1327    Edward III accedes to the throne


1337    Beginning of Hundred Years’ War


1340    Battle of Sluys—English naval victory


1346    English victory at Crecy


1348    Black Death arrives in England


1351    First Statute of Laborers


1356        English victory at Poitiers; French king John II captured


1360    Treaty of Bretigny gives Aquitaine to England


1367    Black Prince invades Castile; Battle of Najera


1376    Death of Black Prince

“Good Parliament” attempts to purge royal household


1377    Death of Edward III; accession of his grandson Richard II at age nine


1378    Beginning of Great Schism (competing Popes, until 1415-18)


1381    June uprising (“Peasant’s Revolt”)


1382    Blackfriars council—some of John Wyclif’s opinions declared heretical


1386    “Wonderful Parliament” exiles Richard’s chancellor


1388    “Merciless Parliament,” prodded by Lords Appellant (Arundel, Gloucester, Warwick, Bolingbroke, Mowbray), purges Richard’s household


1394    Death of  Queen Anne


1397     Richard’s “Revenge Parliament”—Gloucester murdered, Arundel executed, Warwick and Archbishop of Canterbury exiled


1398    Henry Bolingbroke and Thomas Mowbray exiled


1399    Death of John of Gaunt; Bolingbroke returns and deposes Richard, ascends the throne as Henry IV


1400    Richard probably murdered in prison