Introduction to Comparative Media Systems
Media 2500 Syllabus

The class will look at the changing area of development communication/media. This area has focused on Third World issues and how modernization has essentially failed to deliver change in developing nations or regions. The lack of telephone service, illiteracy, few indigenous media successes, and lack of connectivity to the internet all come into play. After more than five decades of development, the southern hemisphere, or peripheral nations, still lack access to modern telecommunications and mass media. This course will address the history, major approaches, theories, the role of NGOs, the CNN Effect, and the paradigm shift currently underway.

Global Media Systems
Media 3356 Syllabus

The purpose of this course is to examine the transformation of global communication and explain its underlying causes, major players, and possible future consequences. World System and Electronic Colonialism theories will assist in organizing global stakeholders, current and future trends.

Global Media Systems - Online Class Introduction

Development Communication

On Newspapers