Center for Teaching and Learning

ACE Fellows Programs


Program Number: 03660
Title: ACE Fellows Program

Sponsor: American Council on Education

The sponsor provides support for learning opportunities through observation and participation in higher education administration at the top level. Fellows experience: an effective learning process in educational leadership, administrative organization, and change strategies; relationships among different levels of administrative officers; decision making at various levels; and relationships between the president (and other senior administrators) and the governing board, legislature, business industry, K-12 community, and the public.

Deadline(s): 11/01/2006
Established Date: 08/21/1990
Follow-Up Date: 08/01/2007
Review Date: 08/21/2006


Address: ACE Fellows Program
One Dupont Circle, NW
Washington, DC 20036-1193

Web Site:

Program URL:

Tel: 202-939-9420
Deadline Ind: Receipt
Deadline Open: No

Award Type(s): Fellowship
Training/Professional Development

Citizenship/Country of Applying Institution:
Any/No Restrictions

Locations Tenable: U.S.A. Institution (including U.S. Territories)

Appl Type(s): Faculty Member
Higher Ed. Administrators/Staff

Target Group(s): NONE
Funding Limit: $0 SEEBELOW
Duration: 1 YEAR(s)
Indirect Costs: Unspecified
Cost Sharing: Yes
Sponsor Type: Non-Profit Organizations

Geo. Restricted: NO RESTRICTIONS


The Fellows Program provides participants with the opportunity to:
develop the expertise to serve the institution's agenda and to see the institution as a whole; observe how other campuses address challenges and solve problems; take part in seminars with other leaders and experts in the field, thereby developing a broader understanding of higher education; participate with knowledgeable Mentors in structured, off-campus experiences; observe college and university presidents and other senior-level administrators to learn about their leadership styles; learn about national and international issues and how they affect individual campuses; and become a member of a national network of more than 1,400 current and former Fellows who serve as resources during the fellowship year and throughout one's career.

The ACE Fellows Program staff organizes three required seminars at various locations throughout the United States. These week-long sessions incorporate active-learning pedagogy (for example, case studies, simulations, problem-solving workshops, role-playing, lectures/small-group discussions, and pre-seminar readings) to address critical leadership issues in higher education. Free-flowing dialogues among Fellows, national leaders, and other experts enrich the unique learning experiences at the seminars. To broaden and deepen the Fellows' perspectives on higher education, the three seminars address: leadership and institutional change; planning processes; financial management and resource allocation; academic programs and policies, including faculty, curricular, and student issues; diversity on campus; technology issues; personal and interpersonal dimensions of leadership; and higher education policy.

Any institution who is a member of the sponsor organization may nominate up to two candidates annually. Nominees must have a record of demonstrated leadership. The nominating institution pays the salary and benefits of the Fellow for the Fellowship year and covers all interview and placement process expenses.

If the nominating institution and the Fellow select the placement option of periodic visits to another institution, the nominating institution pays the $6,000 program fee and provides the Fellow with a professional development budget of up to $14,000 to attend the seminars and national meetings, and to visit other campuses. If the nominating institution and the Fellow select academic year placement at another campus, the host institution pays the $6,000 program fee and provides the Fellow with a professional development budget of approximately $14,000. If the nominating institution and the Fellow select the one-semester placement at another campus, the home and host institutions each pay $3,000 toward the $7,000 program fee. In addition, the nominating and host institutions each pay one-half of the professional development budget, which is approximately $6,000 from each institution. The Fellow is responsible for all living expenses incurred during the Fellowship year. (bjv)

KEYWORDS: Educational Planning/Policy
Educational Administration and Policy
Educational Finance
Higher Education
