Oracle 8i Data Server Patch Set
for Sun Sparc Solaris (32 bit database)

Patch Set Notes

Oracle8i Patch Set Version

This note accompanies the patch set for the Oracle Database Server. It includes patches for the RDBMS, PL/SQL, Precompiler, Networking, interMedia Text, JDBC, JavaVM, Enterprise Java Beans, Corba and Java Server Pages products. This is not a complete software distribution and you must install it over an existing 8.1.7 Oracle Server installation.

This patch set has been regression tested by Oracle.  However, it is advisable to check the Oracle Metalink website for related information (such as problems discovered after delivery) prior to installing this patch set in a production environment.  Customers unable to utilize this Web site should contact Oracle Support.

Post Release Issues

Issues that are discovered after release of this patch set are documented on the Oracle Metalink website. Customers should check here for the latest status prior to installing this patch set in a production environment. 

To see the latest Status and Alerts for this patch set, please read Doc.Id: 120607.1 available through Metalink.To find this document on Metalink, simply type 120607.1 in the search field and click on the 'Search' Button after logging in.

Customers unable to utilize this Web site should contact Oracle Support.


Patch Sets on 32-bit and 64-bit Operating Systems (HP, IBM AIX and Sun SPARC).

For certain platforms Oracle provides both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of its Database Software. The 32-bit version of the Database can be run on the 32-bit or 64-bit versions of the Operating Systems as per certification. The 64-bit version of the Database can only be run on the 64-bit version of the Operating System. The 32-bit version of a Patch Set MUST ONLY be installed on the 32-bit version of the Database (regardless of whether the Operating System is 32-bit or 64-bit). The 64-bit Patch Set MUST ONLY be installed on the 64bit version of the Database (which will be running on the 64-bit Operating System).

Document History


Change description

15-APR-2002 Generic document created

Port specific changes for Solaris


Patch Set README Contents

This patch set note contains the following information:

System Requirements

This patch set has the following system requirements:
Item Requirement 
Hardware Platform Sun SPARC
Operating System Solaris 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8
RDBMS Baseline Release 

Patch Set components

Fixes for the following components (visible in the Oracle Universal Installer Summary) are included in the Patch set:
Component Name Version
Advanced Queueing API
Advanced Replication
Apache Configuration for Oracle XML Developer's Kit
Apache Module for Oracle Servlet Engine
Authentication and Encryption
Character Set Migration Utility
Database and SQL scripts
Database Verify Utility
DCE Integration
External Naming: NIS
Generic Connectivity Common Files
Generic Connectivity using ODBC
JDBC Common files
JDBC/OCI Common files
LDAP Required Support files
Migration Utility
Net8 Assistant
Net8 Client
Net8 Configuration Assistant
Net8 Required Support Files
Net8 Server
Object Type Translator
Oracle Call Interface (OCI)
Oracle Client Required Support Files
Oracle Connection Manager
Oracle Database Demos
Oracle Database Utilities
Oracle Enterprise Java Beans and CORBA Tools
Oracle Java Server Pages
Oracle JDBC Thin Driver for JDK 1.1
Oracle JDBC Thin Driver for JDK 1.2
Oracle JServer
Oracle Java Tools
Oracle InterMedia Text
Oracle Names
Oracle8i Server
Oracle Wallet Manager
Oracle Parallel Server
PL/SQL Embedded Gateway
PL/SQL Required Support Files
Precompiler Common Files
Precompiler Required Support Files
RDBMS Required Support Files
Recovery Manager
SQLJ Runtime
SQL*Module Ada
SQL*Module Common Files
SSL Required Support Files
Secure Socket Layer
Server Manager
Utilities Common Files
Visigenics ORB
XML Parser for Java
XML Parser for PL/SQL
XSQL Servelet


How to Install This Patch Set

The instructions for installing this patch set assume a minimal familiarity with the Oracle Universal Installer.

As with any maintenance operation, Oracle Corporation recommends that you back up your Oracle software before making any changes to it.

Important Notes


  • On UNIX systems, if you require /usr/ucb in your search path, make sure that it comes after /usr/bin and/or /usr/ccs/bin in the $PATH setting.
  • If an inadvertent attempt is made to apply this Patch Set to a non-8.1.7 release, then a warning dialog box entitled Dependencies is displayed which contains the following error message:
    There are no patches that need to be applied from the patch set Oracle8i Patchset
    The installer will not allow the installation to proceed. Just acknowledge the error and click on the Exit button to end the installation session.

  1. Log in to the oracle account and make sure the environment is set to the correct ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID.
  2. Uncompress and untar the downloaded patch set file into a new directory.
  3. Shut down the existing Oracle Server instance with normal or immediate priority. I.e.: Shutdown all instances (cleanly) if running Parallel Server. Stop all listener, agent and other processes running in or against the ORACLE_HOME to be installed into.
  4. Start the installer:
  5. You may install the Patch Set through either an interactive or a silent installation.
            % ./runInstaller -silent -responseFile <full_path_to_your_response_file>
  6. If you have previously installed Oracle Label Security then add object files to library. This step is necessary because the installation of this patch set removes Oracle Label Security object files from RDBMS library.

    Link in ols .o files using the following steps:
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/lbac/lib
    make -f xkzl
    make -f ilbac
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
    make -f ioracle

  7. Disabling system triggers.
    Before performing the next step, you must first set _SYSTEM_TRIG_ENABLED = FALSE in the initialization parameter file. To do this add the following line to your init<sid>.ora file and restart the database (see Note 149948.1 in Metalink for more information on this issue).

  8. Invoke SQL*Plus (sqlplus), connect as internal and run the following:
    select * from duc$ where PACK='JIS$INTERCEPTOR$' ;
    If no rows were returned go to the next step. If a row was returned delete it using the following:
    delete from duc$ where PACK='JIS$INTERCEPTOR$' ;

  9. Invoke SQL*Plus (sqlplus), connect as internal and run the following SQL scripts with event 10520 set. NOTE: This event is not intended for regular database operation and when turned on below by the 'ALTER SESSION' command will automatically be turned off by the subsequent 'CONNECT' command.


    (This only needs to be run if you are using symmetric/advanced replication. This is not necessary for sites using dblinks and read-only snapshots if symmetric/advanced replication is not installed)
    update obj$ set status=5 where type#=29 and owner#!=0;

  10. You can ignore this step if you have already executed it as part of a previous 8.1.7 patch set install.
    If Java has previously been loaded into the database, invoke SQL*Plus (sqlplus), connect as internal and run the following SQL DDL command(* Note:If Java has not previously been loaded into the database, skip this step).:
       SQL> create or replace java system
            2    /
    (Note that the / (slash) is important to ensure the execution of the command).
    To ensure the correct installation of the XDK in the database run the following 2 scripts (Bug 2115227):

    * To determine whether Java has previously been loaded into the database:
    invoke SQL*Plus (sqlplus), connect as internal and run the following:

       SQL> select count(*) from all_objects where object_type like 'JAVA%';

    Java is installed if you get a non zero result returned from the query.

  11. You can ignore this step if you have already executed it as part of a previous 8.1.7 patch set install:
    If Java has previously been loaded into the database, invoke SQL*Plus (sqlplus), connect as internal and run the following scripts which are located in $ORACLE_HOME/javavm/install ( Note: If Java has not previously been loaded into the database, you can skip this step):

    When running the $ORACLE_HOME/javavm/install/jisja.sql script the following error may be reported and can be ignored:

    call jis_exit_java_session(0)
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29515: exit called from Java code with status 0

    Bug 1459233 was filed against this problem which is fixed in 9i.

  12. If you deleted a row from duc$ in step 8 then reinsert it again. Invoke SQL*Plus (sqlplus), connect as internal and run the following SQL:

    insert into duc$ (OWNER, PACK, PROC, FIELD1, OPERATION#, SEQ) values ('SYS', 'JIS$INTERCEPTOR$', 'USER_DROPPED', 0, 1, 1);

  13. Enabling system triggers.
    You must either remove _SYSTEM_TRIG_ENABLED from the initialization parameter file or explicitly set it to TRUE before attempting any other patch set post-install steps. Restart the database.

  14. This step is optional - it will recompile all invalid PL/SQL packages now rather than when accessed for the first time - you can also use utlrcmp.sql to parallelize this. Invoke SQL*Plus (sqlplus), connect as internal and run the following SQL script:
  15. Execute the following steps only if you have installed Oracle interMedia Text in the database you are attempting to modify:
    1. If you have already installed or, go directly to step 7 below.
    2. If you have already installed, go directly to step 5 below.
    3. CONNECT ctxsys/<passwd>;
    4. @?/ctx/admin/upgrade/u0801071.sql
    5. CONNECT ctxsys/<passwd>;
    6. @?/ctx/admin/upgrade/u0801072.sql
    8. @?/ctx/admin/upgrade/s0801074.sql
    9. CONNECT ctxsys/<passwd>
    10. @?/ctx/admin/dr0pkh.sql
    11. @?/ctx/admin/dr0plb.sql
    12. @?/ctx/admin/dr0type.plb
    13. @?/ctx/admin/dr0typec.plb

  16. You can ignore this step if you have already executed it as part of a previous 8.1.7 patch set install:
    The installation of this patch set fixes a potential security hole in the XSQL Servlet - see here for more detail. The patchset installation does not, however, modify any of the Oracle HTTP Server configuration files to reflect changes to the XSQL Servlet installation. If you have previously installed the Oracle HTTP Server, you will need to update one of the configuration files manually after the patchset installation is complete. If you do not do so, the XSQL Servlet may not work in the context of the Oracle HTTP Server after the patchset is installed. To update your Oracle HTTP Server configuration, perform the following steps:
    1) Edit the file: $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/conf/
    2) Search for the string: "XSQLConfig.xml File location"
    3) Modify the parameter wrapper.classpath on the line immediately following the above string to read: $ORACLE_HOME/oracore/admin
    4) Save the file.

  17. You can ignore this step if you have already executed it as part of a previous 8.1.7 patch set install:
    The installation of this patch set fixes a potential security hole in the PL/SQL XML parser - see here for more detail. To load the new XML parser in to the database, run the following script as user SYS:
    ? /xdk/plsql/parser/bin/load.sql
  18. If you are using the RMAN catalog then upgrade it as follows:
  19. The post install actions are now complete and the database is now ready for use.

Known Restrictions

Bugs Addressed in this Patch Set

Generic Bugs Fixed

* indicates that an alert exists for this bug.
+ indicates a particularly notable bug.

"OERI" is used as a short notation for ORA-600 in this listing.

