (New York, 1985)

·        Jack Barbash, The Elements of Industrial Relations (Wisconsin, 1984)

·        Thomas A. Kochan, Harry C. Katz, and Robert B. McKersie, The Transformation of American Industrial Relations (Ithaca: ILR Press, 1994)

Historical Development

·        Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor, The Incorporation of Trade Unions, part 3 of the Annual Report for 1906 (Boston: Wright and Potter, State Printers, 1906)

·        Valerie Jean Connor, The National War Labor Board: Stability, Social Justice, and the Voluntary State in World War I (Chapel Hill, NC 1983).

·        William N. Eskridge, Jr., Dynamic Statutory Interpretation (Harvard University Press, 1994), 81-105

·        Felix Frankfurter and Nathan Greene, The Labor Injunction (New York: Macmillan, 1930)

·        Edwin E. Witte, The Government in Labor Disputes (New York: 1932)

·        Joseph A. McCartin, Labor's Great War: The Struggle for Industrial Democracy and the Origins of Moden American Labor Relations, 1912-1921 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1998)

·        Jeffrey Haydu, Making American Industry Safe for Democracy: Comparative Perspectives on the State and Employee Representation in the Etra of World War I (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1997)

·        Alan K. McAdams, Power and Politics in Labor Legislation (Columbia, 1964) [Landrum-Griffin Act].

·        Wayne L. McNaughton and Joseph Lazar, Industrial Relations and the Government (New York, 1954)

·        Alan B. Krueger, "The Evolution of Unjust-Dismissal Legislation in the United States," Industrial and Labor Relations Review 44 (1991): 644-660

National Labor Relations Act / NLRB

·         NLRB / LawMemo NLRB

·        James A. Gross, The Making of the National Labor Relations Board (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1974) and The Reshaping of the National Labor Relations Board (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1981)

·        Michael Goldfield, “Worker Insurgency, Radical Organization, and New Deal Labor Legislation,” American Political Science Review Vol. 83, No. 4. (Dec., 1989), pp. 1257-1282

·        Kenneth Finegold and Theda Skocpol, State and Party in America’s New Deal, chapter on the Wagner Act  

·        Colin Gordon, New Deals, chapter on the Wagner Act

·        Irving Bernstein, The New Deal Collective Bargaining Policy (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1950)

·        William B. Gould, Labored Relations: Law, Politics, and the NLRB--A Memoir (MIT Press, 2000)

·        Stanley Vittoz, New Deal Labor Policy (University of North Carolina, 1987).

·        Terry M. Moe, "Interests, Institutions, and Positive Theory: The Politics of the NLRB," Studies in American Political Development 2 (1987), pp. 236-299.

·        Cynthia L. Estlund, “Economic Rationality and Union Avoidance: Misunderstanding the National Labor Relations Act,” Texas Law Review 71 (1993), 921-992

·        Frank W. McCulloch and Tim Bornstein, The National Labor Relations Board (Praeger, 1974)

·        Kenneth McGuiness, The New Frontier NLRB (Washington" Labor Policy Association, 1963) Source: Terry Moe, 1987, p. 256.

Cross National Comparison

·        Roger Blanpain, ed., Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 6th ed. (Deventer, Netherlands: Kluwer, 1998)

·        Keith Sisson, The Management of Collective Bargaining: An International Comparison (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987)

·        Franz Traxler, "Collective Bargaining and Industrial Change: A Case of Disorganization? A Comparative Analysis of Eighteen OECD Countries," European Sociological Review 12 (1996): 271-287

·        Hans Slomp, Labor Relations in Europe: A History of Issues and Developments (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990)

·        Bo Rothstein, The Social Democratic State: The Swedish Model and the Bureaucratic Problem of Social Reforms (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1996).

·        Benjamin Aaron, ed., Labour Courts and Grievance Settlement in Western Europe (Berkeley: University of California, 1971)

·        M. Donald Hancock, John Logue, and Bernt Schiller, eds. Managing Modern Capitalism: Industrial Renewal and Workplace Democracy in the United States and Western Europe, (New York: Greenwood Press, 1991).

·        Clyde Summers, "Patterns Of Dispute Resolution: Lessons From Four Countries," Comparative Labor Law Journal 12 (1991): 165-177

·        Rodney Lowe, The Ministry of Labour in British Politics, 1916-1939 (Oxford, 1986)

Corporatism and Economic Interests

·        Howard J. Wiarda, Corporatism and Comparative Politics: The Other Great "Ism" (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1997).

