A. History of the Language:    Old English period  mid-Ve - 1066

                                                Middle English 1066 - late XVe

                                                Modern English XVIe – present


          1. OLD ENGLISH (Anglo-Saxon)

                   a) Germanic & hence heavily inflected language, with changes in orthography to indicate changes in person, tense, case, mood, #. Hence a synthetic, not analytic language--great freedom in word order, especially in poetry.

                             [inflection--not here a variation of pitch or tone, but an alteration in a word's form to indicate different grammatical or syntactical relations: drink/drank, bring/brought, I/me/my, she/her/her]


                   b) different symbols invented by scribes using Roman alphabet to represent OE sounds: þ(thorn), đ(eth), æ (ash)


                   c) Still, strong survival to present--of 1000 most common words, 83% have OE origin and have changed little: Life, love, man, god, word; come, sit, see, give, seek, be; 80% of pronouns and prepositions


          2. MIDDLE ENGLISH--earliest examples from late XIIe

                   a) much less inflection--adjectives do some, and some verbs


                   b) loss of declensions (toward ModE nominative/objective)


                   c) French (and Latin) influences and borrowings


                   d) dialects:  West Saxon dominant in OE by late Xe; regional forms quite distinct in the fourteenth century (SE Midland (Chaucer); W Midland (Piers Plowman); NW Midland (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight), Northern (Yorkshire)


                             ii) considerable variation even within dialects, as with Chaucer's London dialect; Chaucer's and ours grew out of the London dialect


          3. MODERN ENGLISH--Shakespeare's language and ours.  The so-called  Great Vowel Shift is the major (and largely inexplicable) difference between ME and ModE—a XVe phenomenon


                   ME long a (pron aa)  à   ModE long a (rake)

                   ME long e (pron. a)   à   ModE long e (pron. e)

                   ME long o (pron. o)   à   ModE long o (pron. oo, spoon)

                   ME long i (pron e)     à   ModE long i (pron ai, like)

                   ME long u (pron oo)  à   ModE long u (use)



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I. Sounds

     A. If you know a modern romance language, you're all set—just pretend the Great Vowel Shift  never happened.



     B. VOWELS. Long when doubled (goon, heeth), terminal (he); a, e, o when followed by a consonant/vowel (name, seke); short when followed by two consonants  (thynne).


          vowel                                       spelling                                    ModE equivalent                    ME example


          long a                                     a, aa                                         father, Hahvahd                                name, maken

          a                                              a                                              hot, Mann                               can, that

          long e (o & cl)                          e, ee                                         fate, there                                be, sweete, teche   

          e                                              e                                              set                                           tendre

          final e                                      e                                              sofa, horses                             sonne

          long i                                       i, y                                           machine                                   lif, myn, I, ryden

          i                                               i, y                                           sit                                            this, thyng

          long o (o & cl)                         o, oo                                        note, broad                              go, goon, bote

          o                                              o                                              oft                                           pot, folk

          long u                                     ou, ow,                                    goose                                       flour, foules

          u                                              u, o                                          put                                          ful, love

          "final u"                                  u, eu, ew, uw, eau                    pure                                         vertu, beautee, new, aventure

          one dipthong                          ay,ai,ey,ei                                aisle/day                                  saide, day, wey



     C. CONSONANTS: pronounce 'em all! gnat, knave, folk

          c, g = same as today: certes, gentilesse                                     ch = church

          gh = ich, loch, hue: myght, knyght                                           gh = silent at end, indicates long vowel: sigh

          gn = n at end, indicates long vowel: sign, regn                        gg = bigge or brigge  




          1) Pronounced when final or when needed for meter (more below)

          2) Omitted or elided when preceding "h" or a vowel, or when inconvenient for meter. "And gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche"

          3) Slurring medial (Canterb'ry) and terminal (ev'r, nev'r, com'th) syllables is permissible.


II. Sense

     A. Nouns

          1) Most possessive nouns take and –s or an –es (e.g., Of hertes hele and deedly woundes cure,” PF 128), but some possessive nouns don't inflect: suster sonne, Lady grace, herte roote, Priamus sonne. Don't worry about case inflections unless you're planning to write in ME


          2) Most nouns add -s or -es for plural, though some don't inflect (e.g., hors).  Others end in -n, like ModE children or women--cf. ME ÿen.


     B) Adjectives and Adverbs:

           1) Adverbs can end in –ly but also  -liche (e.g. rudeliche) or –e (“ful loude he song”)


                     2) Adjectives and prepositions can follow nouns and objects (as in verse generally): shoures soote; rood hym agayns.  Don't worry about case inflections unless you're planning to write in ME.


    C. Pronouns

                             Nom.                   Poss.                    Obj.     