Bug Fixes by Category

Bug Categories Bug Fixes by Category
Category Fixed BugNo Description
Corruption 8174 1646512* ALTER TABLESPACE ... ADD DATAFILE allows illegal filesize - can corrupt dictionary
8174 2220356* Fast refresh of Oracle7 mastered snapshots produces corrupt data / ORA-1400
8174 1653112 EXCHANGE PARTITION does not check that FUNCTIONAL index definitions match
8174 1837754 ALTER TABLE MODIFY (CHAR and NUMBER) truncates all NUMBER columns to 22 digits long
8174 1901844 ROLLBACK to a NAMED SAVEPOINT with a DBLINK can result in a FULL ROLLBACK
8174 2068275 RMAN VALIDATE...CHECK LOGICAL incorrectly reports block corruption (ORA-19661)
8174 2070167 DBV spins reporting same block corrupt if block type is bad
8174 2124693 Array insert .. select can lose data if the cursor is invalidated
8174 2134477 DBA_DATA_FILES shows wrong values after failed resize which signalled ORA-3298
8174 2140287 Data corruption possible with CTAS or INSERT..SELECT across a DB link
8174 2151364 DIRECT load of IOT can produce a corrupt IOT
8174 2161512 INSERT /*+ APPEND*/ into table with FUNCTIONAL INDEX loads corrupt data
8174 2199718 9.2 client to pre-9.2 server updating NUMBER and DATE columns can corrupt the NUMBER
8173 1805146* DROP Functional index does not clean up dictionary - Can cause corrupt export file
8173 1949786+ Data inserted into wrong partition after a column has been DROPPED
8173 1950099+ Function based index not updated after DIRECT LOAD
8173 1317832 ALTER INDEX REBUILD on cluster index produces a corrupt index
8173 1388843 UNIQUE/PK constraints ENFORCED with NON-UNIQUE COMPRESSED indexes allow duplicates / ORA-8102
8173 1531976 Bytes may be lost inserting multibyte data > 4k in length
8173 1561782 Data corruption from ALTER TABLE MOVE of table with a dropped column
8173 1616033 Direct load to composite partitioned table can corrupt local indexes
8173 1656136 DBVERIFY may incorrectly report TEMPORARY tablespace blocks as corrupt
8173 1660471 Delete Cascade does not work with reversed index on FK columns
8173 1694876 OCIDirectPath API may insert extra characters at the end of CHAR columns
8173 1763013 Loader loads garbage data into CLOB columns for empty input strings
8173 1837529 OERI:KFTR2BZ_1/OERI:25012 from CREATE sub-partitioned local INDEX ONLINE
8173 1846487 MASTER-DETAIL DATASTORE with BINARY=NO may corrupt text at buffer boundaries
8173 1879479 Export / import of WRAPPED PLSQL may corrupt the source
8173 1949273 OERI:25012 / ORA-1555 / ORA-22922 accessing LOB data after ALTER TABLE MOVE lob
8173 1984822 Concurrent execution on tightly coupled transaction branches can cause logical corruption
8173 2133357 Altering database character set to multibyte may produce corrupt LOB
8172 1505302+ Client data corruption if ARRAY size < OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS
8172 1268857 UPDATE set COL=( UNION ALL query ) may place corrupt data in COL
8172 1359472 Dictionary corruption / OERI:15266 following RENAME of non-existent object
8172 1360714 ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION .. STORE IN with SUBPARTITIONS can dump or corrupt dictionary
8172 1492907 DBMS_REPAIR.SKIP_CORRUPT_BLOCKS does not work for some chained rows
8172 1527982 OERI:25012 / Bitmap index<->table mismatch after UPDATE of PARTITION KEY moves rows
8172 1565578 DBV reports spurious errors for Oracle 7 format UNDO blocks
8172 1618879 CTAS with a CASE statement can produce a corrupt table
8172 1651393 Corruption / key not found from heavy concurrent DELETE/UPDATE of an IOT row
8172 1679690 Buffer cache in memory corruption (OERI:2032) can lead to permanent data/index mismatch (OERI:12700)
8172 1705996 INSERT APPEND .. PQ SELECT does not blank pad CHAR columns
8172 1715663 Dictionary mismatch from ROWID SNAPSHOT on a table with LOB column (OERI:KOKLISHDL104)
8172 1739335 ALTER TABLE can cause logical corruption if the table has Row Level Security on it
8172 1780147 OERI:KCOAPL_BLKCHK / index block corruption possible
8172 1803203 DROP USER CASCADE may drop a different users TRIGGERS
8171B 1539096 ITEXT: INSO_FILTER output is corrupt for some DB character sets
8171 1475310* ALTER INDEX .. REBUILD ONLINE/ MOVE IOT ONLINE can corrupt the index
8171 1648092+ ROLLBACK to user SAVEPOINT followed by an ERROR can cause CORRUPTION (OERI:6006 / OERI:6856)
8171 751910 DBMS_REPAIR.CHECK_OBJECT doesnt report blocks already marked corrupt
8171 975467 ORA-24813/ORA-22275 selecting a CLOB - caused by SQLLOAD direct load of the CLOB
8171 1053906 OCIBindByName array bind SQLT_CHR to VARCHAR2 columns uses size of first element for all elements
8171 1264071 ORA-22813 or NULL data inserted when inserting large objects
8171 1311756 Foreign Key on Compressed IOT with DELETE cascade does not see child rows
8171 1321230 ORA-6502 / bind corruption possible using fixed CHAR array binds to PLSQL
8171 1328829 OCI fetch array sizes > 65536 overwrite the initial array elements
8171 1359666 SEG$/UET$ rollback may cause a corruption (very rare)
8171 1364542 Buffer Cache corruption possible (rare)
8171 1386924 OCILobWrite piecewise write may lose / corrupt multibyte data
8171 1400739 Block corruption/OERI:2023 /ORA-8103 can occur if TRUNCATE is interrupted (Ctrl-C)
8171 1528062 ALTER TABLE SPLIT PARTITION for composite range-hash partition can corrupt dictionary
8171 1538307 Dump in KDIEXI or FK not found with KEY COMPRESSION and Constraints
Recovery 8174 1586718 Parallel recovery (of standby) can fail with ORA-27050 / ORA-27010
8174 1809786 Standby database may fail to open on same node as primary (ORA-1102)
8173 1781183 OERI:2888 / OERI:KCFTRO_READ_WRITE / OERI:kcftro_in_trans trying to make a tablespace READ ONLY
8173 1992254 OERI:ksfdchkfob1 / OERI:17585 on recovery if first logfile member has bad header
8173 2055972 OERI:2749 possible on OPEN RESETLOGS / ACTIVATE STANDBY (some platforms only)
8172 1629590 OERI:KCLSFLA_1 possible on standby in READ ONLY mode
Advanced / Secure Networking 8174 2282201 Multithreaded JavaSSL may dump when connection is closed
8173 1519547 ORA-12592: TNS BAD PACKET possible with MTS and checksum (ASO)
8173 1810324 SHA-1 ASO crypto checksumming adapter reports internal errors on some platforms
8173 1824205 OracleSSLInputStream.available() throws NullPointerException after SSLSocket closed
8173 1980091 Oracle Kerberos Adapter does not work with Microsoft KDC
8173 2007128 C_Digest symbol conflict between BCERT 1.0.1 and nCipher PKCS #11
8173 2021196 Radius clients cannot connect to shared server (MTS) (dump in naura_request)
8173 2105083 JavaSSL may crash in multithreaded programs (in a write call)
8172 1581661 OracleSSLCipher is no longer PUBLIC
8172 1587802 KERBEROS authentication may fail with ORA-1004 / ORA-12631 using V5 Kerberos server
8172 1625553 Connections using ANO with RC4_40 fail (TNS-12699 TNS Native Service Error)
8172 1654698 BCERT cannot handle Certificates from Microsoft Certificate Authority
8172 1657752 Listener with SSL PROTOCOL=TCPS dumps unless tracing is enabled
8172 1658309 Exception in
8172 1740439 Cannot use 'RC4_128', 'RC4_256' in JDBC Thin driver
8172 1744109 SSL Callouts may dump using MTS (in nzjsWrite or nzjsRead)
8171 1328188 LDAP/SSL connections using JNDI and JDK 1.2 may dump
8171 1479376 Errors SENDING/RECEIVING large amounts of data using SSL
8171 1490041 SSL intermittently causes INVALID MAGIC NUMBER in GIOP message
8171 1569475 Dump when Certificate Serial Number is negative (SSL)
8171 1579153 ORA-12641 Cybersafe Adapter ORANGSS8.DLL is invalid in 817
Advanced Queuing 8174 1507875 Cursor leak in JMS AQ with multiple queues
8174 1809204 EMNx may leak memory / signal OERI:723 for "KPON Callback allocation" chunks
8174 1859206 OCISubscriptionPost may cause server if using OCI_SUBSCR_NAMESPACE_AQ
8174 2060082 ORA-04068 possible executing DBMS_AQADM procedures after upgrade
8174 2110007 AQ notification may not occur with heavily loaded shared pool
8174 2146152 ORA-2019 scheduling propagation on a private database link
8173 1663288* ALTER TYPE / Running CATALOG invalidates Queues (ORA-24085)
8173 1030921 OERI:KWQMFIDLIOT:DELI possible using AQ
8173 1405972 AQ JMS may error at oracle.jms.AQjmsConsumer.ocideq
8173 1575341 IMP-3 / ORA-24021 when importing non-persistent AQ definitions
8173 1634098 Using one QueueReceiver per dequeue operation leaks memory
8173 1652140 OCI memory leak if multiple AQ sessions use the same Environment handle
8173 1810693 Transactional queues not locking all messages in a transaction group
8173 1859533 Core dump possible repeatedly adding/removing a Rule based subscriber
8173 1949082 REG$ not altered and DBMS_AQIN invalid after downgrading from 817 to 816
8173 1974927 Memory leak using AQAPI.JAR
8173 1975248 Memory leaks when dequeueing using JMS or AQ XML interfaces
8173 1992401 SNP processes may dump (SIGFPE dump in KWQJAQ) when using AQ
8173 2013303 Memory leak using OCIAQDeq / OCIAQEnq and JDBC with AQ
8173 2028624 Large memory leak using AQ from JDBC
8172 1424051 OERI:koxsi2sz1 possible dequeueing a message
8172 1501828 DROP_QUEUE and DROP_QUEUE_TABLE do not clean up corrupt AQ's / ORA-24002 / ORA-24005
8172 1511285 AQ hang with busy 'channel operations parent latch' OR OERI:545
8172 1517651 SNP process may deadlock if they concurrently try to clean up aq$_pending_messages
8172 1559103 QMN processes may use excessive CPU
8172 1618496 AQ DEQUEUE may not use index (poor performance)
8172 1657186 ORA-24054 trying to propogate between 8i and 9i
8171 1099084 SYS.AQ$_PENDING_MESSAGES may not be cleaned of un-needed messages
8171 1304841 ORA-24021 possible importing AQ tables
8171 1311645 OERI:[KWQITNMPTME:READ] from QMN when using both RETENTION and EXPIRATION
8171 1415231 ORA-1422 can occur using RULE based propogation
8171 1421476 AQ_TM_PROCESSES > 0 may cause a hang (can affect upgrade to 817)
8171 1431079 AQ may not propogate to remote site
8171 1502972 ORA-439 - AQ not enabled in 8i Standard Edition for Workflow tables
Bitmap Indexes 8174 1916487 OERI:[QERBCROP KSIZE] possible from CREATE BITMAP INDEX on TO_DATE function
8174 2156961 OERI:20040 possible from bitmap index
8173 1346747 OERI:6101 / OERI:20063 possible using SERIALIZABLE transactions with DML on BITMAP indexes
8173 1358047 Wrong Results/Dump from Bitmap AND on BTREE range scan of concatenated index
8173 1726833 OERI:13013 / Dump in kdudcp from UPDATE using range scan converted to BITMAPS
8173 1751186 Wrong results / dump in qerixGetKey using bitmap indexes
8173 1834495 OERI:12337 possible with many OR predicates on bitmap index prefix column
8173 2065386 Mem. Corruption / OERI:KGHFRE2 / OERI:17172 possible using bitmap indexes
8173 2114246 Memory leak and long parse time for Part View with INLIST bitmap predicates
8172 1380164 OERI:QKAGBY2 from aggregate GROUP BY with COUNT(*), Bitmap indexes and INLIST
8172 1527982 OERI:25012 / Bitmap index<->table mismatch after UPDATE of PARTITION KEY moves rows
8172 1624814 ORA-7445 in kkoapk using LIKE on FUNCTION based BITMAP index
8172 1666543 Wrong results from BITMAP index with ROWID predicates in Sort Merge OR HASH join
8172 1690248 Wrong results from Nested Loop OUTER join with COUNT(*) pushed into OUTER bitmap index
8172 1732885 oeri:[KDIBR2R2R BITMAP] / memory corruption possible from BITMAP AND
8172 1741117 PDML to bitmap key of a partition table with row movement hangs
8171 1349878 Dump in EVACN1() possible on SELECT COUNT(*) from table with BITMAP index
8171 1358065 LIKE predicate against bitmap column may dump in KKOGFBS
8171 1395260 ORA-1502 on DML even though SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES=TRUE for BITMAP indexes
8171 1415297 Concurrent identical SQL using BITMAP indexes may dump
Crash - Issues likely to cause an Instance to crash 8174 1651530 SMON may die with OERI:16224 crashing the instance
8174 2106455 Dump possible in KDB4_DUP_KEYS
8174 2143767 SMON may dump (in KQLDVIU) trying to clean up non-existent objects
8173 1711803 DBW & users may CRASH under heavy load on multi-CPU system with FAST_START_IO_TARGET set > 0
8173 1829370 OERI:4415 possible using XA to OPS or RAC with DBLINKS
8173 1951929 ORA-7445 in KQRGCU/kqrpfr/kqrpre possible
8173 2023239 LMON may dump (in kjctcpmb)
8173 2045215 PMON may die with OERI:KJPRDL1 cleaning up a dead process in OPS
8172 899775 ARCH may crash instance with OERI:17563 if it gets IO errors
8172 1340718 OERI:KCBSTC_PARENT_AB possible in CKPT following an ORA-4031 error
8172 1381397 PMON may crash the instance if RMAN backup processes are killed
8172 1544533 ALTER SYSTEM SET JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES can crash the database (small timing window)
8172 1576693 With BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES set a failure to start an IO slave may cause a CRASH
8172 1595697 ALTER SYSTEM set LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n crashes the instance if ARCH is not running
8172 1685984 DBWR may die with ORA-27062 after one AIOWAIT timeout warning
8172 1711479 ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION on session using TEMP LOBS can cause OERI:1113 (SORT SEGMENT HANDLE)
8171 1303366 OERI:[KSMOVRFLOW] possible from DBWR crashes instance
8171 1405652 DB may crash if an IO slave dies (dump in KSFVSUBMIT)
8171 1482170 SMON may dump on cleanup of PARTITIONED INDEX ONLINE BUILD
8171 1486630 ALTER TABLESPACE READ WRITE may cause CKPT to die with ORA-379
DB-Link / Distributed 8174 1901844 ROLLBACK to a NAMED SAVEPOINT with a DBLINK can result in a FULL ROLLBACK
8174 1964934 Memory corruption possible using INSERT /*+ APPEND */ over DBLINK
8174 1992299 ORA-3106 possible using CONNECT-BY with LEVEL pseudo column over DB LINK
8174 2097294 Wrong results possible from SELECT over DBLINK using HASH JOIN
8174 2140287 Data corruption possible with CTAS or INSERT..SELECT across a DB link
8174 2217159 13 byte PGA corruption possible using SQL over DBLINKS from PLSQL with MTS to V7 database
8174 2221407 ORA-3106 / OERI:15212 using BINDS over DBLINK with CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE
8174 2248904 Memory corrupt possible during optimization of distributed query
8173 1836101+ Memory Corruption from distributed query / query with binds (OERI:17114/17xxx/dump in kkecdn/kgh*/kke*)
8173 914652 ORA-2041 possible for DB LINK with XA / Microsoft Transaction Server / ODBC
8173 1479213 OERI:12229 from bracketed subquery referencing DBLINK
8173 1551563 ORA-7445 re-executing SQL with BINDS against SYNONYM which was REMOTE but is now LOCAL
8173 1670041 INSERT / EXPLAIN over db link may spin if character set differ
8173 1798042 JDBC Thin gets "Bigger type length than maximum" using DBLink with character set conversion
8173 1805096 OERI:QCTSTC2O1 instead of ORA-997 possible from INSERT..SELECT FROM over DB LINK of a LONG
8173 1829370 OERI:4415 possible using XA to OPS or RAC with DBLINKS
8173 1860524 Error 2118 possible using WHERE CURRENT OF over a DB LINK from Pro
8173 2059950 ORA-2064/ORA-2019 from 9i->8i query over DBLINK with DRIVING_SITE hint
8172 703020 ORA-2019 describing an object using a database link
8172 887072 ORA-6420 disconnecting from a DBLINK connected using a PRESPAWNED server
8172 934075 Remote cursor execution may dump in k2mdio/kkehrd
8172 1154566 NLS Multibyte: Event/parameter to allow CTAS over DBLINK to maintain CHAR/VARCHAR2 column sizes
8172 1322919 ORA-1410/ORA-3116 using "WHERE CURRENT OF cursor" over DBLINK from 8i to 8.0/7
8172 1397698 INSERT INTO table SELECT * through DBLINK can ORA-1009 with large rows (>16000)
8172 1470763 EXPLAIN PLAN over DBLINK may HANG if CHARACTER SETS differ
8172 1481696 "NOT IN" over DBLINK from 817 to earlier may signal ORA-920 / ORA-02063
8172 1524191 CTAS over a DBLINK slow if the SELECT list contains a LITERAL
8172 1609842 ORA-12534 possible using REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT=TRUE over a DBLINK
8172 1632293 Database links using OS authentication may fail with ORA-28150
8172 1650324 OERI:12206 [7] using Shared Database Links
8172 1698153 Multibyte: CTAS between different CHARSET databases may not BLANK PAD CHAR columns
8172 1763408 RPC between 9i <-> 8i with CHAR data can corrupt memory
8172 1781184 Implicit cursors using a remote table may cause XA error 100
8171 792495 Dump/Hang/OERI possible from RPC passing a PLSQL table
8171 1189700 Wrong results from update/query with remote SUBQUERY with ROWNUM predicate
8171 1334986 INSERT from remote SELECT with > 256 columns can spin leaking lots of memory
8171 1398783 Enterprise ROLES (SSL users) do not work over DB LINKS
Domain Indexes 8174 1747270 OERI:QXIMCOC4 can be signalled on a memory error when using a DOMAIN index
8174 2096777 CBO may not choose functional invokation of DOMAIN INDEX functions
8174 2186975 Low CONTAINS() function cost if DB_BLOCK_SIZE>2K can lead to non-DOMAIN INDEX access path
8173 1156775 ORA-7445 [qxidmid] possible on bulk DML with domain index
8173 1698514 DOMAIN index code may be executed as the wrong user
8173 1756779 CBO may not choose a domain index when it should
8173 1853830 OERI:KCBGTCR_4 possible if DOMAIN index dropped while in use by another query
8172 1488448 OERI:16609 possible INSERTing into a LOB with a DOMAIN index
8172 1504337 Export may dump exporting FAILED or INVALID domain indexes
8172 1578709 Performance of DOMAIN indexes may be slow in some join conditions (affects interMedia)
Export/Import 8174 2093524+ IMPORT with TOUSER=non_existing_user DROPs tables in the connected users SCHEMA
8174 1477959 OERI:6193 possible from DIRECT EXPORT of tables containing ROWID columns
8174 1686987 OERI:6191 possible from direct path export (with trailing NULL columns)
8174 1721028 IMPORT may dump while trying to display an error message
8174 1888180 Import hang on "library cache load lock" importing object which references "OBJAUTH$"
8174 1982168 IMP-3 / ORA-959 importing table with CLOB using IGNORE=Y into variable width charset DB
8174 1999156 Export uses wrong GRANT command on JAVA SOURCE / RESOURCE (ORA-4042 on import)
8174 2070046 IMP-20 possible importing COMPRESSED KEY IOT from a direct export
8174 2095320 Import memory leak importing BFILE data
8174 2110573 ORA-439 attempting to IMPORT partitioned table into non-partitioned table without PARTIONING option
8174 2128560 IMP-82 from table with ROWID column between EBCDIC <-> ASCII
8173 1805146* DROP Functional index does not clean up dictionary - Can cause corrupt export file
8173 1260483 IMPORT using "TABLES=*" silently imports no rows
8173 1335408 Bad export file using a locale with a ',' decimal seperator (IMP-17 IMP-3 ORA-6550 PLS-103)
8173 1377130 Export / import loses FREELIST / FREELIST GROUP parameters for tables in LOCALLY Managed tablespaces
8173 1387619 Export in 8.0/8i/9i is slower than Oracle 7 export of the same data
8173 1575341 IMP-3 / ORA-24021 when importing non-persistent AQ definitions
8173 1586249 Corrupt export from indexed clustered table with trailing nulls (IMP-9 on import)
8173 1616035 Export as a SYSDBA user may fail with ORA-1031
8173 1739260 Exp/Imp loses the "static" attribute of a security policy
8173 1748965 NLS: Import may fail for SQL > 64Kb when translation is required
8173 1814421 Importing CREATE UNDO or CREATE TEMPORARY Tablespace may report false ORA-901
8173 1874468 Export may fail with ORA-1406 when exporting object type definitions.
8173 1879479 Export / import of WRAPPED PLSQL may corrupt the source
8172 1624557+ IMPORT cannot import data exported to multiple tapes (IMP-35/IMP-2)
8172 1293406 Import can hang if DBMS_REPCAT_MIG.CLEANUP_IMPORT errors
8172 1353649 Export omits contraints on TABLES of user defined types
8172 1367045 Object table primary key constraints NAME is lost during export / import
8172 1391737 IMP process may leak memory importing non-null LOB data
8172 1499676 EXPORT command line parameters do not take precedence over PARFILE as documented
8172 1504337 Export may dump exporting FAILED or INVALID domain indexes
8172 1535663 Export/Import of a NESTED TABLE in a bitmap tablespace errors with ORA-2203
8172 1575222 IMP-15 using FROMUSER/TOUSER when table has a CONSTRAINT using an INDEX
8172 1675586 8.0 export silently fails to export TRIGGERS from an 8.1 database
8172 1696451 IMP-17, ORA-2430 possible importing with CONSTRAINTS=N
8172 1749617 Export / Import of CONTEXT index can import an empty text index
8171B 1487693 EXP-8 DRG-10502 EXP-78 exporting table with TEXT index owned by another user.
8171 1244182 ORA-604/ORA-1000 on FULL Export with many LOCALLY MANAGED tablespaces
8171 1304841 ORA-24021 possible importing AQ tables
8171 1324748 OERI:2845 on Direct Path EXPORT of an IOT
8171 1334302 EXPORT puts primary key on the wrong column for OBJECT ID IS PRIMARY KEY
8171 1366842 Export does not generate constraints for OBJECT tables
8171 1380431 ORA-1403/ORA-6512 SYS.DBMS_IJOB possible exporting job queues
8171 1421243 EXP/IMP of table NOT NULL REF column looses the NOT NULL constraint
Function Based Index (including DESC indexes) 8174 1653112 EXCHANGE PARTITION does not check that FUNCTIONAL index definitions match
8174 1916487 OERI:[QERBCROP KSIZE] possible from CREATE BITMAP INDEX on TO_DATE function
8174 2021349 OERI:15851 from SELECT DISTINCT or ORDER BY on an FUNCTIONALLY INDEXED expression
8174 2097926 Dump possible from query using Function based index with MVIEW and QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY=TRUSTED
8174 2118514 ORA-7445 [RWORIRW2] from GROUP BY & ORDER BY on same FUNCTIONALLY INDEXED column
8174 2161512 INSERT /*+ APPEND*/ into table with FUNCTIONAL INDEX loads corrupt data
8174 2194204 Partition Views do not support functional indexes
8174 2231419 Wrong results possible using ORDER BY/GROUP BY with functional index
8174 2255124 AND-EQUAL with FUNCTIONAL index may dump / spin
8173 1950099+ Function based index not updated after DIRECT LOAD
8173 1664189 Query rewrite does not occur if base table has a FUNCTIONAL index on it
8173 1838517 Wrong result possible from Complex_View_Merging with Functional Index
8173 2096565 Wrong results possible when column in query has a DESCENDING index on it
8172 1408453 Dump in QBAOPN using FUNCTIONAL index in a subquery
8172 1577098 Self deadlock (hang) / ORA-4020 dropping table with functional index
8172 1580612 DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS can fail with ORA-1465 if there is a DESC index
8172 1624814 ORA-7445 in kkoapk using LIKE on FUNCTION based BITMAP index
8172 1644572 Wrong results from subquery/inline view of SELF JOIN with a FUNCTION BASED INDEX
8172 1774683 Functional index not pushed into outer joined complex view
8171 1570121+ Dumps (in evaopn2) using DESC functional indexes
8171 1029632 AND_EQUAL may dump if one of the indexes is a FUNCTIONAL index
8171 1190578 Statement involving Functional indexes may crash
Gateways / Heterogeneous Services 8174 2152752 Memory corruption / OERI:17182 possible fetching CHAR from DB2 over HS
8173 1603834 HS queries may dump
8173 1747320 ENH: HS should write to the ALERT log when DD changes are made
8173 1752554 OERI:17182 selecting DB2 DATA TYPE of CHAR over HS
8173 1802744 DB2 error messages not propogated through gateway to user
8173 1832671 Dump possible using %ROWTYPE binds over HS
8173 1876603 Pass through DDL may fail with OERI:18261 over an HS link
8173 1948420 ORA-3113 from PLSQL access LONG data over HS
8173 1949094 Fetching DB2 Graphic data though HS errors
8172 1543262 Bind by Position (OCIBindbyPos) can give wrong results over HS
8172 1552343 PLS-905 compiling procedure whose parameter is a remote object type on HS
8172 1631358 Queries over HS may dump / ORA-3113
8172 1675644 HS distributed query may dump
8171 1385354 SQLCODE -104 possible from ProC to HS source not supporting indicators
8171 1402130 HS: Using binds from DB to DB to Gateway can hang / crash
8171 1429299 ORA-6510 / ORA-6512 in UTL_FILE.OPEN when connected to DB2
Hangs / Spins 8174 1701374 WinNT: Indexing with URL_DATASTORE on Windows leaks sockets - can appear to hang
8174 1777504 Hang possible with CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE (or SIMILAR in 9i)
8174 1888180 Import hang on "library cache load lock" importing object which references "OBJAUTH$"
8174 2070167 DBV spins reporting same block corrupt if block type is bad
8174 2072264 HANG possible inserting NULL into object table from JDBC
8174 2090827 Spin in KDIFIND() possible updating indexed table (rare)
8174 2180461 geteConnection() may hang in FIXED_WAIT_SCHEME if all connections are in use
8174 2208570 ORA-4030 / ORA-4031 / spin during query optimization with STAR TRANSFORMATION and unmergable view
8174 2229490 Spin (in KDGGCS) possible inserting into a CLUSTER - generates lots of REDO/UNDO
8174 2245790 Parse may appear to spin (in kkquccae/kkquwhr)
8174 2255124 AND-EQUAL with FUNCTIONAL index may dump / spin
8174 2305689 Hang/Spin from the fix for bug:1819214
8173 1204608 Select from V$LATCH may hang / dump after RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN change
8173 1574000 Multi threaded OCI may hang if one thread has long running query
8173 1670041 INSERT / EXPLAIN over db link may spin if character set differ
8173 1685119 OERI:KCBLIBR_USER_FOU / hang when interrupt (Ctrl-C) of PQ using STAR_TRANSFORMATION
8173 1703940 ALTER INDEX REBUILD ONLINE of a REPLICATED object HANGS on "null event"
8173 1747462 Replacing a TRUSTED LIBRARY can cause recompilation of dependents to hang
8173 1775685 DML may spin while tablespace is put into HOT BACKUP mode
8173 1819585 ALTER PACKAGE .. COMPILE may hang for 8/8i client to 9i server
8173 1841387 SHUTDOWM IMMEDIATE may take > 60 seconds with no active transactions
8173 1865917 ORA-4031 / high CPU from OR expansion of negated predicates with RBO
8173 1879081 PMON cannot cleanup a dead process holding the CI lock
8173 1906596 PQ may hang when query involves ORDER BY, SUBQUERY and UNION-ALL
8173 1907317 Spin (in kksfbc) when creating child cursor if dependent object stays invalid
8173 1916409 Hang possible in OPS due to expired timeout
8173 1956339 JDBC Thin may hang sending lots of NULL data over multibyte
8173 1970332 LIKE predicate in multibyte may spin in evalkp
8173 1988773 ALTER INDEX REBUILD ONLINE may hang on "NULL EVENT"
8173 2002214 Excessive memory use / spin if PUSH_JOIN_PREDICATE=TRUE
8173 2041979 Session may spin if an index is dropped while being accessed by another session
8173 2114246 Memory leak and long parse time for Part View with INLIST bitmap predicates
8172 1293406 Import can hang if DBMS_REPCAT_MIG.CLEANUP_IMPORT errors
8172 1358025 AUDIT of an INVALID view may spin in kksfbc
8172 1396675 PLSQL may hang/spin/ORA-4031 with SQL WHERE (a,b) in ( (c1,d1),(c2,d2)... )
8172 1400946 catrm.sql hangs at the statement "execute dbms_rmin.install;"
8172 1456242 RMAN restore may be slow with DBW repeatedly waiting on 'FILE IDENTIFY'
8172 1470763 EXPLAIN PLAN over DBLINK may HANG if CHARACTER SETS differ
8172 1511285 AQ hang with busy 'channel operations parent latch' OR OERI:545
8172 1514478 Contention for SR enqueue possible with replication
8172 1550554 ORA-4020 possible on concurrent ANALYZE of same base object
8172 1561125 SMON may stop recovering dead transactions causing sessions to hang
8172 1577098 Self deadlock (hang) / ORA-4020 dropping table with functional index
8172 1582923 A query may spin / dump with Row Level Security either STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED or _PUSH_JOIN_UNION_VIEW
8172 1584600 MTS dispatcher may hang for 60 seconds during low activity on multi-processor server
8172 1690036 Deadlock/hang between LIBRARY CACHE and ROW CACHE during concurrent ALTER TABLE and TRUNCATE TABLE
8172 1732852 Instance hangs after an OERI:KCBLIBR_1
8172 1733649 DRG-11711 / hang using ctxkbtc with over 65535 terms
8172 1741117 PDML to bitmap key of a partition table with row movement hangs
8171B 1350851 EXTPROC may hang / spin Text indexing non-English UTF8 data with INDEX_THEMES
8171B 1411100 Hang if Java thread closes socket in use on another thread
8171B 1412631 Errors during TEXT indexing can cause infinite spin / INDEX_ERRORS table fills
8171B 1416425 Text indexing may spin indexing Multibyte text with stray '0x00' characters
8171B 1454333 Deadlocks possible in Java code between Statements and Connections
8171B 1491283 EXTPROC hangs TEXT indexing bad Chinese data
8171B 1552372 Text queries using MINUS in a CONTAINS may spin in drysftc
8171 792495 Dump/Hang/OERI possible from RPC passing a PLSQL table
8171 1231765 Connections via CMAN may hang
8171 1300367 Multiple Archiver processes started / can cause hang on shutdown
8171 1334986 INSERT from remote SELECT with > 256 columns can spin leaking lots of memory
8171 1344111 CBO appears to SPIN with long OR chains of AND predicates
8171 1376209 ORA-4020/hang possible updating materialized views / snapshots
8171 1389308 Large OR expansion can appear to SPIN during PARSE
8171 1402130 HS: Using binds from DB to DB to Gateway can hang / crash
8171 1416344 Spin/Hang using INDEX hints on views containing hints with identical aliases
8171 1421476 AQ_TM_PROCESSES > 0 may cause a hang (can affect upgrade to 817)
8171 1467575 ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH SHARED POOL can cause PDML to hang
8171 1472000 OPS hang with 'GLOBAL CACHE LOCK BUSY' on index block possible
8171 1476388 PMON / Oracle shadows may spin
8171 1484634 Large row cache can cause long shared pool latch waits (OPS only)
8171 1528882 QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED=TRUE can cause PARSE to SPIN with long OR chains
Hash Join 8173 1839080 Memory leak possible using HASH join (ORA-4030)
Index Only Tables (IOT) 8174 1334733 ORA-25189 from ALTER STORAGE CLAUSE of locked PARTITIONED IOT
8174 2070046 IMP-20 possible importing COMPRESSED KEY IOT from a direct export
8174 2151364 DIRECT load of IOT can produce a corrupt IOT
8174 2157502 OERI:4819 possible when partition maintenence is running against an IOT
8173 1367114 Concurrent ALTER IOT operations may deadlock with ORA-4020
8173 1791258 CONNECT BY on IOT can cause SGA memory corruption
8173 1798562 False ORA-1 / dump from non-unique index on IOT
8173 2074969 ANALYZE on IOT UNIQUE SECONDARY INDEX with PK size > 129 may dump
8172 1453239 ORA-4020 selecting from a PARTITIONED IOT when an ANALYZE is running
8172 1610791 OERI:KCFRBD_2 / OERI:KCBGTCR_4 selecting from IOT via a secondary index
8172 1620278 OERI:KCBGTCR_4 possible selecting from an IOT via a secondary index
8172 1651393 Corruption / key not found from heavy concurrent DELETE/UPDATE of an IOT row
8172 1667103 Update of an IOT with CONCATENATION using a SECONDARY index signals ORA-8102
8172 1709136 OERI:[DELROW:IOT2] referencing :NEW.ROWID in DELETE trigger on an IOT
8171 1475310* ALTER INDEX .. REBUILD ONLINE/ MOVE IOT ONLINE can corrupt the index
8171 1245424 ALTER TABLE iottable MOVE OVERFLOW TABLESPACE xxx does not work
8171 1311756 Foreign Key on Compressed IOT with DELETE cascade does not see child rows
8171 1324748 OERI:2845 on Direct Path EXPORT of an IOT
8171 1414436 Dump in KDGICRL from 'analyze ... list chained rows' of an IOT
8171 1422776 INSERT AS SELECT into IOT may give OERI:15201
8171 1532194 OERI:15201 during insert into IOT (especially with 32K blocksize)
8171 1553761 Partition Independence violated for partitioned IOTS
JDBC 8174 1247587 "Fail to convert between UTF8 and UCS2: failUTFConversion" accessing LONG
8174 1668134 "Protocol Violation" from JDBC THIN if account password has expired
8174 1748610 Java client may dump if the Fetch size is altered
8174 1786589 JDBC/OCI signals unexpected ORA-1403 for SELECT of expressions over 255 characters long
8174 2025627 "Statement Caching is not enabled" exception possible in JDBC
8174 2072264 HANG possible inserting NULL into object table from JDBC
8174 2140668 ORA-6502 Reading CLOB data from multibyte DB with JDBC Thin
8174 2145632 ORA-3113 / ORA-3114 should map to XAException.XAER_RMFAIL under JDBC XA
8174 2148404 OracleStatement property to allow max_size argument to defineColumnType() to be in CHARACTERS
8174 2180461 geteConnection() may hang in FIXED_WAIT_SCHEME if all connections are in use
8174 2218716 OracleConnectionCacheImpl spins using FIXED_WAIT_SCHEME on MAX+1 connection
8174 2221449 ORA-24756/ORA-24776 on COMMIT after recovering IN-DOUBT/PREPARED transactions
8174 2282201 Multithreaded JavaSSL may dump when connection is closed
8174 2293575 False ORA-17085 possible in JDBC with SELECT .. FOR UPDATE
8173 984040 getUpdateCount() does not behave correctly (as per the JDBC spec)
8173 1325970 Thin JDBC leaks memory when using CURSOR() clause
8173 1357044 NLS: max_size parameter of defineColumnType() should be characters (not bytes)
8173 1361738 JDBC thin oracle.sql.CHAR may have too much blank padding with ScrollableResultSets
8173 1534867 Unsuccessful JDBC OCI connect attempt leaks client memory
8173 1554337 "java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection: next" possible with statement caching on pooled connection
8173 1691808 Implement BLOB.Trim() in JDBC
8173 1724964 JDBC Thick Client Memory leak reusing statements which reference object types
8173 1755028 JDBC Thin: ORA-1008 updating LONG RAW using updateBinaryStream()
8173 1798042 JDBC Thin gets "Bigger type length than maximum" using DBLink with character set conversion
8173 1815060 The max length parameter of registerOutParameter() is ignored
8173 1824205 OracleSSLInputStream.available() throws NullPointerException after SSLSocket closed
8173 1846617 OracleConnection.setReadOnly(true) throws an SQLException
8173 1869822 PreparedStatement.clearParameters() clears the whole batch rather than the current row
8173 1915539 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException possible binding PLSQL table parameters
8173 1956339 JDBC Thin may hang sending lots of NULL data over multibyte
8173 1975258 Memory leak during JMS receive of Bytes/Object/Text/Stream message
8173 2013303 Memory leak using OCIAQDeq / OCIAQEnq and JDBC with AQ
8173 2059408 JDBC "Not a collection image" Exception accessing Object with collection attribute
8173 2105083 JavaSSL may crash in multithreaded programs (in a write call)
8172 1040334 defineColumnType is lost when SetNull is used
8172 1523251 NullPointerException possible closing statements after closing the connection
8172 1527668 Slow performance with object types and the JDBC OCI driver
8172 1548205 SQLException: Invalid args to setRowBufferAt when Inserting into an empty Updateable Resultset
8172 1551090 JDBC OCI driver may leak memory
8172 1569235 OERI:18092 possible with JDBC XA
8172 1577800 ORA-907 When updating a Result Set created with FOR UPDATE
8172 1581661 OracleSSLCipher is no longer PUBLIC
8172 1666410 JDBC OCI connections fail if shadow is killed in OracleCachedRowSet when pooling connections
8172 1690150 JDBC Thin limits VARCHAR/CHAR binds to 2000 characters rather than 4000
8172 1716738 ResultSetMetaData.getColumnTypeName() leaves a cursor open - may ORA-1000
8172 1725012 OERI:ttcgcshnd-1 using JDBC thin pre-9i to 9i database
8172 1733170 Dump in getOracleTypeADT() against 8.0/8i server
8172 1740439 Cannot use 'RC4_128', 'RC4_256' in JDBC Thin driver
8172 1811296 oracle.jpub.runtime.MutableStruct's contructor does not set sqlTypes
8171B 917674 JDBC THIN: ORA-1009 or incorrect results if SQL contains PARENTHESIS
8171B 1309325 JDBC Thick driver may get TNS-12514 errors after 120 simultaneous connections
8171B 1319755 OCI driver memory leak if Statement object used for multiple SQL statements
8171B 1338356 setRowPrefetch does not work at statement level
8171B 1370878 OracleTypeADT.initADTAttrNames() performance improvement
8171B 1382145 executeBatch() throws SQLException instead of BatchUpdateException
8171B 1454333 Deadlocks possible in Java code between Statements and Connections
8171B 1483556 JDBC Thin may HANG executing again an Oracle7 server when there are NULL binds
8171B 1500535 V$SESSION.PROCESS not set by the THIN driver
8171B 1501301 setDisableStmtCaching(true) causes con.Commit() to throw SQLException
8171B 1502646 "Invalid index for data access" using setStmtCacheSize() and a STREAM column
8171B 1581944 Client may hang / spin with statement caching
Java / SQLJ / JSP / Corba etc.. 8174 1322857 Java Stored Procedure return data over 4K is truncated
8174 1999156 Export uses wrong GRANT command on JAVA SOURCE / RESOURCE (ORA-4042 on import)
8173 1376575 SIGBUS / dump in KPRCDT
8172 1054150 Describe of a JAVA stored procedure shows no information
8172 1658309 Exception in
8172 1744109 SSL Callouts may dump using MTS (in nzjsWrite or nzjsRead)
8171B No Bug# (11) EJB GenerateEjb sensitive to parameter ordering
8171B No Bug# (10) MOD_OSE extra chunk size with stateless servlets
8171B No Bug# (9) NCOMP / DEPLOYNC do not show progress when working
8171B No Bug# (8) JTA in JServer may incorrectly remove / replace an XA resource
8171B No Bug# (7) JTA unique XIDGenerator is missing
8171B No Bug# (6) EJB Connection management for CMP beans is broken
8171B No Bug# (5) EJB Enumeration support is broken
8171B No Bug# (4) EJB "deployejb" has problems with resolver specifications
8171B No Bug# (3) ENH: JSP has SEND_ERROR added for error reporting
8171B No Bug# (2) loadjava etc.. mishandle SPACES / QUOTES in ENV variables
8171B No Bug# (1) Problem with single stepping in the debugger
8171B 1268913 EJB deployejb generates wrong names for beans using java.awt.color
8171B 1403900 CORBA Visibroker caffiene tools out of date
8171B 1409953 JSP GetParameter fails with multibyte data if TRANSLATE_PARMS=true
8171B 1410301 EJB deployejb uses Java2 methods not supported in JDK1.1
8171B 1411100 Hang if Java thread closes socket in use on another thread
8171B 1493251 Crash possible when Java code performing synchronization
8171B 1519195 "-addclasspath" is broken on several utilities/scripts
8171B 1524452 JSP may stack overflow when included file raises an exception
8171B 1530924 EJB: Leak which can affect performance (GC keeps running)
8171B 1727424 JVM upgrades / RMJVM may fail due to bad rollback segment size
8171 1328188 LDAP/SSL connections using JNDI and JDK 1.2 may dump
8171 1419924 AQJMSDEMO03.JAVA does not exit on completion
8171 1430475 Dump in JOXFTP during create / alter of Java object
8171 1469157 Java jobs can cause slow database startup times
8171 1487043 Dump passing Collection RETURN/OUT from Java stored proc to PLSQL
8171 1490041 SSL intermittently causes INVALID MAGIC NUMBER in GIOP message
LDAP / Oracle Internet Directory 8174 2127189 Authenticate may issue unnecessary LDAP calls
8174 2127217 DBMS_LDAP_UTL does not work properly with non-UTF8 databases
8173 1405151 DUMP_LDAP -R -X may return additional DC= level
8173 1532611 DBMS_LDAP leaks private memory
8173 1953494 ENH: Provide new DBMS_LDAP_UTL package
LOB Related (CLOB/BLOB/BFILE) 8174 1150574 ORA-3001 / dump in kxccani during DELETE CASCADE if parent ROW TRIGGER references a LOB column
8174 1226565 OERI:KXTOTOLC_LOBOPT accessing LOB column in a trigger eg: :NEW.LOB_COLUMN
8174 1524220 Poor performance using SQLLOADER to load delimited LOBS / dump possible
8174 1671601 ORA-1555 ORA-22924 possible on LOBs inserted via TO_LOB
8174 1923593 "lobdemo1.pc" may dump
8174 1982168 IMP-3 / ORA-959 importing table with CLOB using IGNORE=Y into variable width charset DB
8174 2140668 ORA-6502 Reading CLOB data from multibyte DB with JDBC Thin
8174 2141807 TEMPORARY LOB leak - affects Oracle Text
8174 2159322 More LOBSEGMENT space is used for ENABLE STORAGE IN ROW than required
8174 2199391 ADD/SPLIT [SUB]PARTITION can result in LOB partition in wrong tablespace
8174 2202283 ORA-2220 error importing a Transportable Tablespace export with table containing LOB columns
8173 681179 Parallel TO_LOB(LONG) may dump
8173 1018797 Binding CLOB data over 4K may add extra characters Multibyte data
8173 1219547 ORA-942 accessing a LOB attribute of an ADT obtained from INSERT .. RETURNING
8173 1247909 ORA-3106 / dump returning a TEMP LOB as an ADT attribute from PLSQL to client
8173 1499329 OERI:17056 / OERI:17090 from ANALYZE of PARTITIONED CLOB index
8173 1645155 OERI:kolfopen_mode possible opening a BFILE between different client/server versions
8173 1748791 OCILobCreateTemporary CACHE option does not work - performance issue
8173 1754786 Pro/OCI DML RETURNING an ARRAY of LOB Locators dumps in TTCLD2I
8173 1783434 ORA-942 possible using REFCURSOR, LOBS and DEFINERS RIGHTS authorization
8173 1869016 Transporting a tablespace containing LOB data fails (IMP-3 / ORA-22854)
8173 1949273 OERI:25012 / ORA-1555 / ORA-22922 accessing LOB data after ALTER TABLE MOVE lob
8173 2133357 Altering database character set to multibyte may produce corrupt LOB
8172 1456235+ Passing LOBS in recursive PLSQL can cause excessive memory leak
8172 1241842 BULK INSERT into a CLOB dumps / signals OERI:KGHALO2
8172 1391737 IMP process may leak memory importing non-null LOB data
8172 1488448 OERI:16609 possible INSERTing into a LOB with a DOMAIN index
8172 1528987 ORA-3124 may occur INSERTing a NULL into a CLOB column
8172 1578242 ENH: Allow USER DATASTORE to return a NON-TEMPORARY LOB locator
8172 1635028 ORA-2000 / ORA-21560 executing ctx_doc.gist() with a CLOB parameter
8172 1678963 OERI:25012 / OERI:4142 possible on TRUNCATE of a table with a CLOB column
8172 1711479 ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION on session using TEMP LOBS can cause OERI:1113 (SORT SEGMENT HANDLE)
8172 1715663 Dictionary mismatch from ROWID SNAPSHOT on a table with LOB column (OERI:KOKLISHDL104)
8172 1748493 Create Text Index with LOB parameter to a USER DATASTORE can be slow
8171 975467 ORA-24813/ORA-22275 selecting a CLOB - caused by SQLLOAD direct load of the CLOB
8171 1130746 ORA-3120 selecting a CLOB from a UTF8 database
8171 1185777 ORA-24813 using LOBs from XA code
8171 1324918 Binding CHAR/RAW to a LOB column can leak TEMP space
8171 1386924 OCILobWrite piecewise write may lose / corrupt multibyte data
8171 1418809 OCI insert of a LOB can crash the client
8171 1555818 OCILobRead may return incorrect data from UTF-8 (multibyte) database
Large file / memory issues (Eg: 2Gb) 8174 1646512* ALTER TABLESPACE ... ADD DATAFILE allows illegal filesize - can corrupt dictionary
8171 1297970 Doing STARTUP with RMAN may fail with ORA-1455 if SGA >= 4GB
LogMiner 8174 2224620 V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS may show object-ids if tables exist with dictionary names
8173 1709113 Logminer may dump in kdvlne on 64bit platforms
8172 1459886 LOGMINER may show incomplete REDO / UNDO
MTS (Multi Threaded Server) 8174 2160759 EXTPROC: Using an external procedure from MTS may dump at logoff
8174 2217159 13 byte PGA corruption possible using SQL over DBLINKS from PLSQL with MTS to V7 database
8173 1519547 ORA-12592: TNS BAD PACKET possible with MTS and checksum (ASO)
8173 1793898 OERI:17018 possible with MTS , RESOURCE_LIMIT=TRUE and IDLE_TIME > 0
8173 1829370 OERI:4415 possible using XA to OPS or RAC with DBLINKS
8173 2021196 Radius clients cannot connect to shared server (MTS) (dump in naura_request)
8173 2028024 CUR_XXX columns of V$DISPATCHER_RATE contain zero values
8172 1489100 Intermittent TNS-12547 possible using MTS
8172 1584600 MTS dispatcher may hang for 60 seconds during low activity on multi-processor server
8172 1650324 OERI:12206 [7] using Shared Database Links
8171 1240484 Shared server memory leak on repeated connect/disconnect
8171 1306738 Dispatcher / PMON can crash on NT if shared server dies
Memory Corruption 8174 1748759 Client memory corruption / dump (eg: in ttcfopr) using pre-fetch
8174 1859905 Intermittent dump / client memory corruption
8174 1964934 Memory corruption possible using INSERT /*+ APPEND */ over DBLINK
8174 2126096 Session heap corruption from LIKE :bind ESCAPE '/' if :bind ends in the escape character
8174 2152752 Memory corruption / OERI:17182 possible fetching CHAR from DB2 over HS
8174 2217159 13 byte PGA corruption possible using SQL over DBLINKS from PLSQL with MTS to V7 database
8174 2248904 Memory corrupt possible during optimization of distributed query
8173 1836101+ Memory Corruption from distributed query / query with binds (OERI:17114/17xxx/dump in kkecdn/kgh*/kke*)
8173 1542218 Heap corruption (OERI:17182/dump in kghfrf) using very large collections
8173 1661786 OERI:12261 / single byte memory corruption possible for CALL type triggers
8173 1711803 DBW & users may CRASH under heavy load on multi-CPU system with FAST_START_IO_TARGET set > 0
8173 1744786 Cursor work heap corruption from CONNECT BY PRIOR
8173 1752554 OERI:17182 selecting DB2 DATA TYPE of CHAR over HS
8173 1791258 CONNECT BY on IOT can cause SGA memory corruption
8173 1810829 Lightwieght sessions (via proxy connect) may dump / corrupt shadow memory if users have >1 ROLE
8173 1847583 Client memory corruption/dump using large value_sz for OCIDefineByPos with OCI_DYNAMIC_FETCH
8173 1968635 OERI:KCOAPL_BLKCHK / buffer cache corruption from CR rollback
8173 1987654 Compiling a PLSQL block with an INDICATOR clause can corrupt memory
8173 1995026 OERI:17112 / heap corruption from Oracle Trace with MTS & Large Pool
8173 2002799 Wrong results / heap corruption from PQ with aggregates in inline view
8173 2048336 OERI:150 / Memory corruption from interrupted STAR TRANSFORMATION
8173 2065386 Mem. Corruption / OERI:KGHFRE2 / OERI:17172 possible using bitmap indexes
8172 1365873 OERI:17182 / CGA corruption with CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE
8172 1373920 Memory corruption from PLSQL ORA-6502 errors
8172 1447610 DBMS_SQL.BIND_ARRAY may dump / report private memory corruption type errors
8172 1679690 Buffer cache in memory corruption (OERI:2032) can lead to permanent data/index mismatch (OERI:12700)
8172 1732885 oeri:[KDIBR2R2R BITMAP] / memory corruption possible from BITMAP AND
8172 1763408 RPC between 9i <-> 8i with CHAR data can corrupt memory
8171 1227384 SGA heap corruption using DBMS_SQL under heavy load (Rare)
8171 1364542 Buffer Cache corruption possible (rare)
8171 1394565 PROBE: Callheap corruption printing a RAW in PLSQL debugger
Migration / Upgrade / Downgrade 8174 1362374+ ORA-604/ORA-1405 compiling Triggers after Migrate / migrate errors on STANDARD
8173 1747462 Replacing a TRUSTED LIBRARY can cause recompilation of dependents to hang
8173 1802432 Migration from V7->816/817 gives OERI:KCOAPL_BLK for clusters with FREELISTS
8173 1937284 Downgrade from 9.0 to 8172 fails for Oracle Label Security
8173 1944351 UTLIP may fail due to lack of rollback space
8173 1949082 REG$ not altered and DBMS_AQIN invalid after downgrading from 817 to 816
8173 2008043 Text searches may dump for database migrated between 64bit and 32bit
8173 2092656 OERI:KOXSIHREAD1 on Object types after up/downgrade between 32/64 bit
8172 1352252 OERI:KOXSIHREAD1 on user objects after moving from 32 to 64bit Oracle
8172 1591497 ORA-947 possible running CATPROC when downgrading from 9.0 to 8.1.7
8172 1645892 RMAN users lose RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER role on upgrade from 8.0 to 8i
8172 1703753 UTLRP.SQL does not recompile OPERATOR , INDEXTYPE or JAVA CLASS objects
8172 1732626 ENH: Reduce INVALIDATIONS and recompilations required when installing patch sets
8172 1810131 ENH: Parallel version of UTLRP.SQL (utlrcmp)
8171 1413093 Pre 817 "AFTER LOGON" trigger causes ORA-604/ORA-6550/PLS-103 in 817
8171 1421476 AQ_TM_PROCESSES > 0 may cause a hang (can affect upgrade to 817)
8171 1422109 Listener registration does not occur in 8.1.7 for migrated Oracle7 / Oracle8 database
8171 1502537 OERI:KCBGCUR_2 possible on DML (stack includes ktsf_rsp1)
NLS (National Language Support) 8174 1247587 "Fail to convert between UTF8 and UCS2: failUTFConversion" accessing LONG
8174 1982168 IMP-3 / ORA-959 importing table with CLOB using IGNORE=Y into variable width charset DB
8174 2091262 TRIM,RTRIM,LTRIM and LENGTH in multibyte do not treat CHR(0) as a valid character
8174 2099270 In multibyte TRANSLATE / REPLACE do not handle CHR(0) as a valid character
8174 2123221 Snapshot refresh may not update CHAR columns in multibyte DB from singlebyte master
8174 2148404 OracleStatement property to allow max_size argument to defineColumnType() to be in CHARACTERS
8174 2152876 Array insert may be slow with multibyte characterset (affects ProCobol PICX=VARCHAR2)
8173 1531976 Bytes may be lost inserting multibyte data > 4k in length
8173 1620830 ORA-1801 / ORA-1843 etc.. when NLS_DATE_FORMAT is set for the session
8173 1748965 NLS: Import may fail for SQL > 64Kb when translation is required
8173 1798042 JDBC Thin gets "Bigger type length than maximum" using DBLink with character set conversion
8173 1940915 ORA-1401 from STATPACK.SNAP in multibyte environment
8173 2133357 Altering database character set to multibyte may produce corrupt LOB
8172 1154566 NLS Multibyte: Event/parameter to allow CTAS over DBLINK to maintain CHAR/VARCHAR2 column sizes
8172 1314755 ORA-12571 inserting a NULL-TERMINATED string into NVARCHAR2
8172 1327087 Dump possible calling TRIM() with an empty string with MULTIBYTE character set
8172 1470763 EXPLAIN PLAN over DBLINK may HANG if CHARACTER SETS differ
8172 1698153 Multibyte: CTAS between different CHARSET databases may not BLANK PAD CHAR columns
8172 1723488 Slow CONTAINS performance when NLS_SORT is set to non-binary
8172 1789212 Wrong results from interMedia WITHIN queries on XML documents in Multibyte
8171 1130746 ORA-3120 selecting a CLOB from a UTF8 database
8171 1163205 PRO-C inserting NCHAR pointer to NCHAR column inserts NULL
8171 1372058 NLS: ORA-6502 possible for DBCS multibyte data
8171 1377361 OCI PLSQL OUTPUT bind of SQLT_CHR with Unicode charset looses trailing character
8171 1386924 OCILobWrite piecewise write may lose / corrupt multibyte data
8171 1409046 Fetching character data in OCI/PRO from V7 EBCDIC server may give bad data
8171 1484598 ORA-979 possible using same NLSSORT in both ORDER BY and GROUP BY
8171 1496002 NLS: ORA-6502 from LOADPSP loading a page > 255 characters
8171 1555818 OCILobRead may return incorrect data from UTF-8 (multibyte) database
Network 8174 1707919 FAILOVER: Number of preconnnect processes increases with each detach/attach
8174 1943960 TNS-04002 on CMAN startup if CMAN.ORA has many rules in RULE_LIST
8174 1953704 Net client with SDU size > server SDU may report "bad packet error"
8174 1999339 False TNS-12154 error possible from multithreaded Net8 client
8174 2101945 Dump in nszgclient for some RAW connections
8174 2128784 Slow connect times possible with long TNS description strings
8174 2179444 Unexpected ORA-3123 possible instead of ORA-3113 - affects TAF
8173 1279535 Prespawned servers terminate if V8 application gets ORA-1017 error
8173 1500347 ORA-2048 on OCITransStart after failover (TAF) when using OCI_ATTR_EXTERNAL_NAME
8173 1633820 Multithreaded client using Bequeath to connect may hang
8173 1690759 Spurious ORA-12571 possible using BEQUEATH connection if write is interrupted
8173 1851179 Cor dump (in kpucfcl) possible when trying to reconnect after failover (TAF)
8173 1901250 Lsnrctl may dump parsing HOSTNAMES in PROTOCOL.ORA
8173 1956339 JDBC Thin may hang sending lots of NULL data over multibyte
8172 1489683* TNSLSNR listener memory corruption / dump when incorrect CONNECT_DATA received
8172 1656431* Corrupt NET header packet can cause TNSLSNR listener to dump
8172 1398875 NET nsgisend() can cause a core dump
8172 1474111 Listener may die when servicing SESS_SH (IIOP) connection request
8172 1480299 TNSLSNR listener can leak file descriptors
8172 1482198 NETASST crashes after setting PASSWORD for Oracle Name Server
8172 1489100 Intermittent TNS-12547 possible using MTS
8172 1566794 NT: Connections fail with ORA-12537 when USE_SHARED_SOCKET is set
8172 1633657 FAILOVER: SQLPLUS reports ORA-0000 after failover after rollback issued
8172 1715781 Dump possible in ncrorou() or ncrodsc()
8172 1771323 NT: NET initialisation is not thread safe on NT
8172 1784971 LDAP: 8.1 directory naming fails using a 9i Root Oracle Context
8171 1231765 Connections via CMAN may hang
8171 1377901 ORA-12519 possible using SID in connect data to connect to DB
8171 1433938 DBCA update the ORCLACI attribute for OracleDefaultDomain incorrectly
OCI 8174 911959 OCI client may dump updating more than one LONG column with dynamic binds and callbacks
8174 1474845 Client memory leak from repeated OCIObjectNew() / OCIObjectFree()
8174 1529221 OCIDescribeAny describe of a NO_SUCH_USER.OBJ describes PUBLIC.OBJ if NO_SUCH_USER does not exist
8174 1641566 Client memory leak using CURSOR variable repeatedly
8174 1748759 Client memory corruption / dump (eg: in ttcfopr) using pre-fetch
8174 1859206 OCISubscriptionPost may cause server if using OCI_SUBSCR_NAMESPACE_AQ
8174 1894578 EXEC SQL DESCRIBE from 8i client to 9i server may return no information
8174 2065385 Array insert with OCI_BATCH_ERRORS may dump or OERI:kcoapl_blkchk
8174 2176225 Complex object retrieval may dump (in kgghash) using OCIObjectArrayPin()
8174 2205899 Core dump instead of ORA-1008 possible in an OCI7 client
8174 2241608 Missing rows / ORA-24371 from 8173 Pro/OCI client against 9i database
8174 2265777 OCIBreak() -> OCIReset() does not close the cursor (can lead to ORA-1000)
8173 768397 OCIAttrGet of OCI_ATTR_ROWID returns OCI_NO_DATA for INSERT (8i client -> 80 server)
8173 1384381 Dump in nigsui possible with multithreaded client program
8173 1428224 OCISessionBegin calls unthreadsafe code (ttyname)
8173 1498119 ORA-2005 binding 4000 byte null terminated string in OCI (SQLT_STR)
8173 1500347 ORA-2048 on OCITransStart after failover (TAF) when using OCI_ATTR_EXTERNAL_NAME
8173 1574000 Multi threaded OCI may hang if one thread has long running query
8173 1619928 ORA_OCI_NO_OPTIMIZED_FETCH environment variable is ignored
8173 1633820 Multithreaded client using Bequeath to connect may hang
8173 1694876 OCIDirectPath API may insert extra characters at the end of CHAR columns
8173 1699966 OCIStmtFetch may dump if selecting undefined LOB or LONG columns
8173 1748791 OCILobCreateTemporary CACHE option does not work - performance issue
8173 1754786 Pro/OCI DML RETURNING an ARRAY of LOB Locators dumps in TTCLD2I
8173 1761391 Array fetch into OCIString can return truncated data
8173 1801131 OCIDescriptorFree() dumps when client has 2 environment handles with one in OCI_OBJECT mode
8173 1801240 OCIDescribeAny dumps describing Package procedure with NO arguments in an Oracle7 server
8173 1810829 Lightwieght sessions (via proxy connect) may dump / corrupt shadow memory if users have >1 ROLE
8173 1845953 OCIRefFromHex can leak client side memory
8173 1847583 Client memory corruption/dump using large value_sz for OCIDefineByPos with OCI_DYNAMIC_FETCH
8173 1978606 OCIStmtExecute() does not error for invalid statement handle - affects ProC
8173 2002954 ORA-1810 / ORA-1821 possible in multithreaded OCI clients
8173 2003100 Multithreaded clients may dump in nnfgrne
8173 2013303 Memory leak using OCIAQDeq / OCIAQEnq and JDBC with AQ
8173 2078430 Client memory leak / slow connect times from repeated connect/disconnect
8172 1505302+ Client data corruption if ARRAY size < OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS
8172 1394096 Client dump possible fetching LONG into a huge LONG VARCHAR
8172 1530731 Re-Defines can cause client to dump on fetch (in ttcfour)
8172 1543262 Bind by Position (OCIBindbyPos) can give wrong results over HS
8172 1569185 OCIEnvCreate leaks client memory if called repeatedly with OCI_OBJECT
8172 1576303 Multithreaded OCI client can crash if ENV variable ORA_OCI_CACHE is set
8172 1607828 OCI client make leak cursors (ORA-1000)
8172 1639539 FAILOVER: ORA-0 from OCIFetch() on REF CURSOR during failover
8172 1666360 OCI Direct Path API client dumps in OCI_THREADED mode
8172 1668180 Client leak using OCI PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE notification (OCI_ATTR_SUBSCR_CALLBACK)
8172 1717316 Multithreaded OCI7 clients may dump (notable Microsofts ODBC driver)
8171 1053906 OCIBindByName array bind SQLT_CHR to VARCHAR2 columns uses size of first element for all elements
8171 1259877 OERI / incorrect error information possible using OCI_BATCH_ERROR
8171 1304674 Intermittant ORA-1461 OCIStmtExecute() rebinding LONG RAW datatype
8171 1315603 OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS can return wrong Indicator/return code value fetching NULL data
8171 1328829 OCI fetch array sizes > 65536 overwrite the initial array elements
8171 1356960 OCITransMultiPrepare returns OCI_SUCCESS for read only transaction - affects OracleMTSService
8171 1362476 V7 OCI Cobol / Fortran interface calls missing from 8/8i
8171 1377361 OCI PLSQL OUTPUT bind of SQLT_CHR with Unicode charset looses trailing character
8171 1386924 OCILobWrite piecewise write may lose / corrupt multibyte data
8171 1388326 OCIStmtExecute in OCI_BATCH_ERRORS mode may not insert all rows when many errors
8171 1390597 PRO with XA and RELEASE_CURSOR=YES may not report variables in error messages
8171 1391604 OCIStmtFetch may dump if DB shutdown while connected
8171 1405498 Multi-threaded OCI may dump if connection is broken
8171 1406429 OERI[INSEXE-2] possible on array insert using OCI_BATCH_ERRORS
8171 1409046 Fetching character data in OCI/PRO from V7 EBCDIC server may give bad data
8171 1418809 OCI insert of a LOB can crash the client
8171 1454173 OCI client side memory leak with repeated session begin/end
8171 1555818 OCILobRead may return incorrect data from UTF-8 (multibyte) database
Objects (Types/Collections) 8174 1394005 OERI:kokeeafi1 / Dump possible traversing a REF, or DEREFing a REF
8174 1474845 Client memory leak from repeated OCIObjectNew() / OCIObjectFree()
8174 1509738 ADT data can exceed the declared column length
8174 1532054 ORA-604 / ORA-600 / Dump possible referencing TYPE in TABLE() clause
8174 1744693 OERI:KXTOUEVOP2 possible from update to ADT column with TRIGGER on it
8174 1812331 Describe of an ADT NUMBER column shows SCALE of 0 (rather than -127)
8174 1879457 OERI:KOKVTMF possible using a REF column on a PK BASED OID table
8174 2072264 HANG possible inserting NULL into object table from JDBC
8174 2176225 Complex object retrieval may dump (in kgghash) using OCIObjectArrayPin()
8174 2241810 Dump (in kokmeoc) possible from CURSOR() select
8173 899204 ALTER TABLE MOVE / SPLIT etc.. of table with VARRAY stored as LOB is not moved
8173 1128980 OERI:KOKBNP2 possible using TABLE expression in a CURSOR() clause
8173 1219547 ORA-942 accessing a LOB attribute of an ADT obtained from INSERT .. RETURNING
8173 1247909 ORA-3106 / dump returning a TEMP LOB as an ADT attribute from PLSQL to client
8173 1333526 ORA-4031 / Poor performance using persistent Object data types
8173 1379437 Wrong results possible from TABLE clause in FROM clause with correlated subquery
8173 1531421 8i clients may get OCI-22303 errors accessing modified OBJECTS in a 9i database
8173 1542218 Heap corruption (OERI:17182/dump in kghfrf) using very large collections
8173 1730766 ORA-22303 / dump from 8i client referencing ALTERED TYPE in 9i database
8173 1790422 Dump in QBAOPN possible using TABLE() clause with QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED
8173 2059408 JDBC "Not a collection image" Exception accessing Object with collection attribute
8173 2092656 OERI:KOXSIHREAD1 on Object types after up/downgrade between 32/64 bit
8172 1352252 OERI:KOXSIHREAD1 on user objects after moving from 32 to 64bit Oracle
8172 1369450 OERI:KOKEAAI5 possible using Objects
8172 1375026 OERI:13302 possible after a transportable tablespace has been plugged in
8172 1447232 DELETE DANGLING may dump in KTUCHG
8172 1491952 OERI:12431 using SELECT .. TABLE(CAST <function> AS <type>)) .. FOR UPDATE
8172 1516018 OERI:15435 / ORA-06544 / ORA-06553 from TABLE() expression in PLSQL
8172 1516998 Queries using TABLE(CAST(member_function AS type)) may return wrong results
8172 1521043 Selecting ROWID from a collection in a TABLE() expression
8171 1264071 ORA-22813 or NULL data inserted when inserting large objects
8171 1380187 Very high parse time for SQL referencing many OBJECTS
Optimizer 8174 2096698 CBO may pick NL with FTS on right side when there is a better option
8174 2096753 Estimated cardinality of a PHRASE text query is much too high
8174 2096777 CBO may not choose functional invokation of DOMAIN INDEX functions
8174 2098120 Transitive predicates may not be generated for outer joins
8174 2139592 CBO may choose bad plan (NL in place of SMJ) when PARTITION_VIEW_ENABLED=TRUE
8174 2147764 Cardinality of 1 for text query with PHRASE containing STOP WORDS
8174 2186975 Low CONTAINS() function cost if DB_BLOCK_SIZE>2K can lead to non-DOMAIN INDEX access path
8174 2245790 Parse may appear to spin (in kkquccae/kkquwhr)
8174 2248904 Memory corrupt possible during optimization of distributed query
8173 1836101+ Memory Corruption from distributed query / query with binds (OERI:17114/17xxx/dump in kkecdn/kgh*/kke*)
8173 1195833 Predicates using TRUNC or ROUND on SYSDATE use default selectivity
8173 1706144 ORA-14506 from DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS on partitioned table with global index
8173 1753899 DBMS_STATS can fail (ORA-904) for a table with a security policy on it
8173 1756779 CBO may not choose a domain index when it should
8173 1776046 Dump in KKECDN possible for queries involving DB Links
8173 1946566 OERI:15160 possible from join of 5 or more table when CBO attempts STAR
8173 1964948 Parallel DDL can have detrimental effect on performance (reduced data clustering)
8173 2002214 Excessive memory use / spin if PUSH_JOIN_PREDICATE=TRUE
8173 2010341 Poor plan possible using Partition View with histogram statistics
8172 1372326 Wrong Selectivity for column with histogram stats when accessing multiple partitions
8172 1396321 ORA-1790 possible from SELECT DISTINCT in a UNION / UNION ALL query block
8172 1399138 IS NOT NULL with ORed subqueries may dump in CBO
8172 1491096 Computed cardinality does not account for NULLS when using BINDS
8172 1549991 Long parse times for long OR chains when OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE>=8.1.6
8172 1550745 ENH: _like_with_bind_as_equality=TRUE extended to work for OPER(col) LIKE OPER(:bind)
8172 1580612 DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS can fail with ORA-1465 if there is a DESC index
8172 1582923 A query may spin / dump with Row Level Security either STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED or _PUSH_JOIN_UNION_VIEW
8172 1620577 STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED=TRUE may dump in KKOSBPP or show poor performance
8172 1689678 ORA-979 when PARTITION_VIEW_ENABLED=TRUE and query with literals references ANALYZED tables
8172 1699710 OERI:12324 [4] possible from PUSH_JOIN_PREDICATE / PUSH_JOIN_UNION_VIEW
8172 1715860 STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED = TRUE may give slow performance
8172 1728756 CONTAINS text queries using NOT,OR,MINUS,PHRASE may give poor execution plan
8172 1774683 Functional index not pushed into outer joined complex view
8171B 1545693 ITEXT: Slow plan if a TEXT index has no STATISTICS or CONTAINS() is passed a BIND
8171 1029632 AND_EQUAL may dump if one of the indexes is a FUNCTIONAL index
8171 1344111 CBO appears to SPIN with long OR chains of AND predicates
8171 1360183 Index not used with OUTER-JOIN and LIKE/IN predicate on indexed column
8171 1387019 Push_JOIN_PREDICATE may not occur on outer join to duplicate column projection
8171 1389308 Large OR expansion can appear to SPIN during PARSE
8171 1401235 ORA-900 from STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED with OR predicates to dimension table
8171 1416344 Spin/Hang using INDEX hints on views containing hints with identical aliases
8171 1482423 OERI:4823 possible from STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED=TRUE
8171 1490373 ORA-1008 can occur with STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED=true
8171 1494342 ANALYZE of COMPRESSED non-unique index gives wrong DBA_INDEXES.DISTINCT_KEYS value
8171 1503466 Unreferenced view columns using WINDOW functions evaluated when selecting from the view
8171 1503530 Predicate pushdown NOT done for VIEWS containing WINDOW functions
Oracle Label Security 8173 1747462 Replacing a TRUSTED LIBRARY can cause recompilation of dependents to hang
8173 1897345 Dump accessing OLS labels after proxy authentication
8173 1937284 Downgrade from 9.0 to 8172 fails for Oracle Label Security
Oracle Names 8173 801455 NNC-0003 from namesctl when multiple addresses are returned
8172 855400 Names cache is never checkpointed
8172 1574102 DUMP_TNSNAMES reports NNC-00408 and produces as 0 byte TNSNAMES.ORA
8171 1301519 NAMESCTL command DUMP_TNSNAMES does not work unless TNS_ADMIN set
8171 1429373 CKPREG.ORA is not always updated
PL/SQL 8174 324372 PLS-00707 [2603] from 'FETCH <pkg>.<cursor> INTO ...'
8174 1606904 Dump (in kkxpityp) when SELECTing a PLSQL FUNCTION which returns a TABLE type
8174 1675726 ORA-372 possible from anonymous PLSQL for READ ONLY database
8174 1780967 Unexpected ORA-6502 possible (after an expected ORA-6502)
8174 2222081 Exceeding OPEN_CURSORS in dynamic SQL (from PLSQL) may dump instead of ORA-1000
8174 2231515 DATA_LENGTH in ALL/USER_ARGUMENTS not shown for VARCHAR2 data in %TYPE parameters
8173 1309590 ORA-28576 / EXTPROC crash if callout function returns a NULL string pointer
8173 1402425 Passing an oversized parameter to a %TYPE formal parameter may dump / ORA-600
8173 1542218 Heap corruption (OERI:17182/dump in kghfrf) using very large collections
8173 1606456 Incorrect ORA-6530 possible writing into new PLSQL indexed table element
8173 1752365 ORA-2035 using MOD_PLSQL against an 8.0 database
8173 1772721 Diagnostic dump of PLSQL information may dump if PLSQL source contains '%'
8173 1776037 PLS-801 [1002] possible compiling large SQL statements (>=2048) in PLSQL
8173 1802230 OERI:KOHRSC153 / OERI:KOHRSC154 using PLSQL with bind variables
8173 1809728 False PLS-452 possible
8173 1819585 ALTER PACKAGE .. COMPILE may hang for 8/8i client to 9i server
8173 1914004 Dump in PFRRUN for weakly typed assignment to a record
8173 1960839 OCIbreak()/Ctrl-C does not cancel out of PLSQL when using IN BAND breaks
8173 1987654 Compiling a PLSQL block with an INDICATOR clause can corrupt memory
8173 2014879 CREATE or REPLACE of INVALID object should not INVALIDATE dependents
8173 2015342 ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA may not work in definers rights procedure
8173 2029200 EXTPROC: ORA-28579 / heap corruption running external procedure with context
8172 912223 OERI:12261 / dump in OPIPLS using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE with SQL derived strings
8172 1054150 Describe of a JAVA stored procedure shows no information
8172 1241842 BULK INSERT into a CLOB dumps / signals OERI:KGHALO2
8172 1396675 PLSQL may hang/spin/ORA-4031 with SQL WHERE (a,b) in ( (c1,d1),(c2,d2)... )
8172 1483326 Dump in PDTPOI possible binding to PLSQL OUT VARCHAR2 parameters
8172 1516018 OERI:15435 / ORA-06544 / ORA-06553 from TABLE() expression in PLSQL
8172 1520530 Dump (in kocedd) if "ALTER ON DATABASE" trigger depends on an INVALID package
8172 1552343 PLS-905 compiling procedure whose parameter is a remote object type on HS
8172 1584970 OERI:[PFRI.C:KGI_SRCTX] using PRAGMA SERIALLY_REUSABLE and package variables
8172 1643139 Wrong data bound if BEFORE triggers modify PACKAGE variables bound to SQL in PLSQL
8172 1661976 False ORA-6502 possible assigning to PLSQL table record
8172 1732626 ENH: Reduce INVALIDATIONS and recompilations required when installing patch sets
8172 1747011 Mem leak / ORA-4030 binding repeatedly in a PLSQL loop
8172 1750337 ENH: Split STANDARD into specification and body
8172 1763408 RPC between 9i <-> 8i with CHAR data can corrupt memory
8171 792495 Dump/Hang/OERI possible from RPC passing a PLSQL table
8171 824996 Cannot assign UROWID to a CHAR in PLSQL (OERI:kohrsc990)
8171 1287775 Server side PLSQL no longer uses DUAL to get SYSDATE
8171 1321230 ORA-6502 / bind corruption possible using fixed CHAR array binds to PLSQL
8171 1326581 Intermittent ORA-904 possible for PLSQL objects using ROLE based security
8171 1394565 PROBE: Callheap corruption printing a RAW in PLSQL debugger
8171 1484770 PLS-103 as PLSQL treats certain words as RESERVED words instead of keywords
8171 1512417 CONVERT function can raise a false VALUE_ERROR (ORA-6502)
8171 1552982 ORA-900 possible from long SQL statements in FORMS user exits
PL/SQL (DBMS Packages) 8174 1347123 UTL_FILE.FOPEN allows multi-character file mode strings
8174 1516315 DBMS_SQL may dump binding zero length character string ('')
8174 2096244 "DBMS_SESSION.REINITIALIZE" can cause server side dumps
8173 1414782 DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE signals ORA-1006 for numeric bind names
8173 1532611 DBMS_LDAP leaks private memory
8173 1706144 ORA-14506 from DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS on partitioned table with global index
8173 1940915 ORA-1401 from STATPACK.SNAP in multibyte environment
8172 718058 DBMS_SUPPORT package introduced
8172 1395204 DBMS_SESSION.SET_CONTEXT may dump on 64bit platforms
8172 1397975 Misleading error messages from invalid input to DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT
8172 1422021 DBMS_ALERT and DBMS_SESSION.IS_SESSION_ENABLED does not work on 64bit Solaris
8172 1447610 DBMS_SQL.BIND_ARRAY may dump / report private memory corruption type errors
8172 1570972 UTL_TCP is slow
8172 1580612 DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS can fail with ORA-1465 if there is a DESC index
8172 1641483 ENH: DBMS_SESSION.RESET_PACKAGE should only reset package state (performance)
8171 1411802 UTL_TCP is not compatible with the OS/390 platform
8171 1429299 ORA-6510 / ORA-6512 in UTL_FILE.OPEN when connected to DB2
8171 1480531 ORA-955 running utlhttp.sql to install UTL_HTTP
8171 1530833 DBMS_LDAP package may dump (ORA-3113)
PLSQL External Procedures (EXTPROC) 8174 2160759 EXTPROC: Using an external procedure from MTS may dump at logoff
Parallel Query (PQO) 8174 1149123 If SESSIONS_PER_USER is limited PQ slaves dump ORA-2391 trace files
8174 1548982 PQ Slaves do not use CURRENT_SCHEMA if set (ORA-12801/ORA-942 possible, or wrong table used)
8174 1621835 Incorrect plan possible under parallel query
8174 1746797 Wrong results possible from PQ with SET operations in correlated subquery
8174 1992414 ORA-12801 / ORA-932 possible from PQ referencing a colunn with a DESCENDING index
8174 2091962 PQ against composite partitioned table with INLIST on subpartition key may error (OERI:QERPXMOBJVI5)
8173 681179 Parallel TO_LOB(LONG) may dump
8173 936107 OERI:15814 possible from parallel query
8173 1020403 ORA-29900 possible from PQ using extensible ANCILLARY-PRIMARY operators
8173 1183055 ORA-12801 / ORA-942 possible with PQ against synonym on another users view
