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FALL 2018 [Sec. G01, #12929]                                          FRANK GRADY

W 7:00-9:30                                                                          461 LUCAS

450 Lucas                                                                     516-5592

T 1-3, W 3:30-5:00                                                              fgrady@umsl.edu

                                                                                                            & by appointment


     A survey of the approaches to literary study that have flourished in the academy over the last century, including New Criticism, structuralism, semiotics, reception theory, Marxism, feminism, deconstruction, psychoanalysis, gender criticism, new historicism, and other poststructuralist modes of address.  This history of recent trends in literary criticism will be framed by discussions of contemporary institutional and curricular issues, academic language and writing, and proper bibliographical practice.  Though much of the reading will be abstract and theoretical, we will try to remain grounded through practical criticism of Bram Stoker's Dracula.


Course documents and assignments will be posted on mygateway.umsl.edu, but the main course page will be located at www.umsl.edu/~gradyf/FALL2018SYLL5000.htm, which can also be reached through my home page (www.umsl.edu/~gradyf).


     Requirements: Class participation (based on perfect attendance; regular, vigorous, and open-minded contribution to discussion both in class and on-line); two sets of written responses to discussion questions, 5%; three critical essay summaries, 15%; one annotated bibliographic project (15%); two short (±1800 word) essays, 20% each; one take-home final exam, 20%; bonus on highest essay/exam grade, 5%.

Plagiarism on papers, electronic or the old-fashioned kind, will mean an instant F for the assignment, my undying disapprobation, and possible disciplinary action by the university; please refer to this site for further details, and please please please ask me if you have any questions.



·                     Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory: An Introduction. U. of Minnesota Press, 2008.  3rd (Anniversary) edition.  [978-0816654475] Hence LT.


·         David Lodge, Small World.  Penguin Books, 1995. [978-0140244861]


·         Bram Stoker & John Paul Riquelme, Dracula (Case Study in Contemporary Criticism). Bedford St. Martins, 2001. [978-0312241704] Hence Dracula.


·         M.H. Abrams & Geoffrey Harpham, A Glossary of Literary Terms. Wadsworth Publishing, 2011.  [978-0495898023] [recommended]


·         Various essays and articles, available online or through Canvas


RECOMMENDED: Possession of or regular access to a style manual, either the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers or The Chicago Manual of Style, and a good dictionary.










AUG 22

Introduction: Readings, Research, Rumors, Regrets


Culler, “What is Theory?” [1997; Canvas]

Rethinking the Master’s Degree in English for a New Century” [2011; Canvas]










AUG 29

Profession I: How We Got Here



Eagleton, “Rise of English” LT 15-46

Arnold, “The Function of Criticism at the Present Time” [1864; Canvas]

Baldick, “A Civilizing Subject” [1983; Canvas]            

Ransom, “Criticism, Inc.” [1937; Canvas]

Graff, “The Humanist Myth” [1987; Canvas]


Discussion questions









Profession II: Where “Here” Is



Eagleton, “What Is Literature,” LT 1-14

Culler, “What Is Literature and Does It Matter?” [1997; Canvas]

Guillory, from Cultural Capital [1993; Canvas]

Nussbaum, “The Narrative Imagination” [1997; Canvas]


Discussion questions








SEP 12

Academic Writing and Research



Curzan, “Says Who? Teaching and Questioning the Rules of Grammar” [2009; Canvas]

Graff, “ Scholars and Sound Bites: The Myth of Academic Difficulty” [2000; Canvas]

Fish, from How to Write a Sentence. . . [2011; Canvas]

Graff et al, from They Say / I Say [2009; Canvas]

Tompkins, from West of Everything [1992; Canvas]


Discussion questions








SEP 19

History of  Theory I



Eagleton, “Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Reception Theory,” LT 47-78

Eagleton, “Structuralism and Semiotics,” LT 79-109

Fish, “Interpreting the Variorum” [1976; Canvas]

Barthes, “In the Ring” and “Saponids and Detergents” [1957; Canvas]










SEP 26

 History of Theory II



Note: Class begins at TJL 315 for research resource overview


Eagleton, “Post-Structuralism,” LT 110-30

Graff, "Determinacy/Indeterminacy" [1990; Canvas]

