YOU ARE   SPECIAL (Adaptation of I'm Special - see below)

You’re Special...
In all the world
There's nobody like you
Nobody has your smile
Nobody has your eyes, nose, hair or voice.

You’re  Special...
No one laughs like you
Or cries like you
No one sees things just as you do
No one reacts just as you would react

You’re Special...
You’re the only one in all creation
Who has your set of abilities
Your unique combination of gifts, talents and abilities
are an original symphony

You’re Special...
You’re rare
And in all rarity there is great value
You need not imitate others
You should accept - yes, celebrate - your differences

You’re Special...
And I hope you are beginning to see that you were made special
For a very special purpose
There is  a job for you
That no one else can do as well as you can do
Out of all the applicants only one is qualified
That one is you

You’re Special !

If you don't fully believe this of yourself, read the following every morning until you do!


I'm Special...
In all the world
There's nobody like me
Nobody has my smile
Nobody has my eyes, nose, hair or voice.

I'm Special...
No one laughs like me
Or cries like me
No one sees things just as I do
No one reacts just as I would react

I'm Special...
I'm the only one in all creation
Who has my set of abilities
My unique combination of gifts, talents and abilities
are an original symphony

I'm Special...
I'm rare
And in all rarity there is great value
I need not imitate others
I will accept - yes, celebrate - my differences

I'm Special...
And I'm beginning to see that God made me special
For a very special purpose
God has a job for me
That no one else can do as well as I do
Out of all the applicants only one is qualified
That one is me

I'm Special !

Composed by Elizabeth Anne Richards-Schurg 1968
Age 14 - for a creative writing class
© 1990
Used by permission