8173 1344653 ORA-7445[KOKLIGCURENV] possible running Text query in parallel
8173 1379299 Query with View & SET operator (MINUS/INTERSECT) may not parallelize
8173 1387406 Partition elimination may not occur for Nested Loops join in Parallel
8173 1453292 ORA-979 from PQ with GROUP BY and Aggregate( literal constant )
8173 1548495 Wrong results from PQ of partition-wise hash join on composite partitioned table
8173 1599845 OERI:QERPXSOBJGDEFVI1 possible in PQ when OR expansion occurs
8173 1615171 OERI:15709 possible on rollback of PDML which takes > 32 minutes
8173 1685119 OERI:KCBLIBR_USER_FOU / hang when interrupt (Ctrl-C) of PQ using STAR_TRANSFORMATION
8173 1700705 Partition elimination may not occur in PQO with single row subquery again the partition key
8173 1722308 OERI:XTYCSR2 possible on PQO nested loops of subqueries with local part index
8173 1758968 OERI / Wrong results from PDML INSERT CHAR into NUMBER column in composite Partition
8173 1759227 PQ may return wrong results selecting a COUNT(aggregate) column from a view
8173 1793533 Wrong results possible from PQO with GROUP BY (affected by SORT_AREA_SIZE)
8173 1798111 Unnecessary trace files produced when PARALLEL_AUTOMATIC_TUNING=TRUE
8173 1799237 OERI[RUAALO:1] possible from PQ slave if slave SQL is OR-expanded
8173 1832457 Wrong results possible from PQ INDEX_FFS of global partitioned index with Nested Loops
8173 1844776 PQ slave may die (in kkpamHRGet) with GROUP BY on composite partitioned table
8173 1869511 OERI:QERTQTABLEALLOCA possible from PQ on READ-ONLY database
8173 1906596 PQ may hang when query involves ORDER BY, SUBQUERY and UNION-ALL
8173 1920770 Parallel partition elimination may not eliminate all partitions that it could
8173 1934327 SIGFPE possible from Parallel Query
8173 1964948 Parallel DDL can have detrimental effect on performance (reduced data clustering)
8172 1320605 OERI:[KDIINS0: PID MIS] from PARALLEL INSERT with UNIQUE index
8172 1544920 Parallel Query may sometime report an ORA-12842
8172 1609724 OERI:15574 / OERI:15803 from PQ join between TABLE and SET operator (UNION)
8172 1705996 INSERT APPEND .. PQ SELECT does not blank pad CHAR columns
8172 1710007 Wrong results from PDML INSERT as SELECT of a SEQUENCE
8172 1718173 OERI:[RUAALO:1] possible from PQ on partitioned table/index
8172 1741117 PDML to bitmap key of a partition table with row movement hangs
8171 1267033 OERI:QKAGBY0.4 possible from PCTAS with GROUP BY and duplicate columns
8171 1363176 PCTAS / PDML may produce incorrect results if subquery contains INLINE view / subquery
8171 1370036 OERI:RSOROPGBNOSORT possible from PCTAS Unrecoverable with GROUP BY NOSORT
8171 1382576 Wrong results possible from PQO SMJ with CHAR join columns of different lengths
8171 1422015 Wrong Results from PQ using MAX/MIN on operands of 254 or 255 bytes with GROUP BY
8171 1467575 ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH SHARED POOL can cause PDML to hang
8171 1477278 OERI:KKPAPBDLGETLIST3 possible with PQ PARTITION INLIST and concat partition key
8171 1482839 ORA-604/ORA-1742 on SELECT using STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED with Partitioned Table in Parallel
8171 1545186 Incorrect QC max memory statistics using PQ
Parallel Server 8174 1664443 OERI:kclcdc_5 / OERI:kclcdc_1 possible under OPS
8174 1695713 Dump in KCBLRR possible
8174 1815042 Unnecessary hold of library cache latch in RAC or OPS environments
8174 1890584 OERI:[KZCKINI: NZDSI_INITIALIZE] possible starting RAC instance
8174 2095109 LMD may die with OERI:504 on [KCL lock element parent latch]
8174 2117371 BL lock "leak" if open request times out
8174 2128016 LMON may OERI:[KJRCHC:RESP] after shutdown of another instance
8174 2150939 OERI:KJGALK1 possible
8174 2162644 LMD process size increases gradually over time
8174 2189403 Parallel Server reconfiguration may be slow
8174 2215948 OERI:[kjuinc:resp2inq] possible
8173 1380975 Memory leak in BSP process - can cause it to fail to ship blocks
8173 1642957 OERI:KJUHL1 possible from diagnostic dump routines
8173 1829370 OERI:4415 possible using XA to OPS or RAC with DBLINKS
8173 1857643 PMON may die (in kjuef) if a user session is killed
8173 1867625 Out of shared pool might cause OERI:[ksicget_3][KJUSERSTAT_NOSPACE].
8173 1916409 Hang possible in OPS due to expired timeout
8173 1938745 OERI:KCVGCF_01 possible from PQ on READ ONLY database
8173 2023239 LMON may dump (in kjctcpmb)
8173 2045215 PMON may die with OERI:KJPRDL1 cleaning up a dead process in OPS
8173 2057943 OERI:KCLRCK_1 possible if second instance fails during ALTER DATABASE OPEN
8172 1357549 OERI:KJXCVR4 possible in OPS
8172 1585038 Over 128 ROLLBACK Segments can cause excessive 'global cache lock open x' waits
8172 1694874 OERI:[KJRM2C:LEVEL] possible from LCK0
8172 1741212 OERI:KJXRRI4 possible in OPS during DLM reconfiguration
8172 1742476 BSP process may dump on shutdown if TIMED_STATISTICS or RESOURCE_LIMIT are set
8171 1333317 OPS Dump possible in kslpsprns on process startup (rare)
8171 1356901 MAX_COMMIT_PROPOGATION_DELAY=0 does not propogate change to other node immediately
8171 1372664 ORA-601 / Dump in KJUCLL
8171 1390900 OERI:KCBGTCR_13 can occur in OPS
8171 1472000 OPS hang with 'GLOBAL CACHE LOCK BUSY' on index block possible
8171 1484634 Large row cache can cause long shared pool latch waits (OPS only)
Partition Views (PV) 8174 2194204 Partition Views do not support functional indexes
8173 1844545 Partition View not recognised is base table columns are UNUSED or have FUNCTIONAL INDEX
8173 1869512 Dump possible (in kkeccf) selecting from Partitioned Views OR Tables
8173 2010341 Poor plan possible using Partition View with histogram statistics
8173 2114246 Memory leak and long parse time for Part View with INLIST bitmap predicates
8172 1498049 A Partitioned view may give wrong results if CHECK constraints evaluate to UNKNOWN
8172 1764305 ORA-7445 in KKECCF from SELECT or ANALYZE of a partitioned table or view
Partitioned Tables 8174 1334733 ORA-25189 from ALTER STORAGE CLAUSE of locked PARTITIONED IOT
8174 1653112 EXCHANGE PARTITION does not check that FUNCTIONAL index definitions match
8174 1834530 OERI:25012 / wrong results after EXCHANGE PARTITION with indexes with different FREELIST /FREELIST GROUPS
8174 2091962 PQ against composite partitioned table with INLIST on subpartition key may error (OERI:QERPXMOBJVI5)
8174 2110573 ORA-439 attempting to IMPORT partitioned table into non-partitioned table without PARTIONING option
8174 2141535 ORA-604/ORA-942 possible from query against partitioned table
8174 2157502 OERI:4819 possible when partition maintenence is running against an IOT
8174 2162632 ORA-7445 from concurrent ANALYZE .. STATISTICS / CREATE INDEX against partitioned table
8174 2199391 ADD/SPLIT [SUB]PARTITION can result in LOB partition in wrong tablespace
8174 2201672 ORA-7445[MSQSEL] selecting from a view defined on other views with Partitioned tables
8173 1949786+ Data inserted into wrong partition after a column has been DROPPED
8173 1260655 OERI:QKAPIDSQKN1 possible using from Partition Wise join when ROWID predicate used
8173 1298644 OERI:4814 possible from EXPLAIN PLAN of ALTER INDEX REBUILD PARTITION
8173 1387406 Partition elimination may not occur for Nested Loops join in Parallel
8173 1478845 Dump in KDAVLS on ANALYZE .. VALIDATE STRUCTURE CASCADE of Partitioned table
8173 1499329 OERI:17056 / OERI:17090 from ANALYZE of PARTITIONED CLOB index
8173 1548495 Wrong results from PQ of partition-wise hash join on composite partitioned table
8173 1616033 Direct load to composite partitioned table can corrupt local indexes
8173 1700705 Partition elimination may not occur in PQO with single row subquery again the partition key
8173 1706144 ORA-14506 from DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS on partitioned table with global index
8173 1722308 OERI:XTYCSR2 possible on PQO nested loops of subqueries with local part index
8173 1758968 OERI / Wrong results from PDML INSERT CHAR into NUMBER column in composite Partition
8173 1764016 OERI:KKPAMFLIST possible using INLIST with Binds on first column of composite partitioning key
8173 1769190 OERI[QERBTROP OBJNUM] possible from bitmap access to non-local b-tree index
8173 1832457 Wrong results possible from PQ INDEX_FFS of global partitioned index with Nested Loops
8173 1837529 OERI:KFTR2BZ_1/OERI:25012 from CREATE sub-partitioned local INDEX ONLINE
8173 1844776 PQ slave may die (in kkpamHRGet) with GROUP BY on composite partitioned table
8173 1855381 Wrong results possible from PQ partial piecewise join
8173 1869512 Dump possible (in kkeccf) selecting from Partitioned Views OR Tables
8173 1913372 OERI:KAUUPD:2 possible from PARTITIONED table update with row movement enabled
8173 1924030 Dump (in upduaw) updating partitioned table with a trigger on it
8173 1964879 OERI:ATBACE0 from ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION between COMPOSITE and HASH partitioned tables
8173 1964948 Parallel DDL can have detrimental effect on performance (reduced data clustering)
8173 1975902 Failed DIRECT load into a composite partitioned table leaves unexpected ROWS inserted
8173 2099431 ORA-604 / ORA-911 from STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED=TRUE against partitioned tables
8172 1360714 ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION .. STORE IN with SUBPARTITIONS can dump or corrupt dictionary
8172 1380164 OERI:QKAGBY2 from aggregate GROUP BY with COUNT(*), Bitmap indexes and INLIST
8172 1419624 Dump in kkpapDRmFkk from UNION ALL view over a PARTITIONED table
8172 1453239 ORA-4020 selecting from a PARTITIONED IOT when an ANALYZE is running
8172 1527982 OERI:25012 / Bitmap index<->table mismatch after UPDATE of PARTITION KEY moves rows
8172 1612179 Wrong results / Dump from STAR_TRANSFORMATION with PARTITIONED fact table
8172 1741117 PDML to bitmap key of a partition table with row movement hangs
8172 1764305 ORA-7445 in KKECCF from SELECT or ANALYZE of a partitioned table or view
8171 1185893 OERI:kkpamHFGet2 / OERI:qerpxMObjVI5 from query against Partitioned table
8171 1297277 ORA-604/ORA-942 against another schemas PARTITION with star_transformation_enabled
8171 1430502 OERI:12455 [QKADELUPD] from UPDATE PARTITIONED table using AND-EQUAL of GLOBAL indexes
8171 1431143 OERI:KKPAMFLIST possible from INLIST on Partitioned object
8171 1462321 Wrong results possible using Fine Grained Access Control with PARTITION clauses
8171 1469317 OERI:KKPODPAMGET possible on concurrent partition imports
8171 1477278 OERI:KKPAPBDLGETLIST3 possible with PQ PARTITION INLIST and concat partition key
8171 1482170 SMON may dump on cleanup of PARTITIONED INDEX ONLINE BUILD
8171 1482839 ORA-604/ORA-1742 on SELECT using STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED with Partitioned Table in Parallel
8171 1502624 Wrong Res from Temporary table STAR TRANSFORMATION referencing PARTITIONED tables
8171 1528062 ALTER TABLE SPLIT PARTITION for composite range-hash partition can corrupt dictionary
8171 1553761 Partition Independence violated for partitioned IOTS
Performance 8174 1396578 ""% Non-Parse CPU" shows the wrong value in STATSPACK output
8174 1985605 GRANT operations can be very slow (compared to Oracle7)
8174 2073194 V$FILESTAT.READTIM / WRITETIM not maintained for files in TEMPORARY tables
8174 2079526 "free buffer waits" / LRU latch contention possible on write intensive systems
8174 2123080 Sessions may wait longer than needed for CI-14-5 (release unused sort segment space)
8173 1647363 Enhancement to reduce contention on ROW CACHE OBJECTS latch
8173 1662642 DROP (non unique) INDEX invalidates views which depend on the affected base table
8173 1672204 Latch contention for the 'GLOBAL TX HASH MAPPING' latch using distributed TX
8173 1728366 Fine Grained Access control may unnecessarily reexecute the policy function
8173 1748791 OCILobCreateTemporary CACHE option does not work - performance issue
8173 1819214 Reduce latch hold time for "row cache objects" latch
8173 1847782 Contention for the "longop free list" latch
8173 1865917 ORA-4031 / high CPU from OR expansion of negated predicates with RBO
8173 1885959 Refined version of fix for Bug:1410679
8173 1967363 Increased index block gets / "cache buffer chains" contention in 8i/9i
8173 1987692 Creation of interMedia Text index can use excessive CPU
8173 2041699 Child library cache latch contention using PLSQL functions in large selects
8172 1175132 PROCOBOL needlessly reparses INSERT repeatedly after an error
8172 1524191 CTAS over a DBLINK slow if the SELECT list contains a LITERAL
8172 1578709 Performance of DOMAIN indexes may be slow in some join conditions (affects interMedia)
8172 1589185 Performance fix to reduce sleeps on "library cache latch"
8172 1614732 Data dictionary selects using DBA_DATA_FILES may be slow in 8i
8172 1623256 Identical SQL referencing SCHEMA.SEQUENCE.NEXTVAL not shared by different users
8172 1641483 ENH: DBMS_SESSION.RESET_PACKAGE should only reset package state (performance)
8172 1691651 DML statements on CTXCAT indexed tables may be slow
8172 1691657 CTXCAT DML performs an unneccessary internal select
8172 1746462 Indexing a table with many NULL values and low index memory may be very slow
8172 1748493 Create Text Index with LOB parameter to a USER DATASTORE can be slow
8172 1810131 ENH: Parallel version of UTLRP.SQL (utlrcmp)
8171 1286684+ "CPU Used by this session" is incorrect if JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES is set
8171 1287775 Server side PLSQL no longer uses DUAL to get SYSDATE
8171 1318267 INSERT AS SELECT may not share SQL when it should
8171 1366837 Cursors referencing a fully qualified FUNCTION are not shared
8171 1380187 Very high parse time for SQL referencing many OBJECTS
8171 1410679 8i precompiler ARRAY fetch without indicators SLOWER than 8.0
8171 1469157 Java jobs can cause slow database startup times
8171 1491213 V$BUFFER_POOL_STATISTICS show ZERO in 817
8171 1549235 Begin BACKUP can cause CKPT to use excessive CPU
8171 1576145 Pro FETCH in a LOOP slower in 8.1 than 8.0
Pro* Precompiler 8174 976954 PROCOBOL may core dump if a PRECOMPILER error occurs
8174 1641566 Client memory leak using CURSOR variable repeatedly
8174 1748759 Client memory corruption / dump (eg: in ttcfopr) using pre-fetch
8174 1894578 EXEC SQL DESCRIBE from 8i client to 9i server may return no information
8174 1949580 ProCobol: Bad code generated if EXEC CICS / EXEC DCSQL omits ending period (.)
8174 2021052 ProCobol: DESCRIBE BIND VARIABLES may dump / hang / signal ORA-2111
8174 2052584 XA with SQLLIB (Pro) in a DLL may error if the DLL is unloaded before ending the transaction
8174 2083243 Pro client dump allocating a descriptor if database is shutdown / restarted
8174 2152876 Array insert may be slow with multibyte characterset (affects ProCobol PICX=VARCHAR2)
8174 2241608 Missing rows / ORA-24371 from 8173 Pro/OCI client against 9i database
8173 753989 ProCobol: EXEC SQL INCLUDE before WORKING-STORAGE SECTION generated bad code
8173 1250510 SQLCA.SQLERRD[2] may show incorrect rows processed count using Dynamic Method 2
8173 1733530 Cobol: COMP-3 packed decimal can return incorrect number data
8173 1754786 Pro/OCI DML RETURNING an ARRAY of LOB Locators dumps in TTCLD2I
8173 1860524 Error 2118 possible using WHERE CURRENT OF over a DB LINK from Pro
8173 1885959 Refined version of fix for Bug:1410679
8173 1973705 Multithreaded Pro client may dump in PTHREAD_MUTEX_DESTROY
8173 1978606 OCIStmtExecute() does not error for invalid statement handle - affects ProC
8173 1985041 ProCobol files precompiled after 09/Sep/2001 may not compile on some platforms
8173 2003100 Multithreaded clients may dump in nnfgrne
8173 2018989 8i Pro client may dump with heap error 17177 when connected to a 9i server
8173 2078430 Client memory leak / slow connect times from repeated connect/disconnect
8172 1045176 Client side memory leak from Multi-threaded PRO application using XA_open/xa_close in a thread
8172 1104033 ProCobol: PLS-307 may occur for non-unique host variables in a TO_CHAR call
8172 1175132 PROCOBOL needlessly reparses INSERT repeatedly after an error
8172 1288079 ProCobol: PCB-F-0901 from missing PERIOD in EXEC CICS
8172 1315738 COBOL: VARCHAR host variable in CALL statement may error if compiler OPTIMIZES
8172 1390341 False ORA-1480 may be signalled fo SET DESCRIPTOR
8172 1394096 Client dump possible fetching LONG into a huge LONG VARCHAR
8172 1399147 Semantic error for PLSQL indexed table method when Precompiler connects to higher version DB
8172 1454214 Pro client dumps on SQL if RECONNECT without a DISCONNECT
8172 1530731 Re-Defines can cause client to dump on fetch (in ttcfour)
8172 1607043 NT: User Exits may dump / ORA-900 or ORA-1023 on Windows platforms
8172 1652848 COBOL: SQLCHECK=FULL or SEMANTICS generates invalid .COB file
8172 1660334 VARCHAR arrays not correctly set when NULL
8172 1694970 PROC Dynamic method 4 may DUMP if MAXOPENCURSORS exceeded
8172 1715819 PARSE=PARTIAL cannot handle trigraph directives (eg: ??=define)
8172 1745651 PROC XA applications may dump in xaocommit with MODE=ANSI
8172 1781184 Implicit cursors using a remote table may cause XA error 100
8171 1163205 PRO-C inserting NCHAR pointer to NCHAR column inserts NULL
8171 1292638 CHARZ/CHARF/VARCHAR2/STRING/VARCHAR arrays not correctly set when NULL
8171 1293080 ORA-1012 not returned in Pro 8.1 issuing SQL after disconnect
8171 1314223 PROCOBOL: ORA-1483/ORA-1457 returning NULL to an OUT parameter of a stored procedure
8171 1316152 PROFORTRAN: Makefile contains hard coded path to compiler
8171 1320334 ProC type mismatch errors for sqlcxt during compile / link
8171 1337001 PROCOBOL: ORA-1457 returning NULL from a PLSQL procedure
8171 1343460 ProCobol: ORA-1727 'numeric precision out of range' caused by bug:1117747
8171 1385354 SQLCODE -104 possible from ProC to HS source not supporting indicators
8171 1386093 PROCOBOL: SQL-2108 on PREPARE of implicit VARCHAR
8171 1401563 PROFORTRAN makefiles have incorrect flags
8171 1410582 Pro* run time client side mem leak allocating/freeing objects in a loop
8171 1410679 8i precompiler ARRAY fetch without indicators SLOWER than 8.0
8171 1413753 Closing a METHOD 4 cursor in ANSI mode can give SQL-2114 and cause XA_END to return 100
8171 1423194 User exits precompiled with RELEASE_CURSOR=NO may error with ORA-1023
8171 1486365 ARRAY FETCH not utilised correctly by 8i precompilers
8171 1508116 PROCobol: SQLMOV is always called with quotes (") even if LITDELIM=APOST
8171 1576145 Pro FETCH in a LOOP slower in 8.1 than 8.0
Query Rewrite (including Materialized Views) 8174 1367842 Wrong results from query rewrite of SELECT COUNT(*) against MV with SELECT DISTINCT
8174 1612352 ORA-30457 possible refreshing a nested materialized view
8174 2097926 Dump possible from query using Function based index with MVIEW and QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY=TRUSTED
8174 2245289 ORA-12003 creating Materialized View with >32k SQL text
8174 2263600 Query may not rewrite when expected
8173 1314358 OERI:KKQSGCOL-1 possible on complex MV query
8173 1618192 OERI:voprvl1 possible for INSERT into table SELECT FROM MATERIALIZED VIEW
8173 1664189 Query rewrite does not occur if base table has a FUNCTIONAL index on it
8173 1873265 SELECT COUNT(*) with QUERY_REWRITE and empty MV returns NULL instead of 0
8173 1898834 Query rewrite may give incorrect results for outer joins
8172 1611673 Query rewrite may OERI:VOPRVL1 when using Row Level Security
8172 1726969 OERI:16609 possible on CREATE SUMMARY
8171 1286623 ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW REFRESH ON COMMIT does not error when it should
8171 1376209 ORA-4020/hang possible updating materialized views / snapshots
8171 1412109 Query on MVIEW with STAR_TRANSFORMATION may dump
8171 1493410 RECOMMEND_MV_W may return "QSM-00504 internal error - num_total_levels don't match"
RMAN (Recovery Manager) 8174 1856783 Errors possible from concurrent RESYNC operations against the same catalog
8174 2005810 V$SESSION_LONGOPS data wrong with RMAN if database MOUNTED but not OPEN
8174 2038416 RMAN may delete valid backup pieces if a backup fails / is aborted
8174 2068275 RMAN VALIDATE...CHECK LOGICAL incorrectly reports block corruption (ORA-19661)
8174 2071872 RMAN-20087 possible from RMAN RESYNC
8174 2174697 RMAN incremental backup performance degrades over time in NOCATALOG mode
8173 1308398 ORA-21117 when a released channel is reused in RMAN
8173 1786170 CROSSCHECK fails if a BACKUPPIECE has been removed from the media manager catalog
8172 1683613+ RMAN BACKUP or COPY datafile might not be usable for recovery - ORA-1194 / ORA-1547
8172 1381397 PMON may crash the instance if RMAN backup processes are killed
8172 1456242 RMAN restore may be slow with DBW repeatedly waiting on 'FILE IDENTIFY'
8172 1643351 RMAN cannot open database using a backup controlfile with missing logs
8172 1645892 RMAN users lose RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER role on upgrade from 8.0 to 8i
8172 1755290 RMAN deletes existing backup piece after an ORA-27038 (file exists)
8171 1297970 Doing STARTUP with RMAN may fail with ORA-1455 if SGA >= 4GB
8171 1332121 RMAN allows NULLs in the catalog for file sizes
8171 1340608 RMAN DUPLICATE dumps if CREATE CONTROLFILE statement > 900 chars long
8171 1386955 RMAN DELETE command ignores media errors deleting backups
8171 1388961 "REPORT OBSOLETE" may report incorrect backups
8171 1405652 DB may crash if an IO slave dies (dump in KSFVSUBMIT)
8171 1419888 Error during RMAN backup does not clean up backup pieces
8171 1477008 DELETE OBSOLETE deletes all CONTROLFILE BACKUPS when using recovery catalog
8171 1478503 RMAN may not remove an applied archive log when requested
Replication 8174 2220356* Fast refresh of Oracle7 mastered snapshots produces corrupt data / ORA-1400
8174 2123221 Snapshot refresh may not update CHAR columns in multibyte DB from singlebyte master
8173 1667394 NCHAR/NVARCHAR2 data truncated on FAST REFRESH if sites have different NATIONAL Charsets
8173 1782024 Memory leak in PQ slave during parallel propogation
8173 1836291 RESUME_MASTER_ACTIVITY after RELOCATE_MASTERDEF fails with ORA-23419
8173 1892888 ORA-6502 possible from SWITCH_SNAPSHOT_MASTER
8173 2044102 Fast refresh may not work due to wrong results from SYS_OP_MAP_NONNULL() on date columns
8172 557451 LAST_REFRESH in DBA_SNAPSHOTS show a date of 01-JAN-50
8172 1081570 OERI:[KNPSMA2:NO DEQ B] possible if DB is shutdown when PUSH is running
8172 1423941 Replication pushes BASE DML after DML done in AFTER ROW triggers (ORA-2291 etc)
8172 1465654 OERI:21051 possible creating an updatable snapshot
8172 1514478 Contention for SR enqueue possible with replication
8172 1573524 OERI:729 / OERI:kghxhdr1 using DEFERRED TRANSACTION PROPAGATION with AUDITING enabled
8172 1715663 Dictionary mismatch from ROWID SNAPSHOT on a table with LOB column (OERI:KOKLISHDL104)
8172 1721870 OERI:KKZFCBSU possible on refresh of a REFRESH GROUP
8172 1738768 ORA-26572 can occur when DEFERRED transactions are pushed
8171 1280292 ORA-23463/ORA-23318 from "ALTER TABLE MODIFY" in ALTER_MASTER_REPOBJECT
8171 1449134 ORA-2049 / ORA-60 possible on GENERATE_REPLICATION_SUPPORT
8171 1504672 Bad DDL possible for tables with DEFERRED constraints using deployment templates
Resource Leaks (eg: Memory Leak) 8174 1474845 Client memory leak from repeated OCIObjectNew() / OCIObjectFree()
8174 1507875 Cursor leak in JMS AQ with multiple queues
8174 1641566 Client memory leak using CURSOR variable repeatedly
8174 1701374 WinNT: Indexing with URL_DATASTORE on Windows leaks sockets - can appear to hang
8174 1904176 Loader memory leak when using CONTINUEIF / CONCATENATE with long logical records
8174 2084597 UGA memory leak possible using Oracle Text CONTAINS() operator
8174 2095320 Import memory leak importing BFILE data
8174 2104071 ORA-4031 / excessive "miscellaneous" shared pool use possible (many PINS)
8174 2117371 BL lock "leak" if open request times out
8174 2141807 TEMPORARY LOB leak - affects Oracle Text
8174 2160558 Repeated SELECT FOR UPDATE / COMMIT leaks client memory
8174 2162644 LMD process size increases gradually over time
8174 2177050 OERI:729 space leak possible (with tags "define var info" / "oactoid info")
8174 2265777 OCIBreak() -> OCIReset() does not close the cursor (can lead to ORA-1000)
8173 1020327 CURSOR subqueries can use lots of cursors (Unexpected ORA-1000)
8173 1325970 Thin JDBC leaks memory when using CURSOR() clause
8173 1380975 Memory leak in BSP process - can cause it to fail to ship blocks
8173 1532611 DBMS_LDAP leaks private memory
8173 1534867 Unsuccessful JDBC OCI connect attempt leaks client memory
8173 1634098 Using one QueueReceiver per dequeue operation leaks memory
8173 1652140 OCI memory leak if multiple AQ sessions use the same Environment handle
8173 1724964 JDBC Thick Client Memory leak reusing statements which reference object types
8173 1743183 Small memory leak in UGA when repeatedly using TEMP segments
8173 1768984 Client memory leak in XA clients
8173 1782024 Memory leak in PQ slave during parallel propogation
8173 1784333 ITEXT: "KOC KOCDS" memory leak
8173 1784337 ITEXT: "KOL VARRAY" memory leak
8173 1787503 Cursor leak using OCIBreak/OCIReset in non-blocking mode
8173 1839080 Memory leak possible using HASH join (ORA-4030)
8173 1845953 OCIRefFromHex can leak client side memory
8173 1847653 Create / Sync of a URL datastore index leaks memory / OERI:kghfrf1
8173 1891703 ORA-4030/ memory growth from UPDATE .. SET=(subquery) with PLSQL function calls
8173 1916461 Text queries can leak server memory
8173 1974927 Memory leak using AQAPI.JAR
8173 1975248 Memory leaks when dequeueing using JMS or AQ XML interfaces
8173 2002214 Excessive memory use / spin if PUSH_JOIN_PREDICATE=TRUE
8173 2013303 Memory leak using OCIAQDeq / OCIAQEnq and JDBC with AQ
8173 2028624 Large memory leak using AQ from JDBC
8173 2078430 Client memory leak / slow connect times from repeated connect/disconnect
8173 2079575 Large PGA memory leak possible creating TEXT index
8173 2095029 Memory leak / growth for some queries using repeatedly restarted index scans
8173 2114246 Memory leak and long parse time for Part View with INLIST bitmap predicates
8172 1397603+ ORA-4031 / SGA memory leak of PERMANENT memory for buffer handles
8172 1456235+ Passing LOBS in recursive PLSQL can cause excessive memory leak
8172 1045176 Client side memory leak from Multi-threaded PRO application using XA_open/xa_close in a thread
8172 1265287 Shadow processes do not close file descriptors for DROPPED files
8172 1391737 IMP process may leak memory importing non-null LOB data
8172 1480299 TNSLSNR listener can leak file descriptors
8172 1530693 Memory leak possible in OPS when multiple connect requests received
8172 1551090 JDBC OCI driver may leak memory
8172 1569185 OCIEnvCreate leaks client memory if called repeatedly with OCI_OBJECT
8172 1607828 OCI client make leak cursors (ORA-1000)
8172 1652184 LIBAGTSH.SO may not be fully shared when it should be (affects EXTPROC)
8172 1668180 Client leak using OCI PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE notification (OCI_ATTR_SUBSCR_CALLBACK)
8172 1678098 Shadow process memory leak
8172 1716738 ResultSetMetaData.getColumnTypeName() leaves a cursor open - may ORA-1000
8172 1747011 Mem leak / ORA-4030 binding repeatedly in a PLSQL loop
8172 1775445 Multi-threaded XA client which spawns threads which do xa_end(TMSUSPEND) leak memory
8171B 1319755 OCI driver memory leak if Statement object used for multiple SQL statements
8171B 1530924 EJB: Leak which can affect performance (GC keeps running)
8171 1240484 Shared server memory leak on repeated connect/disconnect
8171 1319344 Slow client side memory leak using XA
8171 1334986 INSERT from remote SELECT with > 256 columns can spin leaking lots of memory
8171 1367773 SNP processes leak private memory
8171 1375878 XA tracing can leak client side memory (if writes error or repeated xa_open/close)
8171 1410582 Pro* run time client side mem leak allocating/freeing objects in a loop
8171 1454173 OCI client side memory leak with repeated session begin/end
8171 1640583 ORA-4031 due to leak / cache buffer chain contention from AND-EQUAL access
SQL*Loader 8174 1323111 SQLLOAD with SKIP and CONCANETATE skips all records
8174 1524220 Poor performance using SQLLOADER to load delimited LOBS / dump possible
8174 1733437 False ORA-1461 possible in SQLLoader
8174 1904176 Loader memory leak when using CONTINUEIF / CONCATENATE with long logical records
8174 2018813 Oracle shadow for DIRECT LOAD session using FILLER field may dump
8174 2055319 Loader may report the wrong number of rows loaded if a space error occurs
8174 2151364 DIRECT load of IOT can produce a corrupt IOT
8173 1950099+ Function based index not updated after DIRECT LOAD
8173 1327439 ERRORS=nnn does not record the very last error in the LOG file
8173 1498601 Direct load may silently stop loading when internal log buffer is full
8173 1714958 ORA-7445 / Dump from Direct load with NULLIF/DEFAULTIF/WHEN
8173 1858867 Loader-522 error possible with the fix for Bug:1766062
8173 1975902 Failed DIRECT load into a composite partitioned table leaves unexpected ROWS inserted
8173 2045203 Direct load may save some rows when interrupted (Ctrl-C)
8172 1576373 Direct path load ENABLES CONSTRAINT even if there are violations
8171 1351146 ORA-1458/ORA-1401 loading mixed data (ShiftSensitive multibyte & single byte)
8171 1356902 SQL Loader direct path may exit with SUCCESS even if there were errors
8171 1378532 ORA-1841 possible loading fixed length records with SKIP parameter
8171 1398257 ORA-1401 using POSITION (*-end) with direct load
8171 1470497 SQLLOADER may incorrectly discard a row with ORA-2020 'ALL COLUMNS NULL'
8171 1472152 OERI:6941 possible on DIRECT LOAD if INITTRANS on INDEX too high
8171 1499098 Direct loaded index blocks have fewer ITLs than possible for large INITRANS
Security 8174 1980225* Trace file security issue.
8174 1231172 ENHANCEMENT: Add "REPLACE oldpassword" clause to ALTER USER command
8174 1668134 "Protocol Violation" from JDBC THIN if account password has expired
8173 1393786 Failed EXTERNAL USER identification then tries global user identification
8173 1674790 Privilege problems referencing objects through CURSOR() construct
8173 1698514 DOMAIN index code may be executed as the wrong user
8173 1715529 ORA-2002/ORA-1461 from AUDIT CREATE TRIGGER when creating a LOGON TRIGGER
8173 1728366 Fine Grained Access control may unnecessarily reexecute the policy function
8173 1739260 Exp/Imp loses the "static" attribute of a security policy
8173 1753899 DBMS_STATS can fail (ORA-904) for a table with a security policy on it
8173 1794996 Cannot create a text index on a table with RLS (DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY) (ORA-1031)
8173 1954607 False ORA-28117 using VPD policy with check option on table with self referencing constraint
8173 1989478 ORA-1979 on logon with default roles with nested password protected roles
8172 1397975 Misleading error messages from invalid input to DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT
8172 1582923 A query may spin / dump with Row Level Security either STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED or _PUSH_JOIN_UNION_VIEW
8172 1609842 ORA-12534 possible using REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT=TRUE over a DBLINK
8172 1611673 Query rewrite may OERI:VOPRVL1 when using Row Level Security
8172 1632293 Database links using OS authentication may fail with ORA-28150
8172 1689692 REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES from a ROLE fails with ORA-1952
8172 1735699 Oracle Label Security Logons fail after upgrading to 8171
8172 1739335 ALTER TABLE can cause logical corruption if the table has Row Level Security on it
8171 1248112 Audit 'EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE' gives incorrect audit field values
8171 1326581 Intermittent ORA-904 possible for PLSQL objects using ROLE based security
8171 1366074 Attribute identifiers in DN of GLOBAL USER are incorrectly CASE sensitive
8171 1383106 DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT is not interoperable across platforms
8171 1390553 Password Verification can allow username to match password using OCIPasswordChange()
8171 1398783 Enterprise ROLES (SSL users) do not work over DB LINKS
8171 1411361 Public procedures are erroneously AUDITED
8171 1462321 Wrong results possible using Fine Grained Access Control with PARTITION clauses
8171 1467270 Fine Grained Access policy function cannot see latest package variables
8171 1469858 DBMS_OBFUSCATION support for Standard Edition
8171 1485867 Certain constructs in TRIGGERS can corrupt AUDIT TRAIL information
8171 1487291 ORA-1017 using RACFSAMP for OS authentication (affects MVS)
Shared Pool 8174 1815042 Unnecessary hold of library cache latch in RAC or OPS environments
8174 2104071 ORA-4031 / excessive "miscellaneous" shared pool use possible (many PINS)
8174 2129178 Using NULL or an empty string ('') in an INLIST can cause ORA-4031 / waste shared pool memory
8174 2159152 Cursors not shared with CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE if it has a transitive predicate within a view
8173 1333526 ORA-4031 / Poor performance using persistent Object data types
8173 1819214 Reduce latch hold time for "row cache objects" latch
8173 1865917 ORA-4031 / high CPU from OR expansion of negated predicates with RBO
8173 2041699 Child library cache latch contention using PLSQL functions in large selects
8172 1397603+ ORA-4031 / SGA memory leak of PERMANENT memory for buffer handles
8172 1396675 PLSQL may hang/spin/ORA-4031 with SQL WHERE (a,b) in ( (c1,d1),(c2,d2)... )
8172 1589185 Performance fix to reduce sleeps on "library cache latch"
8172 1607828 OCI client make leak cursors (ORA-1000)
8172 1623256 Identical SQL referencing SCHEMA.SEQUENCE.NEXTVAL not shared by different users
8171 1318267 INSERT AS SELECT may not share SQL when it should
8171 1366837 Cursors referencing a fully qualified FUNCTION are not shared
8171 1467575 ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH SHARED POOL can cause PDML to hang
8171 1484634 Large row cache can cause long shared pool latch waits (OPS only)
8171 1640583 ORA-4031 due to leak / cache buffer chain contention from AND-EQUAL access
Space Management 8174 1923347 OERI:15593 occurs using TEMPORARY TEMP tablespace if segment needs >64K extents
8174 1937847 Space may be lost if migration of a tablespace to LOCALLY MANAGED is aborted
8174 2159322 More LOBSEGMENT space is used for ENABLE STORAGE IN ROW than required
8174 2199391 ADD/SPLIT [SUB]PARTITION can result in LOB partition in wrong tablespace
8174 2209512 OERI:5325 possible during ALTER TABLE .. MOVE
8172 1643068 Continual segment growth - space remains on PROCESS free lists
8171 1245424 ALTER TABLE iottable MOVE OVERFLOW TABLESPACE xxx does not work
8171 1324918 Binding CHAR/RAW to a LOB column can leak TEMP space
8171 1499098 Direct loaded index blocks have fewer ITLs than possible for large INITRANS
Space Management - Bitmap Managed 8174 1642738 AUTOEXTEND of bitmap managed tablespaces does not try all files for space
8174 2157568 OERI:KCBGTCR_4 possible from query if segment in BITMAP tablespace is TRUNCATED
8174 2194182 ORA-604 / ORA-1000 possible querying space information for BITMAPPED tablespace
Special Datatypes 8173 1388843 UNIQUE/PK constraints ENFORCED with NON-UNIQUE COMPRESSED indexes allow duplicates / ORA-8102
8171 1468034 OERI:12421 possible from AND-EQUALS on COMPRESSED btree indexes
8171 1538307 Dump in KDIEXI or FK not found with KEY COMPRESSION and Constraints
Star Transformation 8174 1956846 ORA-7445[EVAOPN2] possible from STAR TRANSFORMATION if SUBQUERY_PRUNING enabled
8174 2072348 OERI:[KKOJOCOL:2] from STAR TRANSFORMATION with duplicate table aliases
8174 2144870 STAR TRANSFORMATION (FACT hint) may be ignored
8174 2170565 Wrong results possible from STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED=TRUE temp table transformation
8174 2172983 Wrong results / Dump from STAR_TRANSFORMATION of concatenated bitmap row source
8174 2208570 ORA-4030 / ORA-4031 / spin during query optimization with STAR TRANSFORMATION and unmergable view
8174 2241746 "FACT" hint may be ignored when valid - STAR TRANSFORMATION not used
8174 2251373 Poor performance / CARTESIAN merge from TEMP TABLE STAR transformation
8173 1461208 ORA-604 / ORA-918 possible from STAR TRANSFORMATION using views / subqueries
8173 1565514 Wrong results/dump possible with STAR TRANSFORMATION and transitively generated predicate
8173 1587619 Wrong results possible from STAR TRANSFORMATION and SEMIJOIN
8173 1685119 OERI:KCBLIBR_USER_FOU / hang when interrupt (Ctrl-C) of PQ using STAR_TRANSFORMATION
8173 1768110 OERI[KKOJOCOL:2]/OERI:150 possible from STAR TRANSFORMATION with correlated SUBQUERY
8173 1946566 OERI:15160 possible from join of 5 or more table when CBO attempts STAR
8173 1970504 STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED = TRUE can get a sub-optimal plan
8173 1995384 STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED=TRUE can cause wrong results
8173 2048336 OERI:150 / Memory corruption from interrupted STAR TRANSFORMATION
8173 2102177 Wrong results possible STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED=TRUE when TEMP table is generated
Transportable Tablespaces 8174 1371820 OERI:4506 possible against transported tablespace
8174 1754947 EXP-8 / ORA-6502 exporting many tablespaces with TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE=Y
8174 1892821 Transportable Tablespace does not transport statistics using FROMUSER/TOUSER
8174 2143665 OERI:KTFDTSEX1 importing transportable tablespace with Oracle7 format datafiles
8174 2165601 OERI:4097 possible on objects in read only transported tablespace
8174 2202283 ORA-2220 error importing a Transportable Tablespace export with table containing LOB columns
8173 1869016 Transporting a tablespace containing LOB data fails (IMP-3 / ORA-22854)
8172 1375026 OERI:13302 possible after a transportable tablespace has been plugged in
8172 1470463 OERI:KKDLGON4 possible exporting with TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE=Y
8171 1396571 OERI:25012 possible importing with TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE=Y
8171 1396836 ORA-29340/ OERI:kfpplgdf4 Transporting a tablespace with LOCALLY MANAGED file which has been RESIZED (shrunk)
Wallet Manager 8173 1840244 OWM/mkwallet may crash if certificate has a Name
Wrong Results 8174 440317 ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE may not find a row which has just been INSERTED
8174 1367842 Wrong results from query rewrite of SELECT COUNT(*) against MV with SELECT DISTINCT
8174 1396578 ""% Non-Parse CPU" shows the wrong value in STATSPACK output
8174 1746797 Wrong results possible from PQ with SET operations in correlated subquery
8174 1834530 OERI:25012 / wrong results after EXCHANGE PARTITION with indexes with different FREELIST /FREELIST GROUPS
8174 1854275 V$SYSSTAT may show non-sense high values if RESOURCE_LIMIT=true and PQ used
8174 1894578 EXEC SQL DESCRIBE from 8i client to 9i server may return no information
8174 1977071 TEXT: ALTERNATE_SPELLING and BASE_LETTER lexer preference can give wrong results
8174 2033324 Wrong results from BITMAP access of B*TREE index with all NULLABLE columns
8174 2070377 Text queries using ABOUT and ctx_doc.themes() with THEME_LANGUAGE=FRENCH miss some themes
8174 2097294 Wrong results possible from SELECT over DBLINK using HASH JOIN
8174 2115494 Phrase search using nested WITHIN on XML document can return false hits
8174 2128245 V$RESOURCE_LIMIT.LM_CACHE_RESS/GESS_CACHE_RESS shows the wrong value
8174 2170565 Wrong results possible from STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED=TRUE temp table transformation
8174 2221598 LONG columns values may not Text index correctly
8174 2228217 Join between partitioned and non-partitioned table may loose ORDER BY clause
8174 2231419 Wrong results possible using ORDER BY/GROUP BY with functional index
8174 2231515 DATA_LENGTH in ALL/USER_ARGUMENTS not shown for VARCHAR2 data in %TYPE parameters
8174 2241608 Missing rows / ORA-24371 from 8173 Pro/OCI client against 9i database
8173 1813837+ pred1 OR pred2 can give wrong results if pred2 is a subset of pred1
8173 1249631 V$SESSION.SQL_ADDRESS is not cleared when a cursor is unmapped
8173 1272708 Wrong results from Stemming with accented characters when text index has BASE_LETTER preference
8173 1289299 Wrong results / dump possible from ordered NOT IN list
8173 1333478 Adding an ORDER BY clause can cause wrong results
8173 1358047 Wrong Results/Dump from Bitmap AND on BTREE range scan of concatenated index
8173 1379437 Wrong results possible from TABLE clause in FROM clause with correlated subquery
8173 1395159 ITEXT: Wrong results possible using German stemming
8173 1417113 CHARSET Filter does not index all documents if there is a NULL in the indexed column
8173 1548495 Wrong results from PQ of partition-wise hash join on composite partitioned table
8173 1565514 Wrong results/dump possible with STAR TRANSFORMATION and transitively generated predicate
8173 1587619 Wrong results possible from STAR TRANSFORMATION and SEMIJOIN
8173 1649834 Non-deterministic output from CTX_DOC.THEMES for documents with no tokens
8173 1661329 Concatenation (|| operator) may not signal ORA-1489 when it should
8173 1695046 ITEXT: Incorrect results possible using PERIOD (.) as a PRINTJOIN
8173 1733530 Cobol: COMP-3 packed decimal can return incorrect number data
8173 1742564 ORA-1424 / Wrong results for LIKE .. ESCAPE .. which can be replaced with "=" with UNION view
8173 1744625 Wrong results from INLIST iterator in subquery with correlated columns in INLIST
8173 1751186 Wrong results / dump in qerixGetKey using bitmap indexes
8173 1758968 OERI / Wrong results from PDML INSERT CHAR into NUMBER column in composite Partition
8173 1759227 PQ may return wrong results selecting a COUNT(aggregate) column from a view
8173 1761391 Array fetch into OCIString can return truncated data
8173 1793533 Wrong results possible from PQO with GROUP BY (affected by SORT_AREA_SIZE)
8173 1808727 ALTERNATE_SPELLING & COMPOSITE preferences may not find all token occurrences
8173 1808846 Wrong results possible from duplicate bind names when bound by position
8173 1814148 Incorrect results possible when NLS_SORT != BINARY
8173 1832457 Wrong results possible from PQ INDEX_FFS of global partitioned index with Nested Loops
8173 1833218 Wrong results possible from correlated EXISTS subquery
8173 1838517 Wrong result possible from Complex_View_Merging with Functional Index
8173 1852163 Wrong results possible if subquery converted into a view (NSO_VW)
8173 1852436 Text index on LONG column may index incorrect tokens
8173 1855381 Wrong results possible from PQ partial piecewise join
8173 1863608 False ORA-1400 possible using non-unique composite index to enforce a primary key constraint
8173 1878160 ITEXT: Missing results possible from wild card section search (X% WITHIN section)
8173 1898834 Query rewrite may give incorrect results for outer joins
8173 1953964 ITEXT: Wrong results possible with alternate spelling for phrases with accented chars
8173 1960058 LIKE on CONCATENATED index may not return rows when it should
8173 1961451 CATSEARCH with 2 phrases gives incorrect results
8173 1992400 Wrong results possible using INLIST ITERATOR with CORRELATED variable in the inlist
8173 1995384 STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED=TRUE can cause wrong results
8173 2002799 Wrong results / heap corruption from PQ with aggregates in inline view
8173 2044102 Fast refresh may not work due to wrong results from SYS_OP_MAP_NONNULL() on date columns
8173 2058756 Deferred CHECK constraints may be added to query predicates leading to wrong results
8173 2096565 Wrong results possible when column in query has a DESCENDING index on it
8173 2102177 Wrong results possible STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED=TRUE when TEMP table is generated
8172 782833 INSERT .. VALUES( SEQUENCE.NEXTVAL ) with INSTEAD OF trigger gives a NULL
8172 923020 Update VIEW with CHECK OPTION may update wrong rows
8172 1276687 Wrong results possible from REVERSE index used in AND-EQUALS
8172 1358043 OERI:KSMOVRFLOW / garbage info possible from V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS
8172 1365771 Selecting NUMBER from EBCDIC to ASCII string can give corrupted data
8172 1374542 ITEXT: Theme indexing does not produce the correct themes
8172 1374926 BEFORE UPDATE ROW TRIGGER has wrong value for :OLD.ROWID
8172 1393049 Wrong results possible from IN LIST in OR chain with an AND
8172 1459886 LOGMINER may show incomplete REDO / UNDO
8172 1490268 Sort / Group By operations using adaptive fetch can give wrong results
8172 1498049 A Partitioned view may give wrong results if CHECK constraints evaluate to UNKNOWN
8172 1516998 Queries using TABLE(CAST(member_function AS type)) may return wrong results
8172 1532584 64bit: SQL_TRACE can incorrectly show very large numbers of rows processed
8172 1543262 Bind by Position (OCIBindbyPos) can give wrong results over HS
8172 1577284 Wrong results from NL with SORT over a UNION view with a pushed in predicate
8172 1578644 Wrong results possible from ORed non-correlated subquery predicates (eg: EXISTS)
8172 1612179 Wrong results / Dump from STAR_TRANSFORMATION with PARTITIONED fact table
8172 1630219 Wrong results from NL join with CONTAINS() filter on the INNER table
8172 1643139 Wrong data bound if BEFORE triggers modify PACKAGE variables bound to SQL in PLSQL
8172 1644572 Wrong results from subquery/inline view of SELF JOIN with a FUNCTION BASED INDEX
8172 1650368 HTML_SECTION_GROUP / AUTO_SECTION_GROUP may miss text or include TAGS as text
8172 1651014 Wrong results possible from multiple OR branches containing subqueries
8172 1666543 Wrong results from BITMAP index with ROWID predicates in Sort Merge OR HASH join
8172 1671225 Wrong results / dump possible from 'BETWEEN <constant> AND <subquery>'
8172 1684431 Wrong results possible from COMPOSITE INDEX RANGE SCAN
8172 1690248 Wrong results from Nested Loop OUTER join with COUNT(*) pushed into OUTER bitmap index
8172 1692225 Non default CPU_PER_CALL can cause 'CPU used by this session' to show high values
8172 1709076 CTXCAT/CATSEARCH may give wrong results when there is a stopword in a phrase
8172 1710007 Wrong results from PDML INSERT as SELECT of a SEQUENCE
8172 1712631 ORA-22282 or missing data on CTX_DOC.FILTER of data with stray '0' bytes
8172 1749471 Wrong results from query with CHECK CONSTRAINTS on NULLABLE columns
8172 1759019 ITEXT: ACCUMULATE operator not working properly in ZONE SECTIONS
8172 1761950 Wrong results possible using identical BIND NAMES with BIND BY POSITION values
8172 1789212 Wrong results from interMedia WITHIN queries on XML documents in Multibyte
8171B 1387222 IText: Japanese VGRAM lexer with PREFIX_INDEX=YES can give wrong results
8171B 1539070 Deleting/Updating rows when there is TEXT index can result in OERI:12700 / duplicate rows from queries
8171B 1555845 ITEXT: OERI:20084 / duplicate rows from CATSEARCH() with > 5 terms
8171B 1607447 MULTI_COLUMN_DATASTORE truncates VARCHAR2 column values when length == max column length
8171 1286684+ "CPU Used by this session" is incorrect if JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES is set
8171 1570121+ Dumps (in evaopn2) using DESC functional indexes
8171 774826 False ORA-2292 possible on SELF REFERENCING CONSTRAINT (rare)
8171 1163205 PRO-C inserting NCHAR pointer to NCHAR column inserts NULL
8171 1189700 Wrong results from update/query with remote SUBQUERY with ROWNUM predicate
8171 1259877 OERI / incorrect error information possible using OCI_BATCH_ERROR
8171 1315603 OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS can return wrong Indicator/return code value fetching NULL data
8171 1362606 Wrong results from STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED=true/temp_disable with OUTER JOIN
8171 1363176 PCTAS / PDML may produce incorrect results if subquery contains INLINE view / subquery
8171 1377361 OCI PLSQL OUTPUT bind of SQLT_CHR with Unicode charset looses trailing character
8171 1382576 Wrong results possible from PQO SMJ with CHAR join columns of different lengths
8171 1388326 OCIStmtExecute in OCI_BATCH_ERRORS mode may not insert all rows when many errors
8171 1390403 Outer joined view with a literal column may return NULL for the column
8171 1391946 PUSH_JOIN_PREDICATE=true can cause wrong results (eg: with outer join)
8171 1409046 Fetching character data in OCI/PRO from V7 EBCDIC server may give bad data
8171 1422015 Wrong Results from PQ using MAX/MIN on operands of 254 or 255 bytes with GROUP BY
8171 1462321 Wrong results possible using Fine Grained Access Control with PARTITION clauses
8171 1487212 Wrong results possible from INLIST iterator with NULL BIND in IN List
8171 1502624 Wrong Res from Temporary table STAR TRANSFORMATION referencing PARTITIONED tables
8171 1555818 OCILobRead may return incorrect data from UTF-8 (multibyte) database
XA / Distributed Transactions 8174 1390058 OERI:[K2GDEL:BAD PTRS] possible from COMMIT/ROLLBACK FORCE inside a local transaction
8174 2052584 XA with SQLLIB (Pro) in a DLL may error if the DLL is unloaded before ending the transaction
8174 2145632 ORA-3113 / ORA-3114 should map to XAException.XAER_RMFAIL under JDBC XA
8174 2172327 XA application using SELECT FOR UPDATE NOWAIT may get OEI:12333 instead of ORA-54
8174 2221449 ORA-24756/ORA-24776 on COMMIT after recovering IN-DOUBT/PREPARED transactions
8173 914652 ORA-2041 possible for DB LINK with XA / Microsoft Transaction Server / ODBC
8173 1768984 Client memory leak in XA clients
8173 1829370 OERI:4415 possible using XA to OPS or RAC with DBLINKS
8173 1984822 Concurrent execution on tightly coupled transaction branches can cause logical corruption
8172 1045176 Client side memory leak from Multi-threaded PRO application using XA_open/xa_close in a thread
8172 1389914 XA_ROLLBACK on heuristically committed transaction gets ORA-24763
8172 1470645 ORA-25352/ORA-24776 errors even using NOLOCAL=T
8172 1539060 XA_RECOVER may not show a PREPARED transaction
8172 1569235 OERI:18092 possible with JDBC XA
8172 1641672 Multithreaded XA client leaks memory when DbgFl is set
8172 1659886 False ORA-60 Starting multiple transactions in same client without COMMIT
8172 1745651 PROC XA applications may dump in xaocommit with MODE=ANSI
8172 1775445 Multi-threaded XA client which spawns threads which do xa_end(TMSUSPEND) leak memory
8172 1781184 Implicit cursors using a remote table may cause XA error 100
8171B No Bug# (8) JTA in JServer may incorrectly remove / replace an XA resource
8171 1185777 ORA-24813 using LOBs from XA code
8171 1226580 OERI [k2gdel: bad ptrs] using serializable transactions with XA
8171 1319344 Slow client side memory leak using XA
8171 1362359 Client core dump if XAORECOVER >100 rows
8171 1375878 XA tracing can leak client side memory (if writes error or repeated xa_open/close)
8171 1413753 Closing a METHOD 4 cursor in ANSI mode can give SQL-2114 and cause XA_END to return 100
XML / XDK 8174 2104071 ORA-4031 / excessive "miscellaneous" shared pool use possible (many PINS)
8173 1975248 Memory leaks when dequeueing using JMS or AQ XML interfaces
Year 2000 / Date limit Issues 8173 1985041 ProCobol files precompiled after 09/Sep/2001 may not compile on some platforms
interMedia Text 8174 1409135 INSO_FILTER may fail fail due to dynamic linker errors for local connections on Unix
8174 1701374 WinNT: Indexing with URL_DATASTORE on Windows leaks sockets - can appear to hang
8174 1731490 ITEXT: OERI:KGHFRF1 possible from multiple Text index DDL operations in same session
8174 1977071 TEXT: ALTERNATE_SPELLING and BASE_LETTER lexer preference can give wrong results
8174 1978117 CTXKBTC dumps when a phrase in thesaurus already exists in the knowledge base
8174 2070377 Text queries using ABOUT and ctx_doc.themes() with THEME_LANGUAGE=FRENCH miss some themes
8174 2077438 Oracle Text "field section" searches (WITHIN) always return cardinality 1 to CBO
8174 2084597 UGA memory leak possible using Oracle Text CONTAINS() operator
8174 2096753 Estimated cardinality of a PHRASE text query is much too high
8174 2096777 CBO may not choose functional invokation of DOMAIN INDEX functions
8174 2110339 Incorrect results from ABOUT operator in CTX_DOC.MARKUP
8174 2115494 Phrase search using nested WITHIN on XML document can return false hits
8174 2141807 TEMPORARY LOB leak - affects Oracle Text
8174 2147764 Cardinality of 1 for text query with PHRASE containing STOP WORDS
8174 2150312 OERI:7001 on FULL optimize of index with PREFIX indexing and field/attribute sections
8174 2183736 ORA-3113 creating TEXT index with fix for Bug:2100864 installed
8174 2186975 Low CONTAINS() function cost if DB_BLOCK_SIZE>2K can lead to non-DOMAIN INDEX access path
8174 2221598 LONG columns values may not Text index correctly
8174 2229432 No error logged if INSO_FILTER times out (certain platforms)
8173 1272708 Wrong results from Stemming with accented characters when text index has BASE_LETTER preference
8173 1344653 ORA-7445[KOKLIGCURENV] possible running Text query in parallel
8173 1395159 ITEXT: Wrong results possible using German stemming
8173 1417113 CHARSET Filter does not index all documents if there is a NULL in the indexed column
8173 1417233 DRG-10599 possible using CONTAINS with an OUTER JOIN
8173 1649834 Non-deterministic output from CTX_DOC.THEMES for documents with no tokens
8173 1695046 ITEXT: Incorrect results possible using PERIOD (.) as a PRINTJOIN
8173 1707340 "FULL_THEMES" parameter affects output Weights in CTX_DOC.THEMES
8173 1710157 ORA-1000 / OERI:QXIMCOC4 from ORed CONTAINS clauses using SCOREs
8173 1762455 Cannot text index URLs over 256 characters long using URL_DATASTORE
8173 1774791 ORA-1480 occurs when indexing UTF8 data by Japanese VGRAM lexer
8173 1784333 ITEXT: "KOC KOCDS" memory leak
8173 1784337 ITEXT: "KOL VARRAY" memory leak
8173 1794996 Cannot create a text index on a table with RLS (DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY) (ORA-1031)
8173 1808727 ALTERNATE_SPELLING & COMPOSITE preferences may not find all token occurrences
8173 1846487 MASTER-DETAIL DATASTORE with BINARY=NO may corrupt text at buffer boundaries
8173 1847653 Create / Sync of a URL datastore index leaks memory / OERI:kghfrf1
8173 1852436 Text index on LONG column may index incorrect tokens
8173 1878160 ITEXT: Missing results possible from wild card section search (X% WITHIN section)
8173 1880469 Markup using CHINESE_VGRAM_LEXER may produce incorrect markup
8173 1883793 INSO_FILTER crashes when filter output is a multiple of 32000 bytes
8173 1890968 CREATE text index may dump for tokens > 64 bytes long after alternate spelling expansion
8173 1906797 Long running SYNC may dump (in lxscop/drsxsqr)
8173 1911882 CTX_DOC.MARKUP on variable width charset DB (eg: UTF8) may dump
8173 1916461 Text queries can leak server memory
8173 1953964 ITEXT: Wrong results possible with alternate spelling for phrases with accented chars
8173 1955568 Full OPTIMIZE may fail with DRG-50608
8173 1961451 CATSEARCH with 2 phrases gives incorrect results
8173 1987692 Creation of interMedia Text index can use excessive CPU
8173 1995294 Wildcard text queries very slow with function based index on $I table
8173 2079575 Large PGA memory leak possible creating TEXT index
8172 1456235+ Passing LOBS in recursive PLSQL can cause excessive memory leak
8172 1374542 ITEXT: Theme indexing does not produce the correct themes
8172 1427002 ALTER INDEX i REBUILD PARAMETERS('SYNC') may raise ORA-29863 / DRG-10595 / ORA-28579
8172 1490912 DRG-10599 using CONTAINS on UNION ALL view
8172 1522954 CREATE CONTEXT INDEX may dump / index incorrectly for LONG or LONG RAW data
8172 1555515 Dump using wordlist operator (stem, wildcard, fuzzy, soundex) on 2 identical subexpressions
8172 1557965 Incorrect SCORE() for some MULTI-BYTE character data
8172 1578242 ENH: Allow USER DATASTORE to return a NON-TEMPORARY LOB locator
8172 1578709 Performance of DOMAIN indexes may be slow in some join conditions (affects interMedia)
8172 1604971 CONTAINS() using '!' may dump if text contains a cedille (cedilla)
8172 1630219 Wrong results from NL join with CONTAINS() filter on the INNER table
8172 1632089 DRG-10848 if structured clause of CATSEARCH() has leading blanks (spaces)
8172 1634528 ALTER INDEX of CTXCAT index to ADD a STOPWORD errors with ORA-29863 / ORA-904
8172 1635028 ORA-2000 / ORA-21560 executing ctx_doc.gist() with a CLOB parameter
8172 1645447 CTX_QUERY.COUNT_HITS(..EXACT=>TRUE) slower than SELECT COUNT(*)
8172 1650368 HTML_SECTION_GROUP / AUTO_SECTION_GROUP may miss text or include TAGS as text
8172 1660244 Interrupting (Ctrl-C) an interMedia text query can take a long time
8172 1675072 CTS_DOC.markup / highlight with LEXER composite preference does not mark COMPOUND words
8172 1679017 ORA-942 when using CTX_QUERY.BROWSE_WORDS
8172 1679970 Complex CONTAINS clause may return spurious DRG-100 [50935], DRG-50937
8172 1684252 AUTO_SECTION_GROUP indexing may dump on document with long attribute value
8172 1691053 ITEXT: Dump indexing invalid XML/HTML document
8172 1691651 DML statements on CTXCAT indexed tables may be slow
8172 1691657 CTXCAT DML performs an unneccessary internal select
8172 1709076 CTXCAT/CATSEARCH may give wrong results when there is a stopword in a phrase
8172 1712582 Dump in DREB_LIKEQ if CONTAINS() has multiple wordlist operators (wildcard,fuzzy etc.)
8172 1712631 ORA-22282 or missing data on CTX_DOC.FILTER of data with stray '0' bytes
8172 1723488 Slow CONTAINS performance when NLS_SORT is set to non-binary
8172 1724813 DRG-11706 possible using "SEE" in a thesaurus file
8172 1728756 CONTAINS text queries using NOT,OR,MINUS,PHRASE may give poor execution plan
8172 1733649 DRG-11711 / hang using ctxkbtc with over 65535 terms
8172 1746462 Indexing a table with many NULL values and low index memory may be very slow
8172 1748493 Create Text Index with LOB parameter to a USER DATASTORE can be slow
8172 1749617 Export / Import of CONTEXT index can import an empty text index
8172 1759019 ITEXT: ACCUMULATE operator not working properly in ZONE SECTIONS
8172 1776022 ORA-02291 can occur when creating a relation with CTX_THES package
8172 1778950 ITEXT: Patchset is missing some interMedia Text files
8172 1789212 Wrong results from interMedia WITHIN queries on XML documents in Multibyte
8172 1789667 INSO_FILTER output may be corrupt for certain character sets / platforms
8172 1819825 INSO_FILTER TIMEOUT defaults to 0 rather than 120
8171B 953969 ORA-60 / deadlock possible with interMedia Text index
8171B 1350851 EXTPROC may hang / spin Text indexing non-English UTF8 data with INDEX_THEMES
8171B 1381319 On NT InterMedia Text cannot index using INSO_FILTER for certain character sets
8171B 1387222 IText: Japanese VGRAM lexer with PREFIX_INDEX=YES can give wrong results
8171B 1387232 IText: VGRAM lexer does not accept certain Japanese tokens / DRG-10100
8171B 1398499 Lexer errors should not abort indexing
8171B 1404388 Multi lexer with CONTAINS(ABOUT / THEME) clause dumps
8171B 1404442 HTML Section group can dump indexing plain text containing '<'
8171B 1412631 Errors during TEXT indexing can cause infinite spin / INDEX_ERRORS table fills
8171B 1414278 ORA-1727 possible on CTXCAT index creation
8171B 1414339 Text indexing could error internally with an ORA-1555 error
8171B 1416425 Text indexing may spin indexing Multibyte text with stray '0x00' characters
8171B 1420689 ORA-1480 possible creating TEXT index with KOREAN lexer
8171B 1424693 BASE_LETTER lexer attribute ignores NLS_LANG settings
8171B 1426493 DRG-50942 / ORA-06502 using CONTAINS clause with many SYNONYMS
8171B 1477339 DRG-50857 / ORA-1812 for CATSEARCH with 'ORDER BY <date_column>'
8171B 1481791 DRG-50857 / ORA-933 ANALYZING table with TEXT index to collect statistics
8171B 1483871 InterMedia TEXT cannot handle DOCIDs > 2Gb
8171B 1487693 EXP-8 DRG-10502 EXP-78 exporting table with TEXT index owned by another user.
8171B 1491283 EXTPROC hangs TEXT indexing bad Chinese data
8171B 1517789 ORA-7445 in DREDSEEK can occur on complex Text CONTAINS queries
8171B 1521343 CTX_DOC.FILTER on binary document in Multibyte may dump
8171B 1539070 Deleting/Updating rows when there is TEXT index can result in OERI:12700 / duplicate rows from queries
8171B 1539096 ITEXT: INSO_FILTER output is corrupt for some DB character sets
8171B 1545693 ITEXT: Slow plan if a TEXT index has no STATISTICS or CONTAINS() is passed a BIND
8171B 1551684 Text indexing can ORA-7445 using NEWS_SECTION_GROUP in Multibyte
8171B 1552372 Text queries using MINUS in a CONTAINS may spin in drysftc
8171B 1555845 ITEXT: OERI:20084 / duplicate rows from CATSEARCH() with > 5 terms
8171B 1576778 CTXLOAD errors with ORA-1403 immediately on Personal Oracle only
8171B 1607447 MULTI_COLUMN_DATASTORE truncates VARCHAR2 column values when length == max column length
8171B 1634278 "ALTER INDEX I RENAME TO NEW_I" raises DRG-50857 / ORA-942 for a CTXCAT index
8171B 1641442 DRG-10758 trying to create a FILE datastore using FILE_ACCESS_ROLE
8171 1555818 OCILobRead may return incorrect data from UTF-8 (multibyte) database
Dumps / Abends 8174 871677 Core dump (in kssdch) possible on SHUTDOWN
8174 1485959 Dump in XTYCTX with subquery inside 3 or more parenthesis
8174 1782025 Client may dump/error using DML RETURNING with CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE|SIMILAR
8174 1947584 Buffer overflow possible KDRREB()
8174 2052836 Client dump possible using CALL statement with CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE
8174 2110054 Select COUNT(*) from a nested complex view with GROUP BY in inner view may dump in evaopn2
8174 2165314 ORA-7445[KSPPTV] changing an INIT.ORA parameter using ALTER SYSTEM/SESSION
8174 2220597 ORA-7445 [kpolon] possible trying to connect to a SHUTDOWN database
8174 2251136 ORA-7445[KGLSUPD] from concurrent DROP/TRUNCATE and ANALYZE
8174 2262665 ORA-7445 [kkslpbp] possible with CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE
8173 1156775 ORA-7445 [qxidmid] possible on bulk DML with domain index
8173 1358871 CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE may dump if first bind is a literal
8173 1362545 ANALYZE VALIDATE STRUCTURE may dump / ORA-7445 in KDGPRD()
8173 1526601 ORACLE_SID of 16 characters cause utilities to dump on Windows platforms
8173 1538450 Dump in KXSPOAC possible CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE set
8173 1614338 SIGFPE (divide by 0) possible in KKEIDC()
8173 1787862 Dump possible from queries using ORDER BY clause
8173 1805102 Dump possible from IN-LINE view "UNION" and "ORDER BY"
8173 2004336 COUNT(NOT_NULL_COLUMN) may dump (QERIXGETKEY) if column referenced in WHERE clause
8172 1099596 Dump in evaopn2 on SELECT from a VIEW using a DESC INDEX
8172 1354942 TKPROF may dump if "STAT" lines are over 79 characters long
8172 1478998 Dump in EVAOPN2 possible
8172 1487633 Dump in QERIXGETKEY possible from SMJ
8171 1160917 LTRIM/RTRIM/TRANSLATE() core dump if NO ARGUMENT is passed in
8171 1480555 Dump in EXPCMO when _PUSH_JOIN_PREDICATE=TRUE
8171 1508185 Dump in PTG_TX possible
8171 1655813 Dump possible in 'update "SYS"."KOTTB$"' recompiling PLSQL / running UTLRP
Errors & Internal Errors 8174 1230798 Concurrent ALTER TABLESPACE READ ONLY can fail with ORA-60
8174 1395086 OERI:6731 possible on update of chained row locked by a DEAD transaction
8174 1395967 BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACE does not escape quotation marks in the filename (ORA-1967)
8174 1471556 Dump during logoff AUDIT INSERT possible if an error occurs late during session deletion
8174 1747270 OERI:QXIMCOC4 can be signalled on a memory error when using a DOMAIN index
8174 1888129 ORA-1410 possible from SELECT .. FOR UPDATE from 8i client to 8.0 server
8174 1953407 OERI:[KQLBLFC-1] during crash recovery / slow startup times possible
8174 1990056 Add a new internal error (to check for the issue in Bug:1711803)
8174 2012036 ORA-904 possible from SELECT from VIEW which contains ORDER BY
8174 2060131 OERI:13009 possible from 'SELECT FOR UPDATE .. NOWAIT'
8174 2103658 OERI:6034 possible inserting into table with PK enforced with non-unique index
8174 2103881 ALTER INDEX REBUILD ONLINE gives ORA-604 / ORA-903 / ORA-911 if "username" starts with a number/special character
8174 2166556 SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES=TRUE may use an existing cursor which uses the index (ORA-1502)
8174 2171343 OERI:2023 can occur
8174 2179919 ORA-600 [12325] from WHERE ROWID clause against table in an inline view
8174 2184731 OERI:25012 possible from index prefetch
8174 2189615 OERI:25012 / OERI:504 [cache buffers chains] selecting from certain V$ tables
8174 2205764 ORA-7445[KDIMOD0] possible from fix for bug:2103658
8174 2216959 False ORA-1791 possible using duplicate binds
8173 1055420 ORA-14452 when trying to DROP a GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE if a using session has been KILLED
8173 1125746 False ORA-1 possible for NULL data if UNIQUE constraint enforced using non-unique index
8173 1360220 OERI:9999 / ORA-979 possible from complex view merging
8173 1402161 OERI:4411/OERI:4454 on long running job
8173 1470903 OERI:KGHFRF1 possible after ORA-4030 when allocating control file cache memory
8173 1478965 OERI:15160 possible with EXISTS/IN and HASH or MERGE ALWAYS_SEMI_JOIN
8173 1586509 OERI:KSUWAITSYSEVENT1 possible from Forms clients
8173 1635446 OERI:17285 can occur
8173 1638887 ORA-997 from query selecting a LONG column when using complex view merging
8173 1712645 OERI:729 space leak possible if DROP COLUMN is interrupted
8173 1748384 OERI:qksopOptASJLf1 / dump in kkeajsel with ALWAYS_SEMI_JOIN=MERGE/HASH with SUBQUERY containing OR of correlated variable
8173 1784708 OERI:KCBGTCR_1/OERI:25012 accessing LONG / LONG RAW in a HASH CLUSTER
8173 1788648 OERI:25012 [2147483647] possible selecting from certain V$ views
8173 1794739 OERI:7001 possible on CREATE VIEW when OBJAUTH$.SEQUENCE# exceeds 65535
8173 1804676 OERI:KCBGCUR_9 possible from ONLINE REBUILD INDEX with concurrent DML
8173 1818676 Sessions exceeding PROFILE resource limits may raise OERI:17034 / OERI:17281
8173 1820448 ORA-7445[strncpy] possible on SELECT from X$KSMSP
8173 1858632 OERI:4512 possible inserting into a table with an index
8173 1877874 OERI:QERIXTIGET1 possible querying an empty GLOBAL TEMPORARY table with an index
8173 1915018 ALTER VIEW .. COMPILE which references ROWID fails with ORA-1446
8173 1957195 OERI:KTSIRCINFO_NUM1 / OERI:KTSSDRP1 possible after concurrent ALTER INDEX REBUILD on same index
8173 1974219 ALTER TABLE MODIFY column from INTEGER to FLOAT signals ORA-1440
8173 1998455 OERI:KCBGTCR_4 possible from long running DDL if referenced object dropped/truncated
8173 2009263 OERI:526 possible on SELECT from V$DML_LOCKS
8172 1375214+ Commit in an AUTONOMOUS transaction resets SELECT FOR UPDATE cursors (ORA-1002 on next fetch)
8172 771692 False ORA-2292 possible on UPDATE of PARENT table with REF constraint
8172 984251 CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE can cause ORA-29909 when using an ANCILLARY OPERATOR
8172 1275224 ORA-4020 executing INVALID stored procedure from client PLSQL only
8172 1397075 OERI:KCBGCUR_9 from SMON during temp seg cleanup for segment in read only LOCALLY MANAGED TABLESPACE
8172 1409835 OERI:16609 / OERI:16608 possible on operations which involve constraints
8172 1422055 ORA-370 possible with concurrent updates of chained rows.
8172 1428365 OERI:KCBNFY_BP_ERROR possible on NUMA platforms
8172 1476579 OERI:KTSISEG_INFO2 possible if 2 processes try to load same ROWCACHE entry
8172 1492590 OERI:12410 possible when _new_initial_join_orders =true
8172 1508317 CREATE or REPLACE FORCE VIEW may OERI:16221 if _push_join_union_view=TRUE
8172 1545473 ORA-979 possible using CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE with GROUP BY & ORDER BY & LITERALS
8172 1579190 Truncating a SYNONYM reports ORA-4020 instead of ORA-942
8172 1603460 OERI:730 possible during SHUTDOWN (leak of "active checkpoint entry" items)
8172 1622891 ORA-4020 deadlock from various DDL possible
8172 1656588 ORA-1008 from STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED and TRUNC()
8172 1682908 ORA-1555 possible with graceful switchover / back of STANDBY
8172 1686483 ORA-604 / ORA-1406 possible from REVOKE REFERENCES
8172 1779978 OERI:1114 / OERI:KSMGUARD2 with more than about 536 sessions
8171 873068 ORA-1634 possible from TX using OFFLINED RBS if recursive SQL issued
8171 962560 ORA-25128 possible for INSERT .. SELECT from table with "DISABLE VALIDATE" constraint
8171 1264970 OERI:25012 / OERI:6050 possible coalescing index with freelists
8171 1306896 OERI:711 from DELETE with DML RETURNING clause
8171 1307247 OERI:1113 can occur if ANALYZE fails or is interupted
8171 1383234 OERI:15203 possible during IFS install
8171 1430642 SIGFPE / divide by zero possible on NUMA if less DBWR than PGs
8171 1480715 ORA-604 / ORA-2248 connecting IDENTIFIED EXTENALLY from 8.1.X to 8.0.X
8171 1500717 ORA-903 with STAR_TRANSFORMATION and non alphanumeric table name
8171 1503669 OERI:KCOADD_SIZE possible during leaf key undo on COMPRESSED key index
8171 1530519 OERI:2865 possible using GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLES
8171 1568046 OERI:KCBNFY_BP_ERROR possible on NUMA with >1 PG
8171 1577067 ORA-379 possible from UPDATE with AND-EQUAL
8171 1612147 Self deadlock ORA-4020 possible compiling PLSQL
Miscellaneous 8174 1659635 DB_BLOCK_LRU_LATCHES is allowed to exceed the documented maximum
8174 2131983 ENH: Make library cache pin cleanup code more robust
8173 1618967 Stopping ARC process generates a trace file
8173 1805782 ENH: Admin scripts to use CREATE OR REPLACE instead of DROP / CREATE
8173 1853830 OERI:KCBGTCR_4 possible if DOMAIN index dropped while in use by another query
8173 1921532 Behaviour change to prevent LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES begin exceeded in 8i
8172 1270136 Changing an FK constraint to "INITIALLY IMMEDIATE" keeps working as DEFERRED
8172 1378887 ENH: Additional checks to stop log switch INTO current log.
8172 1406097 Some startup errors are not written to the trace / alert (eg: ORA-27146)
8172 1573690 Some fatal background errors do not dump trace information
8172 1605841 ORA-1424 is not signalled on illegal use of the SQL ESCAPE character with MIN/MAX/AVG etc..
8172 1635247 CREATE VIEW FORCE may not create view for some errors (eg: ORA-1730)
8171 1507890 ORA-64 for very large SESSIONS or TRANSACTIONS init.ora settings