Martinez, “Deconstructing The Matrix” [2004; Canvas]











History of Theory III



Eagleton, “Psychoanalysis,” LT 131-68

Freud, “The Uncanny” [1919; Canvas]

Žižek, "Two Ways to Avoid the Real of Desire" [Canvas]



First Essay Due Date  MON 10/8








OCT 10

History of Theory IIII



Eagleton, “Political Criticism” and “Afterword,” LT 168-208

Althusser, from Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses [1969; Canvas]

White, “The Historical Text as Literary Artifact” [1974; Canvas]

Pollan, “Nutritionism Defined” [2008; Canvas]


Williams, from Marxism and Literature, [1977, Canvas]


Montrose, “Professing the Renaissance: The Poetics and Politics of Culture” [1989; Canvas]



Critical essay summaries







OCT 17

Gender I



Woolf, from A Room of One’s Own [1929; Canvas]

Fetterly, Introduction to The Resisting Reader [1978; Canvas] 

Gilbert and Gubar, from The Madwoman in the Attic [1979; Canvas]

Friedman, “Relinquishing Oz: Every Girl’s Anti-Adventure Story” [2000; Canvas]


Belsey, “Constructing the Reader / Deconstructing the Text” [1985; Canvas]


Schwieckart, “Reading Ourselves: Toward a Feminist Theory of Reading” [1986; Canvas]



Critical essay summaries











OCT 24


Gender II



Culler, “Reading as a Woman” [1983; Canvas]

Showalter, “Critical Cross-Dressing: Male Feminists and The Woman of The Year“ [1983; Canvas]

Butler, from Gender Trouble [1990; Canvas]

Doty, “My Beautiful Wickedness: The Wizard of Oz as Lesbian Fantasy” [2000; Canvas]


Sedgwick, from Between Men [1985; Canvas]


Wittig, “One Is not Born a Woman” [1980; Canvas]


Critical essay summaries










OCT 31



Some Classics You Will Need to Have Read



Wimsatt and Beardsley, "The Intentional Fallacy" [1954; Canvas]

Foucault, “What Is an Author?” [1969; Canvas]

Said, from Orientalism, [1978; Canvas]

Spivak, “Can the Subaltern Speak?” [1988; Canvas]


Barthes, “The Death of the Author” [1967; Canvas]


Mulvey, “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” [1975; Canvas]



Critical essay summaries



Annotated Bibliography Due Fri 11/2










The Romance of Theory


Lodge, Small World (1984)












NOV 14




Theories in Practice I

  Finish Dracula by this date!

Bentley, “The Monster in the Bedroom: Sexual Symbolism in …Dracula” [1972; Canvas]

Roth, "Suddenly Sexual Women in Bram Stoker's Dracula" [1977; Dracula, Canvas]

Foster, “’The little children can be bitten’: A Hunger for Dracula,” [Canvas]

Eltis, “Corruption of the Blood and Degeneration of the Race: Dracula and Policing the Borders of Gender,” [Canvas]




Second Essay Due Date Fri 11/16
















NOV 28




Theories in Practice II



Critical essay summaries

Craft, "'Kiss Me with Those Red Lips': Gender and Inversion in Bram Stoker's Dracula" [1984; Dracula, Canvas]

Schaffer, "'A Wilde Desire Took Me': The Homoerotic History of  Dracula" [1994; Dracula, Canvas]

Moretti, "The Dialectic of Fear" [1983; Dracula, Canvas]


Wicke, “Vampiric Typewriting: Dracula and Its Media,” [Canvas]


Grady, "Vampire Culture" [1996; Canvas]














Theories in Practice III


Appiah, "Race" [1990; Canvas]

Arata, "The Occidental Tourist: Dracula and the Anxiety of Reverse Colonization," [1990; Dracula, Canvas]

Riquelme, "Doubling and Repetition/Realism and Closure in Dracula," [Canvas]


Castle, “Ambivalence and Ascendancy in Bram Stoker’s Dracula,” [Canvas]


Valente, from Dracula’s Crypt [2002; Canvas]


One last link



Critical essay summaries







T DEC 11: Take-Home Final Exam due






Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to speak to me as soon as possible and to contact the Disability Access Services Office in 144 Millennium Student Center at 516-6554 as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are arranged in a timely fashion.