Chapter 35, Drill c: practice using the subjunctive in indirect commands.

Each item contains a short command expressed directly. Change it by translating the direct command into an indirect command, keeping the sequence of tenses indicated by the main verb, and preceding it by ut or ne. Verbs of asking and ordering use different constructions: rogare and iubere + acc., imperare and mandare + dative, quaerere and petere + a/ab and ablative.

mater filiis imperavit: "ad cenam venite." Answer: ut ad cenam venirent: in expressing the command indirectly, the speaker puts the filii in the third person, and since imperavit is a past tense, the subjunctive must be imperfect.

1. mater filiae imperavit: "te lava."
2. legatus semper milites iubet: "mihi confidite!"
3. viatores semper postulabant: "nautae, festinate!"
4. Quintus rogavit: "nolite navem solvere!"
5. nautae a magistro petiverunt: "nolite nos punite!"
6. legatus Rufo dixit: "duc hos iuvenes ad Lucilium."
7. Quintus Theomnesto dixit: "vale!"
8. Brutus legato imperavit: "hos iuvenes accipe!"
9. vobis impero: "nolite cessare!"
10. pater mihi imperat: "te lava."
11. viator iratus postulat: "nauta, festina!"
12. imperatores semper legatis imperant: "bonos iuvenes accipite!"

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