Fixed Bug Descriptions

Bug 2305689      Fixed: 8174
The 8173 fix for bug:1819214 introduces a potential spin/hang scenarion.
The fix for this spin is done under the main bug:2305689 for 8174.

Bug 2293575      Fixed: 8174
This is a follow on from Bug:1577800:
A false ORA-17085 is possible in JDBC with SELECT .. FOR UPDATE.

Bug 2282201      Fixed: 8174
Multithreaded JavaSSL may dump when connection is closed.
Eg: A second thread may die in
    against the closed socket.

Bug 2265777      Fixed: 8174
OCIBreak() -> OCIReset() does not close
the cursor (can lead to ORA-1000).

Bug 2263600      Fixed: 8174
Query may not rewrite when expected

Bug 2262665      Fixed: 8174
ORA-7445 [kkslpbp] possible with CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE

Bug 2255124      Fixed: 8174
Core dumps or spins are possible from queries using functional indexes
and an and-equals access path.

Bug 2251373      Fixed: 8174
Poor performance possible on queries that undergo temporary
table star transformation if a star plan is chosen - the
execution plan may include a CARTESIAN merge join nd the FACT
table may not be last in the join order.

Bug 2251136      Fixed: 8174
Concurrent dropping/truncating of indexes while the index base table is
being analyzed can result in dump (in KGLSUPD)

Bug 2248904      Fixed: 8174
This problem is related to Bug:1836101.
Memory corrupt possible during optimization of distributed query.

Bug 2245790      Fixed: 8174
Parse may appear to spin (in kkquccae/kkquwhr)

Bug 2245289      Fixed: 8174
Attempts to create a materialized view with very long SQL text
(>32kb) results in error "ORA-12003: materialized view does not exist"

Bug 2241810      Fixed: 8174
Dump (in kokmeoc) possible from CURSOR() select

Bug 2241746      Fixed: 8174
A star transformation may not always occur when the
"FACT" hint is used and all physical conditions are met.

Bug 2241608      Fixed: 8174
This problem is introduced in by the fix for bug:1888129.
An Pro/OCI client may get an ORA-24371 error or loose
rows when running against a 9.0.1 server.

Bug 2231515      Fixed: 8174
This problem is introduced in and
for VARCHAR2 elements in %TYPE parameters.

Bug 2231419      Fixed: 8174
Wrong results possible using ORDER BY/GROUP BY with functional index

Bug 2229490      Fixed: 8174
Spin (in KDGGCS) possible when inserting into a CLUSTER.
The looping code generates lots of REDO/UNDO.
(this is a quite a rare scenario)

Bug 2229432      Fixed: 8174
On some platforms (mainly Microsoft platforms) no error
is logged if INSO_FILTER times out

Bug 2228217      Fixed: 8174
A join between a partitioned table and a non-partitioned
table can loose the order-by clause, thereby giving un-ordered
results .

Bug 2224620      Fixed: 8174
If user objects have names like dictionary tables (eg: SCOTT.USER$)
then Log Miner may loose dictionary information and report
object id's instead of table names in <View:V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS>

Bug 2222081      Fixed: 8174
Exceeding OPEN_CURSORS in dynamic SQL (from PLSQL)
may dump instead of signalling ORA-1000

Bug 2221598      Fixed: 8174
LONG column values may not be handled correctly leading
to truncated values, dropped tokens, missed documents
during query, etc.
This problem is not consistently reproduceable between
machines as it is caused by uninitialised memory.

Bug 2221449      Fixed: 8174
ORA-24756/ORA-24776 possible on COMMIT after recovering
IN-DOUBT/PREPARED transactions

Bug 2221407      Fixed: 8174
With CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE remote mapped cursors with binds
may raise ORA-3106 or ORA-600 [15212] errors

Bug 2220597      Fixed: 8174
ORA-7445 [kpolon] possible trying to connect to a SHUTDOWN database

Bug 2220356 *     Fixed: 8174
This problem is introduced in
Fast refresh of an Oracle7 mastered snapshot produces
corrupt data / ORA-1400 errors..
See <Note:175872.1> on Metalink

Bug 2218716      Fixed: 8174
OracleConnectionCacheImpl in FIXED_WAIT_SCHEME mode spins
once the maximum number of allowed connections is reached
and a new connect request is made.

Bug 2217159      Fixed: 8174
13 byte PGA corruption possible using SQL over DBLINKS from PLSQL
in an MTS environment when the remote database is Oracle7.

Bug 2216959      Fixed: 8174
This is a regression introduced in 8173 / 9012 by the fix for bug:1808846.
ORA-1791 can occur when using a bind variable name in the
body of the SQL statement as well as in the ORDER BY clause.
      BINDA varchar2(10);
      b varchar2(10);
      select distinct decode(deptno,10,BINDA,'other') into b
        from emp where empno=7900
       order by decode(deptno,10,BINDA,'other');

Bug 2215948      Fixed: 8174
ORA-600 [kjuinc:resp2inq] possible

Bug 2209512      Fixed: 8174
ALTER TABLE <table> MOVE ... can fail with ORA-600[5325]
if the table has previously been subjected to
  Do not use KEEP 0 in deallocate statements.

Bug 2208570      Fixed: 8174
Infinite recursion occurs during query optimization if  a
query contains an unmergeable view, and the view optimization
involves star transformation , and the query is being probed
for summary rewrite (or any other case involving evaluation
of the view cardinality) .
This can show up as a spin, ORA-4030 or ORA-4031 error

Bug 2205899      Fixed: 8174
Core dump instead of ORA-1008 possible in an OCI7 client

Bug 2205764      Fixed: 8174
This problem appears as a regression in or in earlier
releases if a one-off fix for bug:2103658 has been applied.
ORA-7445[KDIMOD0] possible from fix for bug:2103658.

Bug 2202283      Fixed: 8174
An ORA-2220 error can occur when importing a Transportable Tablespace
export which contains a table containing LOB columns.
This prevents the tablespace from being transported.

Bug 2201672      Fixed: 8174
Core dump in msqsel() on SELECT from a view which is
defined on other views and involves partitioned tables.

Bug 2199718      Fixed: 8174
Updating a NUMBER column and DATE column using any 9.2 OCI client talking
to a pre-9.2 server can corrupt the NUMBER column on UPDATE.

Bug 2199391      Fixed: 8174
in one of the LOB partitions (the first one) ending up in a
different tablespace.

Bug 2194204      Fixed: 8174
Partition Views do not support functional indexes.
This fix allows partition views to be used with
functional indexes.

Bug 2194182      Fixed: 8174
ORA-604 / ORA-1000 possible whilst querying space information
for bitmapped tablespaces.

Bug 2189615      Fixed: 8174
ORA-600 [25012] / ORA-600 [504] .. [cache buffers chains]
can occur selecting from certain V$ tables which are
based on X$KTCXB.

Bug 2189403      Fixed: 8174
OPS reconfiguration may be very slow.

Bug 2186975      Fixed: 8174
When DB_BLOCK_SIZE is >2k, CBO may not use
domain index access path due to constant
low function cost of CONTAINS().

Bug 2184731      Fixed: 8174
ORA-600 [25012] possible from index prefetch.
  Set _db_file_noncontig_mblock_read_count=1

Bug 2183736      Fixed: 8174
ORA-3113 creating TEXT index with fix for Bug:2100864 installed.
Hence this bug occurs in on Windows platforms.

Bug 2180461      Fixed: 8174
If the JDBC cache scheme is FIXED_WAIT_SCHEME,
then if all connections are in use a call to getConnection()
will hang.

Bug 2179919      Fixed: 8174
ORA-600 [12325] from a query with a ROWID reference in
a WHERE clause for a ROWID of a table inside an inline

Bug 2179444      Fixed: 8174
Instance termination during a big array fetch or prefetch
can result in an unexpected ORA-3123 being returned to the
client application even though it is not non-blocking-mode.
This can cause TAF (Transparent Application Failover) not
to failover.

Bug 2177050      Fixed: 8174
This problem is introduced in with the fix for bug:1551563.
ORA-600 [729] session space leak possible
(with tags "define var info" / "oactoid info"
 in the trace file)
  Set <Event:10262> to a value larger than the leak.
  This will stop the ORA-600 errors but the leak will still occur.
  The event just disables the reporting of the leak.

Bug 2176225      Fixed: 8174
ORA-7445 / Dump in kgghash possible using OCIObjectArrayPin()
for complex object retrieval.

Bug 2174697      Fixed: 8174
RMAN incremental backup performance
degrades over time in NOCATALOG mode.

Bug 2172983      Fixed: 8174
Star_transformation_enabled=true (or temp_disable) can
produce wrong results (or dump) if a fact table has a
concatenated bitmap index and star transformation is
performed for at least 2 columns of the concatenated
bitmap index. This can also occur if a bitmap conversion
of a concatenated B*Tree index occurs.

Bug 2172327      Fixed: 8174
An XA application which repeats select for update nowait and
rollback/commits with RELEASE_CURSOR=NO, or an OCI7 application
using oexfet(), may report ORA-600[12333] instead of ORA-54.

Bug 2171343      Fixed: 8174
ORA-600 [2023] can occur

Bug 2170565      Fixed: 8174
STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED=TRUE can produce wrong results
if a temporary table is created for a dimension ,which is
referenced in and OR-predicate, and the OR-predicate
references other tables as well.

Bug 2166556      Fixed: 8174
After setting the parameter skip_unsable_indexes to
true a query may still use an unusable index and fail
with ORA-1502 if the query matches a sharable cursor
already in the shared pool.
Likewise it is possible for a query to skip unusable
indexes when it should not.

Bug 2165601      Fixed: 8174
A select or analyze on objects in a transported
tablespace may result in ORA-600 [4097] if the
tablespace has been read only ever since before the
upgrade to V8.x.

Bug 2165314      Fixed: 8174
Changing 2 (or more) values of an INIT.ORA parameter
to a single value via ALTER SYSTEM/SESSION causes
ORA-7445 [kspptv] in subsequent selects from V$PARAMETER.

Bug 2162644      Fixed: 8174
LMD process size increases monotonously.

Bug 2162632      Fixed: 8174
ORA-7445 reported when analyzing a partitioned
table while an index is being created on the
same table concurrently.

Bug 2161512      Fixed: 8174
INSERT /*+APPEND*/ into a table with functional indexes
inserts incorrect data into some of the columns.

Bug 2160759      Fixed: 8174
This problem is introduced in
Using external procedures (EXTPROC) from MTS
(shared server) connections can result in shared
server dumps in kpummefree / kpufhndl.

Bug 2160558      Fixed: 8174
Repeated SELECT FOR UPDATE and COMMIT can leak client
side memory.

Bug 2159322      Fixed: 8174
than required when the LOB data does not fit inline.

Bug 2159152      Fixed: 8174
A cursor may not be shared with CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE
if it has a transitive predicate within a view.

Bug 2157568      Fixed: 8174
If a table stored in a bitmapped tablespace is
truncated whilst a query is running against
dictionary space information (eg: DBA_SEGMENTS)
an ORA-600 [kcbgtcr_4] may occur.

Bug 2157502      Fixed: 8174
'ORA-00600 [4819]' and 'ORA-00600 [4815]' possible when
a partition maintenance operation against an IOT is
running in another session.

Bug 2156961      Fixed: 8174
ORA-600 [20040] possible from bitmap index

Bug 2152876      Fixed: 8174
Array insert may be slow with multibyte characterset
(affects ProCobol PICX=VARCHAR2)

Bug 2152752      Fixed: 8174
Integrating server may error with ORA-600[17182] on executing
COMMIT after fetching a CHAR field from DB2 database through HS.

Bug 2151364      Fixed: 8174
Direct load of an IOT with OVERFLOW can produce a corrupt IOT.

Bug 2150939      Fixed: 8174
OERI:KJGALK1 possible

Bug 2150312      Fixed: 8174
FULL optimize may fail with ORA-600 [7001]
when run on an index with prefix indexing and
either field sections or attribute sections

Bug 2148404      Fixed: 8174
  The defineColumnType() method of oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
  has a max_size argument which by default is interpretted in
  BYTES. This enhancement adds a property to allow the max_size
  value to be specified in CHARACTERS for multibyte environments.

Bug 2147764      Fixed: 8174
Cardinality for CONTAINS() querying a phrase
containing one or more stopwords shows a
cardinality of 1 when the actual cardinality is
alot bigger.

Bug 2147662      Fixed: 8174
ORA-600 [QERSOGBNOSORTROW] possible if the select list
contains a DISTINCT on a column and the GROUP BY contains
the same column with some other columns which do not
appear in the select list .

Bug 2146152      Fixed: 8174
Scheduling propagation on a private database link
results in ORA-2019.

Bug 2145632      Fixed: 8174
ORA-3113 / ORA-3114 should map to XAException.XAER_RMFAIL under JDBC XA

Bug 2144870      Fixed: 8174
It is not always possible to force star transformation
using the FACT hint due to cost checks on the proposed
fact table.

Bug 2143767      Fixed: 8174
Following an upgrade SMON may core dump while trying to cleanup objects
marked as non-existent in the database where new fixed objects have been
introduced in the new Oracle version that share the same name.

Bug 2143665      Fixed: 8174
Transporting a tablespace that still has files in Oracle7 format
can result in an ORA-600:[ktfdtsex1] when importing the

Bug 2141807      Fixed: 8174
TEMPORARY LOB leak can occur, especially when using USER DATASTOREs
in Oracle Text.

Bug 2141535      Fixed: 8174
Select containing a partition table may signal
ORA-604 / ORA-942

Bug 2140668      Fixed: 8174
Reading CLOB data from multibyte database (eg:UTF8)
with JDBC Thin may signal ORA-6502

Bug 2140287      Fixed: 8174
This problem is introduced in 8172.
Data corruption possible with CTAS or
INSERT..SELECT across a DB link where one of the
SELECTed items is a literal constant

Bug 2139592      Fixed: 8174
@ This problem is introduced in 8170 with the fix for bug:1223775.
CBO may use Nested Loops (NL) instead of Sort Merge Join
when PARTITION_VIEW_ENABLED=TRUE leading to sub-optimal
plans in some cases.

Bug 2134477      Fixed: 8174
A datafile resize (shrink) will fail if the tablespace
to which the datafile belongs is in backup mode.
We correctly report error:
    ORA-3298: cannot shrink datafile
However the values in the dictionary are incorrectly
updated to the new values regardless of this error.

Bug 2133357      Fixed: 8173
Altering the database character set to multibyte may produce corrupt
LOB information.

Bug 2131983      Fixed: 8174
ENHANCEMENT: Make library cache pin cleanup code more robust.
In cases of process death it is possible for a library cache
pin to be left in a state which will cause PMON to crash.
This enhancement should make this less likely to happen.

Bug 2129178      Fixed: 8174
An empty string or NULL in an INLIST can cause
excessive shared pool memory use / ORA-4031
due to OR-expansion.

Bug 2128784      Fixed: 8174
Connect data (tns address string) with a length greater
than 230 characters, in conjunction with pre 9i MTS (8.1.x
or 8.0.x) can cause connections to take a long time

Bug 2128560      Fixed: 8174
Importing a table containing ROWID columns
into an ASCII database from an EBCDIC format dump
file (or vice versa) fails with IMP-00082

Bug 2128245      Fixed: 8174
may show the wrong value.

Bug 2128016      Fixed: 8174
LMON might encounter ORA-600[kjrchc:resp] just
after the shutdown of another instance.

Bug 2127217      Fixed: 8174
Internationalized characters for attribute values are
not retrieved correctly via DBMS_LDAP_UTL if the OID
database is not UTF8.

Bug 2127189      Fixed: 8174
Authenticate may issue unnecessary LDAP calls.

Bug 2126096      Fixed: 8174
When running under MTS, corruption of the SGA can occur.
When running dedicated then PGA corruption can occur.
This is caused by a LIKE expression which had as its last character
set to the escape character.
For example:
 select dname from dept where dname like :bv escape '/'
 with :bv containing 'ACC/'.
 Do not use patterns which end in the escape character

Bug 2124693      Fixed: 8174
An ARRAY insert .. select operation can silently lose data
if the cursor is invalidated whilst the statement is executing.
Eg: If the cursor is flushed from the shared pool.
This silent loss of data is effectively a logical corruption
of the data.

Bug 2123221      Fixed: 8174
Dbms_snapshot.refresh fails to update CHAR type rows
in the snapshot site in a UTF8 character set database
if the master is a single byte character set.

Bug 2123080      Fixed: 8174
A number of sessions may wait longer than needed for the
CI-14-5 lock (Release unused space from Sort Segments).

Bug 2121887      Fixed: 8174

Bug 2118514      Fixed: 8174
ORA-7445 [RWORIRW2] possible from GROUP BY & ORDER BY
on the same columns where one of the included columns
is indexed with a FUNCTION BASED index

Bug 2117371      Fixed: 8174
If PCM lock open request fails due to a timeout
the BL lock remains open in NL mode.

Bug 2115494      Fixed: 8174
Phrase searching using nested WITHIN on XML document
can returns false hits.

Bug 2114246      Fixed: 8173
A query involving partition view with inlist bitmap predicates against
the view takes extremely long time to optimize, and optimization
causes high consumption of PGA memory.

Bug 2110573      Fixed: 8174
It is not possible to precreate a non-partitioned table and
import a partitioned table into it if the partitioning option
is not enabled in the database (ORA-439 signalled)

Bug 2110339      Fixed: 8174
Incorrect results from ABOUT operator in CTX_DOC.MARKUP

Bug 2110054      Fixed: 8174
Select count(*) from a nested and complex view
with GROUP BY in inner views may dump in
<Function:evaopn2> .

Bug 2110007      Fixed: 8174
AQ notification does not work properly with heavily loaded
shared pool.

Bug 2106455      Fixed: 8174
Dump possible in <Function:kdb4_dup_keys> when checking
for duplicate cluster keys. This check occurs against
the SYSTEM tablespace clusters by default, and against
all clusters if DB_BLOCK_CHECKING is set to TRUE.
  It is not recommended to use this workaround unless the
  problem hits a system frequently.

Bug 2105083      Fixed: 8173
JavaSSL may crash in multi-threaded programs in a call to write.

Bug 2104071      Fixed: 8174
ORA-4031 / excessive "miscellaneous" shared pool use
possible due to a single process acquiring a large number of PINS
on a single library cache object.
This is known to affect the XML parser.

Bug 2103881      Fixed: 8174
ALTER INDEX "username".indexname REBUILD ONLINE signals
and ORA-604 / ORA-903 / ORA-911 error if the "username"
begins with a non-alphabetic first character.
This is also the case if connected as "username" and

Bug 2103658      Fixed: 8174
When inserting into a table with primary key constraint
enforced via a non-unique index an ORA-600 [6034]
may be reported.

Bug 2102177      Fixed: 8173
Wrong results possible STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED=TRUE when
TEMP table is generated.

Bug 2101945      Fixed: 8174
Dump possible in <Function:nszgclient> for some RAW connections

Bug 2099431      Fixed: 8173
Recursive SQL errors are possible from queries against partitioned tables
if column names start with special characters, or subqueries are
converted to views.

Bug 2099270      Fixed: 8174
In a database using a multibyte character set, SQL functions TRANSLATE
and REPLACE do not handle CHR(0) as a valid character.

Bug 2098120      Fixed: 8174
A change was introduced in 817 which means that
transitive predicates are not always generated
in the presence of outer joins.

Bug 2097926      Fixed: 8174
A core dump can occur in qerixGetKey() if a query uses
a function based index when there is a Materialized View
on the base table and QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED=TRUE.

Bug 2097294      Fixed: 8174
Wrong results possible with select over dblink
involving single byte/multibyte databases and a
hash join.

Bug 2096777      Fixed: 8174
CBO may choose not to use functional invokation
of DOMAIN INDEX functions when it would be quicker
then a DOMAIN INDEX scan.
eg: For Text queries of the form:
     select date from table where contains(col, 'dog')>0
      order by date desc ;

Bug 2096753      Fixed: 8174
The estimated cardinality of an Oracle Text index when
processing a phrase query may be much too high.

Bug 2096698      Fixed: 8174
CBO may pick Nested Loops (NL) with a Full Table Scan on
right side when a hash join or sort-merge-join would be
a better option (to avoid repeated full table scans).

Bug 2096565      Fixed: 8173
Queries on tables having descending indexes sometimes dump
during runtime or give incorrect results. The column with
the descending index has to appear in the query.

Bug 2096244      Fixed: 8174
Using dbms_session.reinitialize, especially under high
load conditions, may result in server-side core dumps.

Bug 2095320      Fixed: 8174
Import memory leak importing BFILE data

Bug 2095109      Fixed: 8174
LMD may die with ORA-600 [504] on
[KCL lock element parent latch]

Bug 2095029      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in 817.
Memory leak / growth for some queries using repeatedly restarted
index scans.

Bug 2093524 +     Fixed: 8174
IMPORT with TOUSER=non_existing_user DROPs tables
in the connected users SCHEMA. This can result
in lost

Bug 2092656      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600 [KOXSIHREAD1] may occur describing or accessing Object types
after upgrade / downgrade between 32bit and 64bit Oracle releases.

Bug 2091962      Fixed: 8174
Internal errors are possible when running parallel queries
against composite partitioned tables, if there is an inlist
against the subpartitioning key column.
(Eg: ORA-600 [qerpxMObjVI5] / ORA-600 [qerpxMObjVI6])

Bug 2091262      Fixed: 8174
SQL functions TRIM,RTRIM,LTRIM and LENGTH in multibyte characterset
database do not treat CHR(0) as a valid character.

Bug 2090827      Fixed: 8174
Updates against an indexed table may spin in
<Function:kdifind> with 'exchange deadlock' errors.
This is a rare scenario which requires heavy concurrency
to occur.

Bug 2084597      Fixed: 8174
UGA memory leak possible using Oracle Text CONTAINS() operator

Bug 2083243      Fixed: 8174
When a database is shutdown and restarted while an application
is allocating and deallocating descriptors a core dump
occurs while allocating a descriptor.

Bug 2079575      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced by the fix for Bug:1987692.
It only affects where the above fix has been applied.
When creating index or synchronizing a Text index a large memory leak
can occur in the PGA.  Size of memory leak is proportional
to size of data being indexed/synchronized.

Bug 2079526      Fixed: 8174
"free buffer waits" / LRU latch contention
possible on write intensive systems.

Bug 2078430      Fixed: 8173
Client memory leak on repeated connect / disconnect with increasingly
long times to establish each connection.

Bug 2077438      Fixed: 8174
If a Text query expression includes a FIELD SECTION
search, the cardinality returned to the optimizer is always 1.

Bug 2074969      Fixed: 8173
When analyzing a unique secondary index defined on
an index-organized table with primary key size > 129 bytes,
the server process may dump.

Bug 2073194      Fixed: 8174
The READTIM and WRITETIM columns of V$FILESTAT are not maintained for
datafiles belonging to a temporary tablespace.
  Use TEMPFILE files for temporary tablespaces.

Bug 2072348      Fixed: 8174
Star_transformation_enabled=true can cause ORA-600[KKOJOCOL:2]
if a query involves at least one view and there are duplicate
table aliases in use.

Bug 2072264      Fixed: 8174
JDBC program may HANG when it tries to insert NULL into a
table of object type with user defined object columns.

Bug 2071872      Fixed: 8174
Some combinations of recovery commands can generate two
offline ranges which have the same offline scn but a
different online scn.
In this situation  RMAN cannot resync the controlfile
information into the recovery catalog and fails with

Bug 2070377      Fixed: 8174
Text queries using ABOUT and ctx_doc.themes() against
THEME_LANGUAGE=French knowledge base do not use all
appropriate themes.

Bug 2070167      Fixed: 8174
DBV loops infinitely on the same block reporting it as
corrupt when the block type is corrupt.

Bug 2070046      Fixed: 8174
IMP-20 possible importing COMPRESSED KEY IOT from a direct export.

Bug 2068275      Fixed: 8174
that "Undo data block" blocks are corrupt. (ORA-19661)

Bug 2065386      Fixed: 8173
Memory corruption or internal errors (eg: ORA-600 [KGHFRE2] /
ORA-600 [17172]) can occur then using bitmap indexes when
there are more stop keys than start keys.

Bug 2065385      Fixed: 8174
This problem is introduced in 8171.
When using array inserts in OCI_BATCH_ERRORS mode in and up,
the server will sometimes encounter ora-600[kcoapl_blkchk] error
if block checking is on (or may dump without it).

Bug 2060131      Fixed: 8174
ORA-600 [13009] occurs on 'select for update ... nowait'
if the row spans multiple blocks and the head piece is locked
but it is not possible to get a row lock on a subsequent row
piece (eg: due to all ITLs being in use and no space to get
a new ITL)

Bug 2060082      Fixed: 8174
ORA-4068 possible executing procedures in DBMS_AQADM
after upgrading as the definition for
dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table() has a parameter mismatch
with it's  declaration in dbmsaqad.sql.

Bug 2059950      Fixed: 8173
ORA-2064 or ORA-2019 may be raised when a 9i client issues a select
over a DB Link and the remote query has a DRIVING_SITE hint added to
it in a subquery. The problem occurs at the 8i end of the database

Bug 2059408      Fixed: 8173
"java.sql.SQLException: Internal Error: Image is not a collection image"
is thrown whenever an Object with an attribute as collection is selected
using JDBC (thin or thick)

Bug 2058756      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in 8170.
Deferred check constraints may be applied to queries before
commit when _push_join_union_view is TRUE leading to wrong results
as the CHECK constraint predicate may be added to the query.
  Set _push_join_union_view = FALSE

Bug 2057943      Fixed: 8173
SMON might get ORA-600[kclrck_1] during instance recovery
in OPS if an alter database open on a second instance fails.

Bug 2055972      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600 [2749] is possible on OPEN RESETLOGS or on ACTIVATE STANDBY
DATABASE on certain platforms (such as MVS) due to rounding up
of file sizes on such platforms.

Bug 2055319      Fixed: 8174
In special cases, SQL*LOADER reports wrong number of loaded
rows when a space error and a data-dependent error occur.

Bug 2052836      Fixed: 8174
Client dump possible using CALL statement with

Bug 2052584      Fixed: 8174
When using XA, sqllib and the Pro*c code is in a DLL , and the DLL
is downloaded before ending the transaction an application
error occurs.

Bug 2048336      Fixed: 8173
An internal error or a user interrupt of a Star Transformation query
may cause OERI[150] and trash the process stack.  When this happens,
the subsequent stray memory writes may cause random memory corruptions
including possible writes into the buffer cache or other SGA areas.
This can only occur when the star transformation generates TEMP tables.

Bug 2045215      Fixed: 8173
PMON might get ORA-600[kjprdl1] while cleaning up a dead

Bug 2045203      Fixed: 8173
Direct load may save some rows when interrupted (Ctrl-C)
if invoked without the ROWS parameter.
 Use the command line option commit_discontinued=true

Bug 2044102      Fixed: 8173
Fast refresh may not work due to wrong results from
SYS_OP_MAP_NONNULL() on date columns in generated refresh

Bug 2041979      Fixed: 8173
A spin can occur when an index is dropped while being
accessed by other sessions. This leads to continuing
access to the root block of that index and the creation
of many "clone" buffers for that block.

Bug 2041699      Fixed: 8173
Contention for a child library cache latch from location
"kglget: child: KGLDSBYD" when performing heavy selects
of pseudo columns implmented as PLSQL functions.

Bug 2038416      Fixed: 8174
If a backup fails, RMAN may delete valid backup pieces.

Bug 2033324      Fixed: 8174
An execution plan with a bitmap access on the top of
a full b*tree index scan can produce a wrong result ,
if all the columns of the b*tree index are nullable.

Bug 2029200      Fixed: 8173
If a user application is used that calls an external
procedure and the context is passed in then a heap error
can occur (ORA-600 [17112]) and the server session
dies with ORA-3113 / ORA-28579).

Bug 2028624      Fixed: 8173
Large memory leak using AQ from JDBC

Bug 2028024      Fixed: 8173
V$DISPATCHER_RATE may show zero values for CUR_* columns

Bug 2025627      Fixed: 8174
"Statement Caching is not enabled" exception
possible in JDBC (thick or thin drivers)
for OracleConnectionPoolDataSource()

Bug 2023239      Fixed: 8173
LMON may dump with SIGSEGV while copying the message to the send
buffer in kjctcpmb().

Bug 2021349      Fixed: 8174
This problem is introduced in
ORA-600 [15851] is possible from  SELECT DISTINCT or

Bug 2021196      Fixed: 8173
Client connections using Radius authentication and shared servers
(MTS) fail with ORA-3113 and the server generates a core dump with
an ORA-7445[naura_request] trace.

Bug 2021052      Fixed: 8174
Pro Cobol Dynamic Method 4 application with DESCRIBE BIND VARIABLES
statement may core dump, hang or get ORA-2111 at runtime.

Bug 2018989      Fixed: 8173
8i Precompiled client code may dump with heap error 17177
when connected to a 9i server.

Bug 2018813      Fixed: 8174
This problem is introduced in 8.1 although the
 problem may not show in all 8i releases depending on the internal
 load method chosen.
When using SQL*LOADER with FILLER field in direct mode,
the server process sometimes crashes with ORA-7445
(in klcsta).

Bug 2015342      Fixed: 8173
If a "alter session set current_schema=<SOME_USER>" is done
from a definer's rights procedure/trigger owned by the **same**
<SOME_USER>, then the alter session doesn't take effect.
This is incorrect because the session itself might be running as

Bug 2014879      Fixed: 8173
@ Originally incorrectly listed as fixed in 9012.
CREATE or REPLACE does not need to INVALIDATE dependents if
the object being replaced is already INVALID (as the dependents
will already be INVALID).
This can improve performance of CREATE or REPLACE of an
INVALID object with many dependents.

Bug 2013303      Fixed: 8173
Memory leak using OCIAQDeq / OCIAQEnq and JDBC with AQ.

Bug 2012036      Fixed: 8174
'ORA-00904' may be raised when issuing a
query against a view whose view text contains
an 'ORDER BY' clause and the 'select' list of the
query does not include the 'ORDER BY' column.
  Include the ORDER BY column in the SELECT

Bug 2010341      Fixed: 8173
CBO may choose an inefficient plan if a query references a partition
view whose base columns have statistics gathered with histograms.

Bug 2009263      Fixed: 8173
Selecting from  v$dlm_locks might cause ORA-600[526]

Bug 2008043      Fixed: 8173
Text searches may dump for database migrated between 64bit and 32bit.
This occurs for functional invokation of the CONTAINS (and other)

Bug 2007128      Fixed: 8173
A core dump can occur when running a program which
is linked to both and nCipher PKCS #11 code
due to a symbol clash for the symbol "C_Digest".

