Family Hx |
one sibling has hyperopia and just started to wear glasses for reading (7 yrs old) |
Develop. Milestones |
no testing; patient lifts head when prone and can roll over to back |
Birth Hx |
normal; no perinatal trauma; normal birth weight |
Med Hx |
baby had colic, otw no meds, NKA |
1. Any additional history?
2. Would Apgar scores be beneficial? Why or why not?
3. Is birth weight information important to gather? Why or why not?
4. Are the milestones described appropriate for a 4 month infant?
Fine Motor/Oculomotor Gross Motor Personal/Social ??????????? ??????????? ???????????
5. What other milestones would you expect this child to master at this age?
6. The mother wants to know when her child should be able to sit up without support. When can she expect this?
7. On the Denver Developmental, identify and describe one item in each category that this patient's age line crosses (Denver form)
??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ???????????
Mohindra retinoscopy O.D.: +1.25 DS O.S.: +2.00-0.75X 090 Acuities Minimum binoc acuities 20/120
(Teller) Cover test (entering) ortho @ distance/near EOM Good smooth pursuit function (see
8. What type of "grasping" takes place in movie 1?
9. When would you expect this type of grasp to develop?
10. When would you expect the pincher grasp to develop?
11. How would Kephart evaluate movie 2? Tell us more about his visual motor match.
Where does this child fit in? What are the 4 bases that our patient has to master before going on to a higher skill level?
12. Visual motor integration is an important component in Getman's developmental theory. How would he evaluate our patient's skills, as seen in movie #4?
13. According to Getman, at what age would you expect visual inspection to dominate over tactile?
14. Our patient has obvious issues with our attempts to test version eye movements in movie #3. What level of Getman's hierarchy does this task fall? Describe all of Getman's levels. Where does our patient fall?