Revised 10/2013, 1/2016


The outdoor rally point/safe place is in front of the Marillac building unless that is unsafe (Meet in front of the building going away from debris and destruction).  Our indoor safe place is the tunnels on the ground floor. 


For the Lindell Eye Center the rally point/safe place would be the front of the building unless that is unsafe and the indoor safe place would be the faculty office. 


For ESL, the rally point/safe place would be the front of the building and the indoor safe place would be the first floor hallway.

Workplace Violence

Workplace violence may take the form of various types of personal assaults. These may include weapons such as knives or handguns. The only warning you may receive during a workplace violence incident is the sound of gunfire, scuffling, or other employees yelling a warning.  Implement the ALICE plan: A-Alert, L-Lockdown, I-Inform, C-Counter, E-Evacuate. {Alert the police and anyone in the area, get in a locked area, keep the police and persons in the area informed on what is happening, try to counter the violent person, if you cannot escape, by moving furniture against the doors, jamming doors or doing the unexpected (like spitting in their face), and evacuate the building to a safe area if possible.}

In emergenices where we need to evacuate a building, an outdoor rally point/safe place is a place where all employees/students should attempt to get to so that we can be accountable for all persons.  The outdoor rally point/safe place is in front of the Marillac building unless that is unsafe (Meet in front of the building going away from debris and destruction).  For violent intruders, our rally point is the Millenium Student Center.


·         If you hear gunfire, implement the ALICE plan. 

·         Alert anyone in the area and  immediately seek refuge in an area that can be locked from the inside.   To aid in this, all clinic/office doors should be fixed to lock upon closure, so that closing the door provides a locked door from the hallway.  If you are at the front desk and you have time, press the alarm to notify the police.  If the situation has already escalated, get to safety first.  Once you are in a locked area, call the Police 911 or 314-516-5155.  Push furniture, or other items in front of the door.  If you can evacuate the building through a window or door do so.  Keep in touch with the police, so they know what is happening.  If you can contact any other staff members, faculty or students on site, send text messages so they know what it happening.  If you cannot evacuate the building, barricade the door and hide behind a desk, under a table, or in a closet or bathroom. Remain still and quiet.

·         If a phone is available in the safe area, and it is safe to use it, call Campus Police at 911 or 516-5155. Provide as much information as possible. Stay on the phone with the police dispatcher for as long as it is safe to do so. Try to keep your cell phone with you.

·         Take no action to intervene.

Hostage Situation

·         Evacuate the building staying out of site of the perpetrator(s).

·         Take no action to intervene with the hostage taker(s).

·         Call Campus Police at 911 or 516-5155. Inform them of the situation and provide as much information as possible

Remember to never put yourself in harms way!

Bomb Threat

Bombs or other threats of violence may be received by telephone, E-mail, or letter. If you receive a telephone threat, remain calm and obtain as much information as possible:

·         Date & Time of Call

·         Exact Wording of Threat

·         Description of Caller’s Voice

·         If voice was familiar, who did it sound like?

·         Background Sounds

Question to ask the caller:

·         What will the device do (explode? bioterror? etc.)

·         Where is the device?

·         What does it look like?

·         What kind of device/bomb is it?

·         Did YOU place the device?

·         Why?

·         Where are you calling from?

·         What is your address?

·         What is your name?

IMMEDIATELY notify Campus Police at 911 or 516-5155.

·         Provide as much information as you have received, specifically the location and time that the bomb is supposed to explode.

·         If the threat is made in writing, do not handle the letter or note any more than absolutely necessary.

·         Do not touch or move any unfamiliar objects, and wait for Campus Police to arrive on the scene.

·         The Senior Police Officer/Incident Commander will determine if an evacuation or shelter-in-place response is warranted.

·         Do not spread unconfirmed threats or needless paranoia

·         The Chancellor or his/her designee will make all decisions regarding work and class scheduling.

Criminal Activity

If you observe a crime in progress or behavior that you suspect is criminal, immediately notify Campus Police at 516-5155 or 911.

Be prepared to give the following information:

·         What the person(s) is/are doing

·         Where it is happening

·         Physical description of those involved

·         Whether or not weapons are involved – what type?