Bug 2005810      Fixed: 8174
If RMAN is run with the database mounted but not open,
detail records are not correctly reported in v$session_longops.

Bug 2004336      Fixed: 8173
Execution of a query having count(column) in a select list
may dump (in QERIXGETKEY) if the column has NOT NULL constraint,
is referenced in WHERE clause, and the query block is merged
with a view query block.

Bug 2003100      Fixed: 8173
Multithreaded clients may dump in nnfgrne

Bug 2002954      Fixed: 8173
ORA-1810 or ORA-1821 can occur in multithreaded OCI clients

Bug 2002799      Fixed: 8173
Parallel query with aggregate functions in an inline view can cause
memory/data corruption.

Bug 2002214      Fixed: 8173
push_join_predicate = TRUE can cause a huge memory consumption
and spinning during a query optimization if a "pushed" view has
multiple instances of the base table columns.

Bug 1999339      Fixed: 8174
Multithreaded Net8 client might get a false TNS-12154 error
during the name resolution.

Bug 1999156      Fixed: 8174
Export uses incorrect syntax for GRANT operations
This shows up as ORA-4042 errors at import time.

Bug 1998455      Fixed: 8173
Processes executing long running DDL statements may return an
ORA-600 [kcbgtcr_4] when one of the referenced objects is dropped or
truncated by another session.
With the fix an ORA-8103 error is raised instead.

Bug 1995384      Fixed: 8173
Wrong results are possible from queries with star transformation using
temporary tables if there are multi-table joins against a fact table
  Set star_transformation_enabled = temp_disable

Bug 1995294      Fixed: 8173
Doing wildcard queries on CONTEXT indexes where there is also
a function-based index on the $I table is very slow.

Bug 1995026      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in 817 (unconfirmed).
OERI:17112 / heap corruption from Oracle Trace with MTS & Large Pool
Workaround: Turn off Oracle Trace if it is not being used.

Bug 1992414      Fixed: 8174
ORA-932 can occur in parallel query slaves if the query being
run had a join where there is a descending index on one of
the columns.

Bug 1992401      Fixed: 8173
SNPx processes may dump (with SIGFPE in kwqjaq) when AQ is used.

Bug 1992400      Fixed: 8173
A query involving an inlist optimization may return a wrong result
if the inlist contains a correlation variable, and the first element
of the inlist is a constant.
  Disable the inlist iterator by setting <Event:10157>

Bug 1992299      Fixed: 8174
ORA-3106 may be raised when using LEVEL with
CONNECT-BY and START WITH over a dblink.

Bug 1992254      Fixed: 8173
If a database has multiple logfile members and if the first logfile
member has a corruption in the file header, recovery will fail with
internal error ORA-600[ksfdchkfob1], even though there might be
perfectly good redolog members which could be used for recovery.

Bug 1990056      Fixed: 8174
Add an internal error to check for bad internal values
to enable early detection of variants of the issue in

Bug 1989478      Fixed: 8173
ORA-1979 on logon with default roles having nested, password
protected roles.
  Do not use the "all except" syntax;
  Do not make the child role password authorised.

Bug 1988773      Fixed: 8173
ALTER INDEX REBUILD ONLINE may hang on 'Null event'
if the base table is constantly being modified by DML.

Bug 1987692      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in Oracle 8.1.7.
Creation of interMedia Text index can use excessive CPU
compared to 8.1.6 especially when there are large numbers of
distinct text tokens being indexed.

Bug 1987654      Fixed: 8173
Compiling a PL/SQL block with either
       :bindvar INDICATOR :indvar
       :bindvar INDICATOR var
syntax will corrupt memory.

Bug 1985605      Fixed: 8174
GRANT operations can be very slow (compared to Oracle7)

Bug 1985041      Fixed: 8173
Procobol generated files after 09/SEP/2001 have compilation problems
on some platforms (eg: on NT & OS/390).

Bug 1984822      Fixed: 8173
The branches in a tightly-coupled distributed transaction can erase
each other's work if executing in parallel leading to logical
   1. Serialize access to the branches.
or 2. Use loosely-coupled transactions.

Bug 1982168      Fixed: 8174
Import of a table containing a CLOB column
from a fixed width to a varying width character
set database may fail to import into a pre-created
table (signalling ORA-959) error even if IGNORE=Y
is set.

Bug 1980225 *     Fixed: 8174
An unauthorized user can cause trace file output to overwrite or
append to a file owned by the oracle owner if the oracle executable has
the setuid bit set..
See <Note:163727.1> on Metalink

Bug 1980091      Fixed: 8173
Oracle Kerberos Adapter does not work with Microsoft KDC

Bug 1978606      Fixed: 8173
OCIStmtExecute() returns no error with invalid statement handle.
Hence Client application continue process even though statement
handle is invalid. It should return ORA-24337.
This problem also affects Pro* 8i clients using EXEC SQL IMMEDIATE.
  Reallocate statement handle, if OCIStmtPrepare() fails.
  In Pro precompile with RELEASE_CURSOR=YES.

Bug 1978117      Fixed: 8174
Core dump in CTXKBTC executable when a phrase in the
thesaurus already exists in the knowledge base.

Bug 1977071      Fixed: 8174
Text indexes with both alternate_spelling and base_letter
lexer preferences can produce incorrect query results.

Bug 1975902      Fixed: 8173
If direct Loader is terminated by a space failure
then discontinuous rows may be saved when loading
into a (composite) partitioned table.
eg: row 101,104,108 may have been loaded but 102,103,105 etc...
    may not have been loaded making it difficult to resume
    the load using SKIP=X

Bug 1975258      Fixed: 8173
ObjectFree needs to be called for BytesMessages.
Memory leak during JMS receive of Bytes/Object/Text/Stream message when using
OCI JDBC driver

Bug 1975248      Fixed: 8173
Memory leaks in dequeue when using JMS or AQ xml interfaces

Bug 1974927      Fixed: 8173
Memory leak using AQAPI.JAR

Bug 1974219      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in 8170.
ALTER TABLE MODIFY COLUMN datatype from integer to float
may raise an ORA-1440

Bug 1973705      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in 8172 with the fix for bug:1569185.
Multithread Pro* client may dump in pthread_mutex_destroy .

Bug 1970504      Fixed: 8173
A sub-optimal plan can be generated if STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED=true
as CBO uses the wrong value for the number of distinct values in a
generated TEMP table.
  Set STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED=temp_disable (although that may not
  be able to get as good a plan as TRUE could have gotten)

Bug 1970332      Fixed: 8173
Query with LIKE clauses on a UTF8(multi-byte) database table
may spin forever in evalkp(). This only happens if the LIKE
pattern contains invalid multibyte characters.

Bug 1968635      Fixed: 8173
With block checking on, the server could encounter ORA-600[kcoapl_blkchk]
during consistent read rollback.  Without block checking, this may
cause a buffer cache corruption.

Bug 1967363      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in 815 and 901.
Index root blocks may be repeatedly pinned/unpinned showing as increased
block gets for many queries. This can cause performance degradation.

Bug 1964948      Fixed: 8173
Two parallel slave sets may be used for parallel partition maintenance
DDL (such as alter table move partition parallel 2) when only
one is needed - this can result in reduced clustering of the data
which can lead to plan changes after the move operation.

Bug 1964934      Fixed: 8174
Insert-direct-load (INSERT /*+ APPEND */) should not be allowed
over any form of loopback database link, not even as a statement
within a PLSQL block acting on local tables but executed via
an RPC over a loopback database link, or memory corruptions can
With this fix the INSERT executes as a normal insert (not direct-load).

Bug 1964879      Fixed: 8173
'Alter table exchange partition' between a composite partitioned table
and a hash partitioned table can signal ORA-600[atbace0].
   Create tables where the hashed key order is the same as a column order.

Bug 1961451      Fixed: 8173
CATSEARCH gives incorrect results when text search string is of the form
("word1 word2" "word3 word4")
The result set includes spurious hits.

Bug 1960839      Fixed: 8173
  Break does not work within a PL/SQL procedure if in-band break is
  being used.  This applies to control C, OCIBreak, and kill of the
  On platforms which support it, use out-of-band break

Bug 1960058      Fixed: 8173
 Query with LIKE predicate on concatenated index may return no rows.
This can occur if the "like" pattern contains enough characters to
match the column length but it has a trailing wild card.
   create table test (col1 varchar2(4) not null,col2 varchar2(4));
   create index i_test on test (col1,col2);
   insert into test values ('0001','');
   select * from test where col1 like '0001%' and col2 is null;
   This query returns no rows when it should.

Bug 1957195      Fixed: 8173
Multiple processes executing ALTER INDEX .. REBUILD against the same index
concurrently may see ORA-600 [KTSIRCINFO_NUM1] / ORA-600 [ktssdrp1] errors.

Bug 1956846      Fixed: 8174
Star transformation may dump in <Function:EVAOPN2>
if subquery_pruning is enabled.
  Set _subquery_pruning_enable=false

Bug 1956339      Fixed: 8173
JDBC Thin may hang sending lots of NULL data over multibyte.
The hang appears as both ends of the NET connection waiting to
"read" data.

Bug 1955568      Fixed: 8173
Optimize FULL on certain indexes may fail with DRG-50608 errors.
This can occur when at least one row in $I table has
dbms_lob.getlength(token_info) > 4000.

Bug 1954607      Fixed: 8173
When a VPD policy is applied and the check option is enabled on a table with a
self referencing constraint then it is not possible to insert rows into the table
. A false
"ORA-28117: integrity constraint violated - parent record not found" error"
is signalled.

Bug 1953964      Fixed: 8173
 Incorrect document retrieval when alternate spelling or
 baseletter preferences used and query is a phrase containing
 accented characters.

Bug 1953704      Fixed: 8174
When a sqlnet client with its SDU size > the server's SDU, sends
a packet with size greater than the server's SDU, the server
may error out with "bad packet header".

Bug 1953494      Fixed: 8173
 Oracle Extensions for LDAP PL/SQL API are packaged in DBMS_LDAP_UTL
 package. It can be installed by executing rdbms/admin/catldap.sql
 in SYS user schema.

Bug 1953407      Fixed: 8174
ORA-600 [KQLBLFC-1] during crash recovery /
slow startup times possible.

Bug 1951929      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in Oracle and it present in 9.0.1.
ORA-7445 in KQRGCU/kqrpfr/kqrpre can occur under heavy load, especially
when the shared pool is stressed. This can lead to an instance crash.
Workaround: Set event:10235 to level 2

Bug 1950099 +     Fixed: 8173
Function-based indexes are not updated with new rows when SQL*Loader direct
path is used. This leads to a table / index data mismatch.
     1. Use conventional load.
  or 2. Rebuild the index after load.

Bug 1949786 +     Fixed: 8173
Data may be inserted into the wrong partition after a column
has been dropped if the dropped column appears BEFORE the partition
key column/s.
 Ensure that all partitioned tables are created with the partition key
 column(s) first in the column list in the 'create table' statement.

Bug 1949580      Fixed: 8174
Missing period at the end of EXEC CICS or EXEC DCSQL statements
generates a precompiler error or bad code.

Bug 1949273      Fixed: 8173
Data access problems can occur (ORA-1555, ORA-600 [25012], ORA-22922)
can occur after ALTER TABLE MOVE LOB if the LOB is not the first
LOB column in the table.
the database to a point in time before the ALTER TABLE MOVE operation.

Bug 1949094      Fixed: 8173
Fetching DB2 Graphic data through HS results in an error
(Character conversion between CCSID 933 and CCSID 834 not valid)

Bug 1949082      Fixed: 8173
REG$ not altered and DBMS_AQIN invalid after downgrading
from 817 to 816.
This fix is in the downgrade scripts which are supplied
with the higher version release.

Bug 1948420      Fixed: 8173
PLSQL may dump when trying to fetch multiples rows from a FDS table
containing a column that contains a Long data type.
This only occurs when RexecOptimise capability is set up and a PL/SQL
block to fetch all tries to fetch the rows in the FDS table one by one.
The first row is successful, the remaining rows produced an error.

Bug 1947584      Fixed: 8174
Buffer overflow possible KDRREB()

Bug 1946566      Fixed: 8173
A query involving join of more than 5 tables can get ORA-600[15160]
when the largest table has concatenated index on 3 or more columns
and CBO attempts a STAR plan.
 Avoid a star plan by setting optimizer_search_limit >= to the number
 of tables in the join.
 eg: alter session set "_optimizer_search_limit"=6;

Bug 1944351      Fixed: 8173
On databases with large numbers of PL/SQL objects UTLIP may fail due
to lack of rollback space.

Bug 1943960      Fixed: 8174
Configuring cman.ora with a large number (eg: >109)
rules in rule_list can cause TNS-4002 when trying to
start CMAN.

Bug 1940915      Fixed: 8173
If a sql statement contains multibyte characters, and statspack.snap needs to store information
about the sql statement, an ORA-1401 may occur.

Bug 1938745      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600[KCVGCF_01] possible from PQ on READ ONLY database

Bug 1937847      Fixed: 8174
Disk space can be lost if tablespace migration to locally
managed type is aborted.

Bug 1937284      Fixed: 8173
Downgrade from 9.0 to 8172 fails for Oracle Label Security

Bug 1934327      Fixed: 8173
An FPE(Floating Point Exception) may be thrown when a query is executed in parallel.
This occurs on platforms which throw an exception for log(0)
    Do not use parallel query.

Bug 1924030      Fixed: 8173
If there is a partition table with a trigger defined on it
and the trigger refers to the columns of the same partitioned
table insert/update to the table may core dump in upduaw .

Bug 1923593      Fixed: 8174
"lobdemo1.pc" may dump as the 'curdate' buffer is too short.

Bug 1923347      Fixed: 8174
ORA-600 [15593] occurs using a TEMPORARY TEMP tablespace
if a temp segment needs >64K extents.

Bug 1921532      Fixed: 8173
This fix introduces EVENT:16155 which when set to level 1
prevents LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES from being exceeded in Oracle8i.
In Oracle9i the behaviour is already such that LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES
will not be exceeded so there is no controling event.

Bug 1920770      Fixed: 8173
Parallel partition elimination may not eliminate
all partitions that it could.

Bug 1916487      Fixed: 8174
CREATE BITMAP INDEX on TO_DATE function with partitioning and
in parallel can signal ORA-00600: [qerbcRop ksize]

Bug 1916461      Fixed: 8173
A server memory leak can occur while running Text queries

Bug 1916409      Fixed: 8173
A lock with an expired timeout may never actually time out
causing a hang scenario.

Bug 1915539      Fixed: 8173
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException possible binding PLSQL table parameters

Bug 1915018      Fixed: 8173
ALTER VIEW .. COMPILE which references ROWID fails with ORA-1446
when the view contains a UNION or DISTINCT. The view compile
should succeed but any following SELECT should error.

Bug 1914004      Fixed: 8173
If any weakly typed record assignment is preceded by a
check / use of any / all of its attributes then a dump can
occur in pfrrun().

Bug 1913372      Fixed: 8173
Updates of a partitioned table with a local index, where
row movement is enabled, can result in ORA-600[kauupd:2]
if there is also a unique constraint being enforced with
a non-unique index.

Bug 1911882      Fixed: 8173
Markup operations on certain documents on variable-width character set
databases such as UTF-8 may fail with ORA-7445

Bug 1907317      Fixed: 8173
Server may spin in kksfbc (hang) while creating a child cursor
if a dependent object remains invalid.

Bug 1906797      Fixed: 8173
Long running SYNC may dump (in lxscop/drsxsqr)

Bug 1906596      Fixed: 8173
A parallel query involving order-by, sub-query and union-all may hang
because some slaves have their output table queue closed and they cannot send
message to the QC and the QC is not expecting them to send messages.

Bug 1904176      Fixed: 8174
Conventional path loader can leak memory when the CONTINUEIF or
CONCATENATE clause is used when loading very long records that span
multiple lines in the data file.
This shows up if the records are different lengths.

Bug 1901844      Fixed: 8174
  If SAVEPOINTS are used for transactions involving a database link
  then using the same SAVEPOINT name twice can result in a ROLLBACK TO
  SAVEPOINT command rolling out the entire transaction at the remote
  site. The re-use of the SAVEPOINT name can be either explicit by
  quoting the same name more than once in different code locations,
  or implicit by executing the code containing the SAVEPOINT command
  twice within the same transaction. No error or warning of this
  problem is given to the user so the distributed transaction may
  be logically inconsistent.
  There is no simple workaround to this problem other than to use
  unique savepoint names.

Bug 1901250      Fixed: 8173
Lsnrctl may dump parsing HOSTNAMES in PROTOCOL.ORA
  Use IP addresses instead of hostnames

Bug 1898834      Fixed: 8173
During query rewrite with Materialzed view, outer join can become
an inner join ,and thereby caused incorrect results in some cases.

Bug 1897345      Fixed: 8173
Session login through OCI migratable sessions does not trigger
the logon event trigger. This can cause a dump accessing tables
with labels created through Oracle Label Security through a
Proxy Authenticated logon

Bug 1894578      Fixed: 8174
Oracle8i client to a 9i server performing a DESCRIBE
(describe_only mode in statement execute call) may
return no information.

Bug 1892888      Fixed: 8173

Bug 1892821      Fixed: 8174
Transportable Tablespace does not transport statistics
using FROMUSER/TOUSER import clause.

Bug 1891703      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in 8.1.
Update statement which contains subquery SET clause with many PL/SQL
function calls may result in memory growth of the Oracle shadow
process, and eventually lead to the error 'ORA-04030: out of process memory'.

Bug 1890968      Fixed: 8173
 Core dump possible when text index encounters a token which
 exceeds 64 bytes after alternate spelling expansion.

Bug 1890584      Fixed: 8174
ORA-600 [KZCKINI: NZDSI_INITIALIZE] possible starting RAC instance

Bug 1888180      Fixed: 8174
Import may hang waiting on "library cache load lock"
importing an object which references "OBJAUTH$"

Bug 1888129      Fixed: 8174
Rowid's are not fetched correctly for 81 client->80 server
during select for update. This can result in subsequent ORA-1410

Bug 1885959      Fixed: 8173
Refined version of fix for Bug:1410679.
The original fix gives a choice between PERFORMANCE and COMPATIBILITY.
This fix hopefully allows both.

Bug 1883793      Fixed: 8173
INSO_FILTER crashes when filter output is a multiple of 32000 bytes.
On NT, Oracle does not detect ctxhx so may continue until Oracle

Bug 1880469      Fixed: 8173
Markup operation on certain documents with a CHINESE_VGRAM_LEXER
may produce incorrect results.

Bug 1879479      Fixed: 8173
Export / Import of a wrapped package can result in a corrupt
package being imported. The symptoms of this depend on exactly
where in the package data the corruption occurs.
This can produce a package which compiles but does not behave as
expected, or can cause a dump on import, or a PLS error on compilation.

Bug 1879457      Fixed: 8174
ORA-00600[KOKVTMF1] possible when using a REF column on
a PK BASED OID table

Bug 1879081      Fixed: 8173
PMON cannot cleanup a dead process holding the CI lock.
This can lead to a hung system as the CI lock can never be freed.

Bug 1878160      Fixed: 8173
Missing results possible for wild card section search queries
such as "14% within SECTION1".
Eg: "1% within SECTION1" may return less rows than "14% within SECTION1"

Bug 1877874      Fixed: 8173
Query on a temp table using temporary index used to give ora-600
[qerixTIGet1], when the temptable has no records inserted into the table.

Bug 1876603      Fixed: 8173
Pass through SQL DDL may fail over an HS DB link
and report ORA-600 [18261] when the user tries to Commit
the Distributed Tx.

Bug 1874468      Fixed: 8173
Export may fail with ORA-1406 when exporting object type definitions.

Bug 1873265      Fixed: 8173
When an MV has a GROUP BY but there is no GROUP BY in the query,
then a SELECT COUNT(*) may return NULL instead of 0.

Bug 1869822      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in 901 by the fix for bug:1449439.
clearParameters() clears the whole batch, instead of clearing
just the current row.

Bug 1869512      Fixed: 8173
 ORA-7445 errors were possible from queries which used partitioned tables
 or views during optimization

Bug 1869511      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600 [QERTQTABLEALLOCA] possible when running parallel queries on
a read-only database.

Bug 1869016      Fixed: 8173
IMP-3/ / ORA-22854 occurs during import of a transportable tablespace
a table residing in the transported tablespace contains a LOB column.

Bug 1867625      Fixed: 8173
 Out of shared pool might cause ORA-600[ksicget_3][KJUSERSTAT_NOSPACE].

Bug 1865917      Fixed: 8173
OR-expansion or negated predicates can cause huge
shared pool memory consumption, use lots of CPU and
may appear to hang if RBO is used.
This is the same as bug:1344111 but for RBO.
  Use a /*+ NO_EXPAND */ hint with the offending query.

Bug 1863608      Fixed: 8173
When a composite unique PK constraint is added after a multi-column index
has been created against a table, DML against the table may return
a false ORA-1400.
    create table ctest (a number(9), b number(9), c number(9));
    create index ctest_idx on ctest (a,b,c);
    alter table ctest add (constraint pk1 primary key (a,b) deferrable);
    insert into ctest (a,b) values (1,2);
    >> ORA-1400: cannot insert NULL into ("SYSTEM"."CTEST"."C")

Bug 1860524      Fixed: 8173
Error 2118 possible using "WHERE CURRENT OF" in a Pro* program
over a database link.

Bug 1859905      Fixed: 8174
Intermittent dump / client memory corruption

Bug 1859533      Fixed: 8173
A core dump may occur when repeatedly adding and removing a
rule based subscriber with the same rule.

Bug 1859206      Fixed: 8174
Calls to OCISubscriptionPost() with the OCI_SUBSCR_NAMESPACE_AQ may
cause the Oracle shadow process to dump (ORA-3113).
With this fix an Ora-24903 is raised instead as this namespace
is not supported with this OCI call.

Bug 1858867      Fixed: 8173
After installing the patch for bug:1766062, SQL*Loader may report
SQL*Loader-522: lfiopn failed for file.

Bug 1858632      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced by the fix for bug 1320605 in 8163/8172/9010.
An ORA-600[4512] can occur while inserting into a table which has an index.
The scenario to hit this error is very rare.

Bug 1857643      Fixed: 8173
PMON may die (in kjuef) if a user session is killed

Bug 1856783      Fixed: 8174
Errors possible from concurrent RESYNC operations
against the same catalog.

Bug 1855381      Fixed: 8173
Wrong results possible with a parallel query on partitioned tables
when partial_pwise_join_enabled=true;
  Set _partitial_pwise_join_enabled=false;

Bug 1854275      Fixed: 8174
If <Parameter:RESOURCE_LIMIT> is TRUE and job queues / Parallel
Query are being used then V$SYSSTAT may contain nonsense high
values for some statistics.

Bug 1853830      Fixed: 8173
Dropping a domain index while a long running query is in progress
can raise internal errors on subsequent operations on the index.

Bug 1852436      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in 8.1.7B and
Text indexes on LONG columns may be build incorrectly.
Some document contents may be double-indexed as part of later documents.

Bug 1852163      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in 8171 by the fix for bug 1503530.
Wrong results are possible from queries with subqueries if the subqueries
are converted to views due to loss of a predicate.

Bug 1851179      Fixed: 8173
Core dump (in kpucfcl) possible when trying to reconnect after failover (TAF)

Bug 1847782      Fixed: 8173
Contention for the "longop free list" latch possible.

Bug 1847653      Fixed: 8173
Excessive memory use can occur when a user creates or syncs
an index using URL datastore. This can also show as an ORA-600 [kghfrf1].
The rate of growth is larger for a larger URLSIZE attribute value.

Bug 1847583      Fixed: 8173
Client memory corruption (statement handle) / dump possible
at Fetch time when you set value_sz to a large value (eg:SB4MAXVAL)

Bug 1846617      Fixed: 8173
OracleConnection.setReadOnly(true) throws an SQLException

Bug 1846487      Fixed: 8173
Master-detail datastores with BINARY=NO may produce corrupted document
text at buffer boundaries -- this includes every 2000 bytes during
highlighting/markup/filter, and every 16000 bytes during indexing.

Bug 1845953      Fixed: 8173
OCIRefFromHex can leak client side memory if the OCIRef pointer is
passed in on each invokation. The leak is about the size of the
PREF for each invokation.

Bug 1844776      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in 817.
Select with GROUP BY on a composite partitioned table may dump (in kkpamHRGet)
in a slave process while trying to map a partition key.
 Set _partial_pwise_join_enabled=false in the init.ora file

Bug 1844545      Fixed: 8173
 Partition views are no longer recognised as such if base table columns
 are altered UNUSED or functional indexes are built on the base tables.

Bug 1841387      Fixed: 8173
Shutdown immediate sometimes takes more than 60 seconds even if
there is no active transaction if PMON is busy when the shutdown
is issued.

Bug 1840244      Fixed: 8173
When a certificate has a Name (e.g. directoryName in Subject
 Alternative Name extension) with unknown Attribute type, the
 OWM/mkwallet may crash.

Bug 1839080      Fixed: 8173
Complex join queries involving Hash-Join may result in
Memory leak leading to ORA-4030 out of process memory.

Bug 1838517      Fixed: 8173
Complex_view_merging may cause a wrong result if :
 1. outer query block has to be split in 2 blocks due to presense
    of group by, order by.
 2. one of the tables in outer query block has functional index,
    which is not used in the query block
 4. outer query block is a subquery itself

Bug 1837754      Fixed: 8174
Modifying a column of type CHAR in the same
statement as a column of type NUMBER can truncate
all existing numbers to 22 digits.

Bug 1837529      Fixed: 8173
Creating a sub-partitioned local index ONLINE can result in corrupt
dictionary information for the index.
This can result in ORA-600 [25012] / ORA-600 [KFTR2BZ_1] etc..
Workaround: create index without ONLINE option.

Bug 1836291      Fixed: 8173

Bug 1836101 +     Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in
Memory corruption can occur at optimization time. This mainly affects
distributed queries and results in an almost random memory corruption
which can show up are ORA-600 [17114] or similar, or as dumps in kgh*
or kke* functions.
  Set _enable_type_dep_selectivity=false
This fix introduces a different memory corruption problem - Bug:2248904

Bug 1834530      Fixed: 8174
ORA-600 [25012] / wrong results after EXCHANGE PARTITION between
indexes with different FREELIST /FREELIST GROUPS

Bug 1834495      Fixed: 8173
Any query with many single column equality predicates ORed together
may signal an ORA-600 [12337] if the column is a valid prefix of a
bitmap index .

Bug 1833218      Fixed: 8173
Wrong results possible from correlated EXISTS subquery

Bug 1832671      Fixed: 8173
Dump possible using %ROWTYPE binds over HS

Bug 1832457      Fixed: 8173
If a table has an index parallelized and a query is issued which
 generates a plan for slave sql where index-fast full scan is chosen
 (for the specified index) as the right hand side access path of
 nested loops join . Now if the index is global partitioned then
 we might produce incorrect results .
 The above can also happen if the user supplies INDEX_FFS as hint .

Bug 1829370      Fixed: 8173
Shared servers may die with ORA-600 [4415]
when using XA to an OPS or RAC instance where
the transaction branches open DBLINKS to remote instances.
PMON may die after the shared server dies thus crashing
the instance.

Bug 1824205      Fixed: 8173
OracleSSLInputStream.available() may throw a
NullPointerException if it is called after the SSLSocket
was closed.

Bug 1820448      Fixed: 8173
ORA-7445:[strncpy()] possible on SELECT from X$KSMSP

Bug 1819825      Fixed: 8172
 The default value of the TIMEOUT attribute of the INSO_FILTER
 is 0 (seconds) instead of 120 (seconds).

Bug 1819585      Fixed: 8173
alter package <package name> compile body from 8.0/ 8.1 client against 9.0.1
server may result in a hang if the compilation produced warnings.
This is a client side fix.

Bug 1819214      Fixed: 8173
Reduce latch hold time for "row cache objects" latch.
Note: The 8173 form of this fix introduces a regression as described
      in bug:2305689. The complete fix is in 8174.

Bug 1818676      Fixed: 8173
Processes that exceed PROFILE resource limits and have accessed objects
(Eg CLOB etc) may fail with ORA-600 [17034] and/or [17281].

Bug 1815060      Fixed: 8173
The max length parameter of registerOutParameter() is ignored

Bug 1815042      Fixed: 8174
Unnecessary hold of library cache latch in RAC or OPS environments

Bug 1814421      Fixed: 8173
A CREATE UNDO or CREATE TEMPORARY tablespace may get an ORA-901
reported by import if the tablespace already exists.
The database alert log reports the correct error ORA-1543.

Bug 1814148      Fixed: 8173
Query with inline views and pesistent views may return
incorrect results when nls_sort is not binary.

Bug 1813837 +     Fixed: 8173
predicate1 OR predicate2 can give wrong results if predicate2 is a subset
of predicate1.
    select /*+ALL_ROWS */ deptno,sal from emp
    where (deptno=10 and sal=5000)
    or (deptno=10);
  will return rows where sal=5000 only.
  Set _eliminate_common_subexpr = FALSE in the init.ora file

Bug 1812331      Fixed: 8174
Describing an ADT column that has been defined as a
NUMBER without the scale or precision explicitly
specified returns 0 for the scale (instead of

Bug 1811296      Fixed: 8172
oracle.jpub.runtime.MutableStruct's contructor does not set sqlTypes

Bug 1810829      Fixed: 8173
Lightwieght sessions (via proxy connect) may dump / corrupt shadow
private memory if the user has more than one role.

Bug 1810693      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in 8.1.7.
Using AQ with transactional queues allows a second session to dequeue
messages which are part of a transaction group which is already being

Bug 1810324      Fixed: 8173
An internal error is reported on some platforms when
attempting to use the Oracle Advanced Security SHA-1
crypto-checksumming adapter.

Bug 1810131      Fixed: 8172
This enhancement introduces a parallel version of utlrp.sql
to recompile all packages but to do this in parallel.
The new file is called utlrcmp.sql
utlrcmp.sql contains a utility package that supports parallel
recompilation of invalid database objects (typically, for objects
invalidated after a database upgrade).
This package is intended for DBAs on databases containing many views
and/or PL/SQL objects (eg: Oracle Applications databases).
For databases on single-CPU machines, Oracle recommends using utlrp.sql.
For multi-CPU machines, utlrcmp.sql is recommended with the degree of
parallelism set to number of CPUs + 2.

Bug 1809786      Fixed: 8174
Standby database may fail to open on same node as the primary (ORA-1102).

Bug 1809728      Fixed: 8173
False PLS-452 possible

Bug 1809204      Fixed: 8174
EMNx may leak memory and signal ORA-600 [723] .
The leak is a PGA memory leak of "KPON Callback allocation" chunks.

Bug 1808846      Fixed: 8173
Wrong results are possible from some queries with bind variables if
bind-by-position is used and placeholder names are repeated, or
differing bind variables have the same initial value.
    where the 2 values of B1 are bound by position so have different values.
In Oracle9i the bind names may be different but the values the same
on the first parse and this can cause a similar problem - ie: the
statement may get optimized as if the binds are identical.

Bug 1808727      Fixed: 8173
Any text index with lexer preferences for COMPOSITE and ALTERNATE_SPELLING
may be missing some alternate spelling forms of the composite word
subcomponents, resulting in incomplete results for queries on the
composite word subwords.  Also fixes a problem with German alternate
spelling and non-mixed case, where sharp S shows up as lower case 'ss'.

Bug 1805782      Fixed: 8173
Admin scripts should use CREATE OR REPLACE instead of DROP / CREATE .

Bug 1805146 *     Fixed: 8173
DROP Functional index does not clean up the dictionary COL$ entry.
This can lead to a corrupt export file being produced as
per the alert.
Note: This fix is incomplete and can lead to the issue in Bug:1987122.
See <Note:148740.1> on Metalink

Bug 1805102      Fixed: 8173
A query which contains an in-line view with a set operator such as
UNION-ALL and an ORDER-BY clause may dump.

Bug 1805096      Fixed: 8173
OERI:QCTSTC2O1 instead of ORA-997 possible from INSERT..SELECT FROM
over DB LINK to an 8i database of a LONG column.
This fix is on the 8i side of the DB link.

Bug 1804676      Fixed: 8173
with concurrent DML.
  Use an offline rebuild of the index

Bug 1803203      Fixed: 8172
DROP USER CASCADE may drop a different users TRIGGERS.
This requires that the object id of another users table
is the same as the userid to be dropped, and that there is
a trigger on that table.

Bug 1802744      Fixed: 8173
DB2 error messages may not be propogated through the gateway to the user.

Bug 1802432      Fixed: 8173
Clusters with freelists migrated from Oracle7 to Oracle 8.1.6/8.1.7
are treated as corrupt by the block checking code causing
ORA-600 [KCOAPL_BLK] errors. If the freelists are on a modified
C_TS# this can cause the migrated database not to open under Oracle8i.
  Disable block checking by setting the following init.ora parameters:

Bug 1802230      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600 [KOHRSC153] / ORA-600 [KOHRSC154] possible
using PLSQL with bind variables.

Bug 1801240      Fixed: 8173
Client core dump if you describe packaged procedure with
zero parameters from 9i,8i,8.0(client) to a 7.3 server.

Bug 1801131      Fixed: 8173
An OCI application with 2 (or more) environment handles
initialized in OCI_OBJECT and OCI_DEFAULT mode will dump
on calls to OCIDescriptorFree() with the environment handle
that is initialized in default mode.
  Use only DEFAULT environment handle in the application.

Bug 1799237      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600[RUAALO:1] possible from PQ slave if slave SQL is OR-expanded.
Eg: If user SQL calls a user defined function which issues SQL which
    gets OR expanded.
  Use the NO_EXPAND hint

Bug 1798562      Fixed: 8173
False ORA-1 / dump from non-unique index on IOT

Bug 1798111      Fixed: 8173
Unnecessary trace files produced when PARALLEL_AUTOMATIC_TUNING=TRUE

Bug 1798042      Fixed: 8173
Java thin client with different character sets on the client and server
can get "Bigger type length than maximum" errors when using database links.

Bug 1794996      Fixed: 8173
Cannot create a text index on a table with RLS (DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY) (ORA-1031)

Bug 1794739      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600 [7001] possible on CREATE VIEW when OBJAUTH$.SEQUENCE#
exceeds 65535

Bug 1793898      Fixed: 8173
When using multiple sessions on 1 connection with shared servers,
some with idle time set and others without, ORA-600[17018] can
result if some sessions get 'sniped'.

Bug 1793533      Fixed: 8173
A GROUP BY may return the wrong number of rows when
run in parallel with adaptive fetch turned on
 Run serially or set _adaptive_fetch_enabled=false

Bug 1791258      Fixed: 8173
CONNECT BY queries on IOTs can cause heap corruption from 8.1.7 onwards.
Typically the query errors with ORA-00600[kghasp1] and may cause
subsequent sessions to error with ORA-600[17159].
This only happens in Oracle9i if "_old_connect_by_enabled" is set to

Bug 1790422      Fixed: 8173
Dump in QBAOPN possible using TABLE() clause with QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED

Bug 1789667      Fixed: 8172
 When using INSO_FILTER on Tru64 UNIX or Red Hat Linux or Intel x86
 platform, the filter output is sometimes incorrect for a few
 specific database character sets.

Bug 1789212      Fixed: 8172
WITHIN queries that should be finding documents are returning matching rows.
This affects XML documents containing numeric character entities
such as &#160; or &#x000a; when the database character set is
variable-width such as UTF-8

Bug 1788648      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600 [25012] [2147483647] possible selecting from certain V$ views.
Note that the second argument is [2147483647] for this bug.

Bug 1787862      Fixed: 8173
Dump possible from queries using ORDER BY clause

Bug 1787503      Fixed: 8173
A non-blocking OCI application, issuing OCIBreak and OCIReset for an OCI call
that is currently in progress can leak cursors.
This can cause unexpected ORA-1000 errors.

Bug 1786589      Fixed: 8174
In JDBC/OCI as SELECT statement which includes an expression
over 255 characters long signals an unexpected ORA-1403 error
if the expression has no column alias.
eg: "Select a||b||C... from TAB" where the length of
    the actual expression (not the data it returns) is
    over 255 characters long.

Bug 1786170      Fixed: 8173
Crosscheck will return "ORA-27016: skgfcls: sbtinfo returned error"
when a backup piece is not found in the media manager catalog.
This only happens for deleted pieces in media manager catalog (sbt_tape)
- the bug does not apply to DISK pieces.

Bug 1784971      Fixed: 8172
9i has the ability to create an Oracle Context at the root of an LDAP directory.
It is not possible to do this in 8.1.6 and 8.1.7.
8.1.6 and 8.1.7 Net8 clients using directory naming will fail to resolve a net
service name in the (LDAP) directory if the Oracle Context is at the root of
the directory, a Root Oracle Context (DN is cn=OracleContext).

Bug 1784708      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in 8.1.5.
Tables which are stored in hash clusters report
ORA-600 [25012] on queries accessing a LONG (or LONG RAW) column
in the table.

Bug 1784337      Fixed: 8173
Memory leak can occur in Oracle Text with a tag

Bug 1784333      Fixed: 8173
A memory leak can occur in Oracle Text with a memory type of

Bug 1783434      Fixed: 8173
ORA-942 possible using REFCURSOR, LOBS and DEFINERS RIGHTS authorization

Bug 1782025      Fixed: 8174
Client programs may dump or encounter errors while executing
DMLs with RETURNING clauses, with cursor_sharing set to

Bug 1782024      Fixed: 8173
Memory leak in the parallel query process during parallel

Bug 1781184      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced with the fix for bug:1390597.
When using impicit cursors with release_cursor=yes,
the cursors are not closed when there is an error
(even for errors like no data found). For cursors
accessing remote tables this can cause XA_END to return 100.

Bug 1781183      Fixed: 8173
OERI:2888 / ORA-600 [KCFTRO_READ_WRITE] / ORA-600 [kcftro_in_trans]
can occur when trying to make a tablespace READ ONLY after a crash
 / shutdown abort when the same TS was in transition to being
  Re-run the command to make the tablespace read-only
  after the error occurs.

Bug 1780967      Fixed: 8174
If a variable is used as a define variable in a
SQL statement, and that SQL statement returns a
value longer than the variable, an ORA-6502 is
signalled (as expected.)  However, in this situation,
the define variable should not be modified at all.
This bug causes the indicator of the define variable
to be set to a strange state which can cause subsequent
incorrect ORA-6502 errors.

Bug 1780147      Fixed: 8172
Index block corruption can occur.
This is trapped with an ORA-600 [KCOAPL_BLKCHK] if block checking
is enabled, but can lead to an actual corruption if block checking is
not turned on.

Bug 1779978      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in and only shows up on
some platforms (eg: HPUX).
ORA-600 [1114] can occur with more than about 536 sessions.

Bug 1778950      Fixed: 8172 Patchset is missing some interMedia Text files

Bug 1777504      Fixed: 8174
Hang possible with CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE (or SIMILAR in 9i)

Bug 1776046      Fixed: 8173
Dump in KKECDN possible for queries involving DB Links

Bug 1776037      Fixed: 8173
Certain large SQL statements (>= 2048 characters in length) may signal
a PLS-801 [1002] error when compiled.

Bug 1776022      Fixed: 8172
ORA-2291 can occur when creating a relation with ctx_thes package.

Bug 1775685      Fixed: 8173
DML may spin with excessive cpu usage while the
tablespace is put into hot backup mode.

Bug 1775445      Fixed: 8172
Multi-threaded XA client which spawns threads which do xa_end(TMSUSPEND)
leak memory. This leak occurs in the client and is most noticable
if threads are repeatedly spawned , do work, do TMSUSPEND then exit.

Bug 1774791      Fixed: 8173
ORA-1480 occurs when indexing UTF8 data by Japanese VGRAM lexer.

Bug 1774683      Fixed: 8172
Functional indexes may not get pushed into non-mergable views
when there is an outer join.

Bug 1772721      Fixed: 8173
Diagnostic dump routine may dump when writing trace information if
the executing library unit contains a '%' character in its source

Bug 1771323      Fixed: 8172
NT: NET initialisation is not thread safe on NT

Bug 1769190      Fixed: 8173
ORA-00600 [QERBTROP OBJNUM] possible if a non-local b-tree index
on a partitioned table is read using bitmap access paths.

Bug 1768984      Fixed: 8173
Client memory leak in XA clients

Bug 1768110      Fixed: 8173
Star transformation applied to a query with a correlated subquery
may signal ORA-600[kkojocol:2]

Bug 1764305      Fixed: 8172
 ORA-7445 errors in KKECCF are possible from queries or analyze statements using
 partitioned tables or views.

Bug 1764016      Fixed: 8173
If a partitioning key is composed of two or more columns
and a query contains an inlist predicate on the first column
of the partitioning key, and at least one element of the in-list
is a bind variable then an ORA-600 [KKPAMFLIST] can occur.

Bug 1763408      Fixed: 8172
RPC between 9i <-> 8i with CHAR data can corrupt memory
if the CHAR data size is over 100 characters in length

Bug 1763013      Fixed: 8173
While loading delimited CLOBs, for empty strings in the data file
SQL*Loader loads non empty (wrong) data for the CLOB field.

Bug 1762455      Fixed: 8173
Creating a text index using URL_DATASTORE errors (11605)
and does not index URLs over 256 characters long.

Bug 1761950      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in Oracle
Oracle tries to eliminate un-necessary predicates , but this can cause
wrong results when a SQL statement uses BIND variables with the same
name, but the application uses bind by position to set different values
for the identically named bind variables.
eg: col = :b1 or col > :b1  would be converted into ">=:b1"
    but this is wrong if these contain different values.
Contact Oracle Support for details of activating this fix.
It is deactivated by default.

Bug 1761391      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in Oracle8i.
Array fetch may return truncated data when OCIString types are used.

Bug 1759227      Fixed: 8173
This problem is exposed in onwards.
Wrong results possible using Parallel Query if the all the below are true:
 - The query uses views (inline or outline) .
 - The views have one of its columns coming from the count(*) or
 - The columns selected in the query are the count columns of the views.
 - The query is executed in parallel and it gives same values in all selected

Bug 1759019      Fixed: 8172
If a document contains one or more terms of the 'ACCUM' query but the section
we are searching against does not contain any term of ACCUM query, the
document receives very high score when it should not be a match. For example
<doc>cat<body>dog</body></doc> will receive very high score for
'(cat,horse) within body' even though the doc should not match for this query.

Bug 1758968      Fixed: 8173
PDML Insert into a composite partition when inserting from CHAR column to
NUMBER column causes ORA-600 or wrong number of rows to be inserted.

Bug 1756779      Fixed: 8173
CBO may not choose a domain index when it should.
Eg: An interMedia index may not be chosen to drive the access, and functional
    invokation of the CONTAINS operator may occur instead.

Bug 1755290      Fixed: 8172
RMAN deletes existing an backup piece after an ORA-27038 (file exists)

Bug 1755028      Fixed: 8173
JDBC Thin: ORA-1008 updating LONG RAW using updateBinaryStream()

Bug 1754947      Fixed: 8174
If export is run with TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE=Y and the
tablespace list exceeds about 10000 characters then
EXP-8 / ORA-6502 is signalled. This makes it impossible
to export very large transportable sets.

Bug 1754786      Fixed: 8173
Pro/OCI DML RETURNING an ARRAY of LOB Locators dumps in TTCLD2I

Bug 1753899      Fixed: 8173
DBMS_STATS can fail (ORA-904) for a table with a security policy on it

Bug 1752554      Fixed: 8173
Heap corruption / ORA-600 [17182] selecting DB2 DATA TYPE of CHAR.

Bug 1752365      Fixed: 8173
MOD_PLSQL against oracle 8.0 server may get ora-2035 error.

Bug 1751186      Fixed: 8173
Some queries using bitmap indexes can give
incorrect results or coredump in qerixGetKey(),
or during rowsource allocation time.
  alter session set "_column_elimination_off"=true

Bug 1750337      Fixed: 8172
This is an enhancement. With this fix the package STANDARD is split
across 2 files so that the package body can be reloaded without
the header, minimising invalidations.

Bug 1749617      Fixed: 8172
Import re-creates context indexes, but the indexes are empty.
This causes contains queries get 'no rows returned'.
  alter index <indexname> rebuild; after the import

Bug 1749471      Fixed: 8172
Wrong results from a query on a table with check constraints
and nullable columns if there are predicates on the columns
and these predicates get into a transitive relation with the
constraint predicates.

Bug 1748965      Fixed: 8173
Import may fail when processing large (>64k) statements in the
export dump file when the statement requires NLS translation.
The import session errors showing an incomplete or garbled SQL statement.
This mainly affects ASCII -> EBCDIC and vice versa.

Bug 1748791      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in 817.
Temporary-lob performance may be very slow because temporary LOBS created
by OCILobCreateTemporary() may not be cached (even if cache mode is requested).
This problem does NOT affect temporary LOBS created by DBMS_LOB in PLSQL.

Bug 1748759      Fixed: 8174
Client memory corruption / dump possible (eg: in ttcfopr)
using pre-fetch.
  Turn off client pre-fetching of rows (OCI_PREFETCH_ROWS
  or prefetch precompiler option).

Bug 1748610      Fixed: 8174
JDBC/SQLJ client may dump if the fetch size for a statement
is altered and the statement re-executed when prefetch is

Bug 1748493      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in 8.1.7
Text indexing can be slow when using user datastore with a CLOB or BLOB
To fix this problem in 817 you need only the fix for related bug:1748791

Bug 1748384      Fixed: 8173
OERI:qksopOptASJLf1 / dump in kkeajsel with ALWAYS_SEMI_JOIN=MERGE or HASH
with certain subqueries containing correlated variables
appearing in a disjuntion(OR).
  Set always_semi_join=NESTED_LOOPS (underscore parameter in 9i)

Bug 1747462      Fixed: 8173
Replacing a TRUSTED LIBRARY can cause recompilation of dependents to
spin if there are TYPES which depend on the library. In particular
this can affect upgrades (such as upgrading Oracle Label Security).

Bug 1747320      Fixed: 8173
ENH: HS should write to the ALERT log when Data Dictionary changes are made

Bug 1747270      Fixed: 8174
ORA-600 [qximcoc4] can occur if a memory error occurs when
setting up a query using a DOMAIN index.
This ORA-600 should not be signalled, just the original memory

Bug 1747011      Fixed: 8172
A memory leak of private shadow memory , or ultimately an ORA-4030,
can occur if a long running PLSQL block repeatedly binds in a loop.

Bug 1746797      Fixed: 8174
Wrong results with a parallel query containing
correlated subqueries with set(eg: minus) operations.
     select DNAME from DEPT A where DEPTNO in
          (select DEPTNO from DEPT where A.DNAME=DNAME
           select DEPTNO from EMP);
  Set "_column_elimination_off"=false

Bug 1746462      Fixed: 8172
Indexing a table with many NULL values, with a low index memory, may
taking a long time because the index flushes one document at a time.

Bug 1746364      Fixed: 8172
When an XA application calls a stored procedure and the stored
procedure queries a remote database, an ORA-24779 is possible
Do not use stored procedure which accesses remote database from xa

Bug 1745651      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in 8170.
XA clients calling xaocommit() (via a TPM call) in a Pro*C program
compiled using MODE=ANSI may dump with a call stack including:
  .. -> xaocommit -> sqlxcac -> sqlcac -> sqlclst

Bug 1744786      Fixed: 8173
A hierarchical query utilizing the pre-9i row source (i.e. without
connect-by filter and pump) and which involves an index access by
ROWID range scan corrupts the cursor work heap.

Bug 1744693      Fixed: 8174
If an update statement on a ADT col (having a trigger on the
same ADT col from same table) an ORA-600 [KXTOUEVOP2] can

Bug 1744625      Fixed: 8173
Wrong results are possible from queries which use the inlist iterator
if the inlist has functions on correlated columns.
Eg: select /*+ ALL_ROWS */ col1
      from tab1
     where not exists
        (select /*+ INDEX(tab2) */ '1' from tab2
         where tab2.col2 in (tab1.col1*10+1, tab1.col1*20+1);
   Set event 10157 to disable the inlist iterator

Bug 1744109      Fixed: 8172
Multi Threaded Server (MTS) crashes when an SSL Callout spans multiple
sessions.  The stack trace contains calls to nzjsWrite() or nzjsRead().

Bug 1743183      Fixed: 8173
Small memory leak in UGA from lock memory used for TEMP segments
not being freed or reused.

