Center for Teaching and Learning

Service-Learning for Faculty



Service-Learning Faculty Guide: A valuable step-by-step introduction to service-learning designed specifically for UMSL faculty.

Finding Non-Profit Organizations: Databases to help you connect with the right organization and project.

Sample Syllabi: Syllabi from UMSL faculty who have incorporated service-learning.


Funding Opportunities
View current grants available specifically for service-learning projects.

Faculty Benefits:

  • Expands role of educator from giver of knowledge to facilitator of knowledge
  • Inspires innovative teaching methods
  • Provides invaluable hands-on experience for students
  • Broadens areas for research and publication related to current trends and issues
  • Promotes democratic citizenship and leadership
  • Enhances UMSL's commitment to the metropolitan region
  • Contributes to UMSL's goal for civic engagement

Project Examples:

Accounting: Prepare tax returns for low income or elderly people
Art Paint public murals around community themes
  • Create a marketing plan for local non-profit
  • Assist in establishing sound business practices for a food pantry
  • Create a literacy program for at-risk children
  • Plan a math, science, or other educational fair
Nursing Design prenatal health and eduation care for teens
Psychology Guide foster-care teens to become productive adults

More Examples

For additional information regarding resources and support contact Megan Hill. Megan is an AmeriCorps*VISTA funded by a Missouri Campus Compact Grant to work with Student Life and the CTL to assist development of service-learning, civic engagement, and student volunteer engagement at UMSL.