·         Vehicle descripton and license number

·         Direction of travel

Do not approach or attempt to apprehend the culprit! If it is safe to do so, stay on the telephone with the police to provide additional information as changes occur until the first officer arrives.



During a major earthquake you will experience shaking of the earth or building.

·         If at all possible get out of building and away from structures, power lines, and trees that may fall. An open area is the safest place to be.

·         If you are inside of a building and escape is not possible seek shelter under a sturdy desk or table, inside of a door frame, or the corner of the room.

·         Do not seek cover under laboratory benches or tables. Chemicals could spill and harm you. If possible extinguish or stabilize all potential sources of fire or chemical release.

After an earthquake

·         Begin evacuation of the building by the nearest safe exits. Do not expect to be allowed back, so take any important belongings with you. Do NOT lock doors.

·         Report significant damage and/or injuries or individuals trapped in buildings to Campus Police at 911 or 516-5155.

·         Provide information to emergency response personnel on what you saw, how many persons may be in the building and their location, if known. Assist mobility-impaired persons to an exit if safe to do so. Do NOT use elevators in evacuations. Immediately inform 1st responders of locations of mobility-impaired persons unable to exit on their own.

Environmental Alert

If you discover chemical leakage or odor:

1.         Advise Center administration

2.         Go to your area and prepare to evacuate

3.         Await instructions from person of authority

Department Head should contact Environmental Health and Safety 6363 or Police 5155

If told to evacuate building:

1.         Go to your work area
a.  Ask persons to terminate operations as quickly as possible
b.  Tell people to leave building using any exit
c.  Check all open rooms and knock on all closed doors
d.  Repeat evacuation instruction

2.        After attempt to clear area has been made

a.  Evacuate building by east exit

b.  Close door as you leave

c.  Do not allow anyone to go back into area (no physical effort)

After evacuation
         Instruct people to remain in safe area at least 50 yards from building and await instructions

2.         Tell people that no one may re-enter building except as permitted by authority

If told to evacuate campus:
1.         Go to your work area  

2.         Tell people to terminate operations as quickly as possible

3.         Tell people in your area that this is a community wide alert and that upon evacuation they must proceed directly to their vehicles and follow directions of authorities

a.  There may be persons with disabilities who need assistance

b.  Check all open rooms and knock on all closed .doors

c.  Repeat evacuation instructions

4.         After attempt to clear area has been made

a.  Evacuate building and lock door

b.  Proceed directly to your vehicle

c.  Reopening of campus after a community alert will be announced on local radio and television stations


Utility Failure

In case of an on-campus utility failure (electric, water, gas) immediately call Facilities Management at 516-6320.

If the phone system is not working please attempt to utilize the University’s computer network to notify Facilities Management. If someone is trapped in an elevator, call Institutional Safety at 516-6155.

In either case be prepared to give information regarding the:

·         Building name

·         Floor number

·         Room number

·         Nature of problem

·         Contact person and telephone extension

Remain in place unless notified by the Dean or clinic administrator to leave or until problem is resolved. Exit corridors and stairs should be evacuated while emergency lights are on. Emergency lighting is temporary and is not designed to provide continued building operations. The Provost will determine if employees are to continue working or to leave the building.


Fire or Explosion

In Case of Fire:

·         Get out immediately and close the door behind you. Once out, you should report the fire. Call 911 or 5155 from any campus telephone for emergency assistance.

·         Activate the nearest fire alarm.

·         Warn other building occupants of the nature of the danger. Begin evacuation of the building by the nearest safe exits. Contain the fire by closing as many doors as practical. Do NOT lock doors.

·         Assist mobility-impaired persons to an exit if safe to do so. Do NOT use elevators in evacuations. Immediately inform 1st responders of locations of mobility-impaired persons unable to exit on their own.

·         If you can manage the fire on your own, and have the training to combat the fire, use a fire extinguisher. Do not endanger yourself or others.

·         Move as far away from the building as possible and report to your supervisor or a predetermined rally point. Do not leave the immediate area until you have been accounted for!

·         Provide information to emergency response personnel on what you saw, how many persons may be in the building and their location, if known.

·         Follow the instructions of the emergency response personnel.


·         Immediately evacuate the building. Activate a fire alarm if you pass one en route.