Bug 1742564      Fixed: 8173
ORA-1424 or wrong results possible when a query against
a union view contains a LIKE predicate with an ESCAPE clause
and the LIKE can be replaced with =(EQUAL) predicate.

Bug 1742476      Fixed: 8172
 If timed_statistics or resource_limit parameter  is set to
 TRUE, BSP might encounter a ORA-7445 while shutting down the

Bug 1741212      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [KJXRRI4] possible in OPS during DLM reconfiguration

Bug 1741117      Fixed: 8172
PDML to bitmap key of a partition table with row movement hangs.
The fix causes the statement to execute serially.
  Run the statement serially.

Bug 1740439      Fixed: 8172
Cannot connect using the encryption 'RC4_128', 'RC4_256' in the Thin
JDBC Driver

Bug 1739335      Fixed: 8172
ALTER TABLE to modify a table which has Row Level Security
applied to it may put the table into an inconsistent state
as only rows passing the Row Level Security Policy are
touched by the ALTER TABLE command.
Eg: ALTER TABLE to set a column to NOT NULL will only
    check the visible rows, allowing NULL data in the
    NOT NULL column.
    ALTER TABLE to add a column with a supplied DEFAULT
    value will only put the default in the visible rows.

Bug 1739260      Fixed: 8173
Export/Import loses the "static" attribute of a security policy

Bug 1738768      Fixed: 8172
ORA-26572 can occur when DEFERRED transactions are pushed

Bug 1735699      Fixed: 8172
Oracle Label Security logons fail after upgrading to 8171

Bug 1733649      Fixed: 8172
DRG-11711 using ctxkbtc to compile a knowledge base
or hang using ctxkbtc with more than 65535 terms.

Bug 1733530      Fixed: 8173
COMP-3 packed decimal numbers may return the wrong number
if the input stream contains the same number in successive rows
of data.

Bug 1733437      Fixed: 8174
False ORA-1461 possible in SQLLoader

Bug 1733170      Fixed: 8172
Segmentation violation in client in
getOracleTypeADT() against 8.0/8i server

Bug 1732885      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [KDIBR2R2R BITMAP] / memory corruption possible from
bitmap AND operation.

Bug 1732852      Fixed: 8172
When a shadow reports ORA-600 [kcblibr_1], no new buffers are read into
the cache and the instance eventually hangs. With the fix buffer gets are
not suspended.

Bug 1732626      Fixed: 8172
This is an enhancement mainly intended to reduce invalidations
and recompilations when installing a new patchset or patch.

Bug 1731490      Fixed: 8174
Index DDL (create/alter/sync) operation
following another index DDL operation in the same
session can fail with ORA-600 [kgfrf1].

Bug 1730766      Fixed: 8173
In an interoperability situation (8i client, 9i server), if a client-side
application tries to compile against a TYPE which has been altered on the
server, the client will fail with an unhandled 22303 error.
With this fix a proper error is reported to the user (OCI-22335)
This fix is related to bug 1531421.

Bug 1728756      Fixed: 8172
Poor execution plans possible for CONTAINS queries containing
NOT, OR , MINUS or PHRASE text query operators.

Bug 1728366      Fixed: 8173
This is a performance enhancement.
Fine Grained Access control may unnecessarily reexecute the policy function.

Bug 1727424      Fixed: 8171B
JVM upgrades / RMJVM may fail due to bad rollback segment size

Bug 1726969      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [16609] possible on CREATE SUMMARY

Bug 1726833      Fixed: 8173
Update statements with a range scan may core dump in kdudcp / signal
ORA-600 [13013] when checking the compare column values(CR copy) with
the current values.
This can happen if the execution plan shows the range scan
conversion to bitmaps.
Workaround: None. Try to avoid range scan (use full table scan)

Bug 1725012      Fixed: 8172
When using pre-9i Jdbc-Thin to talk to a 9i (or post-9i)
database, you will see an ORA-600 exception on almost
everything you do. eg: ORA-600 [ttcgcshnd-1 ].

Bug 1724964      Fixed: 8173
A memory leak can occur in the JDBC OCI driver when reusing
statements that reference object types.

Bug 1724813      Fixed: 8172
Using SEE in a thesaurus file and loading the file with -thes can
result in DRG-11706.

Bug 1723488      Fixed: 8172
CONTAINS queries are slow when NLS_SORT is set to non-binary, even
after creation of a function-based index

Bug 1722308      Fixed: 8173
Select from join of two subqueries may fail with
ORA-600[XTYCSR2],[2] on a slave, if there is a local partitioned index
on one of the tables being joined in subqueries.
 Force Hash join or SMJ instead of NLJ using optimizer hints.

Bug 1721870      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [KKZFCBSU] possible on refresh of a REFRESH GROUP
especially if there are over 256 snapshots in the group.
  Refresh snapshots individually or don't have more than 256
  snapshots per refresh group.

Bug 1721028      Fixed: 8174
Import may core dump while trying to display an error message.
(Dump in lehppcb)

Bug 1718173      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [RUAALO:1] possible from PQ on partitioned table/index

Bug 1717316      Fixed: 8172
Multithreaded OCI7 clients may dump (notable Microsofts ODBC driver)

Bug 1716738      Fixed: 8172
A cursor used for querying object types is left open.
This is a cursor leak, which can result in an ORA-1000 if
called repeatedly.

Bug 1715860      Fixed: 8172
Some Star queries are slow when the fix for bug:1490373 is in place

Bug 1715819      Fixed: 8172
PARSE=partial generates a precomp error, for trigraphs used as directives.

Bug 1715781      Fixed: 8172
Dump possible in ncrorou() or ncrodsc()

Bug 1715663      Fixed: 8172
A dictionary mismatch can be introduced if a ROWID SNAPSHOT is created
on a table with a LOB column. This can result in an
ORA-600 [KOKLISHDL104] at a later point in time.

Bug 1715529      Fixed: 8173
ORA-2002/ORA-1461 from AUDIT CREATE TRIGGER when creating a LOGON TRIGGER

Bug 1714958      Fixed: 8173
When using SQL*Loader in direct mode with:
 - a logical record NOT exactly the same as its physical records, and
 - a column name specified in the NULLIF/DEFAULTIF/WHEN clause, and
 - no need of character conversion for the logical record,
the server process sometimes crashed with ORA-7445.

Bug 1712645      Fixed: 8173
When a 'drop column' operation is interrupted, an ORA-600[729]
space leak error may be reported on exit from the session.

Bug 1712631      Fixed: 8172
Performing a ctx_doc.filter operation on binary data or text data with
stray 0-bytes may result in parts of the document missing in the
result, or ORA-22282 errors.

Bug 1712582      Fixed: 8172
 Core dump in dreb_likeq or drpnrlex or drpzgsib executing queries
 with multiple wordlist operators (wildcard, fuzzy, stemming, soundex)

Bug 1711803      Fixed: 8173
When FAST_START_IO_TARGET is set >0 and the system has multiple CPUs
then the instance may crash under heavy load. This can also show
as memory corruption in the SGA
Workaround: Set FAST_START_IO_TARGET = 0

Bug 1711479      Fixed: 8172
ALTER SYSTEM KILL session can cause an ORA-600 [1113] on
clean up of a SORT SEGMENT HANDLE if the session is using
This can cause PMON to ultimately crash bringing down the instance.

Bug 1711227      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600[QKAGBY0.4] from PQ SELECT with DEGREE > 1 and GROUP BY
if it contains any duplicate columns or  duplicate aggregate
functions on duplicate columns and if it also has a group by clause.
eg: SELECT c1, c2, SUM(c3), SUM(c4)
      FROM ( SELECT 1 c1, col c2, min(1) c3, min(1) c4 FROM t1
             GROUP BY 1, col
      GROUP BY c1, c2;

Bug 1710157      Fixed: 8173
ORA-1000 / ORA-600 [QXIMCOC4] can occur from ORed CONTAINS
clauses using SCOREs. This can cause other errors depending on
where in the code the ORA-1000 error is encountered.
This problem occurs if the execution plan shows CONCATENATION
being used.
Note that the cursors are leaked within the session so the ORA-1000
error may not occur on the statement with the CONTAINS clause but
on some other statement.
Workaround: Force execution not to use CONCATENATION.

Bug 1710007      Fixed: 8172
 Wrong results are possible from INSERT ... SELECT run in parallel if
 the SELECT uses a sequence.
  Do not use PDML

Bug 1709816      Fixed: 8172
When creating a table with many FREELIST GROUPS groups in a locally managed
tablespace (with autoallocate) an ORA-600[ktfbbssearch-7]
can occur.
Workaround: Use a smaller number of FREELIST GROUPS

Bug 1709136      Fixed: 8172
Delete triggers on an IOT may signal an ORA-600[delrow:iot2]
error when :NEW.rowid is used in the body of trigger.

Bug 1709113      Fixed: 8173
Logminer may dump in kdvlne when it encounters certain index
redo on 64 bit platforms.

Bug 1709076      Fixed: 8172
CTXCAT/CATSEARCH may give wrong results when there
is a stopword in a phrase.

Bug 1707919      Fixed: 8174
When setting the failover mode to be preconnect, number of preconnected
processes increase after each detach, attach.

Bug 1707340      Fixed: 8173
"FULL_THEMES" parameter affects output Weights in CTX_DOC.THEMES

Bug 1706144      Fixed: 8173
ORA-14506 possible from DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS on
partitioned table with global index.

Bug 1705996      Fixed: 8172
INSERT with /*+ APPEND */ may not blank pad CHAR columns to the
correct length when the driving SELECT is parallelised.
This introduces data corruption in the CHAR column as the actual
data length is incorrect. This can result in subsequent ORA-600

Bug 1703940      Fixed: 8173
  Rebuild the index offline rather than ONLINE.

Bug 1703753      Fixed: 8172
UTLRP.SQL does not recompile OPERATOR , INDEXTYPE or JAVA CLASS objects.
With this bug fix it does recompile these objects.

Bug 1701374      Fixed: 8174
This problem affects Windows platforms only.
Indexing with URL_DATASTORE on Windows platforms
leaks sockets. (netstat will show many sockets in
CLOSE_WAIT state).
This can show as an apparent hang if a few thousand
URLs are attempted to be indexed.

Bug 1700705      Fixed: 8173
Unnecessary partition access is possible in parallel queries if there is
a single-row subquery against the partition key.

Bug 1699966      Fixed: 8173
When a SELECT has a LOB (or LONG) column in the middle of the select
list and no DEFINE has been performed for that column then
OCIStmtFetch may dump.

Bug 1699710      Fixed: 8172
push_join_predicate=TRUE and _push_join_union_view=true
can cause an ORA-600[12325][4]

Bug 1698514      Fixed: 8173
DOMAIN index code may be executed as the wrong user
when using a mix of DEFINERS and INVOKERS rights.
Eg: This can affect Text indexes

Bug 1698153      Fixed: 8172
CTAS between different character set databases might not add
the padding character for CHAR columns if the database character sets
differ and at least one character set is multibyte.

Bug 1696451      Fixed: 8172
IMP-17, ORA-2430 possible importing with CONSTRAINTS=N.
  Ignore the errors, they are just due to IMPORT trying to enable
  constraints which have not been imported.

Bug 1695713      Fixed: 8174
Dump in KCBLRR possible

Bug 1695046      Fixed: 8173
Incorrect results possible when a period (.) is specified as a printjoin
character if a period is also (by default or explicit setting) a
numjoin or numgroup separator.
Eg: "ABC.123.DEF" gets lexed as "ABC" and "123.DEF" instead of as a single

Bug 1694970      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in 8.1.7.
Pro*C application using dynamic 4 sql and other implicit or
explicit cursors may dump core when the number of cursors exceeds

Bug 1694876      Fixed: 8173
OCIDirectPath API may insert extra characters at the end of
CHAR columns. This can cause logical corruption as the data
in the database can exceed the column definition, leading to
various internal errors at a later time.

Bug 1694874      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [KJRM2C:LEVEL] possible from LCK0

Bug 1692225      Fixed: 8172
If a non-default CPU_PER_CALL is in effect, the CPU time logged by Oracle
may be up to twice the actual CPU time used by the program.
(ie: The value in V$SESSTAT for 'CPU used by this session' may be up to
     twice the correct value).

Bug 1691808      Fixed: 8173
Implement BLOB.Trim() in JDBC

Bug 1691657      Fixed: 8172
DML statements on ctxcat-indexed tables perform a small
amount of unneeded work.

Bug 1691651      Fixed: 8172
DML statements on ctxcat-indexed tables may take a long
time to complete due to a poor internal select on dr$index.

Bug 1691053      Fixed: 8172
Oracle core dumps with drne/drnd in the trace stack when you index
an invalid XML/HTML document using html/xml/auto/path sectioner.

Bug 1690759      Fixed: 8173
Spurious ORA-12571 possible using BEQUEATH connection if write is interrupted

Bug 1690248      Fixed: 8172
 Query with a Nested loop outer Join may give incorrect results
 when count star push down is done on bitmap index.
 The count gives the count of the inner join, without counting
 the non-matching records.
Eg: Plans containing the form:

Bug 1690150      Fixed: 8172
JDBC Thin limits VARCHAR/CHAR binds to 2000 characters rather than 4000

Bug 1690036      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in 8.1.5.
Deadlock can occur between library cache and row cache
during concurrent 'alter table disable constraint' and 'truncate table'

Bug 1689692      Fixed: 8172
REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES from a ROLE fails with ORA-1952.

Bug 1689678      Fixed: 8172
 When the initialization parameter 'PARTITION_VIEW_ENABLED'
 is set to 'TRUE' and tables have been analyzed,
 'ORA-979' can occur for queries involving

Bug 1686987      Fixed: 8174
Direct export may fail with ORA-600[6191] with trailing null
column data.

Bug 1686483      Fixed: 8172
REVOKE REFERENCES may fail with ORA-604 and ORA-1406
 the "owner"."tablename" string for any tables depending on the
 grant being revoked are longer than 30 characters
(including quotes and dot).

Bug 1685984      Fixed: 8172
DBWR may die with ORA-27062 after one AIOWAIT timeout warning.
The AIO warning implies there is a slow IO problem, but the instance
should remain up for diagnosis of the problem and not crash after
the warning.

Bug 1685119      Fixed: 8173
Interrupt of a parallel execution of a query involving temporary table could
cause ORA-600 [KCBLIBR_USER_FOU], and potentially an instance hang.
  Set STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED= temp_disable | false

Bug 1684431      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in 815.
Wrong results can occur for index range scan when composite indexes
are used. The stopkey is formed wrongly in this case when we
have a composite index with keys such as (c1,c2) and
some predicate such as c1 > v1 and an equality predicate
c2 = v2 present together. The query may return too many rows.
Eg: SELECT B.col_from ,A.col ,B.col_to
      FROM B ,A
     WHERE A.col > B.col_from
       AND B.col_to > A.col
    when there is a composite index on A(col,id)

Bug 1684252      Fixed: 8172
Context index may fail to index a tagged document that
has a very long attribute value, using the auto section group

Bug 1683613 +     Fixed: 8172
This bug covers three scenarios:
 (1) If a database has been migrated from version 7;
 and some datafile blocks have never been re-written
 after the migration; and you make a copy of the datafile
 using the RMAN COPY command; then the copied file
 might not be useable for media recovery.
 (2) If a datafile has a block that is media corrupt;
 and you either take a backup of the datafile
 with the RMAN BACKUP command, or make a copy
 with the RMAN COPY command; then the copied file
 might not be useable for media recovery.
 In both cases, the media recovery may fail
 with ORA-1547 and ORA-1194, even though all redo
 had been applied.
 (3) If a datafile has a block with one of the conditions
 above; and the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode;
 and you try to make a copy with the RMAN COPY command;
 then the COPY might fail with ORA-19602.
  If you can identify the blocks that cause the problem,
  then you can try to force the rdbms to re-write those
  blocks in the original datafile (e.g., by updating the
  data, or by allocating those blocks for a new object),
  and then repeating the BACKUP or COPY.

Bug 1682908      Fixed: 8172
An ORA-1555 may be signalled with graceful switchover / back of STANDBY
against an index block. This is very rare and requires a STANDBY
database to be involved.

Bug 1679970      Fixed: 8172
 Spurious issue of DRG-00100 after DRG-50937 possible for complex
CONTAINS queries

Bug 1679690      Fixed: 8172
A recoverable corruption of a data buffer in the cache can introduce a
permanent inconsistency between the table and the index.
Eg: An ORA-600 [2032] (in memory buffer corruption) can lead to
    a permanent ORA-600 [12700] error.
  Once encountered, drop / recreate the index (do NOT use ALTER INDEX
  REBUILD to recreate the index).
  There is no preventative workaround, but this scenario is very rare
   as is requires there to be an in-memory corruption occuring.

Bug 1679017      Fixed: 8172
ORA-942 when running ctx_query.browse_words

Bug 1678963      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in
ORA-600[25012] / ORA-600[4142] possible on TRUNCATE of a table
with a CLOB column.

Bug 1678098      Fixed: 8172
Shadow process memory leak - affects bequeath, network and shared (MTS)
connections. Mainly visible on VMS platforms.

Bug 1675726      Fixed: 8174
When a database is brought up in read-only mode,
an anonymous PL/SQL block which queries a table
that does not have its diana generated signals
an ORA-372 error.

Bug 1675644      Fixed: 8172
HS distributed query may dump

Bug 1675586      Fixed: 8172
8.0.x export client silently fails to export triggers from an 8.1

Bug 1675072      Fixed: 8172
 Using ctx_doc.markup(..) or ctx_doc.highlight(..) and a
 lexer with composite preference, compound words are not highlighted

Bug 1674790      Fixed: 8173
Privilege problems referencing objects through CURSOR() construct
leading to unexpected ORA-904 errors.

Bug 1674444      Fixed: 8172
BROWSE_WORDS is very slow when NLS_SORT parameter is set to
  linguistic sort (non-binary).  Instituting workaround from
  bug 1673505 speeds up descending browse words (BROWSE_BEFORE)

Bug 1672204      Fixed: 8173
A high number of simultaneous distributed transactions can cause
contention on the 'global tx hash mapping' latch.

Bug 1671601      Fixed: 8174
When accessing a lob inserted via a conversion function
such as to_lob(), and when 'storage in row' is enabled,
and the lob after conversion was exactly 3964 bytes, then
a select on the lob can result in ORA-1555 'snapshot too old'

Bug 1671225      Fixed: 8172
 A query containing a BETWEEN clause on a constant expression AND a
 subquery expression could may dump or return wrong results.
  Replace BETWEEN with a '>= and <=' predicate

Bug 1670041      Fixed: 8173
INSERT / EXPLAIN over database link may spin if character sets differ.

Bug 1668180      Fixed: 8172
Memory is leaked on each event notification received.

Bug 1668134      Fixed: 8174
@ Originally listed as fixed in 8173/9012 but the fix was incomplete.
"Protocol Violation" from JDBC THIN if account password has expired

Bug 1667394      Fixed: 8173
Fast refresh truncates nchar/nvarchar2 data when the master site and
mview sites have different national character sets.

Bug 1667103      Fixed: 8172
Update of an IOT with CONCATENATION using a SECONDARY index signals ORA-8102

Bug 1666543      Fixed: 8172
sort-merge/hash join involving BITMAP indexes and rowid predicates
can give wrong results.
Workaround: Force the use of nested loops join

Bug 1666410      Fixed: 8172
This problem occurs when using a connection cache.
If a shadow process is killed in OracleCachedRowSet, future Connections
fail.  This occurs only in the case of JDBC OCI8 driver.  In thin the
connection fails for the subsequent request and afterwards it succeeds.
  Use thin driver.

Bug 1666360      Fixed: 8172
OCI Direct Path API client dumps in OCI_THREADED mode

Bug 1664443      Fixed: 8174
ORA-600 [kclcdc_5] / ORA-600 [kclcdc_1] possible under OPS.
  Set <Paramter:GC_DEFER_TIME> to 0 (zero).

Bug 1664189      Fixed: 8173
Query rewrite does not occur if base table has a FUNCTIONAL index on it.

Bug 1663288 *     Fixed: 8173
ALTER TYPE or running CATALOG invalidates Queues based on the recompiled
type. This causes AQ operations on the queue to error with ORA-24085.
See the alert for details of making the queues usable again..
See <Note:151613.1> on Metalink

Bug 1662642      Fixed: 8173
"drop (non-unique) index"  invalidates views dependent upon the index
base table view dependents.

Bug 1661976      Fixed: 8172
False ORA-6502 possible assigning to PLSQL table record if the
RECORD TYPE is weakly defined and the source data is a cursor
record or a %ROWTYPE.
Workaround: Copy each element of the record seperately

Bug 1661786      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced by the fix for bug:1413093 in 8171.
ORA-600 [12261] / single byte memory corruption possible for
CALL type triggers. The effect of this bug has only been seen
on little endian platforms.

Bug 1661329      Fixed: 8173
Concatenation (|| operator) may not signal ORA-1489 when it should.
eg: On multibyte database.

Bug 1660471      Fixed: 8173
Delete cascade does not work when there is a reversed index defined on
the foreign key column(s).  Deletion in the parent table does not cascade
down to the child table. This can result in logical corruption.

Bug 1660334      Fixed: 8172
The fix in Bug:1292638 missed out the case of VARCHAR variables.
When using the array fetch with VARCHAR string types, and the string is
null, the return buffer is not set properly as per Oracle8.0/Oracle7 releases. set the length field properly for blank or null

Bug 1660244      Fixed: 8172
InterMedia queries can take a very long time to notice an interrupt
when there are two or more CONTAINS clauses.

Bug 1659886      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced by the fix for bug 1328999.
Starting multiple global txns in the same process without comitting might
cause false deadlock (ORA-60).

Bug 1659635      Fixed: 8174
DB_BLOCK_LRU_LATCHES is allowed to exceed the documented maximum.

Bug 1658309      Fixed: 8172
Exception in

Bug 1657752      Fixed: 8172
Listener with SSL PROTOCOL=TCPS dumps unless tracing is enabled

Bug 1657186      Fixed: 8172
ORA-24054 occurs trying to propogate between Oracle8i and 9i

Bug 1656588      Fixed: 8172
Queries containing the TRUNC function and using
star tranformation with temp tables may signal
false ORA-1008, ORA-604 errors.

Bug 1656431 *     Fixed: 8172
Corrupt NET header packet can cause TNSLSNR listener to dump.
See <Note:151260.1> on Metalink

Bug 1656136      Fixed: 8173
When running dbverify against files in temporary tablespaces,
corrupt blocks may be reported.

Bug 1655813      Fixed: 8171
Dump possible in <Function:koputilassert> recompiling PLSQL
especially if running UTLRP. The current SQL statement in the
dump is typically:
  update "SYS"."KOTTB$" set SYS_NC_ROWINFO$ = :1 where SYS_NC_OID$ = :2

Bug 1654698      Fixed: 8172
BCERT cannot handle Certificates from  Microsoft Certificate Authority

Bug 1653112      Fixed: 8174
When exchanging partitions Oracle does not check any functional
indexes on the table to ensure that their definitions match.
This can result in CORRUPTION as the index contents do not
match the index definition.

Bug 1652848      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in /
PROCOB can generate incorrect code when sqlcheck=FULL or SEMANTICS.

Bug 1652184      Fixed: 8172
LIBAGTSH.SO is built including several PLSQL files from libpls8.
These PLSQL files are not compiled as position independent code (PIC)
and hence can cause not to be properly shared, resulting
in larger than expectedly large swap reservation when using this library.
This mostly affects EXTPROC and other Heterogeneous services on
Unix platforms.

Bug 1652140      Fixed: 8173
OCI memory leak if multiple AQ sessions use the same Environment handle.

Bug 1651530      Fixed: 8174
SMON may die with OERI:16224 crashing the instance
when deleting non-existent objects.
  It is possible to set <Event:10052> as a short term
  workaround to this issue. It prevents SMON from cleaning
  up non-existent objects thus preventing a crash.

Bug 1651393      Fixed: 8172
Heavy concurrent update / delete of the same row in an IOT leaf can
lead to KEY NOT FOUND errors or an IOT corruption.

Bug 1651014      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in 8.1.7.
Wrong results are possible from queries with multiple OR branches if
the branches contain subqueries.
     select /*+ ALL_ROWS */ * from sys.dual
     where (dummy is null and not exists (select * from sys.dual))
        or (exists (select * from sys.dual)) ;
   Set _eliminate_common_subexpr = false

Bug 1650368      Fixed: 8172
Missing text,  or tag or entities appearing as part of the
text in html_section_group/auto_section_group output.

Bug 1650324      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [12206] [7] possible when using Shared Database Links

Bug 1649834      Fixed: 8173
Theme output for empty documents or documents with no tokens may be
incorrect and may change depending on the order of processing.

Bug 1648092 +     Fixed: 8171
ROLLBACK to user SAVEPOINT followed by an ERROR can cause CORRUPTION.
Eg: This sort of construct will hit this bug:
      insert ... /*DML*/;
        rollback to A;
        raise no_data_found /*raise error*/

Bug 1647363      Fixed: 8173
Enhancement to reduce contention on ROW CACHE OBJECTS latch.
This enhancement is most effective for sites with large numbers
of objects in the dictionary cache.

Bug 1646512 *     Fixed: 8174
allows a filesize larger than is allowed by Oracle.
The maximum filesize is just over 4 million Oracle blocks.
If the filesize specified is larger than allowed the
data dictionary can get corrupted.
This problem only applies to very large SIZE values.
Certain values will produce a zero size file and corrupt the
dictionary, whilst other sizes will produce a much smaller file
than specified..
See <Note:112011.1> on Metalink

Bug 1645892      Fixed: 8172
RMAN users lose the RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER role when
you upgrade a database and rman catalog from 8.0 to 8i.

Bug 1645447      Fixed: 8172
ctx_query.count_hits with exact=>true is noticeably slower than
"select count(*) where contains()" for large numbers of hits.

Bug 1645155      Fixed: 8173
Trying open a BFILE in 8.0 database from 9i client using
OCILobFileOpen() may encounter ORA-600[kolfopen_mode] errors.

Bug 1644572      Fixed: 8172
A query containing a subquery/inline view and involving a self-join
of a table that has a functional index returns no rows.

Bug 1643351      Fixed: 8172
RMAN cannot open database using a backup controlfile with missing logs.
  Use Server Manager to cancel the recovery session and open resetlogs.

Bug 1643139      Fixed: 8172
 Consider a PL/SQL subroutine running on the server which contains a SQL
 statement that contains references to PL/SQL package variables.  If the
 execution of that SQL statement fires a before-statement or before-row
 trigger which causes those PL/SQL variables to be updated before the
 actual execution of the SQL statement, then the SQL statement may see the
 new (post-trigger) versions of the variables.  This is incorrect: the
 values of the variables used in the SQL statement should be those as of
 the time the SQL statement was executed.

Bug 1643068      Fixed: 8172
Continual segment growth - space remains on PROCESS free lists and
does not get used.

Bug 1642957      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600 [KJUHL1] possible from diagnostic dump routines

Bug 1642738      Fixed: 8174
When there are multiple files with AUTOEXTEND on in a bitmapped
tablespace, if one of the files fails to extend (due to lack of disk
space) then the other files are not tried.

Bug 1641672      Fixed: 8172
A Multithreaded XA client leaks memory when DbgFl is set

Bug 1641566      Fixed: 8174
Client memory leak using CURSOR variable repeatedly.
(affect OCI and PRO clients)

Bug 1641483      Fixed: 8172
With this fix DBMS_SESSION.RESET_PACKAGE only resets the minimum required
to reset package state rather than freeing all package instantiations.
This mainly benefits web based applications.

Bug 1641442      Fixed: 8171B
When using the FILE_ACCESS_ROLE interMedia system parameter,
schemas with the file access role get
 "DRG-10758: index owner does not have the privilege to use this preference"
when trying to create an index using a FILE datastore.

Bug 1640583      Fixed: 8171
This problem is introduced in 8.1.6.
And-Equal access may use up free SGA memory and result in an ORA-4031
error for no apparent reason. There may also be heavy "cache buffer chain"
latch contention.
Note that this fix also includes the fix for <Bug:1577067>

Bug 1639539      Fixed: 8172
ORA-0000 when fetching from a ref cursor during  failover.

Bug 1638887      Fixed: 8173
ORA-997 possible from query selecting a LONG column
when complex view merging occurs

Bug 1635446      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600 [17285] can occur

Bug 1635247      Fixed: 8172
CREATE VIEW FORCE may not create view for some errors (eg: ORA-1730)

Bug 1635028      Fixed: 8172
Using ctx_doc.gist(..) with a clob for the third parameter instead of
a result table and a null document, will get error message:
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20000: interMedia Text error:
ORA-21560: argument 3 is null, invalid, or out of range
ORA-6512: at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 157
ORA-6512: at "CTXSYS.CTX_DOC", line 794
ORA-6512: at line 4

Bug 1634528      Fixed: 8172
Trying to alter a CTXCAT index to add a stopword results
in warnings, with ORA-904: invalid column name errors in

Bug 1634278      Fixed: 8171B
Any attempt to rename a CTXCAT index will fail with the
errors DRG-50857 / ORA-942: table or view does not exist

Bug 1634098      Fixed: 8173
Using one QueueReceiver per dequeue operation leaks memory
which can result in "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError".

Bug 1633820      Fixed: 8173
In a multi-threaded application, when the bequeath adaptor
is used to connect to the the database from a thread, the
application occationally hung.

Bug 1633657      Fixed: 8172
SQLPLUS reports ORA-0000 after failover after rollback issued

Bug 1632293      Fixed: 8172
Database links using OS authentication may fail with ORA-28150

Bug 1632089      Fixed: 8172
DRG-10848 if structured clause of CATSEARCH() has leading blanks (spaces)

Bug 1631358      Fixed: 8172
Queries over Heterogeneous Services may dump / ORA-3113

Bug 1630219      Fixed: 8172
Wrong results from NL join with CONTAINS() filter on the INNER table

Bug 1629590      Fixed: 8172
A query against standby database in read-only mode may signal an

Bug 1625553      Fixed: 8172
Connections using ANO with RC4_40 fail (TNS-12699 TNS Native Service Error)
  Remove the RC4_40 from the encryption list.
Related Bug(s):

Bug 1624814      Fixed: 8172
ORA-7445 errors (in kkoapk) are possible from queries which use LIKE
against an expression with a functional bitmap index.
eg: select Count(*) from tab where Func_Temp(Name) like 'XXX%';

Bug 1624557 +     Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in 8.1.5.
Import cannot import the data which has been exported to multiple
tapes. The import session errors with IMP-35 / IMP-2 errors.

Bug 1623256      Fixed: 8172
Identical SQL referencing SCHEMA.SEQUENCE.NEXTVAL not shared by different users.
  Create a public synonym with the same name as the sequence pointing

Bug 1622891      Fixed: 8172
There are various scenarios where an ORA-4020 may be needlessly signalled.
The ORA-4020 graph shows a session waiting S mode for a lock it already
holds S mode.
The library cache locking mechanism has been changed so that it is more
relaxed with regard to multiple lock requests against the same object by
the same process eliminating a number of possible ORA-4020 scenarios.

Bug 1621835      Fixed: 8174
Incorrect plan possible under parallel query -
eg: plan shows a Nested Loops join with a Full Table Scan on
    the right side of the join and the left is accessed in parallel
    but no distribution information is shown

Bug 1620830      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in
When a client program switches sessions it may lose the session specific
value of NLS_DATE_FORMAT (eg: as set by the NLS_DATE_FORMAT registry entry
or environment variable) and perform date conversions using the SYSTEM
default date format mask in place of the expected mask. This can result
in various unexpected date conversion errors.

Bug 1620577      Fixed: 8172
Temporary table transformation (STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED=TRUE) may
coredump in kkosbpp, or show a performance degradation in comparison with

Bug 1620278      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [KCBGTCR_4] can occur when selecting from an IOT via a
secondary index.

Bug 1619928      Fixed: 8173
ORA_OCI_NO_OPTIMIZED_FETCH environment variable is ignored.
When set this should turn off compressed fetches from OCI

Bug 1618967      Fixed: 8173
Stopping an archiver process generates a trace file even if the
init.ora <parameter:log_archive_trace> is not set.

Bug 1618879      Fixed: 8172
A CTAS statement with CASE expressions can create a "corrupt" table
if the CASE statement returns different length string literals.
The resultant table gets a column definition of CHAR (instead of VARCHAR2)
but the data in the column is varying length VARCHAR2 data.
This mismatch can cause subsequent ORA-600 errors, especially with
parallel query operations.
  Use a TO_CHAR operator around the CASE statement.
  eg: create table test2 as select
       to_char((case when col1='a' then 'a' when col1='b' then 'lots' end)) n
      from test1;

Bug 1618496      Fixed: 8172
Dequeue of a message may not use the index resulting in poor performance
of message dequeueing.

Bug 1618192      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600 [voprvl1] possible for INSERT into table
SELECT FROM MATERIALIZED VIEW where the view is used
due to query rewrite

Bug 1616035      Fixed: 8173
Export as a SYSDBA user may fail with ORA-1031

Bug 1616033      Fixed: 8173
Direct load into a composite partition can cause corruption to
local partitioned indexes as the index data may not be updated.
eg: Using SQLLOAD direct or INSERT APPEND.

Bug 1615171      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600 [15709] possible on rollback of PDML if rollback time
exceeds 32 minutes.

Bug 1614732      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in 8.1.5.
The presence of hints in the dba_data_files definition can cause
performance degradation over earlier releases.

Bug 1614338      Fixed: 8173
SIGFPE (divide by 0) possible in KKEIDC()

Bug 1612352      Fixed: 8174
ORA-30457 possible when refreshing a nested materialized view.

Bug 1612179      Fixed: 8172
A query against partitioned fact table will yield a wrong result
if one of partition keys is semijoin subquery, and another key is
range predicate.

Bug 1612147      Fixed: 8171
This problem is introduced in
Manipulating an object with complex dependencies may cause an Ora-4020
to be raised where the deadlock graph shows a self-deadlock.

Bug 1611673      Fixed: 8172
Query rewrite may signal an ORA-600 [VOPRVL1] when using Row Level Security

Bug 1610791      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [KCFRBD_2] / ORA-600 [OERI:KCBGTCR_4] selecting from an IOT via a
secondary index.

Bug 1609842      Fixed: 8172
ORA-12534: TNS:operation not supported possible trying to use
REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT=TRUE across a database link for OS authenticated users.
Note: Oracle does not recommend using REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT=TRUE as it
      gives a huge security risk.

Bug 1609724      Fixed: 8172
Joins containing set operations can return ORA-600[15574] ORA-600[15803] when
executed as a Parallel Query.
This can occur if the query contains a join between a table and
a set operator (such as UNION ALL) and under that branch we
have 2 joins.

Bug 1607828      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in
An OCI client may leak cursors possibly resulting in an ORA-1000 error.
This bug can also increase memory usage in the shared pool as cursors
are not closed. The effect of this is most severe if CURSOR_SPACE_FOR_TIME is
set to TRUE.

Bug 1607447      Fixed: 8171B
The multi_column_datastore truncates varchar2 column values whose
length is equal to the maximum length of the column.
This can result in rows not being found by TEXT queries for the
truncated tokens.

Bug 1607043      Fixed: 8172
Apps, reports, forms may error with ora-900, ora 1023 or core dump
when using USER EXITS.

Bug 1606904      Fixed: 8174
Dump (in kkxpityp) when SELECTing a PLSQL FUNCTION which
returns a TABLE type which is defined as a TYPE in a package.
  create or replace package pjunk as
    type x is record (a  number);
    type y is table of x;
  create or replace function foo return pjunk.y is
    v pjunk.y;
    return v;
  select foo() from dual;  << This will dump.

Bug 1606456      Fixed: 8173
Applications which write to new indexed-table elements can occasionally
get incorrect ORA-6530 errors. This problem is more likely to occur on
Windows NT/2000 than on Unix platforms.

Bug 1605841      Fixed: 8172
ORA-1424 is not generated on  illegal use of escape character.
 when using aggregate functions (like MIN, MAX, AVG). The query gets
 executed without the expected ORA-1424.
Eg: create or replace view test_view as
     select min('000') test_col01 from dual;
    select test_col01 from test_view
     where test_col01 like 'J00\' escape '\';

Bug 1604971      Fixed: 8172
Core dump doing a contains() query utilizing the soundex operator (!)
against text containing cedille (cedilla).

Bug 1603834      Fixed: 8173
HS queries may dump

Bug 1603460      Fixed: 8172
Shutdown may signal an ORA-600[730] for "active checkpoint entry"
  Use <Event:10262> to level 2000 to disable the space leak check
  for small leaks of less than 2000 bytes. See <Note:21235.1>
  for details of this event.

Bug 1599845      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600[QERPXSOBJGDEFVI1] possible when OR-expansion occurs
in a parallelized query.

Bug 1595697      Fixed: 8172
"alter system set log_archive_dest_state_n .." causes an instance crash
when the ARCH process is not running.

Bug 1591497      Fixed: 8172
Running CATPROC when downgrading from 9.0 to 8.1.7 can produce
the errors:
 ORA-947: not enough values
 ORA-6512: at "SYS.DBMS_RMIN", line 55

Bug 1589185      Fixed: 8172
Performance fix to reduce sleeps on "library cache latch"
in the case where the majority of sleeps are for "kglhdgn: child" and
"kglget: child: KGLDSBRD" (in v$latch_misses).

Bug 1587802      Fixed: 8172
KERBEROS authentication may fail with ORA-1004 / ORA-12631 using V5 Kerberos server

Bug 1587619      Fixed: 8173
Wrong results are possible from queries that undergo star transformation
if they have semijoins.
This occurs if a subquery is converted to a semijoin and there is
joinback elimination. During the star transformation the semijoin table
is lost so the condition is not applied.
   Set event 10162 to disable joinback elimination

Bug 1587376      Fixed: 8172
INSERT ... SELECT can cause a coredump during buffer allocation if
to a temporary table

Bug 1586718      Fixed: 8174
Parallel recovery (of standby) can fail with ORA-27050 / ORA-27010

Bug 1586509      Fixed: 8173
ORA-00600: [ksuwaitsysevent1] or tracefile messages
"Wait on system events broadcast channel timed out"
possible from clients opening more than one session
over the same connection (eg: Oracle Forms)

Bug 1586249      Fixed: 8173
When exporting an indexed clustered table containing rows
with trailing nulls, import error IMP-00009: Abnormal end
of export file can result on import.

Bug 1585038      Fixed: 8172
If there are more than 129 rollback segments then the default
value of GC_ROLLBACK_LOCKS does not provide coverage for the
extra rollback segments which can result in extra
'global cache lock open x' waits.
   Set GC_ROLLBACK_LOCKS to "0-<max rollback segment id>=8!REACH"

Bug 1584970      Fixed: 8172
Attempting to execute certain routines in serially reusable (SR) packages
can result in an ORA-600 [PFRI.C:KGI_SRCTX] error if the package
contains or references package variables.

Bug 1584600      Fixed: 8172
MTS dispatcher may hang for 60 seconds during low activity on multi-processor server

Bug 1582923      Fixed: 8172
_push_join_union_view or star_transformation_enabled=true(temp_disable)
can cause a memory access error or spinning at optimization
if a query has a bind variable and a table with RLS (Row Level Security)

Bug 1581944      Fixed: 8171B
Client may hang / spin with statement caching (a featured introduced in 8.1.7)

Bug 1581661      Fixed: 8172
OracleSSLCipher is no longer PUBLIC

Bug 1580612      Fixed: 8172
DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS can fail with "ORA-1465 invalid hex number"
if a table has a DESC index on it.
In Oracle8i a DESC index is a functional index.
  Set _ignore_desc_in_index = TRUE and rebuild the indexes.

Bug 1579190      Fixed: 8172
 Truncating a synonym returns an Ora-4020 "deadlock detected" message
 under 8.1.7 and above, rather than the correct Ora-942 "table or view does
 not exist".

Bug 1579153      Fixed: 8171
ORA-12641 Cybersafe Adapter ORANGSS8.DLL is invalid in 817

Bug 1578709      Fixed: 8172
Queries involving DOMAIN indexes, especially interMedia Text indexes,
may perform queries slower than expected when a join is involved.
In particular a HASH join over an interMedia index when using the
SCORE function may perform sub-optimally.

Bug 1578644      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in 8.1.7.
Wrong results are possible from ORed non-correlated subquery predicates.
Eg: "select * from tab1
      where (tab1.col1 = 1 and exists (select * from tab2)) or
            (tab1.col1 = 2 and exists (select * from tab3))".
 Set one of the following init.ora parameters:
  "optimizer_features_enable = 8.1.6"
  "_eliminate_common_subexpr = false"
 OR ensure the RULE based optimizer is used.

Bug 1578242      Fixed: 8172
This is an enhancement.
The fix introduces two new values for the OUTPUT_TYPE of the
When set to either of these values the user datastore procedure
can return a permanent LOB locator rather than populating a
temporary LOB as is required without this enhancement.

Bug 1577800      Fixed: 8172
When updating a Result Set object using a select statement with a
FOR UPDATE clause an ORA-907 "missing right parenthesis" is generated
by the server.

Bug 1577284      Fixed: 8172
NL having UNION view with pushed predicate as its right input
may return the wrong results.
To encounter this problem the following must be true:
  The UNION view is on the right side of NL
  There is a SORT on the top union view
  Set _push_join_union_view=false (init.ora parameter)

Bug 1577098      Fixed: 8172
A HANG and then Ora-4020 "deadlock detected" can occur
when a table with functional indexes is dropped.

Bug 1577067      Fixed: 8171
This problem is introduced in 8163 with the fix for bug:1468034.
ORA-379 possible from UPDATE with AND-EQUAL.
This bug is fixed in 8171 by the fix for <Bug:1640583>

Bug 1576778      Fixed: 8171B
CTXLOAD errors with ORA-1403 immediately on Personal Oracle only.

Bug 1576693      Fixed: 8172
With BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES set a failure to start an IO slave may cause
a number of ORA-600 errors and possibly an instance CRASH.

Bug 1576373      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in Oracle 8.1.5.
Direct path load enables a constraint despite invalid data
violating the constraint being present.

Bug 1576303      Fixed: 8172
Multi threaded client with environment variable ORA_OCI_CACHE set
can crash if server does not support caching.

Bug 1576145      Fixed: 8171
This problem is a regression in performance introduced in 8.1 .
In Pro*C a FETCH in a loop issues un-necessary DEFINE calls for each
host variable for every iteration. With this fix DEFINE is only
done on the first iteration.

Bug 1575341      Fixed: 8173
IMP-3 / ORA-24021 when importing non-persistent AQ definitions.

Bug 1575222      Fixed: 8172
IMP-15 using FROMUSER/TOUSER when table has a CONSTRAINT using an INDEX
if TOUSER does not have privilege on the tablespace used by FROMUSER.
  Pre-create the objects and use IGNORE=Y on import.

Bug 1574102      Fixed: 8172
DUMP_TNSNAMES reports NNC-00408 and produces as 0 byte TNSNAMES.ORA

Bug 1574000      Fixed: 8173
Multi threaded OCI may hang if one thread has long running query
when running in OBJECT mode.

Bug 1573690      Fixed: 8172
 If a background process encounters a fatal error,
 such as LGWR or ARCH encountering an I/O error,
 then it may fail to dump enough information
 to diagnose the root cause.
 Workaround: None.  This bug causes no real damage,
 but root cause analysis becomes more difficult or impossible.
 In some cases, examining OS logs for signs of OS-level
 problems may help.

Bug 1573524      Fixed: 8172
with AUDITING enabled

Bug 1573283      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [6033] can occur on ALTER INDEX .. REBUILD ONLINE
PARAMETERS ('OPTIMIZE FULL') of an intermedia text index.

Bug 1570972      Fixed: 8172
UTL_TCP is slow
Workaround: Use UTL_HTTP if POST method is not required.

Bug 1570121 +     Fixed: 8171
Dumps can occur, especially in evaopn2, when using DESC functional
This fix consolidates a number of other bugs with DESC indexes
into a single fix.

Bug 1569475      Fixed: 8171
Dump when using a certificate in which the "Certificate
serial Number" in the extension Authority Key Identifier is negative.

Bug 1569235      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [18092] possible with JDBC XA when the JDBC program
performs an operation on TX2 from within TX1. (eg: COMMIT TX2
while in TX1)

Bug 1569185      Fixed: 8172
OCIEnvCreate leaks client memory if called repeatedly with OCI_OBJECT

Bug 1568046      Fixed: 8171
ORA-600 [KCBNFY_BP_ERROR] possible on NUMA platforms with more than one
Processor Group

Bug 1566794      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced on 8.1.7 on NT.
Setting USE_SHARED_SOCKET option in WINDOWS registry , for an ORACLE_HOME
causes oracle error ORA-12537 when attempting to connect

Bug 1565578      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in 8.1.6 when DBV is modified
to check UNDO blocks in addition to datablocks (before 816
DBV does not check UNDO blocks). If the UNDO block is Oracle7
format (from a migrated database) then DBV often reports the
block as corrupt when it should not.

Bug 1565514      Fixed: 8173
Wrong results / dump or internal error ORA-600 [kkotr2:jcolmis]
can occur when star_transformation_enabled=true and a join
predicate between a FACT and DIMENSION table is transitively
  Set star_transformation_enabled = false / temp_disable
  Set <event:10171> at level 1

Bug 1561782      Fixed: 8173
Data corruption possible from ALTER TABLE MOVE of a table
with a dropped column.

Bug 1561125      Fixed: 8172
SMON may stop recovering dead transactions causing sessions to hang.
SMON looks like it is waiting on SMON timer as normal but it never
gets to clean up the dead transaction.
Workaround: Shutdown and restart the instance.

Bug 1559103      Fixed: 8172
QMN processes may use excessive CPU

Bug 1557965      Fixed: 8172
Incorrect SCORE() for some MULTI-BYTE character data
(eg: Japanese or Chinese)

Bug 1555845      Fixed: 8171B
A TEXT CATSEARCH() predicate with more than five terms
may error with ORA-600 [20084] errors or produced duplicate rows
in the query result set.

Bug 1555818      Fixed: 8171
OCILobRead may return incorrect data from UTF-8 (multibyte) database.
This can affect interMedia Text text indexing of CLOB data in
a UTF-8 database.

Bug 1555515      Fixed: 8172
Dump in LXSCOP possible using a wordlist operator
(stem, wildcard, fuzzy, soundex)
on two identical subexpressions.

Bug 1554337      Fixed: 8173
When statement caching is enabled on a pooled connection
the following exception may be thrown on the 2nd execute:
"java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection: next"

Bug 1553761      Fixed: 8171
Partition Independence violated for partitioned IOTS

Bug 1552982      Fixed: 8171
Long sql statements in forms user exits may result in an ORA-900 error.
This is a client side fix.

Bug 1552372      Fixed: 8171B
Text queries using MINUS in a CONTAINS clause may hang / spin
in <Function:drysftc>.

Bug 1552343      Fixed: 8172
 Compiling a package which has a procedure with a parameter whose type is a
 remote object type on a heterogeneously versioned database, where that
 object type has an instance method, fails with PLS-905: object
 USER.REMOTE_TYPE is invalid.  Note that the instance method need not be
 referred to.

Bug 1551684      Fixed: 8171B
Text indexing can fail with ORA-7445 errors when using
NEWS_SECTION_GROUP in a multi-byte character set database.

Bug 1551563      Fixed: 8173
ORA-7445 possible when a query with binds re-executes
on a synonym on a remote object, which has been dropped and
recreated on a local object.
The stack is likely to include:
    memmove <- ttcclr <- opiobv <- opipbr

Bug 1551090      Fixed: 8172
JDBC OCI driver may leak memory

Bug 1550745      Fixed: 8172
When the hidden parameter "_like_with_bind_as_equality" is set to TRUE
Oracle treats "col LIKE :bind" as an equality for costing purposes.
With this enhancement Oracle now also treates OPER(col) LIKE OPER(:bind)
as an equality for costing to allow functional indexes to be used
Eg: WHERE upper(col) like upper(:bind)
See <Note:94051.1> for more details of this parameter.

Bug 1550554      Fixed: 8172
Users concurrently executing ANALYZE on the same base object may see an
ORA-4020 "deadlock detected" error.

