UMSL’s Advising Center empowers you to succeed at every step of your educational journey. Our dedicated advisors offer personalized support to help you explore majors, plan your coursework, understand university policies, and connect with campus resources. Whether you’re a first-year student, transfer, honors, or preparing for graduation, we’re here to guide you toward achieving your goals. Select the section below that best fits your needs and start planning your path to success today!
Your First Year
0-29 HOURS
We're here to support you. Start your journey to success by scheduling an appointment with your Advising Team today!
Your Sophomore Year
30-59 HOURS
You’ve successfully made it to your sophomore year. We can help you develop and refine your academic and career goals.
Your Junior Year
60-89 HOURS
Your advisor helps you evaluate your academic goals while guiding your path to successful graduation and future achievements.
Your Senior Year
Undergraduate students who have earned 90 hours or more and have declared a major receive advisement from their college or school.
Transfer / Transition Students
Transitioning made easy. We’ll help you transfer credits, select courses, and create a personalized academic plan to keep you on track for graduation.
Honors College Students
Our advisors help maximize your Honors College experience through guidance on honors courses, capstone projects, research, and internships.
University Advising Center
The University Advising Center supports first-time college students, sophomores, and first-semester transfer students as they transition into UMSL and lay the groundwork for success. Our team of dedicated advisors and staff is here to help you succeed during your first two years at UMSL.
Advising FAQs
How do I contact my advisor?
All undergraduate students at UMSL are assigned to a staff or faculty advisor based on their credit hours. First-year students have an advisor from the University Advising Center. All other undergraduate students are assigned an advisor according to their academic major.
For those students who are undeclared majors, an advisor is assigned in the University Advising Center. Students in the Pierre Laclede Honors College also have an Honors College advisor in addition their academic major advisor. Some majors are divided alphabetically between more than one advisor.
How do I make an appointment with my advisor?
Make an appointment with your advisor via MyConnect, telephone, or email.
More Frequently Asked Questions