Post-Natal Vision Development
o Why difficult to study
Difficult patientsRacial / geographic differences
Malleability / rapid change in vision behavior
o Why important
Ability to predict normal from delayed vision developmentSet a time course for intervention with Rx or orthoptics
Proper referral for developmental / neurological consult
Developmental Milestones:
Visual Acuity Development In Infants
Development Of Refractive Error
10 Days To 3 MonthsCyclopleged: hyperopia (2.2D - 4.4 D); few myopes (25%)
Non-Cyclopleged: myopia (-7.00 to -.70) huge variance depending on exam protocol
Mohindra (dry) ret results
(-.70+/- .40D)
Astigmatism: (30%-50%) between 1-2 D
A/R tendencies for Caucasians; W/R for Asian populationsNo associations with particular spherical refractive error
Magnitude decreases in first year of life
Howland et. al used isotropic retinoscopy (photorefraction)
scanned two meridians simultaneouslyeliminates concern over rapid changes in accommodative response
Found similar results to above
Keratometry revealed that most astig. in infants was corneal
Development Of Refractive Error
10 Days To 3 MonthsAnisometropia CommonExtremely Fluctuative in Longitudinal and Cross Sectional Studies
Difficult to Pinpoint Role in Amblyogenesis
Development Of Refractive Error
4 Months To 1 YearHyperopia IncreasesAstigmatism Decreases
Anisometropia Fluctuates
Development Of Accommodation / Convergence
Accommodation: Two Problems For NeonateDetection Of Blur: due to immaturity of retina/sensory processingAttention: may be most prominent cause of poor skills in infants
1-2 Diopters Accurate
>3 Diopters Inaccurate
Vast Improvement On Accuracy @ 2-4 Diopters When Alert
Development Of Accommodation / Convergence
Convergence: Three Months To Consist BifoveationNear target: Improvement @ 3 months to 15 Prism Dioptershigh spatial frequencies best (5-10 c/deg)
Prism: No consistent response To 6 Months of Age
Development Of Oculomotor Control
Fixation times for infants decrease w/complex visual environmentsImprove w/simple visual environments
When slip occurs, infants will refixate the target inaccurately (i.e. their attention is now elsewhere)
Monocular Saccades: balance of infant's immature sensory and motor systems with these very precise eye movements
Simple geometric target on black background:
Amplitude and latencies are very poor in infantsAccuracy degrades:
First saccade: significant undershoot
Followed by a series of corrective saccades
Monocular Saccades: cont.
Complex, realistic target contours on "natural" background:
Amplitude and latencies come close to adult levels!!Accuracy improves:
First saccade: some inaccuracy
Few saccadic steps necessary for correction
Pursuits: failed to obtain consistent pursuits in infants ²3 months old: immature foveal development is culprit
More consistent by 5-6 weeks: driven by parafoveal regions
best to use slower moving (² 10 degrees/sec.) parafoveal targetsToo big: lose attention
Too small: hits immature fovea
dark background
Clinical Application For Young Infants
Use moderate size (3-5 degree) complex visual targets/backgrounds with saccade and pursuit testingMaximize attention throughout testMaximize ability to detect motion from background
Use moderate size (3-5 degree) simple targets on black background to test fixation
Minimize distraction from target