Bug 1549991      Fixed: 8172
 High parse times are possible for queries with long OR chains if
 optimizer_features_enable is set to 8.1.6 or higher.
  Set _improved_row_length_enable=false

Bug 1549235      Fixed: 8171
Beginning a tablespace backup can result in the CKPT process using
substantially more CPU time in 8.1 than 8.0

Bug 1548982      Fixed: 8174
This problem is introduced in .
PQ slaves do not use CURRENT_SCHEMA if set.
This can result in ORA-12801 / ORA-942 errors
or even the wrong schema table being accessed.

Bug 1548495      Fixed: 8173
Wrong results possible from PQ of full/partial partition-wise hash join
on composite partitioned table.
  alter session set "_full_pwise_join_enabled"=FALSE;
  alter session set "_partial_pwise_join_enabled"=FALSE;
  (ensure the statement is reparsed when setting these parameters)

Bug 1548205      Fixed: 8172
Inserting into an empty Updateable Resultset causes an
java.sql.SQLException: Invalid argument(s) in call: setRowBufferAt

Bug 1545693      Fixed: 8171B
When the interMedia Text index is not analyzed or the first
argument to the CONTAINS() operator is a bind variable then
sometimes the query optimizer can choose a poor execution

Bug 1545473      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in 8.1.7
ORA-979 when using cursor_sharing=force with group by and literals.
eg: SELECT ename||'NN' from emp group by ename||'NN' order by ename||'NN';
Workaround: Set cursor_sharing=EXACT;

Bug 1545186      Fixed: 8171
The statistics "session pga memory max" and "session uga memory max" are
incorrectly calculated for the QC when commands where executed in parallel.

Bug 1544920      Fixed: 8172
Parallel Query may sometime report an ORA-12842

Bug 1544533      Fixed: 8172
There is a small timing window which can cause the DB to crash
when using the command "ALTER SYSTEM SET JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES=Nnn"

Bug 1543262      Fixed: 8172
Using Bind by Position can cause incorrect results for queries over
Heterogeneous Services.
    identical bind names.

Bug 1542218      Fixed: 8173
Heap corruption (OERI:17182/dump in kghfrf) using very large collections

Bug 1539096      Fixed: 8171B
 When INSO_FILTER is used and the database character-set is
 other than:
 US7ASCII ;      WE8ISO8859P1 ;  EE8ISO8859P2 ;
 SE8ISO8859P3 ;  NEE8ISO8859P4 ; CL8ISO8859P5 ;
 AR8ISO8859P6 ;  EL8ISO8859P7 ;  IW8ISO8859P8 ;
 ZHS16CGB231280; ZHT16BIG5 ;     JA16SJIS ;
 EE8MSWIN1250 ;  CL8MSWIN1251 ;  WE8MSWIN1252 ;
 EL8MSWIN1253 ;  TR8MSWIN1254 ;  IW8MSWIN1255 ;
 AR8MSWIN1256 ;  BLT8MSWIN1257 ; KO16KSC5601 ;
 CL8KOI8R ;      JA16EUC ;       TH8TISASCII ;
 UTF8 ;
 then the character data in the created index can be corrupted.

Bug 1539070      Fixed: 8171B
Deleting/Updating rows when there is TEXT index can result in
an ORA-600 [12700] (for delete) or duplicate rows from queries
(for updates). This problem only occurs on some platforms and
only when the DOCID of the deleted/updated row is greater than

Bug 1539060      Fixed: 8172
XA_RECOVER may not show a PREPARED transaction

Bug 1538450      Fixed: 8173

Bug 1538307      Fixed: 8171
Dump in <Function:kdiexi> or foreign keys not being found
when using KEY COMPRESSION with Constraints. Foreign Key not
being found can result in logical corruption of the data.

Bug 1535663      Fixed: 8172
Export/Import of a NESTED TABLE in a bitmap tablespace errors with:
IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 2203:
IMP-00003: ORACLE error 2203 encountered
ORA-02203: INITIAL storage options not allowed

Bug 1534867      Fixed: 8173
An unsuccessful JDBC OCI connect attempt leaks memory

Bug 1533922      Fixed: 8171
star_transformation or push_join_union_view enabled may
cause an ORA-600 [KGLCHK2_1] to be signalled if a query references
a sequence (SEQ.NEXTVAL).

Bug 1532611      Fixed: 8173
The memory consumption of oracle shadow process grows if DBMS_LDAP is
used repeatedly.

Bug 1532584      Fixed: 8172
SQL_TRACE can incorrectly show very large numbers of rows processed
in the trace file on 64bit platforms.

Bug 1532194      Fixed: 8171
ORA-600 [15201] during insert into IOT (especially with 32K blocksize).
Only workaround is to use a smaller block size (<8K)

Bug 1532054      Fixed: 8174
ORA-604 / ORA-600 or dump when referencing a TYPE in
a TABLE() clause with privilege granted via a ROLE

Bug 1531976      Fixed: 8173
Bytes may be lost inserting multibyte data > 4k in length.

Bug 1531421      Fixed: 8173
8i clients may get OCI-22303 errors accessing modified OBJECTS
in a 9i database. ie: accessing objects which have been altered
under 9i. In this case the client should receive an error as 8i
cannot handled evolved types from 9i, but the OCI-22303 error
is misleading.

Bug 1530924      Fixed: 8171B
In Enterprise Java Beans(EJB) the EJB container starting a transaction
leaks on each call which can causes the garbage collector (GC) to run
and slow performance.

Bug 1530833      Fixed: 8171
DBMS_LDAP package may dump (ORA-3113)

Bug 1530731      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in 8.1.6.
A core dump can occur during fetch in case of a
define done with indp/rcode/rlen set and then
a re-define with indp/rcode/rlen set to NULL.
The dump typically occurs with <Function:ttcfour>
in the stack.

Bug 1530693      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced by the fix for Bug:1189628.
The process which accepts the connection request may leak the
accept handler.

Bug 1530519      Fixed: 8171
An ORA-600[2865] error can occur during index scan on a temporary

Bug 1529221      Fixed: 8174
Describing (using OCIDescribeAny) a public synonym with
an invalid username successfully describes the public synonym
with the same name (if it exists).
Eg: In sqlplus "describe no_such_user.public_synonym_name"
    will describe the "public_synonym_name" even if the
    user "no_such_user" does not exist.

Bug 1528987      Fixed: 8172
ORA-3124 may occur INSERTing a NULL into a CLOB column

Bug 1528882      Fixed: 8171
 High parse times are possible for queries with long OR chains if
 query_rewrite_enabled is set to true.

Bug 1528062      Fixed: 8171
ALTER TABLE SPLIT PARTITION for composite range-hash partition can corrupt dictionary.
This occurs if (1) Partition is composite and (2) the higher resulting partition
has the same name as the partition being split.
Workaround: Use a different name for the new partitions.

Bug 1527982      Fixed: 8172
If a partitioned table has LOCAL BITMAP INDEXES and the partition key
is updated such that the row moves to a different partition
then the bitmap index is not updated correctly causing subsequent errors
(eg: ORA-600 [25012]) when accessing table data via the bitmap index.

Bug 1527668      Fixed: 8172
Fetching objects to a JDBC client gets progressively slower as
more rows are returned from a cursor.

Bug 1526601      Fixed: 8173
If the length of ORACLE_SID name is 16 characters,  sqlplus, svrmgrl and
Navigator utilities were crashing  in Windows platform.

Bug 1524452      Fixed: 8171B
In Java Server Pages(JSP). A stack overflow can occur when an included
file caused an exception.

Bug 1524220      Fixed: 8174
Poor performance loading delimited LOBs when
using a simple character set (like US7ASCII).
A dump may also occur for REF columns.

Bug 1524191      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in 8.1.5.
CTAS over a DBLINK slow if the SELECT list contains a LITERAL
as the remote query block is executed locally.
eg: create table t as
    select 1 one,e.ename,d.dname
      from e@db e, d@db d where e.deptno=d.deptno;
    executes the join locally even though the tables are at
    the same remote location.

Bug 1523251      Fixed: 8172
A NullPointerException is possible when closing statements after the
connection has been closed, when using statement caching.

Bug 1522954      Fixed: 8172
This is actually a bug which could affect any server-side trusted callout
but is most likely to affect interMedia text index creation where the
indexed column is a LONG or LONG RAW column. The trusted callout can see
incorrect garbage data for piecewise fetches from the trusted callout.

Bug 1521343      Fixed: 8171B
CTX_DOC.FILTER on a binary document on a multi-byte character set db,
treating a document as text can dump core.

Bug 1521043      Fixed: 8172
Selecting ROWID from a collection in a TABLE() expression
eg: select rowid from table(cast(func1() as NumSet));
    will dump.

Bug 1520530      Fixed: 8172
PL/SQL may ORA-3113/shadow process core dump in kocedd if there is:
    A trigger on 'alter on database';
    An invalid stored library unit in the database; and
    Execution of a procedure that invokes a procedure from the invalid
    library unit.

Bug 1519547      Fixed: 8173
ORA-12592: TNS BAD PACKET possible with MTS and checksum (ASO)

Bug 1519195      Fixed: 8171B
The "-addclasspath" option of several scripts is broken.

Bug 1517789      Fixed: 8171B
ORA-7445 in DREDSEEK can occur on complex Text CONTAINS() queries

Bug 1517651      Fixed: 8172
SNP process may deadlock if they concurrently try to clean up aq$_pending_messages

Bug 1516998      Fixed: 8172
Queries using TABLE(CAST(member_method AS type)) may return wrong results.

Bug 1516315      Fixed: 8174
DBMS_SQL may dump binding zero length character string ('')

Bug 1516018      Fixed: 8172
 Execution of code containing a SQL statement containing a TABLE()
 expression whose parameter is of a local (non-top-level) collection type
 may return ORA-600 [15435], ORA-6544 [pfrrun.c:pfrbnd1()], ORA-6553.

Bug 1514478      Fixed: 8172
Contention for SR enqueue possible with replication under heavy load.

Bug 1512417      Fixed: 8171
CONVERT function can raise a false VALUE_ERROR (ORA-6502)

Bug 1511285      Fixed: 8172
A database running AQ propagation may either lock up with a permanently
busy 'channel handle operations parent latch' or else may crash with
ORA-00600 [545] whilst accessing the 'message pool operations parent latch'.

Bug 1509738      Fixed: 8174
It is possible for ADT data to exceed the declared column length.
This can result is ORA-600 errors.

Bug 1508317      Fixed: 8172
CREATE or REPLACE FORCE VIEW may signal an ORA-600 [16221] if the
view depends on a package which does not yet exist.
 Set _push_join_union_view=FALSE

Bug 1508185      Fixed: 8171
Dump in PTG_TX possible

Bug 1508116      Fixed: 8171
PROCobol: SQLMOV is always called with quotes (") even if LITDELIM=APOST

Bug 1507890      Fixed: 8171
ORA-64 for very large SESSIONS or TRANSACTIONS init.ora settings

Bug 1507875      Fixed: 8174
Cursor leak in JMS AQ with multiple queues

Bug 1505302 +     Fixed: 8172
Client data corruption can occur using array fetches if ARRAY size
  Ensure the arraysize matches OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS.

Bug 1504672      Fixed: 8171
Incorrect DDL can be generated for tables with deferred constraints
when using deployment templates in Replication.

Bug 1504337      Fixed: 8172
Export may dump exporting FAILED or INVALID domain indexes

Bug 1503669      Fixed: 8171
ORA-600 [KCOADD_SIZE] possible during leaf key undo on COMPRESSED key index

Bug 1503530      Fixed: 8171
Predicate pushdown NOT done for VIEWS containing WINDOW functions

Bug 1503466      Fixed: 8171
Unreferenced view columns using window functions may get evaluated when
selecting from the view.
create view v as
          select f(c1), f(c2), ...., f(cn)
          from t;
if the user selects any subset of the view columns, e.g.
        select f(c2) from v;
all of the window functions f(c1),..., f(cn) are evaluated even though only a
subset is being selected (e.g. only f(c2) in this case).

Bug 1502972      Fixed: 8171
ORA-439 - AQ not enabled in 8i Standard Edition for Workflow tables
(Note: Standard Edition does not support AQ, except for specific
       internal products such as Oracle Workflow)

Bug 1502646      Fixed: 8171B
If statement caching is enabled (through OracleConnection.setStmtCacheSize)
and queries contain a stream column, then you will encounter
"Internal error: Invalid index for data access" errors as statement
caching does not properly restore the prefetch (and other) state
when retreiving from the cache.

Bug 1502624      Fixed: 8171
Wrong results can occur for queries using temporary table star
transformation that references partitioned tables.

Bug 1502537      Fixed: 8171
ORA-600 [KCBGCUR_2] can occur on DML after upgrading from Oracle7
The stack includes <Function:ktsf_rsp1>

Bug 1501828      Fixed: 8172
There are scenarios where you can get an AQ table without the related
AQ information and it is then impossible to drop the AQ table.
Eg: DROP TABLE gives:
     ORA-24005: must use DBMS_AQADM.DROP_QUEUE_TABLE to drop queue tables
     ORA-24002: QUEUE_TABLE  xxx.yyyyyy  does not exist
This change allows such tables to be dropped.

Bug 1501301      Fixed: 8171B
setDisableStmtCaching(true) causes con.Commit() to throw a SQLException.

Bug 1500717      Fixed: 8171
ORA-903 is possible from recursive SQL in a query with a partitioned
table if the table name contains special characters (for example '/')

Bug 1500535      Fixed: 8171B
The v$session.process column is not set by the thin driver.

Bug 1500347      Fixed: 8173
If an external name has been set by the application (OCI_ATTR_EXTERNAL_NAME)
in order to use global transactions, then after Transparent Application
Failover (TAF), it will be lost, and attempts to start a global transaction
with OCITransStart will get ORA-02048.

Bug 1499676      Fixed: 8172
EXPORT command line parameters do not take precedence over
PARFILE as documented. The documentation , and the behaviour
in 8.0, is that parameters AFTER the PARFILE take precedence
over the PARFILE but Oracle8i does not do this:
Eg: exp parfile=parfile.par indexes=N
    will use the INDEXES clause in parfile.par
This fix corrects the problem back to 8.0 behaviour.
This may cause implications for customers using the 8.1 behaviour
without realising it is wrong.

Bug 1499329      Fixed: 8173
Analyzing a partitioned clob index can fail with
Ora-600 [17056] or [17090].

Bug 1499098      Fixed: 8171
 The maximum number of initial itl entries in index blocks
 created by direct loader is different from the one in ordinary
 index blocks.

Bug 1498601      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in
Direct path loader may discontinue loading without issuing any error or
warning when its internal log buffer size is exceeded.

Bug 1498119      Fixed: 8173
When binding a scalar array string argument to SQL or
PL/SQL, OCI only allows a 3999 bytes data buffer size rather than
4000 bytes (the character for the NULL terminator was omitted)

Bug 1498049      Fixed: 8172
CHECK constraints allow data to be inserted if the result is TRUE or
UNKNOWN (null). If a partitioned view is built on a table with a
CHECK constraint which evaluates to UNKNOWN then the wrong results
may be returned as the CHECK constraint may be applied to the query
without allowing an UNKNOWN result on the constraint.
This can only occur if partition_view_enabled=true and the CHECK
constraint produces a transitive predicate.
Workaround: Set partition_view_enabled=FALSE

Bug 1496002      Fixed: 8171
NLS: ORA-6502 from LOADPSP loading a page > 255 characters

Bug 1494342      Fixed: 8171
ANALYZE of COMPRESSED non-unique index gives wrong statistics for

Bug 1493410      Fixed: 8171
RECOMMEND_MV_W may return "QSM-00504 internal error - num_total_levels don't match"

Bug 1493251      Fixed: 8171B
A crash can occur while Java code is performing synchronization.

Bug 1492907      Fixed: 8172
'Skip corrupt blocks', set on the object level via
DBMS_REPAIR.SKIP_CORRUPT_BLOCKS does not work when the last piece of a
chained row is in a corrupt block, and the block is accessed via an

Bug 1492590      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [12410] possible on queries when _new_initial_join_orders =true.
  Set _new_initial_join_orders = False in the init.ora file.

Bug 1491952      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [12431] using SELECT .. TABLE(CAST <function> AS <type>)) .. FOR UPDATE.
Eg: select * from table(cast(func1() as NumSet)) for update;

Bug 1491283      Fixed: 8171B
EXTPROC hangs TEXT indexing bad Chinese data

Bug 1491213      Fixed: 8171
db_block_gets, consistent_gets and db_block_change in
V$buffer_pool_statistics show as 0 in 817 only

Bug 1491096      Fixed: 8172
If you have a predicate like "T.c = :b", then the estimated single-table
cardinality for table T (as shown in the EXPLAIN PLAN output) might be
high because the optimizer does not exclude from consideration rows
where T.c is NULL. This can affect the chosen execution plan

Bug 1490912      Fixed: 8172
DRG-10599: column is not indexed can occur using an CONTAINS predicate
over a UNION / UNION ALL view. Similar problems can occur with any
extensible index.

Bug 1490373      Fixed: 8171
 ORA-1008 can occur for queries using star transformation with
 temp tables enabled. eg: STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED=true
Workaround: Set STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED=temp_disable

Bug 1490268      Fixed: 8172
Sort / Group By operations using adaptive fetch can give wrong results.
Typically the results are incorrect only for certain settings of
SORT_AREA_SIZE - increasing SORT_AREA_SIZE sufficiently gets the
correct results.
This fix implements <Event:10031> in 8i which can be set to turn off
the adaptive fetch sort code.

Bug 1490041      Fixed: 8171
SSL intermittently causes INVALID MAGIC NUMBER in GIOP message

Bug 1489683 *     Fixed: 8172
TNSLSNR listener memory corruption / dump when incorrect CONNECT_DATA received.
See <Note:151259.1> on Metalink

Bug 1489100      Fixed: 8172
Intermittent TNS-12547 possible using MTS

Bug 1488448      Fixed: 8172
OERI:16609 possible INSERTing into a LOB with a DOMAIN index on it.

Bug 1487693      Fixed: 8171B
Exports of TEXT indexes where the base table and index have
different owners fails with DRG-10502 errors.
Workaround: Ensure the table owner and TEXT index owner are the

Bug 1487633      Fixed: 8172
ORA-7445 in qerixGetKey can occur for sort-merge joins under some conditions

Bug 1487291      Fixed: 8171
With the MPM logon exit (RACFSAMP) active for OS authentication, CONNECT
racfid/racfpw from a non-OS/390 SQLPLUS client gives the error -
"ORA-1017: invalid username/password; logon denied"
No messages are produced by RACF or RACFSAMP.
Workaround: Use SVRMGRL

Bug 1487212      Fixed: 8171
A bind variable with NULL value can cause incorrect results
if included in an IN LIST and the INLIST ITERATOR is used in the
execution plan.
  Set <Event:10157> to disable the inlist iterator

Bug 1487043      Fixed: 8171
Dump passing Collection RETURN/OUT from Java stored proc to PLSQL

Bug 1486630      Fixed: 8171
 An alter tablespace read write command sometimes caused the checkpoint
 process to crash with an ORA-00372, thereby bringing down the instance.

Bug 1486365      Fixed: 8171
ARRAY FETCH not utilised correctly by 8i precompilers.
Pro is unable to reset prefetch row count before fetch.

Bug 1485959      Fixed: 8174
ORA-3113 and ORA-07445 may occur when executing a query with 3 or more
parenthesis around the subquery.
eg:  select * from emp where (empno,ename) in
      ((((select empno,ename from emp))));

Bug 1485867      Fixed: 8171
Certain constructs in TRIGGERS can corrupt AUDIT TRAIL information

Bug 1484770      Fixed: 8171
PLS-103 as PLSQL treats certain words as RESERVED words instead of keywords
eg: The words  (year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
                timezone_hour, timezone_minute,leading, trailing, or both)
    may report PLS-103 incorrectly.
Workaround: Alias any columns with these names to non-reserved words. eg: DAY1
NOTE: This fix is incomplete and does not fix all scenarios where
      PLS-103 is raised. See <Bug:1742457>

Bug 1484634      Fixed: 8171
Applications that make heavy use of the rowcache (with lots of cache items)
and execute under an OPS configuration may periodically suffer performance
problems if the shared pool is heavily loaded. This typically shows up as
a sudden 'hang' or 'go slow' when the row cache items get flushed from the
shared pool.

Bug 1484598      Fixed: 8171
 ORA-979 may be returned when executing a
 query containing an ORDER BY expression which includes
 a call to the function NLSSORT which is also included
 in a GROUP BY clause.

Bug 1483871      Fixed: 8171B
InterMedia TEXT cannot handle DOCIDs > 2Gb.
Such docids are inserted into the $K table as negative numbers
resulting in "NO DATA FOUND" errors during use.

Bug 1483556      Fixed: 8171B
JDBC Thin may HANG when executing SQL against an Oracle7
server with a large number of bind variables where some
of the bind values are NULL.

Bug 1483326      Fixed: 8172
Binding a scalar using obndra can raise an ORA-7445 in PDTPOI
when the bind is a PLSQL OUT VARCHAR2 parameter.
  Make the parameter IN OUT

Bug 1482839      Fixed: 8171
ORA-1742 may occur while parsing internally generated queries
for star transformation with temp tables.
This can occur when the fact table is partitioned and parallel.

Bug 1482423      Fixed: 8171

Bug 1482198      Fixed: 8172
NETASST crashes after setting PASSWORD for Oracle Name Server

Bug 1482170      Fixed: 8171

Bug 1481791      Fixed: 8171B
ORA-29927 / DRG-50857: oracle error in drexostatscoll(execute cursor) /
ORA-933: SQL command not properly ended errors when ANALYZING a table
with a TEXT index to collect statistics.

Bug 1481696      Fixed: 8172
Remote queries originating from a 8.1.7 server (or later) and which
contain a NOT IN clause are rejected by a pre-8.1.7 remote server with
the error ORA-00920: invalid relational operator.

Bug 1480715      Fixed: 8171
ORA-604 / ORA-2248 connecting IDENTIFIED EXTENALLY from  8.1.X to 8.0.X
Eg: "connect /@v805_db_alias" errors in SQLPLUS

Bug 1480555      Fixed: 8171

Bug 1480531      Fixed: 8171
Installing package utl_http by running utlhttp.sql results in an ORA-955

Bug 1480299      Fixed: 8172
TNSLSNR can leak file descriptors if it ever reaches the OS per process
"MAX FILES" limit (as could occur handling a sudden peak of concurrent
connect requests)

Bug 1479376      Fixed: 8171
Errors SENDING/RECEIVING large amounts of data using SSL

Bug 1479213      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600 [12229] from subquery referencing remote database.
eg: select * from tab1
     where a1 IN ((SELECT T1.a1
              FROM UNIBAS.tab2@unibas T1,
                   tab3 T2
              WHERE T1.a2 = T2.a2 ))
Note: The extra parenthesis cause this problem.
  Remove the extraneous parenthesis

Bug 1478998      Fixed: 8172
Dump in EVAOPN2 possible

Bug 1478965      Fixed: 8173
Internal errors may be raised (eg: ORA-600 [15160]) from queries using
semijoins if there are multiple single-row tables in the query including
the table from the converted subquery and tables not involved in the
semijoin. The problem shows up when ALWAYS_SEMI_JOIN is HASH or MERGE.
Eg:  alter session set always_semi_join = hash;
     update emp set hiredate = sysdate where empno in
       ( select empno from dept );

Bug 1478845      Fixed: 8173
On a range partitioned table with global domain index and
associations exist with a user-defined statistics type,
attempts to analyze table validate structure cascade fails
with ORA-3113 and a dump in KDAVLS.

Bug 1478503      Fixed: 8171
 RMAN "recover database delete archivelog" may not remove
 an applied archive log right after it has been applied.

Bug 1477959      Fixed: 8174
Direct export of a table containing columns of type ROWID may
fail with ORA-600 [6193]

Bug 1477339      Fixed: 8171B
DRG-50857: oracle error in dred1qr
ORA-1812: year may only be specified once
errors using CATSEARCH() with 'ORDER BY <date_column>'.
Eg: where catsearch(title,'find me','order by date_col')>0

Bug 1477278      Fixed: 8171
Parallel execution of PARTITION INLIST with concatenated
partition key causes internal error if one of the keys
is a runtime(join) predicate.

Bug 1477008      Fixed: 8171
RMAN may report controlfile backups as obsolete.
Report Obsolete shows controlfile only backups as OBSOLETE

Bug 1476579      Fixed: 8172
 If simultaneous requests are made to load the same rowcache entry at the
 same time then problems can occur (Eg ora-600 [ktsiseg_info2][0]).
 Tuning the shared pool may help prevent this.

Bug 1476388      Fixed: 8171
PMON / Oracle shadows may spin

Bug 1475310 *     Fixed: 8171
ALTER INDEX .. REBUILD ONLINE can Corrupt The Index /
IOT alter table ... move online can corrupt the IOT
if there is DML concurrency on these objects and
DML sessions die..
See <Note:125149.1> on Metalink

Bug 1474845      Fixed: 8174
Repeatedly allocating and freeing objects using
OCIObjectNew() / OCIObjectFree() leaks memory.

Bug 1474111      Fixed: 8172
Listener may die when servicing SESS_SH (IIOP) connection request

Bug 1472152      Fixed: 8171
ORA-600[6941] can occur during the direct path load if an index
being loaded has INITRANS larger than the max value for the
the database block size.
   Decrease the initrans value.

Bug 1472000      Fixed: 8171
 PCM lock request might hang in high concurrent situation on
 and index block.

Bug 1471556      Fixed: 8174
If an error occurs late in session deletion then if auditing is on,
it will attempt to insert an audit record after the necessary language
handles have been freed.
This causes an exception when trying to parse the insert statement.

Bug 1470903      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600 [KGHFRF1] possible after ORA-4030 when allocating
control file cache memory.

Bug 1470763      Fixed: 8172
EXPLAIN PLAN over DBLINK may HANG if the 2 databases have different
character sets.

Bug 1470645      Fixed: 8172
Using the "nolocal=t" XA option, then for applications written using Oracle7
OCI or Pro*, then local transactions may still be started if one of the
XA transactions is asynchronously rolled back.
(See Bug:853211 for details of nolocal=t)

Bug 1470497      Fixed: 8171
 SQL*Loader sometimes incorrectly discards valid rows in a collection with
 error ORA-2020 "Record <n>: Discarded - all columns null."

Bug 1470463      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [KKDLGON4] possible exporting with TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE=Y

Bug 1469858      Fixed: 8171
DBMS_OBFUSCATION support for Standard Edition

Bug 1469317      Fixed: 8171
OERI:KKPODPAMGET possible on concurrent sessions inserting
into seperate partitions of the same table.

Bug 1469157      Fixed: 8171
A Database created with the java option may take longer than needed
to startup when java jobs have been submitted for job queue
processes to run.

Bug 1468034      Fixed: 8171
Queries using and-equal scans on compressed b-tree indexes
may fail with ora-600[12421].
This fix introduces regressions as described in Bug:1577067 and Bug:1640583

Bug 1467575      Fixed: 8171

Bug 1467270      Fixed: 8171
Fine Grained Access policy function cannot see latest package variables

Bug 1465654      Fixed: 8172
ORA-00 [21051] possible creating an updatable snapshot.

Bug 1462321      Fixed: 8171
Wrong results possible using Fine Grained Access Control with PARTITION clauses

Bug 1461208      Fixed: 8173
Errors ORA-604 (recursive SQL error) and ORA-918 (column ambiguously
defined) possible from star transformation using temporary tables if
they use views or subqueries.

Bug 1459886      Fixed: 8172
LOGMINER may show incomplete REDO / UNDO if strings contain a CHR(0)

Bug 1456242      Fixed: 8172
RMAN restore may be slow with DBW repeatedly waiting on 'FILE IDENTIFY'.
This occurs as a fixed index is not used by one of the RMAN queries.

Bug 1456235 +     Fixed: 8172
Passing LOBS in recursive PLSQL can cause excessive memory leak.
In particular this can affect the use of a user datastore in
interMedia Text causing the text indexing process to grow
in size dramatically.

Bug 1454333      Fixed: 8171B
Deadlocks possible in Java code between Statements and Connections

Bug 1454214      Fixed: 8172
A client Pro*C process may dump issuing SQL after a reconnect
without disconnecting first.

Bug 1454173      Fixed: 8171
A client side memory leak can occur when doing:

Bug 1453292      Fixed: 8173
PQ may return ORA-979 when aggregate function contains a string
(eg: MAX('test'))
The slave SQL generated has a HAVING clause with a column name in
place of the literal causing the slave ORA-979 failure.

Bug 1453239      Fixed: 8172
An ORA-4020 can occur if a SELECT is run against a PARTITIONED IOT
which has an ANALYZE running against it so collect statistics.

Bug 1449134      Fixed: 8171
This problem is introduced in Oracle 8.1

Bug 1447610      Fixed: 8172
Using DBMS_SQL.BIND_ARRAY with indexed arrays can cause a number
of memory corruption type internal errors or a dump in the shadow
process such as those below.
  ORA-600 [kghalo2] , ORA-21779: duration not active,
  ORA-600 [kohrsc153] etc..

Bug 1447232      Fixed: 8172
DELETE DANGLING may dump in <Function:KTUCHG>

Bug 1433938      Fixed: 8171
DBCA updates the orclaci attribute for the OracleDefaultDomain entry in the
directory improperly when registering the database.

Bug 1431143      Fixed: 8171
 Queries with IN-list predicates on partitioned objects may
 result in ORA-600 [KKPAMFLIST].

Bug 1431079      Fixed: 8171
AQ may not propogate to remote site

Bug 1430642      Fixed: 8171
SIGFPE / divide by zero possible on NUMA if there are less DBWR
process than Process Groups

Bug 1430502      Fixed: 8171
Update on  partitioned table using and-equal scans of global indexes
may signal ora-600[12455][QKADELUPD] .
And-equal is highly likely to be used when you have single table
predicates of the form
  "table.col1 = 'constant1' and
   table.col2 ='constant2' "
and both col1 and col2 have non-unique single key indexes on them.
  Use Hints to avoid AND_EQUAL access

Bug 1430475      Fixed: 8171
Dump in JOXFTP during create / alter of Java object

Bug 1429373      Fixed: 8171
CKPREG.ORA is not always updated

Bug 1429299      Fixed: 8171
ORA-6510 / ORA-6512 in UTL_FILE.OPEN when connected to DB2

Bug 1428365      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [KCBNFY_BP_ERROR] possible on NUMA platforms
for certain combinations of quads and db_block_buffers.

Bug 1428224      Fixed: 8173
OCISessionBegin calls unthreadsafe code (ttyname)

Bug 1427002      Fixed: 8172
can fail with
     ORA-29863: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
     DRG-10595: ALTER INDEX <name> failed
     ORA-28579: network error during callback from external procedure agent
and the extproc process dies unexpectedly.

Bug 1426493      Fixed: 8171B
DRG-50942 / ORA-06502 using CONTAINS clause with many SYNONYMS

Bug 1424693      Fixed: 8171B
Using a text index and BASE_LETTER lexer attribute, all characters
with accents (including n-tilde) are converted to base forms,
instead of using NLS_LANG language specific base letter forms.
A new attribute has been added to the BASIC_LEXER: BASE_LETTER_TYPE,
with values of GENERIC and SPECIFIC.  To use NLS_LANG language
specific base letter settings, set BASE_LETTER_TYPE attribute to

Bug 1424051      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [koxsi2sz1] [13] possible dequeueing a message.

Bug 1423941      Fixed: 8172
Replication pushes BASE DML after DML done in AFTER ROW triggers.
This can lead to "ORA-2291 integrity constraint violated" errors
while pushing the deferred transaction queue or other strange

Bug 1423194      Fixed: 8171
User exits precompiled with RELEASE_CURSOR=NO may error with ORA-1023
This only occurs on some platforms.

Bug 1422776      Fixed: 8171
INSERT AS SELECT int IOT may give ORA-600 [15201]

Bug 1422109      Fixed: 8171
This problem was introduced in Oracle 8.1.7
Listener registration does not occur for migrated
Oracle7 / Oracle8 database upgraded to Oracle 8.1.7
  Set the <Parameter:INSTANCE_NAME> in the init.ora file

Bug 1422055      Fixed: 8172
This is quite rare.
An ORA-370 may be signalled if there is heavy concurrent update of chained

Bug 1422021      Fixed: 8172
under Solaris 64bit when the session / serial# of a process exceeds 9.

Bug 1422015      Fixed: 8171
 Queries that used MAX() and/or MIN() operations on operands of length 254
 or 255 together with a GROUP BY clause may return incorrect results when
 executed in parallel.
  Use MAX(DISTINCT col) in place of MAX(col)

Bug 1421476      Fixed: 8171
When AQ_TM_PROCESSES is set to a non-zero value then the database can
enter a hung state. This is most likely to affect an upgrade to 817
when running U0801060.SQL.
  Set AQ_TM_PROCESSES to 0 before running any upgrade scripts.

Bug 1421243      Fixed: 8171
EXP/IMP of table NOT NULL REF column looses the NOT NULL constraint

Bug 1420689      Fixed: 8171B
Indexing certain korean documents with the korean lexer may
fail indexing with ORA-1480 errors.

Bug 1419924      Fixed: 8171
AQJMSDEMO03.JAVA does not exit on completion

Bug 1419888      Fixed: 8171
An error during an RMAN backup does not clean up the backup pieces.
These remain forever.

Bug 1419624      Fixed: 8172
ORA-7445 errors in <Function:kkpapDRmFkk> are possible from queries
using UNION ALL views whose branches use partitioned objects.

Bug 1418809      Fixed: 8171
OCI insert of a LOB can crash the client

Bug 1417233      Fixed: 8173
DRG-10599 possible using CONTAINS with an OUTER JOIN

Bug 1417113      Fixed: 8173
CHARSET Filter does not index all documents if there is a
NULL in the indexed column.
  Remove any nulls from the indexed data set.

Bug 1416425      Fixed: 8171B
Text indexing can go into an infinite loop while trying to index a
CLOB that has stray '0x00' characters in a variable-width character set

Bug 1416344      Fixed: 8171
Having identical aliases in a base table and a view can cause
hanging if the table and the view have table access hints.

Bug 1415297      Fixed: 8171
 If you concurrently execute the same query which accesses the
 bitmap indexes an ORA-7445 might occur in rixsta().

Bug 1415231      Fixed: 8171
ORA-1422 can occur using RULE based propogation

Bug 1414782      Fixed: 8173
DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE signals ORA-1006 for numeric bind names
eg: ":1"

Bug 1414436      Fixed: 8171
When running 'analyze ... list chained rows' of an
index organized table an ORA-7445 may be encountered in kdgicrl().

Bug 1414339      Fixed: 8171B
Text indexing could error internally with an ORA-1555 error.

Bug 1414278      Fixed: 8171B
In some rare cases CTXCAT index create fails with an ORA-1727 error.

Bug 1413753      Fixed: 8171
When precompiled with MODE=ANSI, closing a cursor that is opened using
a descriptor (method 4) and which returns no data found,
will result in an SQL-2144.
Under XA this causes XA_END to report an 100 error.

Bug 1413093      Fixed: 8171
A Pre 817 "AFTER LOGON" trigger causes ORA-604/ORA-6550/PLS-103 in 817

Bug 1412631      Fixed: 8171B
When a fetch error occurs during Text indexing, indexing may go into
an infinite loop repeatedly logging an ORA-1002 error to the
index_errors table until it runs out of tablespace.
With the fix indexing stops if an ORA-1002 error is encountered
during indexing.
NOTE: The root cause of this issue is typically an ORA-1555 or similar
      during the indexing process. The spin masks the true error.

Bug 1412109      Fixed: 8171
MV involving star_transformation can dump

Bug 1411802      Fixed: 8171
UTL_TCP is not compatible with OS/390 platform.

Bug 1411361      Fixed: 8171
Public procedures are erroneously AUDITED
There should be no audit entries for execution of a PUBLIC procedure

Bug 1411100      Fixed: 8171B
A hang can occur when a Java thread closes a socket in use by another thread.

Bug 1410679      Fixed: 8171
This problem was introduced in 8.1.5
Pro* programs using ARRAY fetches without indicator variables
show degraded performance compared to Oracle8.0 due to more
round trips to the server as the arraysize is not utilized

Bug 1410582      Fixed: 8171
A client side Memory leak occurs allocating and freeing objects
in PRO* clients

Bug 1410301      Fixed: 8171B
In Enterprise Java Beans(EJB).
deployejb uses some Java 2 methods that are not supported in JDK1.1.X.

Bug 1409953      Fixed: 8171B
In Java Server Pages(JSP) a GetParameter in an included file with
multibyte data fails when translate_parms=true

Bug 1409835      Fixed: 8172
Ora-600 [16608] or Ora-600 [16609] may sometimes be raised for certain
operations that involve constraints, especially if the shared pool
is heavily loaded.

Bug 1409135      Fixed: 8174
On some Unix platforms, INSO_FILTER may fail due to dynamic linker
errors if the client is running on the same machine as the database
being connected to and the operating system owner of the database is
different from the operating system owner of the database client and
the database client does not connect to the database via the listener.

Bug 1409046      Fixed: 8171
Fetching character data in OCI/PRO from V7 EBCDIC server may give bad data.

Bug 1408453      Fixed: 8172
 ORA-7445 errors are possible from queries with nested subqueries if a
 functional index is used in the subquery.

Bug 1406429      Fixed: 8171
 ORA-600 [insexe-2] during array insert using OCI_BATCH_ERRORS mode where
 all rows inserted are rejected.

Bug 1406097      Fixed: 8172
Some startup errors are not written to the trace / alert such
as ORA-27146. Instead the startup may fail with ORA-3113 and a dump.

Bug 1405972      Fixed: 8173
AQ JMS may error at oracle.jms.AQjmsConsumer.ocideq

Bug 1405652      Fixed: 8171
Instance may crash if an i/o slave dies.
This can affect RMAN using BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES = TRUE

Bug 1405498      Fixed: 8171
Multi-threaded OCI may dump if connection is broken

Bug 1405151      Fixed: 8173
DUMP_LDAP -R -X may return additional DC= level

Bug 1404442      Fixed: 8171B
create index or sync index may dump with ORA-3113 when using HTML
section group to index a plain text file with text like "<-  blah blah blah",
which looks like the start of an HTML tag.

Bug 1404388      Fixed: 8171B
Multi lexer with CONTAINS(ABOUT / THEME) clause dumps

Bug 1403900      Fixed: 8171B
In CORBA. Visibroker caffiene tools are out of date.
In 8171 they are updated to v3.4.

Bug 1402425      Fixed: 8173
Functions/procedures taking %TYPE as a formal parameter, with the
base type being varchar2/long/CHAR/NCHAR may dump if a value longer
than the %TYPE length is passed to the function.
Procedures / functions should ignore length constraints on formal
  Declare the formals as the basetype instead thru %TYPE.

Bug 1402161      Fixed: 8173
A long running batch job (which runs over many days) can cause the
savepoint number to wrap signalling either ORA-600[4411] or ORA-600[4454].
  Break the job into smaller chunks and reconnect for each part of the
  job to reset the savepoint number.

Bug 1402130      Fixed: 8171
Using bind variables in SQL / PLSQL via a database link to another DB
then across a further DB link to a Gateway may hang or crash.

Bug 1401563      Fixed: 8171
PROFORTRAN makefiles have incorrect flags

Bug 1401235      Fixed: 8171
star_transformation_enabled=true can return ORA-900
 in presense of OR-predicate related to dimension table.
Workaround: alter session set "_no_or_expansion"=true;

Bug 1400946      Fixed: 8172
catrm.sql hangs at the statement "execute dbms_rmin.install;"
if catproc is run twice.

Bug 1400739      Fixed: 8171
If ctrl-c is hit while a table with >=1 extent map blocks is being
truncated an ORA-600 [2023][5][1] could occur and subsequent selects
from the table may report ORA-8103 errors.

Bug 1399147      Fixed: 8172
A semantic error may occur during precompilation of PLSQL in
Pro* when a lower-version of Pro* connects to a higher-versioned
database and the program references an indexed table method.
Eg: mytable.DELETE

Bug 1399138      Fixed: 8172
IS NOT NULL with ORed subqueries may dump in CBO.
eg: SELECT e.ename FROM emp e
     WHERE ('dummyfield' is not null and e.ename in (select 'SMITH' from dual))
        OR (e.ename in (select 'SMITH' from dual))

Bug 1398875      Fixed: 8172
NET nsgisend() can cause a core dump

Bug 1398783      Fixed: 8171
Enterprise ROLES (for SSL users) do not work over DB LINK

Bug 1398499      Fixed: 8171B
Lexer errors should not abort indexing.
This fix causes a warning to be logged and allows indexing to continue.

Bug 1398257      Fixed: 8171
When POSITION (*-end) is used to specify the field position in data
with direct load, SQL*Loader errors with
 "ORA-01401: inserted value too large for column error".
Here "end" is wrongly interpreted as the actual length of data field.

Bug 1397975      Fixed: 8172
Misleading error messages from invalid input to DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT
(ORA-28232 and ORA-28234).

Bug 1397698      Fixed: 8172
Insert into local table using select from remote table through a dblink
may fail with ora-1009 when the rowsize of the remote table exceeds
16000 bytes.
  CTAS over the DB link and do a local insert
  Use PLSQL to select the rows then insert locally.

Bug 1397603 +     Fixed: 8172
Despite notes elsewhere to the contrary this bug is actually
introduced in 8.1.7 and does NOT affect earlier releases.
ORA-4031 / SGA memory leak of PERMANENT memory occurs for buffer handles.
  _db_handles_cached = 0

Bug 1397075      Fixed: 8172
With compatibility set to 8.1.6 or 8.1.7, SMON terminates with internal error
ORA-600 [kcbgcur_9] when attempting to drop temporary segments in a
readonly bitmapped tablespace.

Bug 1396836      Fixed: 8171
If a tablespace to be TRANSPORTED contains a LOCALLY MANAGED
datafile which has been shrunk in size using RESIZE, then
the metadata IMPORT at the remote site may fail with
ORA-29340 / ORA-600 [kfpplgdf4] .

Bug 1396675      Fixed: 8172
This problem was introduced in
PLSQL containing SQL with a construct of the form:
  WHERE (a,b) in ( (c1,d1),(c2,d2)... )
can cause an spin (hang) and eventually an ORA-4031 error
on the server.

Bug 1396578      Fixed: 8174
"% Non-Parse CPU" in the output from statspack spreport.sql (8i) /
sprepins.sql (9i) is calculated incorrectly.

Bug 1396571      Fixed: 8171
 ORA-600[25012] can occur while importing the metadata for a
 transportable tablespace or TSPITR.

Bug 1396321      Fixed: 8172
'ORA-1790' may be signalled when executing a
UNION or UNION ALL query where the inner query block
contains 'DISTINCT' and the statement is executed using
     SELECT 1, TO_CHAR(null) FROM emp
      GROUP BY TO_CHAR(null);

Bug 1395967      Fixed: 8174
On platforms such as OS390 it is possible for filenames to
contain embedded quotation marks. ALTER DATABASE BACKUP
CONTROLFILE TO TRACE writes out the filenames with the
quotation marks which can lead to ORA-1967 errors if the
CREATE CONTROLFILE in the trace file is attempted to be
  Manually edit the SQL in the trace file to use 2 quotes
  ('') for each single quote in a filename.

Bug 1395260      Fixed: 8171
ORA-1502 on DML even though SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES=TRUE for
unusable BITMAP indexes

Bug 1395204      Fixed: 8172
The Oracle shadow may dump in kzctxscv -> sprintf on 64 bit platforms

Bug 1395159      Fixed: 8173
With the stemmer set to German, when a word that is not in
the stemming lexicon is stemmed the results may be a mixture
of the current word and previous stemming results.
This can cause incorrect Text query results.

Bug 1395086      Fixed: 8174
This problem is introduced in 815.
An ORA-600 [6731] can occur if an update / delete operation tries
to modify a chained row if block level recovery has recovered the
row head-piece but not the chained row pieces.

Bug 1394565      Fixed: 8171
Callheap corruption printing a RAW in PLSQL debugger

Bug 1394096      Fixed: 8172
The client may dump if it attempts to fetch a LONG column
directly into a very large LONG VARCHAR host variable.
Note: The fix causes and ORA-1062 to be signalled if the client
      side buffer exceeds the port specific maximum which would
      have caused the dump.
  Use piecewise fetches.

Bug 1394005      Fixed: 8174
ORA-600 [kokeeafi1] / coredump possible when traversing a REF, or DEREFing a
REF, inside or outside of a view, with or without DEREF_NO_REWRITE hint
eg:  select c.pb.b from c c;
     select deref(pb) from c;

Bug 1393786      Fixed: 8173
Failed EXTERNAL USER identification tries global user identification

Bug 1393049      Fixed: 8172
A query containing an IN list in an OR chain with an AND predicate
with more than one table can produce incorrect results.
Eg:  T.col= val0 OR ((predicate involving table other than T) AND T.col in
  Disable the inlist optimization by setting <Event:10157> to level 1

Bug 1391946      Fixed: 8171
PUSH_JOIN_PREDICATE=true can cause wrong results (eg: with outer join)
  alter session set "_push_join_predicate"=FALSE;

Bug 1391737      Fixed: 8172
The import process (IMP) leaks memory when importing non-null CLOB values.
The leak approximates to (32 + average length of CLOB data) per row.

Bug 1391604      Fixed: 8171
A second call to an OCIStmtFetch API may result in an Access Violation if
the database is shutdown in the middle of execution.

Bug 1390900      Fixed: 8171
ORA-600 [KCBGTCR_13] can occur.
This is the final version of the fix for <Bug:1259450> / <Bug:1073570>

Bug 1390597      Fixed: 8171
This problem was introduced in 8.1.5
PRO with XA and RELEASE_CURSOR=YES may not report variables in error messages
Eg: ORA-1 errors omit the constraint name

Bug 1390553      Fixed: 8171
Password Verification can allow username to match password
when set via SQLPLUS / OCIPasswordChange()

Bug 1390403      Fixed: 8171
This problem is introduced in 8.1.5
A query outer joined view with a literal column can
yield the wrong results (NULLS may be returned for the
literal column)

Bug 1390341      Fixed: 8172
False ORA-1480 may be signalled fo SET DESCRIPTOR

Bug 1390058      Fixed: 8174
ORA-00600 [k2gdel: bad ptrs] possible from COMMIT/ROLLBACK FORCE
inside a local transaction.
    COMMIT FORCE 'xid'; when the current session is in a local

Bug 1389914      Fixed: 8172
XA_ROLLBACK on heuristically committed transaction gets ORA-24763

Bug 1389308      Fixed: 8171
Certain types of OR expansions can consume a huge amount of resource and
appear to hang/spin when CBO is attempting to determine the execution
This can typically occur with statements of the form
  WHERE (col between A1 and A2) OR
        (col between A3 and A4) OR ... etc..
  Hint the query with /*+ NO_EXPAND */
  or set _no_or_expansion=true
Support Note:
  The fix introduces <event:10136> to control a cut-off point
  for OR expansion.
Also see <Bug:1344111>

Bug 1388961      Fixed: 8171
"REPORT OBSOLETE"  may report incorrect backups

Bug 1388843      Fixed: 8173
Unique/primary key constraints enforced with non-unique COMPRESSED
indices could result in the insertion of rows with duplicate keys
and raise ORA-8102 on DELETE.
This thus allows logical data corruption.
  Do not use COMPRESSED indexes.

Bug 1388326      Fixed: 8171
Array insert using OCI_BATCH_ERRORS may not insert all the rows
if there are too many erroring rows.
Eg: inserting 242 rows where 241 are duplicates does not insert the
    one good row.

Bug 1387619      Fixed: 8173
Export in 8.0/8i/9i is slower than Oracle 7 export of the same data

Bug 1387406      Fixed: 8173
Unnecessary partition access can occur during parallel queries if there
is partition pruning based on a nested loops join.

Bug 1387232      Fixed: 8171B
Certain japanese tokens passed to single-token optimize,
dynamic add stopword, or browse words, where the index
uses the japanese vgram lexer, can error that the input
term is not a single word, or is invalid.

Bug 1387222      Fixed: 8171B
When using the Japanese VGRAM lexer and prefix index option together,
queries which, when lexed, have a single-character query, will not
return any rows.

Bug 1387019      Fixed: 8171
PUSH_JOIN_PREDICATE may not occur on outer join to a duplicate
column projection.
      (select e1.empno empno, e1.ename, e1.empno empno2
         from emp e1,dept d1
        where  e1.deptno = d1.deptno) V
     WHERE e.empno = v.empno2 (+) and e.ename = :b1;
Workaround: Outer join to first named column projection (empno1 here)

Bug 1386955      Fixed: 8171
RMAN DELETE command ignores media errors deleting backups

Bug 1386924      Fixed: 8171
OCILobWrite piecewise write may lose / corrupt multibyte data

Bug 1386093      Fixed: 8171
implicit varchars in dynamic statements are handled incorrectly.