·         Call Campus Police at 911 or 516-5155. Inform them of the situation and provide as much information as possible.



If you or someone else needs emergency medical assistance,

·         Dial UMSL Police at 911 or 516-5155.

·         Be prepared to give the dispatcher your name, callback number, location and nature of your emergency, and any other relevant information.

·         Comfort the victim until emergency service arrives.

·         Render first-aid or CPR only if you have been trained.

·         Direct emergency responsers to the scene. Have someone stand outside the building to flag down the ambulance when it reaches the vicinity, if warranted.

·         Complete and submit a UM-3C Report of Injury (Occupational) Form to Human Resources documenting the injury or illness as soon as possible.

·         If you are exposed to another person’s blood or other fluids, wash the exposed area and contact your supervisor or the Environmental Health and Safety Department at 6363.


Severe Weather

The Campus monitors the National Weather Warning System. A Tornado Watch is issued when weather conditions are favorable for tornado development. A Severe Thunderstorm Warning may also be issued when potentially damaging thunderstorms threaten the area.

When severe weather develops:

·         Keep alert of developing conditions by listening/viewing current weather conditions on internet, radio, etc.

·         Minimize use of telephones and electrical equipment, and sinks or showers.

·         Think about accountability. Notify others of severe weather risk.

·         Be aware of where you will go if weather conditions become unfavorable. Consider the "safe areas" in your building—basements and lower floors - interior rooms or corridors, away from windows. closing doors to rooms with windows.  Our safe area is the tunnels on the ground floor at UEC, the faculty office at the LEC and the first floor hallway at ESL.

·         If outside, seek shelter immediately.

·         Saint Louis County Police Department will activate the “Outdoor Warning System” whenever the National Weather Service issues a Tornado Warning for a county adjacent to Saint Louis County. If a Tornado Warning is subsequently issued for Saint Louis County, the sirens will again be activated.

When you hear a warning siren (or are otherwise notified of severe weather event):

·         Take shelter in safe areas of your building — basements and lower floors, interior rooms and corridors, away from windows, closing doors to rooms with windows.

·         Keep a safe distance from glass, especially large, exterior-facing windows.

·         Avoid rooms below large, free-span roof sections, such as gymnasiums and auditoriums, or corridors with exposed piping or utilities.

·         If necessary, sit or kneel on the floor under heavy furniture or against the wall with your hands on your head.

·         Do not leave your place of safety until the storm passes or you are instructed to do so.

If caught out in the open, on or off campus, and the storm warnings sound, evaluate your situation quickly. Get inside a building if possible, seek a lower floor or inner corridor. Even a metal building will offer some protection. If no buildings are close by, lie flat in the nearest depression, such as a ditch or ravine.

If there is time, move away from the path of the tornado at a right angle. Do not seek shelter under bridges or overpasses. Use extreme caution due to flying debris but do not try to outrun the storm.

After the emergency has passed:

·         Check on others in the area—Contact Police at 911 or 516-5155 to report injuries

·         Watch for broken glass or damaged electrical lines – Report damage to police.

·         Immediately leave a badly damaged building and report to outdoor rally points/safe places for accountability and post-disaster operations.

Emergency Phone Numbers

An Important Note: If you call 911 from any pay or cellular telephone on campus, your call will be directed to St. Louis County Police Communications. Be sure to tell the dispatcher you are on the UMSL campus to ensure UMSL police can promptly respond to you emergency.

·         University Police Emergency - 911

·         University Police - 516-5155

·         Escort Services - 516-5155

·         Emergency Vehicle Services - 516-5155

·         Rape Hotline - 531-2003

·         Victim Service Council - 615-4872

·         Alcoholism & Drug Abuse - 962-3456

·         Suicide Hotline - 647-4357

·         Women's Center - 516-5291

·         Counseling Service - 516-5711

·         Saint Louis County Prosecuting Attorney - 615-2600

·         Saint Louis City Circuit Attorney - 622-4941

·         Aid for Crime Victims - 652-3623

·         American Red Cross - 658-2000

·         University Health Services - 516-5671

·         Office of Equal Opportunity - 516-5695

·         St. Louis County Police Department - 889-2341



College of Optometry • One University Boulevard • St. Louis, MO 63121-4400