Chapter 50, Drill b: Practice using the gerund.

In each Latin phrase, the word(s) in English in parentheses can be expressed by a Latin gerund or gerund phrase in the case required by its use in the sentence. Provide that Latin gerund or gerund phrase.

ars (of writing) difficilis est. Answer: scribendi

1. Romani faverunt (being in the military, i.e. serving as a soldier).
2. Cicero saepe de arte (of speaking; use dico) scribebat.
3. Quintus Horatius artem (of reading) diligebat.
4. viatores cauponam (for the purpose of sleeping) quaesiverunt.
5. (By warning [us]), nos adiuverunt.
6. celeriter (by running), mox domium advenerunt.
7. imperator cum multis gentibus pugnavit (for the sake of conquering),
8. Athenas adveni (by means of sailing).
9. (by writing), Quintus fiebat clarus.
10. Quintus otium voluit (for the purpose of writing).
11. desiderium (for, i.e. of, drinking) Marcum saepe ad tabernam pellebat.
12. e castris exiit (for the sake of escaping).
13. ille praefectus est ([in charge of] following).
14. mors similis est (to sleeping).
15. propter desiderium (for, i.e. of, writing), Quintus negavit se velle scribam principis fieri.
16. finem (of fighting) desideramus.
17. Quintus scripsit se idoneum fuisse (for loving).
18. timor (of dying) minatus est.

Go to the previous exercise.