Bug 1385354      Fixed: 8171
 A Pro*C application using indicator variables
 for binds and operating on an HS DB link may throw an error
 foreign Data Source doesn't support indicator variables
 in SQL text.

Bug 1384381      Fixed: 8173
This problem is introduced in 817.
Multithreaded client processes performing many concurrent
server attach operations may dump in nigsui.

Bug 1383234      Fixed: 8171
 ORA-00600 [15203] possible during IFS install

Bug 1383106      Fixed: 8171
DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT is not interoperable across platforms.
Eg: Data encrypted on Solaris cannot be decrypted on NT

Bug 1382576      Fixed: 8171
Wrong results may be returned from parallel queries if they involved
a join of CHAR columns of different lengths.

Bug 1382145      Fixed: 8171B
executeBatch() raises errors by throwing a SQLException, rather than a
BatchUpdateException as mandated by the JDBC spec.

Bug 1381397      Fixed: 8172
If the RMAN backup processes die unexpectedly or are killed via "kill -9"
then PMON may die with an ORA-7445 in ksfvfrmsg() or ksfvmchk()
bringing down the instance.

Bug 1381319      Fixed: 8171B
 For certain database character-sets running on Windows NT and
 using INSO_FILTER, the character data in the index created was

Bug 1380975      Fixed: 8173
Memory leak in BSP process causing it to fail to ship blocks after
a period of operation with the TCP driver.

Bug 1380431      Fixed: 8171
This problem is introduced in 8.1.5
ORA-1403/ORA-6512 SYS.DBMS_IJOB can occur exporting job queues with
CONSISTENT=Y especially where AQ is in use .

Bug 1380187      Fixed: 8171
 SQL statements referencing tables that contain objects can take a long
 time to parse if there are many object types.

Bug 1380164      Fixed: 8172
 Aggregate queries with group by and count(*)  on partitioned table
 with bitmap indexes and inlist predicates may fail with
 ora-600[qkagby2] while trying to do count star push down
 with no sort.

Bug 1379437      Fixed: 8173
Wrong results possble when a TABLE clause is used in the FROM
clause to generate a collection of ADTs along with a correlated
subquery referencing an attribute of the ADT.

Bug 1379299      Fixed: 8173
This problem was introduced in 8.1.5
A view based query with SET operator (MINUS OR INTERSECT) may not
parallelize and this show poor performance.
Eg: select * from
    ( select c1,c2 from ptab where c3 = 1
     select c1,c2 from ptab where c3 = 2);

Bug 1378887      Fixed: 8172
If the controlfile gets corrupted for some reason it is possible
for logwriter to switch into the current online redo log.
This enhancement makes an additional check on the redo log itself
before switching into it. If it is the current log the instance
is aborted.

Bug 1378532      Fixed: 8171
This problem was introduced in 8.1.6
When SQL*Loader performs a load (either conventional or direct) with fixed
length records and a skip parameter, an ORA-01841 error can occur

Bug 1377901      Fixed: 8171
ORA-12519 possible using SID in connect data to connect to DB
Workaround: Use SERVICE_NAME in connect strings as SID is being

Bug 1377361      Fixed: 8171
When a Unicode buffer is bound as a PLSQL OUTPUT bind of type SQLT_STR
the last character of the output string may be truncated.
Eg: "begin select ename into :1 from scott.emp where empno=7369; end;".
    Binding the output type as SQLT_CHR and setting OCI_ATTR_CHARSET_ID
    to OCI_UCS2ID looses the last character.

Bug 1377130      Fixed: 8173
FREELISTS and FREELIST GROUPS storage parameters for a table stored in a
bitmapped tablespace are lost via an export/import cycle.

Bug 1376575      Fixed: 8173
SIGBUS / dump in KPRCDT possible

Bug 1376209      Fixed: 8171
A session may self deadlock when updating tables which are referenced
by a materialized view. The ORA-4020 error signalled will show the
current session holding the lock in S mode and in a recursive
call requesting a lock on the same table in X mode.
Note: This fix introduces an event to control behaviour. Contact Oracle
      Support for details of event:32333

Bug 1375878      Fixed: 8171
If write errors occurred during XA tracing, a memory leak occurs.
Also, if the XA trace file is continually opened and closed (for example by
xa_open/xa_close with tracing on), a memory leak occurs.

Bug 1375214 +     Fixed: 8172
If a transaction with a select-for-update cursor open calls an
autonomous transaction, the autonomous transaction will reset the
fetch state in the parent transaction's cursor.  The next fetch
will get error ORA-01002 "fetch out of sequence".

Bug 1375026      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [13302] possible after a transportable tablespace has been
plugged in. This error occurs when trying to allocate a new
internal object id. Plugging in a transportable tablespace can
change the increment for the IDGEN1$ sequence leading to this
error at a later date.

Bug 1374926      Fixed: 8172
Using rowid column values(:OLD.rowid) in "Before Update Row
Triggers" can give incorrect rowid information.

Bug 1374542      Fixed: 8172
ITEXT: Theme indexing does not produce the correct themes

Bug 1373920      Fixed: 8172
If a PLSQL program raises an ORA-6502 error which has a message
then a heap corruption can occur where a single byte gets zeroed

Bug 1372664      Fixed: 8171
ORA-601 / Dump in KJUCLL possible

Bug 1372326      Fixed: 8172
Poor cardinality estimates are possible for queries using highly selective
column values on partitioned table if histograms are present and the query
accesses more than one partition.
The fix in <Bug:707884> allows histogram statistics for the partitions to
be looked at to get the selectivity but that fix does not allow selectivity
to be less than the table level figure.

Bug 1372058      Fixed: 8171
ORA-6502 possible for DBCS multibyte data
(eg: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE may error on multibyte data)

Bug 1371820      Fixed: 8174
ORA-600 [4506] possible against transported tablespace

Bug 1370878      Fixed: 8171B
The internal query used to determine the attributes of object types is not
as efficient as it could be.
This query is issued from OracleTypeADT.initADTAttrNames()

Bug 1370036      Fixed: 8171
GROUP BY clause.
Workaround: Set <Event:10119> to disable NOSORT operations

Bug 1369450      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [KOKEAAI5] possible using Objects

Bug 1367842      Fixed: 8174
Queries of the form "select count(*) from...." give the wrong
COUNT(*) if a materialized view exists against the table which
contains a "SELECT DISTINCT ..." with an identical WHERE clause
and query rewrite occurs.

Bug 1367773      Fixed: 8171
SNP processes can leak private memory.
  Periodically "alter system set job_queue_processes = 0;"
  and wait until all SNP processes are gone then restart
  some new processes.

Bug 1367114      Fixed: 8173
Concurrent ALTER IOT operations may deadlock with ORA-4020

Bug 1367045      Fixed: 8172
 Export loses the primary key constraint name of an object table.

Bug 1366842      Fixed: 8171
Export does not generate constraints other than the primary key
for object tables created with OBJECT IDENTIFIER IS PRIMARY KEY.

Bug 1366837      Fixed: 8171
Cursors referencing a fully qualified FUNCTION are not shared when they should
eg: Consider a SQL statement of the form
        "select system.f() from dual;"
    or  "select system.p.f2() from dual"
    where f is a top level function and f2 is a packaged function,
    both owned by SYSTEM. If 2 or more users that have the relevant
    privileges on the objects involved issue the same SQL, then each one
    gets a child cursor rather than sharing the cursor.
  Use a PUBLIC synonym and reference the function via the synonym.

Bug 1366074      Fixed: 8171
Attribute identifiers in DN of GLOBAL USER are incorrectly CASE sensitive
eg: "create user adam identified globally as 'cn=adam,c=us';"
    will not allow connections but
    "create user adam identified globally as 'CN=adam,C=us';"

Bug 1365873      Fixed: 8172
Using cursor_sharing = FORCE can corrupt the CGA heap resulting in
ORA-600 [17xxx] errors or core dumps.

Bug 1365771      Fixed: 8172
Selecting a number from an EBCDIC platform into a character string host
variable on an ASCII platform can result in corrupted data in the string.

Bug 1364542      Fixed: 8171
Very specific forms of query involving SORT operations can cause
buffer cache corruption. If this corruption hits a DIRTY block in
the cache it can lead to permanent corruption.

Bug 1363176      Fixed: 8171
PCTAS and PDML(Insert) may insert incorrect rows when a subquery contains
an inline view (or contains a subquery) and the execution plan
includes a Nested Loop join in the first subquery.
The generated slave SQL shows missing predicates.

Bug 1362606      Fixed: 8171
star_transformation_enabled =True (or temp_disable) in combination
with OUTER JOIN may return the wrong result

Bug 1362545      Fixed: 8173
When using 'analyze ... validate structure' or 'analyze ... validate
reference' the server sometimes crashes with ORA-7445 in kdgprd().

Bug 1362476      Fixed: 8171
V7 OCI Cobol / Fortran interface calls missing from 8/8i

Bug 1362374 +     Fixed: 8174
ORA-604/ORA-1405 compiling Triggers after Migrate / migrate errors on STANDARD

Bug 1362359      Fixed: 8171
Client core dump if a user tries to XA_RECOVER >100 rows

Bug 1361738      Fixed: 8173
oracle.sql.CHAR values returned by ScrollableResultSets may be padded up to
3 times their correct length with blanks when using the thin driver.

Bug 1360714      Fixed: 8172
allows incorrect syntax for the STORE IN clause.
When used this bad syntax either dumps or corrupts the dictionary.
The problem is that you are allowed to omit the SUBPARTITIONS clause
which should preceed the STORE IN clause.

Bug 1360220      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600 [9999] / ORA-979 possible from complex view merging
  alter session set "_complex_view_merging"=FALSE;

Bug 1360183      Fixed: 8171
An index on an outer joined table is not used when there is
a LIKE/IN predicate on indexed column.

Bug 1359666      Fixed: 8171
Under a very specific set of circumstances, adding extents to
a table could lead to the generation of bad undo in SEG$.
This can show up as an ORA-600 corruption error reading from SEG$/UET$
or as a permanent corruption.

Bug 1359472      Fixed: 8172
Attempting a RENAME of a non-existent object can create
invalid objects in the dictionary cache and data dictionary tables.
This can show up later as an ORA-600 [15266].
A specific sequence of events is required to get into this state.

Bug 1358871      Fixed: 8173
If cursor_sharing = force and the first bind is a literal followed by a user
bind then any execution after the first can result in and ora-7445
with kkobvr in the stack.
Workaround: Set cursor_sharing = exact or set cursor_space_for_time=true.

Bug 1358065      Fixed: 8171
LIKE predicate against bitmap column could cause a coredump
in <Function:kkogfbs>

Bug 1358047      Fixed: 8173
Wrong Results/Dump can occur from a Bitmap AND on a BTREE range scan
of a concatenated index.
You encounter this bug if your query:
  1. returns no row;
  2. involves a BITMAP AND on a BTREE index range scan; and
  3. the BTREE index has concatenated keys.

Bug 1358043      Fixed: 8172
When logmnr is used to mine redo logs, if the redo record is an
update and one or more updated columns become part of trailing null
columns, you may see garbage information coming out in SQL redo,
or an ORA-600 [KSMOVRFLOW] or similar error.

Bug 1358025      Fixed: 8172
 AUDIT of an invalid view may spin in <Function:kksfbc> and consume CPU.

Bug 1357549      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [KJXCVR4] possible in OPS

Bug 1357044      Fixed: 8173
The max_size parameter of defineColumnType() is specified in bytes, not
characters. It should be specified in characters.

Bug 1356960      Fixed: 8171
When OCITransMultiPrepare is called for a readonly transaction, it
returns OCI_SUCCESS.  It should return OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO.  The
caller should use OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO to know it should not call
This affects the OracleMTSService on NT

Bug 1356902      Fixed: 8171
SQL Loader direct path may exit with SUCCESS even if there were errors

Bug 1356901      Fixed: 8171
Committed changes are not propagated immediately to other nodes
when max_commit_propagation_delay=0. This does not affect all
  Set _scn_scheme="Broadcast_SCN_on_commit"

Bug 1354942      Fixed: 8172
TKPROF may dump if "STAT" lines are over 79 characters long.
  Edit the raw .trc file so that no STAT line is over 79 characters.

Bug 1353649      Fixed: 8172
Export omits contraints on TABLES of user defined types.
Eg: create type testcase_type as object (test number);
    create table testcase of testcase_type (test not null);
    An export containing this table omits the NOT NULL clause.
NB: This fix is to EXPORT. Applying the fix will not correct existing
    export files as they do not contain the NOT NULL information.

Bug 1352252      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [KOXSIHREAD1] on user objects after moving from 32 to 64bit Oracle

Bug 1351146      Fixed: 8171
SQL*Loader fails to load mixed data which
comprises of ShiftSensitive Multibyte characters and SingleByte
characters. The conventional load fails with ORA-1458 and direct
path load fails with ORA-1401.

Bug 1350851      Fixed: 8171B
EXTPROC may hang / spin indexing non-English UTF8 data with INDEX_THEMES.
This is not really a sensible thing to do as INDEX_THEMES only
makes sense for single byte English data.
Workaround: Do not use INDEX_THEMES.

Bug 1349878      Fixed: 8171
select count(*) on a table with bitmap index may
cause ORA-7445 in evacn1()
Possible Stack: evacn1(), qerbtFetch()..qersoFetch() ..

Bug 1347123      Fixed: 8174
UTL_FILE.FOPEN silently accepts multi-character mode strings.
The file mode is truncated to a single character.
eg: FHANDLE := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(mydir.dir,'b134712o.pdf','WB', 32767);
    is allowed, even though there is no support for binary-mode

Bug 1346747      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600 [6101] / ORA-600 [20063] possible using SERIALIZABLE
transactions with DML on BITMAP indexes.

Bug 1344653      Fixed: 8173
ORA-7445[KOKLIGCURENV] possible running Text query in parallel.

Bug 1344111      Fixed: 8171
Certain types of OR expansions can consume a huge amount of resource and
appear to hang/spin when CBO is attempting to determine the execution
plan. This occurs with statements of the form
  WHERE (col > A1 and col < A2) OR
        (col > A3 and col < A4) OR ... etc..
  Hint the query with /*+ NO_EXPAND */
  or set _no_or_expansion=true
Also see <Bug:1389308>

Bug 1343460      Fixed: 8171
PROCOB runtime generates ORA-1727 numeric precision out of range (0-38)
error, after applying patch for <bug:1117747> to 8.1.6.

Bug 1340718      Fixed: 8172
If CKPT gets an ORA-4031 error it may not clean up the checkpoint
entries properly resulting in an ORA-600 [KCBSTC_PARENT_AB] and
an instance crash.
  Tune the shared pool so as not to get ORA-4031 errors.

Bug 1340608      Fixed: 8171
RMAN duplicate command fails when 'CREATE CONTROLFILE' statement
exceeds 900 characters.

Bug 1338356      Fixed: 8171B
setRowPrefetch does not work at the statement level,
only at the connection level.

Bug 1337001      Fixed: 8171
PROCOBOL: ORA-1457 returning NULL from a PLSQL procedure

Bug 1335408      Fixed: 8173
Import of an export done with a locale using ',' as the decimal separator
could fail with ORA-6550 when loading column statistics.
Note that the problem is with EXPORT and not IMPORT.
Specify ANALYZE = N or RECALCULATE_STATISTICS = Y on import command line
i.e. do not import the statistics in the dump file.

Bug 1334986      Fixed: 8171
This problem was introduced in 8.1.5
 Insert from remote tables with more than 256 columns can
 cause an ininite loop in remote buffering routines exhausting PGA
 memory. This can also show up as ORA-600 [17090] / ORA-600 [723]
 / ORA-4030
Workaround: Using the APPEND hint avoids this problem

Bug 1334733      Fixed: 8174
ORA-25189 is signalled when trying to alter the storage
parameters of a locked Partitioned Index Organized Table.

Bug 1334302      Fixed: 8171
Export may generate the wrong column name for the primary key
of an object table created using OBJECT ID IS PRIMARY KEY if other
constraints exist on the table.

Bug 1333526      Fixed: 8173
 Use of objects may result in a large number of buffer header state
 objects being acquired needlessly. This may impact the process that
 acquires them by degrading performance, and impact others by increasing the
 contention on the shared pool or by causing Ora-4031 errors.
 This problem is resolved by this fix.

Bug 1333478      Fixed: 8173
Adding an ORDER BY clause can cause wrong results
for particular forms of complex query

Bug 1333317      Fixed: 8171
An OPS session may dump (ORA-7445) in <Function:kslpsprns>
as the process starts under very specific conditions.

Bug 1332121      Fixed: 8171
RMAN allows NULLs in the catalog for file sizes when it should not.
This can cause ORA-1405 errors on some commands, or just list NULL
file size when it should determine the size if it is not known.

Bug 1331034      Fixed: 8172
If ALTER SESSION SET NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = ".'" is used (a single quote)
as separator and if the application uses a database link, error ORA-2248
will occur.

Bug 1328829      Fixed: 8171
This problem was introduced in 8.1.6
OCI fetch array sizes > 65536 overwrite the initial array elements
corrupting the data.

Bug 1328188      Fixed: 8171
LDAP/SSL connections using JNDI and JDK 1.2 may dump

Bug 1327439      Fixed: 8173
When errors=## option is used in a SQL*Loader control file
the last error message is not posted to the log file.
This error message contains the information about the last rejected

Bug 1327087      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in 8.1.6 and affects MULTIBYTE character sets
Dump possible calling TRIM() with an empty string with MULTIBYTE character set

Bug 1326581      Fixed: 8171
Intermittent ORA-904 possible for PLSQL objects using ROLE based security .
This can occur under heavy load when a previously parsed cursor is
aged out of the shared pool.
   a. Grant EXECUTE privilege directly rather than via a ROLE
or b. Flush the shared pool when this occurs

Bug 1325970      Fixed: 8173
A select statement with a CURSOR subquery clause with a plsql function
call outside the CURSOR clause leads to an instantiation space leak when
the statement is executed using thin JDBC. This can cause an exception
on logoff.

Bug 1324918      Fixed: 8171
When binding data as CHAR/RAW for a LOB column TEMP space may get
used up / wasted.
Workaround: Disconnect / reconnect to free up the temporary space.

Bug 1324748      Fixed: 8171
A direct export of an IOT may yield ORA-600 [2845] if the primary key
ends with a ROWID column.

Bug 1323111      Fixed: 8174
This problem is introduced in 8.1.5.
SQL*Loader may skip all records when the concatenate clause
and the skip option are both specified.

Bug 1322919      Fixed: 8172
This problem is introduced in 8.1.5.
ORA-1410/ORA-3116 can occur using "WHERE CURRENT OF cursor" over
a DBLINK from Oracle8i to an 8.0 or Oracle7 database.
  Select the ROWID in the select cursor and update using the ROWID
  as the predicate.

Bug 1322857      Fixed: 8174
If a java stored procedure returns data of size greater
than 4k then the data returned on calls to the procedure
from PLSQL is truncated.

Bug 1321230      Fixed: 8171
A PL/SQL application containing fixed-char array bind variables of mode
IN may have seen those variables get corrupted on the n'th reference to
them, where n > 1.  This can typically result in an inappropriate ORA-6502.
Workaround: Refer to the bind values only once each (copy to temporary
            local variables)

Bug 1320605      Fixed: 8172

Bug 1320334      Fixed: 8171
ProC type mismatch errors for sqlcxt during compile / link on some platforms

Bug 1319755      Fixed: 8171B
The OCI driver leaks memory when a Statement object is used for
multiple SQL statements.

Bug 1319344      Fixed: 8171
Slow client side memory leak using XA

Bug 1318267      Fixed: 8171
This problem was introduced in Oracle 8.1.
INSERT AS SELECT statements may not be shared when they should
be if <Parameter:TIMED_STATISTICS> is set to TRUE. This is related
to progression monitoring.
  Set _SQLEXEC_PROGRESSION_COST=0 in the init.ora file.
  (See <Note:68955.1> for more information)

Bug 1317832      Fixed: 8173
Cluster index can become inconsistent after an alter index rebuild.

Bug 1316152      Fixed: 8171
ProFortran Makefile contains hard coded path to compiler

Bug 1315738      Fixed: 8172
VARCHAR host variable in CALL statements are not properly expanded
and so may be optimized away by the Cobol compiler causing run time

Bug 1315603      Fixed: 8171
When using OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS in an OCI client the client
may see wrong Indicator/return code values when fetching NULL data.
ie: indp / rcodep may be incorrect.
Workaround: Set OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS to 0

Bug 1314755      Fixed: 8172
ORA-12571 possible inserting a NULL-TERMINATED string into NVARCHAR2
with multibyte data.

Bug 1314358      Fixed: 8173
ORA-[KKQSGCOL-1] possible on complex MV query

Bug 1314223      Fixed: 8171
PROCOBOL: ORA-1483/ORA-1457 returning NULL to an OUT parameter of a stored procedure

Bug 1311756      Fixed: 8171
A Foreign Key on Compressed IOT with DELETE cascade does not see child rows.
Applications relying on enforcement of the DELETE cascade may see logical
corruption as child rows are not deleted when they should be.

Bug 1311645      Fixed: 8171
Workaround: Do not set a RETENTION period

Bug 1309590      Fixed: 8173
 If a callout function returns a NULL string pointer, the agent is likely
 to crash.  This results in the caller getting an ORA-28576: lost RPC
 connection to external procedure agent.

Bug 1309325      Fixed: 8171B
JDBC Thick driver may get TNS-12514 errors after 120 simultaneous connections

Bug 1308398      Fixed: 8173
ORA-21117 when a released channel is reused in RMAN.
 Do not release channels until the end of an RMAN session.

Bug 1307247      Fixed: 8171
 ORA-600 [1113] when an ANALYZE operation fails or is cancelled.

Bug 1306896      Fixed: 8171
ORA-600 [711] from DELETE with DML RETURNING clause

Bug 1306738      Fixed: 8171
Dispatcher / PMON can crash on NT if a shared server dies

Bug 1304841      Fixed: 8171
ORA-24021 possible importing AQ tables

Bug 1304674      Fixed: 8171
This problem is introduced in 8.1.6
When running OCI binds with LONG RAW datatypes, if the LONG RAW column is
not the last one in the list, rebinding only the long column can cause
an ORA-1461 error intermittantly on OCIStmtExecute().

Bug 1303366      Fixed: 8171
DBWR may terminate with ORA-600 [ksmovrflow], causing an instance crash.

Bug 1301519      Fixed: 8171
NAMESCTL command DUMP_TNSNAMES does not work unless TNS_ADMIN set

Bug 1300367      Fixed: 8171
ARCHIVE LOG START may start more than the expected number of
ARCH processes. Additionally a subsequent SHUTDOWN NORMAL or
SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE may hang waiting for the extra ARCHIVE
process to stop.

Bug 1298644      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600 [4814] possible from EXPLAIN PLAN of

Bug 1297970      Fixed: 8171
Doing STARTUP with RMAN may fail with ORA-1455 if SGA >= 4GB

Bug 1297277      Fixed: 8171
This problem was introduced in 8.1.6
A query that semi-joins to a partitioned table may return the errors:
   ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
   ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
when run from a different schema with star_transformation_enabled=TRUE
   Set <Parameter:star_transformation_enabled> = FALSE
   Run the query in the schema owning the partitioned table

Bug 1293406      Fixed: 8172
Import can hang if DBMS_REPCAT_MIG.CLEANUP_IMPORT errors

Bug 1293080      Fixed: 8171
This problem is introduced in 8.1.5
No error is returned in Pro* when executing SQL at a disconnected connection.
Eg: ROLLBACK WORK RELEASE; EXEC SQL INSERT ... does not raise an ORA-1012
    error on the insert.

Bug 1292638      Fixed: 8171
When using the array fetch with various string types, and the string is
null, the return buffer is not set properly as per Oracle8.0/Oracle7 releases.
Note: This fix is incomplete - the VARCHAR case is not fixed.
      The VARCHAR case is addressed in Bug:1660334

Bug 1289299      Fixed: 8173
Queries with an ordered "NOT IN" list in their 'where'
clause may dump or return wrong results. The incorrect
output shows the same column values for all rows for
the columns that are referenced in the NOT IN list.
    select e.empno, e.sal, e.ename, d.dname from emp e, dept d
     where e.deptno=d.deptno and e.empno like '%8%'
       and (e.empno, e.sal) not in ((7900,950),(7788,3000));

Bug 1288079      Fixed: 8172
PROCOB generates Internal Error PCB-F-0901 for missing PERIOD after
the last END-EXEC in EXEC CICS.

Bug 1287775      Fixed: 8171
This performance regression was introduced with the fix in Bug:616870.
With this fix calling SYSDATE from PL/SQL is much slower as SYSDATE
is obtained by selecting from DUAL.
This fix restores server side performance by allowing server side PLSQL
to use internal calls rather than selecting from DUAL.

Bug 1286684 +     Fixed: 8171
The V$SYSSTAT statistic "CPU used by this session" can be incorrect if
<Parameter:JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES> is set to a non zero value and jobs are
run as the entire CPU consumption of the job queue process is added
to the system statistics at the end of each job. If the jobs use very little
CPU this may be insignificant. If the jobs use lots of CPU then this can
heavily distort the system statistics.

Bug 1286623      Fixed: 8171
After dropping a base table of a materialized view and
then alter the materialized view to on-commit refresh,
no error message is shown.
Eg: The following scenerio should result in an error but does not:
     1.  create materialized view X as select ... from T ...;
     2.  drop table T;
     3.  alter materialized view X refresh on commit;
    The alter statement in step 3 should result in an error.

Bug 1280292      Fixed: 8171
ORA-23318 can occur while using ALTER TABLE MODIFY in

Bug 1279535      Fixed: 8173
Prespawned servers terminate if a V8 client application fails with an
invalid userid error (ORA-1017).

Bug 1276687      Fixed: 8172
Queries which involved an AND-EQUAL access path and a reverse index
can return incorrect results.

Bug 1275224      Fixed: 8172
ORA-4020 executing INVALID stored procedure from client PLSQL only.
Earlier database versions than 816 return ORA-4062 in this case.
With this fix an attempt is made to recompile the INVALID procedure.
If this succeeds no error is signalled.

Bug 1272708      Fixed: 8173
Stemming queries on words containing accented letters
fails on text indexes with base_letter preference enabled.

Bug 1270136      Fixed: 8172
When a foreign-key constraint is changed from 'initially
 deferred' to 'initially immediate', DMLs against the
 parent table still defer errors until commit time.
With this fix referential constraint violations are reported immediately.

Bug 1268913      Fixed: 8171B
In Enterprise Java Beans(EJB).
deployejb for beans that use classes in java.awt.color have wrong
package names in generated code.

Bug 1268857      Fixed: 8172
This problem was introduced in 8.1.5
Update of a column with a union-all query may cause corrupt the
data being updated. The query by it-self runs fine.
create table t (c varchar2(2) );
insert into t values('bb');
update t set c = (select 'AA' from dual
                       union all
                     select null from dual where 1=2);

Bug 1267033      Fixed: 8171
ORA-600[QKAGBY0.4] is possible from PCTAS with GROUP BY and duplicate columns
in the select list.
eg: SELECT c1, sum(c2), sum(c3) FROM
      ( SELECT col c1, 234 c2, 234 c3 /* c2 & c3 MUST be equal */
          FROM t1 GROUP BY col )
    GROUP BY c1;

Bug 1265287      Fixed: 8172
When a tablespace or file is DROPPED all shadow processes should
close any open file descriptors to the dropped files when they
become ACTIVE. With this bug they may not close the file descriptors.
NOTE: Even with this fix idle sessions with the file open will
      NOT close the file descriptor until they become active.
      This is expected behaviour.

Bug 1264970      Fixed: 8171
ORA-600 [25012] / ORA-600 [6050] possible coalescing index with freelists

Bug 1264071      Fixed: 8171
NULL data may be unexpectedly inserted or an ORA-22813 signalled
when inserting large object types into an object table. This
incorrect data insertion is a logical corruption of the data.

Bug 1260655      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600 [QKAPIDSQKN1] is possible using from Partition Wise join when
a ROWID predicate used.
  alter session set "_FULL_PWISE_JOIN_ENABLED"=FALSE ;
 or in the init.ora file:

Bug 1260483      Fixed: 8173
IMPORT using "TABLES=*" silently imports no rows.

Bug 1259877      Fixed: 8171
OCI_BATCH_ERROR mode does NOT handle errors which occur before row processing
begins (eg: Null data, ORA-1722 etc..). This results in incorrect batch error
information returned to the OCI program, and can cause ORA-600 errors on the
server (such as ORA-600 [kdtdelrow-2]).

Bug 1250510      Fixed: 8173
Number of rows processed (SQLCA.SQLERRD[2])
may be incorrect with Dynamic Method 2

Bug 1249631      Fixed: 8173
The value of v$session.sql_address iss not correctly cleared when a cursor
is unmapped.

Bug 1248112      Fixed: 8171
Audit 'EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE' gives incorrect audit field values

Bug 1247909      Fixed: 8173
ORA-3106 / dump returning a TEMP LOB as an ADT attribute from PLSQL to client

Bug 1247587      Fixed: 8174
This was originally listed as fixed in 8172 but the fix was incomplete.
"Fail to convert between UTF8 and UCS2: failUTFConversion" error can occur
if the source column data type is LONG and the last byte is split using
JDBC THIN client.

Bug 1245424      Fixed: 8171
ALTER TABLE iottable MOVE OVERFLOW TABLESPACE xxx does not work.
The MOVE command runs but puts the overflow segment in the
same tablespace as the index segment.
ie: It can appear to not move the OVERFLOW segment at all
    or may seem to move it to the wrong tablespace.

Bug 1244182      Fixed: 8171
ORA-604, ORA-1000 can occur when performing a full export of a
database containing a large number of bitmapped (locally managed)

Bug 1241842      Fixed: 8172
BULK INSERT into a CLOB dumps / signals ORA-600 [KGHALO2]

Bug 1240484      Fixed: 8171
Shared server was leaking memory when multiple sessions do
connect/disconnect continuously.

Bug 1231765      Fixed: 8171
Connections via CMAN may hang when marker packets need to be exchanged (such
as in error conditions).

Bug 1231172      Fixed: 8174
This is an enhancement related to the fix for bug:947460.
The ALTER USER syntax is extended to allow the current users
old password to be specified when changing their own password.
This new clause is only required when password complexity checking
is enabled. The old password is required to avoid an ORA-28003
error when a PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION is in use.
 Non DBA users can change their password using the syntax:
 ALTER USER user IDENTIFIED BY newpassword REPLACE oldpassword

Bug 1230798      Fixed: 8174
Concurrent ALTER TABLESPACE READ ONLY can fail with an ORA-60

Bug 1227384      Fixed: 8171
Under very heavy load DBMS_SQL can cause SGA heap corruption
if DBMS_SQL.bind_variable is being used.

Bug 1226580      Fixed: 8171
When using serializable transactions with XA, occasionally error
ORA-00600 [k2gdel: bad ptrs] can occur.

Bug 1226565      Fixed: 8174
ORA-600 [KXTOTOLC_LOBOPT] accessing a LOB column (:NEW.LOB_COLUMN)
from within a trigger

Bug 1219547      Fixed: 8173
ORA-942 can occur when attempting to access a LOB attribute of an
ADT obtained from INSERT .. RETURNING statement.

Bug 1204608      Fixed: 8173
Select from V$LATCH may hang / dump after RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN change.
may hang or dump

Bug 1195833      Fixed: 8173
Predicates involving trunc(sysdate) or round(sysdate)
use default selectivity

Bug 1190578      Fixed: 8171
insert  using a functional index may crash in evaopn2()
while inserting a row. Other variations of this may occur.
  For indexes with DESC clauses set
  in the init.ora file and rebuild the indexes.

Bug 1189700      Fixed: 8171
Wrong results from update/query with remote SUBQUERY
with ROWNUM predicate in the subquery.
Workaround: Use DISTINCT in the subquery rather than ROWNUM (if possible)
        or  Use a PLSQL loop to seperate out the remote query

Bug 1185893      Fixed: 8171
ORA-600 [kkpamHFGet2] or ORA-600 [qerpxMObjVI5] possible on select from
a partitioned table

Bug 1185777      Fixed: 8171
This problem is introduced in 8.1.5
ORA-24813 using LOBs from XA code

Bug 1183055      Fixed: 8173
ORA-942 is possible in a slave process with a query on a synonym
defined on a view in another user's schema if the referenced
view name and the sysnonym name are the same and the same query
is issued in the other user schema and in the current schema
and if the query is parallelized.

Bug 1175132      Fixed: 8172
ProCobol can show a performance degradation due to repeated parse
calls for an INSERT statement if the insert returns an error (eg: ORA-1).
Reparse should only occur if there is a parse error.

Bug 1163205      Fixed: 8171
In PRO*C and nchar pointer inserts NULL into nchar column
instead of the actual data.

Bug 1160917      Fixed: 8171
LTRIM/RTRIM/TRANSLATE() core dump if NO ARGUMENT is passed in.
Eg: select LTRIM() from dual;
Workaround: Pass an argument!!

Bug 1156775      Fixed: 8173
Bulk insert / update of a domain index may fail with an ORA-7445
in qxidmid in the server.
  Set <Event:10609> to level 2.

Bug 1154566      Fixed: 8172
CREATE TABLE AS SELECT (CTAS) over a dblink between databases with
different multibyte character sets can result in a table definition
which has column lengths either 3 times the size of the original
table definition. This is correct behaviour as per <bug:523214>
but there are cases where the new (correct) behaviour is undesirable.
This fix introduces a new hidden parameter in Oracle9i:
This defaults to FALSE. When set to TRUE the column sizes are maintained
rather than adjusted. ie: Setting this to TRUE effectively backs out
the changes introduced in <Bug:523214>.
In Oracle 817 you can cause column lengths NOT to be expanded
using <Event:10409> rather than the parameter.

Bug 1150574      Fixed: 8174
'ORA-03001' (unimplemented feature) / dump in kxccani
during cascade delete of a child table if the
parent table contains a before update/delete row
trigger which references a CLOB column.

Bug 1149123      Fixed: 8174
If SESSIONS_PER_USER is limited PQ slaves over
the "sesions_per_user" limit dump ORA-2391 trace files

Bug 1130746      Fixed: 8171
An ORA-3120 can occur when selecting a CLOB column from an
UTF8 database.

Bug 1128980      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600[kokbnp2] can occur using a TABLE expression clause in a
next CURSOR in a SELECT statement.
eg: SELECT p.PartsNo "PartsNo", p.PartsName "PartsName",
       CURSOR(SELECT c1.childpartsref.partsno "C1-PartsNo",
                CURSOR(SELECT c2.childpartsref.partsno "C2-PartsNo"
                       FROM TABLE(c1.childpartsref.childpartsset) c2)
              FROM TABLE(p.childpartsset) c1)
     FROM parts_view p
     WHERE p.PartsNo='asc0001-00000-000';

Bug 1125746      Fixed: 8173
ORA-0001 can occur when a unique constraint has all NULL for the keys
if a non-unique index is used to enforce the unique constraint.

Bug 1104033      Fixed: 8172
PROCOB may generate an error if a  non-unique host variable is used
in a TO_CHAR call.

Bug 1099596      Fixed: 8172
 A query on a view which select distinct from two tables with
 descending index SEGV in eveopn2().  Stack trace showed evaudc()
 and qervwRowProcedure().
  Set parameter _IGNORE_DESC_IN_INDEX and rebuild indexes with
  DESC in their definition.

Bug 1099084      Fixed: 8171
SYS.AQ$_PENDING_MESSAGES may not be cleaned of un-needed messages
and hence may grow over time.

Bug 1081570      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [KNPSMA2:NO DEQ B] possible if DB is shutdown when a
deferred PUSH is running.

Bug 1055420      Fixed: 8173
After a session inserting into a global temporary table is killed,
another session may not be able to drop the global temporary table.

Bug 1054150      Fixed: 8172
Describe of a JAVA stored procedure shows no information.

Bug 1053906      Fixed: 8171
OCIBindByName array bind SQLT_CHR to VARCHAR2 columns uses
size of first element for all elements. This can show up as
logical data corruption

Bug 1045176      Fixed: 8172
Client side memory leak from Multi-threaded PRO application using
XA_open/xa_close in a thread. The leak is about 1K per thread
invokation where xa_open/close occurs within the thread.

Bug 1040334      Fixed: 8172
If a DATE type column is selected from a result set, where the DATE type
had been previously bound to a VARCHAR type using defineColumnType,
the DATE will not be displayed in the VARCHAR format, but instead will be
displayed in TimeStamp format.
This problem only occurs when SetNull is used to bind the previous row's
columns in a PreparedStatement. The row following the SetNull will be the
one that is affected, having the TimeStamp format, instead of the
VARCHAR type's format.

Bug 1030921      Fixed: 8173
ORA-600[KWQMFIDLIOT:DELI] possible using AQ

Bug 1029632      Fixed: 8171
AND_EQUAL optimization can coredump if at least
one of indexes is a functional index.

Bug 1020403      Fixed: 8173
ORA-29900 is possible from PQ using extensible
Eg: This can affect Oracle Text CONTAINS / SCORE operators

Bug 1020327      Fixed: 8173
CURSOR subqueries can use lots of cursors when there is an ORDER BY
clause. This can result in unexpected ORA-1000 errors.
Eg: SELECT c1, cursor (SELECT t2c1,
                          cursor(SELECT * FROM t3)
                   FROM t2 ORDER BY t2c1)
      FROM t1 ORDER BY c1;

Bug 1018797      Fixed: 8173
Binding CLOB data over 4K may add extra characters Multibyte data

Bug 984251      Fixed: 8172

Bug 984040      Fixed: 8173
getUpdateCount() does not behave correctly (as per the JDBC spec)

Bug 976954      Fixed: 8174
PROCOBOL may core dump while recovering from a precompiler error

Bug 975467      Fixed: 8171
SQLLOADER allows LOBS to be DIRECT PATH loaded when this should not be
possible in 8i. The loaded data is corrupt and cannot be used.

Bug 962560      Fixed: 8171
 ORA-25128 can occur when issuing an
 'INSERT ... SELECT' where the source table contains
 a constraint that is in a state of 'DISABLE VALIDATE'.

Bug 953969      Fixed: 8171B
ORA-60 / deadlock possible with interMedia Text index.
Eg: two sessions deleting at may deadlock on the $R interMedia table.

Bug 936107      Fixed: 8173
Some queries may core dump or raise ora-600 [15814] when executed in

Bug 934075      Fixed: 8172
Remote cursor execution may dump in k2mdio/kkehrd

Bug 923020      Fixed: 8172
Update VIEW with CHECK OPTION may update wrong rows

Bug 917674      Fixed: 8171B
SQL statements which contain parenthesis, especially as the first
character, generate ORA-1009 or incorrect results when using the
THIN driver.

Bug 914652      Fixed: 8173
If external name or internal name attributes (OCI_ATTR_EXTERNAL_NAME/
OCI_ATTR_INTERNAL_NAME) are set, then an implicitly started
transaction (not started by OCITranStart) will get ORA-02041
if it attempts to access a remote site.  This restriction also
applies to a remote PL/SQL procedures which has done a commit
and then attempts to access a remote site.
The most troublesome part of this restriction occurs for ODBC running
under Microsoft Transaction Server, since the external name has to
be set to allow MTS to control transactions.  The attributes have
to be set prior to session begin, which is before there is any
chance to know whether or not the connection will actually be
controlled by MTS.
The restriction also means that XA local transactions, for example,
can't use database links, and that certain restrictions apply
to what remote PL/SQL procedures can do.
  In some cases the problem can be coded around, or a real global
  transaction can be started.

Bug 912223      Fixed: 8172
ORA-600 [12261] / dump in OPIPLS can occur when using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE
with SQL derived strings.
Eg: for stmt in (select 'delete from x where a = 1' y from dual)
        execute immediate stmt.y;
    end loop;
   a. Append CHR(0) to the string in the select statement
or b. Assign the returned string to a PLSQL VARCHAR2 variable
      and use that in the execute immediate statement.

Bug 911959      Fixed: 8174
OCI application may dump core when updating more than one LONG
column using dynamic binds with callbcaks.

Bug 899775      Fixed: 8172
If the archivelog destination runs out of space and the archiver repeatedly
returns errors then it is possible for the ARCH process to die with an
ORA-600 [17563].

Bug 899204      Fixed: 8173
After a MOVE TABLE and other partition DDL's (eg: MOVE, SPLIT etc..)
a varray stored as a LOB may be in a different tablespace from its
associated data segment.

Bug 887072      Fixed: 8172
Disconnect from a dblink when connected over a prespawn server gives

Bug 873068      Fixed: 8171
ORA-1634 is possible from TX using an OFFLINED Rollback segment
if recursive SQL issued within the transaction (eg; to extend a table).

Bug 871677      Fixed: 8174
Core dump (in kssdch) possible on SHUTDOWN

Bug 855400      Fixed: 8172
Names cache is never checkpointed

Bug 824996      Fixed: 8171
Cannot assign UROWID to a CHAR in PLSQL (OERI:kohrsc990)

Bug 801455      Fixed: 8173
Ping or a query operation from namesctl fails with 'NNC-0003' error when
multiple addresses are returned from names server for a name.

Bug 792495      Fixed: 8171
When making a remote procedure call with a PL/SQL table, where
the PL/SQL table is defined in a procedure other than the one where the
the remote procedure call occurs, an ORA-7445, ORA-600, or hang can
Support Note: This is fixed in 8.1.6 for 8.1 to 8.1 RPCs but not until
     for 8.0 to 8.1 RPCs

Bug 782833      Fixed: 8172
does not evaluate the sequence.nextval and passes a NULL into the
INSTEAD OF trigger.
  Use insert as select instead of insert values.

Bug 774826      Fixed: 8171
This is very rare and data order dependant.

Bug 771692      Fixed: 8172
A false ORA-2292 may be signalled on update of a parent table
in the following situation:
  There is an index on PARENT( pk, col );
  The SQL UPDATES sets PK to its current value and COL=new value;
  There is a child table with a foreign key constraint;

Bug 768397      Fixed: 8173
8i client to 8.0 server gets OCI_NO_DATA when performing OCIAttrGet
of OCI_ATTR_ROWID for an INSERT statement.

Bug 753989      Fixed: 8173
 may generate incorrect code.

Bug 751910      Fixed: 8171
Dbms_repair.check_object() does not report blocks already
marked as corrupted.

Bug 718058      Fixed: 8172
DBMS_SUPPORT package introduced

Bug 703020      Fixed: 8172
ORA-2019 may occur when describing an object using a database link
which contains '@' and '.' characters from SQLPLUS.
Eg: SQL> desc
      ORA-2019: connection description for remote database not found

Bug 681179      Fixed: 8173
Parallel TO_LOB(LONG) may dump

Bug 557451      Fixed: 8172
The last_refresh field in dba_snapshots may show
01-JAN-50 even after a refresh.

Bug 440317      Fixed: 8174
SELECT or UPDATE may fail to find the row which has

Bug 324372      Fixed: 8174
'FETCH <pkg>.<cursor> INTO ...' fails with PLS-707 [2603]
if <cursor>'s return type is declared in a package other than <pkg>.

No Bug# (1)      Fixed: 8171B
Problem with single stepping in the debugger

No Bug# (2)      Fixed: 8171B
Client utilities (loadjava, deployejb, ncomp, ...) do not properly handle
spaces and quotes in environment variables.

No Bug# (3)      Fixed: 8171B
With Java Server Pages(JSP) there is no mechanism to select the
method for error reporting.  A SEND_ERROR parameter has been added.

No Bug# (4)      Fixed: 8171B
In Enterprise Java Beans(EJB) deployejb has problems with resolver spec's.

No Bug# (5)      Fixed: 8171B
In Enterprise Java Beans(EJB)  Enumeration support for EJB's is broken.

No Bug# (6)      Fixed: 8171B
In Enterprise Java Beans(EJB)  Connection management for CMP beans is broken.

No Bug# (7)      Fixed: 8171B
Java Transaction API (JTA). A unique XIDGenerator for JTA is missing.

No Bug# (8)      Fixed: 8171B
Java Transaction API (JTA) running in JServer.
There is a problem with the following scenario:
    conn1 = ds.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:kprb");
    //  enlist resource in Local resource list (xid, xar1)
    conn2 = ds.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:kprb"));
    // --> replace (xid, xar1) with (xid, xar2)
    conn2.close();  --> remove (xid, xar2)
    //  oops! (no xar1..)
With this fix we do not remove/replace an XA resource that is similar
to an existing one when a connection is closed.

No Bug# (9)      Fixed: 8171B
NCOMP, DEPLOYNC and STATUSNC gave no indication that they are making
progress while loading classes into the database. With this fix Loadjava
is invoked with -verbose to give progress information.

No Bug# (10)      Fixed: 8171B
Oracle Servlet Engine. There is a  problem with extra chunk size that
Can be seen when executing stateless servlets through MOD_OSE.

No Bug# (11)      Fixed: 8171B
In Enterprise Java Beans(EJB)  GenerateEjb is sensitive to the
order of parameters.


Patch for Potential Vulnerability in Oracle XSQL Servlet

A potential security vulnerability in Oracle XSQL Servlet has been discovered when using stylesheets as URL parameters which permits the execution of arbitrary Java code on the Oracle database server with elevated privileges. This vulnerability was discovered in Oracle8i, Release, Enterprise Edition running Oracle Internet Application Server (iAS) and XSQL Servlet, Release, on MS Windows 2000. It also exists in XSQL releases to on all platforms.

Oracle has corrected this vulnerability in the new release of XSQL Servlet as well as provided more secure behavior by default. The new release of XSQL Servlet, is Release, and is included in this Release patch set and available for use with iAS Release

Patch for Potential Security Vulnerability in PL/SQL XML Parser

A potential security vulnerability in the Oracle XML Parser for PL/SQL was discovered when executing the XMLParser, XMLDOM, and XSLProcessor packages using their public synonyms. The packages were defined using definer/owner execute priviliges, which permit execution with SYS privileges.

The patch updates the definition of these packages to use invoker/current_user execute privileges.


Platform-Specific Bugs Fixed on 



Error Message Files

In order to keep the size of patch sets small (aiding in internet transfer rates), non-English error message files are not included in patch sets.  When a new message is added, it is included in the English message file (oraus.msg) which is shipped with the patch set.  New messages will typically be translated and incorporated into the next maintenance release.

Patch Set Note File

This note is included in the distribution and installed in the /rdbms/doc/patch_note.htm file. If you wish to view the file and do not have a browser installed on the system, you can use the Online Text Viewer, which is available with the Oracle Installer. See the installation guide for your baseline release for instructions.

Oracle Corporation Patch Set Overview

Patch sets are Oracle Corporation's mechanism for delivering fully tested and integrated product fixes on a regular basis. Patch sets provide bug fixes only; they do not include new functionality, and do not require certification on the target system.

What Goes Into a Patch Set?

Patch sets include all the libraries that have been rebuilt to implement the bug fixes in the set. All the fixes in the patch set have been tested and are certified to work with each other. Because the patch set includes only low impact patches, it does not require you to certify applications or tools against the Server.

Patch sets are cumulative.  For example, would include all the fixes in as well as new fixes for  This means that unless the patch set documentation indicates otherwise the patch set can be applied to any earlier 8.1.7 version.  There is no requirement to install all intermediate patch sets.

Patch sets contain the same set of generic fixes across all platforms. For example,  patch set for Hewlett-Packard addresses the same set of bugs as for Digital UNIX. Patch sets may also include additional patches specific to the platform on which they are released.

Patch sets do not include the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI). You should use the Installer from your 8.1.7 maintenance release media or ORACLE_HOME see How to Install This Patch Set.

NOTE: this is an example only and should not be considered to be indicative of future patch set product release plans.

De-Installing a Patch Set

There is no mechanism provided for de-installing patch sets. If you are concerned about being able to de-install a patch set, Oracle Corporation recommends that you back up your software installation, before applying the patch set.

If you must de-install a patch set, Oracle recommends one of the following procedures (in order of preference):

Regardless of how you de-install a patch set, please contact Oracle Support Services to verify that the problem you are encountering is addressed. 

Copyright © Oracle Corporation 1998. Oracle and the Oracle logo are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation. Oracle Installer, Oracle Parallel Server, Oracle8, Oracle8 Server, and PL/SQL are trademarks of Oracle Corporation. All other product or company names mentioned are used for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of their respective owners.