455 LUCAS [SEC. 001, #17260]
516-5592 TTh 9:30-10:45 206 CLARK
T 1-2:30, W 10-12 FALL 1996
& by appointment
This is a course in learning to read English in its earliest
recorded form. We'll begin with basic grammar and some short prose
selections, move on to some of the period's better-known (!) poetry
(The Wanderer, The Battle of Maldon) and spend the last two weeks or
so reading Beowulf in a facing-page translation. Throughout the
semester we'll discuss and interrogate these literary records to see
what they can tell us about Anglo-Saxon culture and how our
perceptions of that culture have been shaped.
COURSE REQUIREMENTS: There will be three exams (including the final),
each of which will test your ability to translate Old English as well
as comment upon Anglo-Saxon culture and literature and each of which
will be worth 25% of your grade. Your work in the classroom--reading,
translating, participating, and taking quizzes--will make up the other
25%. A critical essay of 7-10 pages is optional, and could possibly
replace an undesirable midterm exam grade. More than four absences will adversely affect your grade.
Bruce Mitchell and Fred C. Robinson, A Guide to Old English, 5th
ed. (Oxford, 1992)
Beowulf: A Dual-Language Edition, trans. Howell D. Chickering,
Jr. (New York, 1977
Malcolm Godden and Michael Lapidge, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Old English Literature (Cambridge, 1991) [recommended text]
T AUG 27 Introduction; Ways of approaching Old English
TH AUG 29 Grammatical terms, xvii; Spelling and Pronunciation (#1-9)
T SEP 3 Case (#188-92); Pronouns and Articles (#10-21)
TH SEP 5 the verb beon (#127); quiz on pronouns
T SEP 10 Practice Sentences C (p. 172), fully parsed
TH SEP 12 Fall of Man, ll. 1-20 (p. 174), fully parsed
T SEP 17 Fall of Man, ll. 21-42; Nouns (#22-25, #33-42, #47-48)
TH SEP 19 Ælfric, A Colloquy on the Occupations, ll. 1-21,
33-70 (p. 182)
T SEP 24 A Colloquy, 179-216; Adjectives (#63-67, #70, #74-76)
T OCT 1 Strong verbs (#87-95, #110-114); A brief history
(#217-18, 231-4)
TH OCT 3 Cynewulf and Cyneheard, ll. 1-22 (p.208)
T OCT 8 Cynewulf and Cyneheard, ll. 23-43; Weak verbs (#115-26)
TH OCT 10 Bede, the Conversion of King Edwin, ll. 1-38 (p. 217)
T OCT 15 Conversion of Edwin, 39-78; Numerals & adverbs (#82-86, 135)
TH OCT 17 The Wanderer, ll. 1-36
T OCT 22 Wanderer, 37-87
TH OCT 24 Wanderer, 88-115
TH OCT 31 The Battle of Maldon, l. 1-41 (p.240)
T NOV 5 Maldon, 42-110
TH NOV 7 Maldon, 111-180
T NOV 12 Maldon, 181-243
TH NOV 14 Maldon, 244-94
T NOV 19 Maldon, 295-325
TH NOV 21 Beowulf, 1-1062
T NOV 26 Beowulf, 1063-2199
T DEC 3 Beowulf, 2200-3165
TH DEC 5 Beowulf; Conclusions
TH DEC 12 FINAL EXAM (7:45-9:45)