          1st                I, ich                     my, myn               me

              pl.           we                        oure                      us


          2nd               thow                     thy, thyn              thee             [number distinctions can indicate social

              pl.           ye                         youre                    you                       distinction: “ye” is more formal than “thou”]


          3rd               he                         his                        him

                             she                        her                        hir(e)

                             it, hit                    his                        it, hit

              pl.           they                      hire                       them, hem


          Demonstratives: that (sing), tho (pl); this (sing.), thise/these (pl)   (cp. "Thise woful vers that wepen as I write")


          Relative pronouns: Chaucer uses which, that, or which that instead of who and whom when referring to human beings. (cp."But I, that am exiled" or "a wyf, I Whiche that he lovede.)"


    D. Verbs

                    1) Infinitives sometimes end in -n, -en: to sayn, to goon


                   2) personal endings are -e (1st sing), -st (2nd s.), -th (3rd s.), -en (pl): ich love, thou lovest, he/she/it loveth, we/you/they loven


                             3) As in ModE, there are both strong (vowel changes) and weak (adding –d or –ed) past tenses; cp. singen (I sang/soong; thow songe; he/she/hit sang/soong; they songen) and preyen (I preyede/preyde; thow preyedest; he/she/hit preyede/preyde; they preyeden)


          4) Beware i-, y- in past participles (OE): yronne, ymaked.  And watch out for shifts in verb tense in the middle of a sentence: And doun he kneleth, and with humble chere / And herte soor, he seyde as ye shul here…


          5) Double negatives are common and typically intensify (rather than cancel one another out): ne studieth noght.  Note also negative contractions of common verbs:

                 nis (ne + is) = is not                                                          nam (ne + am) = am not

                 nere (ne + were) = were not                                              nas (ne + was) = was not

                 nill (ne + will) = will not, do not desire                            nolde (ne + wolde) = would not, did not desire

                 nath (ne + haveth) =  have/has not                                   nadde (ne + hadde) = had not      

                 not (ne + wot) = knows not, does not know                     niste (ne + wiste) = knew not, did not know


          6) Modals sometimes have meanings in addition to their auxiliary function

                    ginne; gan/gonne: intensifier & sign of past, like ModE do/did: myn herte gynneth blede; upon hir knes she gan to falle [NB: it does not mean begin/began]

                   will/wol; wolde: "to desire, want" as well as indicating futurity or the conditional

                   conne/konne; coude/koude: "to know" as well as "can"

                   shall; sholde: "must, have to" as well as futurity: the time approcheth  that this weddyng sholde be

                   do; did: "to cause": he dide doon sleen hem; but yt doth me for fere swete 


          7) Impersonal constructions: him liketh, it pleases him; hire reweth, it pains her; him thynketh, it

                   seems to him (but cp. he thynketh, he thinks)


    E. Word order Middle English is more flexible in word order than Modern English, and uses syntactic patterns no longer common today—except, of course, in poetry. Some examples (from Kolve & Olson):


          object-subject-verb                                     But Cristes lore, and his apostles twelve, / He taughte


          object-verb-subject                                     A Yeman hadde he


          complement-subject- verb                           Curteys he was


          complement-verb-subject                          Short was his gowne


          verb-subject-object                                     Thus hath this pitous day a blisful ende


          subject-auxiliary-object-verb                      I have thy feith and thy benignitee . . . assayed



          A. OE, Alliterative ME: rhythm depends on stresses and unrhymed alliterative lines.

                   1. OE four-stress line, allit. aa/ax. Note caesura.

                             Her Æþelstan cyning    eorla dryhten

                             Beorna beag-giefa   and his broþor eac

                             Eadmund æþeling   ealdor-langne tir

                             Geslogon æt sæecce   sweorda ecgum. . .

                   2. ME alliterative poetry (PP): longer lines, more alliteration, less care of unstresses syllables


          B. Chaucer's verse

                   1. Standard early ME form: four-stress couplets

                             HF: I have gret wonder, be this lyght

                                    How that I lyve, for day ne nyght

                                    I may nat slepe wel nygh noght,

                                    I have so many an ydel thoght.


                   2. Later developed a five-stress line, usually iambic with 10 syllables. First extensive (perhaps first) use of iambic pentameter; cf. Shakes., Marlowe, Milton, Pope, Dryden, Wordsworth

                             PF: "The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne"

                             cp. Shakespeare, # 130: "My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun"


                             a) 5-stress line in stanza form (rime royal) in PF, TC, some tales


                   3. Chaucer's verse is good verse, his rhymes good rhymes--let both of them help you with their regularity. There is an occasional eleventh, weak syllable (like unstressed e at end of line).


                   4. Use rhyme and meter to help you with meaning, too--try saying an unfamiliar word out loud



Some other useful web pages for studying Chaucer’s language: Harvard Chaucer page I; Harvard Chaucer page II; audio files


Here’s a basic Chaucer glossary that highlights the 100 most common words.