Andragogical Concepts
The Old Andragogy Site
Audio Conversations
Research to Practice Resources
Other Resources
in Adult Education and Andragogy
Partners of the Americas CD
Andragogy Website for the Benefit of Those Interested in Pursuing its Study
Term Andragogy was first coined and published in 1833 by Alexander Kapp
from Germany. It has been understood by some as the art and
science of helping adults learn and study of the theory, processes, and
technology of adult education. John A. Henschke
has been pursuing research for more than a dozen years regarding the
foundation of andragogy around the world, especially through materials
in the English Language. The documents on this Website present
much of his research and publication in this area, in addition to work
he has conducted in various places based on andragogy. Dr.
Henschke also includes the expanded works of others he has referenced
in his research and publication on andragogy. Andragogy is part of
the field of adult education, human resource development, and lifelong
learning. These materials regarding andragogy are made available
to those desiring to pursue additional study in it.
Andragogy materials also available on John Henschke's Lindenwood University web site

John A. Henschke, Ed.D
Associate Professor
Adult Education (retired)
Published works
University of Missouri -
St. Louis, One University Boulevard, 207 Marillac Hall, St. Louis, MO
63121-4400 USA, 314-516-5946
UM-St. Louis is an equal opportunity institution;
Part of the University of Missouri
Copyright Problems
Page maintained by Paul Wilmarth