English 4260: Chaucer Midterm Exam Preview
I. Seven or eight of these terms will appear on the midterm, where you will be asked to identify four or five of them in a sentence or two, and to indicate their relevance to the Chaucer texts we’ve studied. (30%)
Macrobius modesty topos Nicholas Trivet occupatio prosimetrum rhyme royal De miseria condicionis
humane sense, imagination, reason, intelligence Thebaid wheel of Fortune
De planctu
demande d’amour
Ellesmere MS
estates satire
hortus conclusus
irresponsibility topos
II. There will be a selection of passages drawn from our reading (PF, LGW, Boe, GProl—Man of Law), which you will be asked to identify (text, speaker, situation) and comment upon (significance). (40%)
III. You will be asked to write one essay (30%). There are three potential essay topics that you should begin thinking about:
(a) the theme of governance in the first fragment of the Canterbury Tales
(b) Chaucer’s self-representation (as narrator? as poet?) in at least three texts
(c) representations of women: the Canterbury Tales vs. the earlier courtly texts