Chapter 19, Drill d: practice using expressions of place.

Each short Latin sentence contains a place expression in English in parentheses. Provide the correct Latin expression.

Quintus (to Rome) advenit. Answer: Romam : since the meaning is place to which, Latin uses accusative, but since Roma is the name of a city, the preposition is omitted.

1. Quintus paterque (to or at the city) advenerunt.
2. septima hora (from Rome) abierunt.
3. nona hora (from the city) abierunt.
4. ite (home)!
5. abi (from home)!
6. (In Rome) Quintus ad Orbilii ludum ibat.
7. sunt (in Athens) multi philosophi.
8. Aeneas (from Carthage) abire debebat.
9. Quintus (to Athens) navigavit.
10. arbores (at home) pulchrae sunt.
11. Dido (in Carthage) habitabat.
12. navis (from the shore) navigavit.
13. naves (from Italy) navigaverunt.
14. duae naves (from Puteoli) navigaverunt.
15. una navis (to Corinth) navigavit.
16. Quintus iter (to the hills) facere cupiebat.
17. de summo monte Capitolino (to the Forum) Quintus ambulavit.
18. (From Venusia) ad mediam urbem Quintus paterque ambulaverant.
19. Quinti mater (at Venusia) anxia manebat.
20. (At Rome) multi homines per vias procedebant.
21. Quintus (in Rome) patri multas gratias egit.
22. (In this city; use hic haec hoc) sunt multa pulchra aedificia, sed
illa urbs pauca habet.
23. (For three hundred miles) Quintus paterque ambulaverant.

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