U.S.A. - Latin American: Relations 18th Century - 20th Century
In this module, you will:
The grey areas represent Latin America
Articles and Study Questions
Read the Pop Test questions before you open the reading so you will know what you are looking for in the reading. Click on the number to open the article and pass over the word "questions" to see the Pop Text questions.
Vice President Nixon's visit to Venezuela in the 1950s
What from the U.S. relations with Latin America in the past might have caused some people to protest by kicking the Vice-President's automobile and by throwing garbage at Mr. Nixon?
Download the map and locate on it all the countries in which the U.S. has interfered from the 18th century to the present. Click the map below to download a printable map.
Bonus Point Quiz:
Go to MyGateway and open the Assignment folder. Then open the bonus point module quiz folder and take the quiz for this module. You get one opportunity to take it - not multiple opportunities.