·        Harold Wilensky and Lowell Turner, Democratic Corporatism and Policy Linkages (Institute for International Studies, Berkeley, 1987)

·        Colin Gordon, “Why No Corporatism in the United States: Business Disorganization and its Consequences," Business and Economic History, 27:1 (1998): 29-46.

·        Robert. Salisbury, "Why No Corporatism in America?. In Phillippe Schmitter and Gerhard Lembruch, (eds.), Trends Toward Corporatist Intermediation, (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1979), 213-231

·        Graham K. Wilson, "Why is There No Corporatism in the United States?"  In Gerhard Lehmbruch and Philippe C. Schmitter, eds. Patterns of Corporatist Policy-Making (Beverly Hills: Sage, 1982): 219-236

·        Peter Lange and Geoffrey Garett, "The Politics of Growth: Strategic Interaction and Economic Performance in the Advanced Industrial Democracies," Journal of Politics 47 (1985): 792-827.

·        Gerhard Lehmbruch and Phillippe Schmitter, eds., Patterns of Corporatist Policy-Making (Sage, 1982)

·        Comparative Political Studies, 10 (1977), special issue on "Corporatism and Public Policy in Contemporary Western Europe," ed. by Phillipe C. Schmitter

·        A. Henley and E. Tsakalotos, Corporatism and Economic Performance: A Comparative Analysis of Market Economies (Aldershot: E. Elgar, 1993).

·        Phillipe C. Schmitter, "Still the Century of Corporatism," Review of Politics 36 (1975): 85-131.

·        Phillipe Schmitter and Gerhard Lehmbruch, eds., Trends Toward Corporatist Intermediation (Sage, 1979)

·        Walter Korpi, The Democratic Class Struggle, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978.

·        Peter Swenson, “Bringing Capital Back In, or Social Democracy Reconsidered: Employer Power, Cross-Class Alliances, and Centralization of Industrial Relations in Denmark and Sweden,” World Politics 43:4 (July, 1991), 513-544

·        Alfred Diamant, "Bureaucracy and Public Policy in Neocorporatist Settings: Some European Lessons, Comparative Politics, October, 1981.

·        John Goldthorpe, ed., Order and Conflict in Contemporary Capitalism: Studies in the Political Economy of Western European Nations (Oxford, 1987).

·        Suzanne Berger, ed., Organizing Interests in Western Europe: Pluralism, Corporatism, and the Transformation of Politics (Cambridge, 1981)

·        Suzanne Berger and Michael J. Piore, Dualism and Discontinuity in Industrial Societies (Cambridge, 1980)

·        Omar G. Encarnación, "Federalism and the Paradox of Corporatism," West European Politics 22:2 (April, 1999): 90-115

·        Andrew Cox, "The Old and New Testaments of Corporatism: Is it a Political Form or a Method of Policymaking?" Political Studies 32 (1988).

·        Andrew Gordon, The Wages of Affluence: Management and Labor in Post War Japan (Harvard UP, 1998)

·        Stewart Clegg, Paul Boreham, and Geoff Dow, Class, Politics, and the Economy (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986)

·        Sanford M. Jacoby, “American Exceptionalism Revisited: The Importance of Management,” in Sanford M. Jacoby, ed., Masters to Managers: Historical Perspectives on American Employers (New York: Columbia University Press, 1991), 173-200.

·        Larry L. Gerber, "Corporatism in Comparative Perspective: The Impact of the First World War on American and British Labor Relations," Business History Review 62:1 (Spring, 1988), 93-127.

·        S. Bowler, "Corporatism and the 'Privileged' Position of Business," West European Politics 9(2) 157-175.


·        Wolfgang Streek and Phillippe C. Schmitter, eds., Private Interest Government: Beyond Market and State (Sage, 1985)

·        Alan Cawson, ed., Organized Interests and the State: Studies in Meso-Corporatism

·        John P. Heinze, Edward O. Laumann, Robert L. Nelson, and Robert H. Salisbury, The Hollow Core: Private Interests in National Policy Making (Harvard UP, 1993).

·        Elisabeth S. Clemens, The People's Lobby: Organizational Innovation and the Rise of Interest Group Politics in the United States, 1890-1925 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997).

Globalization, Work, and Labor

Jill Esbenshade, Monitoring Sweatshops: Workers, Consumers, and the Global Apparel Industry Temple University Press, 2004).

Patricia A. Adler and Peter Adler, Paradise laborers: Hotel Workers in the Global Economy (Cornell UP, 2004)