But atte
laste she, for his worthynesse,
And namely for his meke obeysaunce,
Hath swich a pitee
caught of his penaunce
That pryvely she fil of
his accord
To take hym for hir housbonde and hir lord,
Of swich lordshipe as
men han over hir wyves.
And for to lede the moore
in blisse hir lyves,
Of his free wyl he swoor
hire as a knyght
That nevere in al his lyf
he, day ne nyght,
Ne sholde upon hym take
no maistrie
Agayn hir wyl, ne kithe hire jalousie,
But hire obeye, and folwe
hir wyl in al,
As any lovere to his lady shal,
Save that the name of soveraynetee,
That wolde he have for shame of his degree.
She thanked hym, and with ful
greet humblesse
She seyde, "Sire, sith
of youre gentillesse
Ye profre me to
have so large a reyne,
Ne wolde nevere
God bitwixe us tweyne,
As in my gilt, were outher werre or stryf.
Sire, I wol be youre
humble trewe wyf --
Have heer my trouthe -- til that myn herte
Thus been they bothe in quiete and in reste.