Case #4a
You refract a 6 month old otherwise healthy infant. Results were:
Mohindra retinoscopy (gross):
OD: +3.75 - 1.50 X 090
OS: +3.00 - 0.50 x 090
Cover test: ortho
-What is the child's estimated refractive error?
-What would be your management of this case? Be specific.
-When would you recall this patient for follow-up?
-What would be your advice and recommendations to the parents?
Case #4b
You examine a one year old toddler. Parents believe they see a "lazy eye" when their child gets tired.
Dynamic retinoscopy (MEM):
OD: +3.25 -2.00 X 180
OS: +2.75 -1.50 X 180
-What would you conclude about refractive error?
-What other facts would you consider before deciding to prescribe?
-If this child was 6 years old, would your management change? Why or why not?
-What are the anticipated changes in refractive error in the preschool years?
-What would you tell the parents?
Case #4c
You refract a two and one-half year old toddler who has a family history of significant refractive error. The parents do not notice behavioral signs of uncorrected refractive error; they just want to be certain.
Static retinoscopy:
OD: -2.50 -2.25 X 180
OS: -0.25 DS
-What are behaviorial signs of uncorrected refractive error in toddlers?
-What concerns you about this refraction?
-What other tests would you consider (if any) and why?