Search EngineCombining Terms Using AND, OR, NOTUsing + and -TruncationAdjacencyProximitySpecifying fields to search
LycosYesYesNoYes; Place double quotes around phrasesYes; Uses NEAR/nNo

Lycos Pro AND Example: political AND cartoons
finds everything with BOTH words "political" AND "cartoons"
Lycos Pro OR Example: political OR cartoons
finds everything with EITHER of the words "political" OR "cartoons"
Lycos Pro NOT Example: political NOT cartoons
finds everything with the word "political" and NOT the word "cartoons"

Lycos Pro Plus Sign "+" (Boolean AND) Example: +Bart Simpson
finds files with "Bart" in them, weighting those with "Simpson" more heavily
Lycos Pro Minus Sign "-" (Boolean NOT) Example: Bart -Simpson
finds files with "Bart" in them but without the word "Simpson"
Lycos Pro Plus "+" and Minus Sign "-" Example: +animation -Simpsons
finds files with "animation" in them, but NOT "Simpsons"

Lycos Pro truncation apparently not available.

Lycos Pro Adjacency Example: "political cartoons"
finds the phrase where the word "political" precedes the word "cartoons"
Lycos Pro Adjacency ADJ Example: political ADJ cartoons
finds items where the word "political" is next to the word "cartoons" (either side)
Lycos Pro Adjacency ADJ/n Example: political ADJ/3 cartoons
finds items where the word "political" is either 3 words in front or behind the word "cartoons"
Lycos Pro Adjacency OADJ Example: political OADJ cartoons
finds items where the word "political" is directly in front of the word "cartoons"
Lycos Pro Adjacency OADJ/n Example: political OADJ/3 cartoons
finds items where the word "political" is 3 words in front of the word "cartoons"

Lycos Pro Proximity NEAR Example: political NEAR cartoons
finds items where the word "political" is within 25 words of "cartoons" (either side)
Lycos Pro Proximity NEAR/n Example: political NEAR/10 cartoons
finds items where the word "political" is within 10 words of "cartoons" (either side)
Lycos Pro Proximity ONEAR Example: political ONEAR cartoons
finds items where the word "political" precedes "cartoons" within 25 words
Lycos Pro Proximity ONEAR/n Example: political ONEAR/10 cartoons
finds items where the word "political" precedes "cartoons" within 10 words

Lycos Pro field searching apparently not available.