
NPML’s mission is to foster the growth and effectiveness of nonprofit professionals and those aspiring to such work.

The Nonprofit Management and Leadership Program (NPML) offers comprehensive credit and noncredit courses and training for individuals with varied instructional needs:

  • Students and others pursuing careers in the nonprofit sector
  • Professional nonprofit staff
  • Board members
  • Community leaders
  • Public sector administrators

Managers and leaders in a wide array of nonprofit fields have gained essential skills and knowledge through NPML programs. Participants join our programs from many fields, including human and social services, health and mental health, the arts and culture, education, public issues advocacy, the environment, religion, and community associations.

“Society calls upon nonprofit organizations and voluntary initiatives to address its most critical challenges...revitalizing cities; transforming educational, health, and social service systems; strengthening civic, arts, and cultural life; and sustaining our environment. Therefore, it is vitally important that nonprofit organizations and voluntary initiatives improve the effectiveness of managers and leaders.”

- John McClusky, NPML founder and director emeritus

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