Fusion Paranoia: Of Norman Olson, Wilhelm Reich, Robert Fletcher,
Steamshovel and the New York Press
Steamshovel Press editor Kenn Thomas was visiting Washington,
DC on June 15 when militia members gave statements to a Senate hearing
concerning the militia movement. Norman Olson, whose re-presentation of
Debra Van Trapp's take on the OKC bombing got him kicked out of the
Michigan militia, provided the most direct verbal attack on government
corruption. Olson angered chairman Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) into
demanding proof for the accusations. Olson missed the opportunity to grab
much bigger headlines by uttering three simple words: Magic Bullet Theory.
The Magic Bullet Theory provides a convoluted, implausible scenario
supporting the lone nut view of the JFK assassination. Critics widely
regard it as an assault on physics and common sense, a piece of lawyer
work intended only to obsfucate real understanding of JFK's murder and
support the mistaken conclusions of the Warren Report. Arlen Specter
authored the theory, and shortly thereafter his political fortunes brightened
and he became a district attorney for Philadelphia. Specter is now running
for president as a pro-choice Republican.
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Perhaps Norman Olson did not know the connection, underscoring the
importance of a Steamshovel subscription. Steamshovel also
could have provided historical background to Olson's claim of government
abuse of weather modification technology, a claim roundly ridiculed by the
mainstream press. Government interest in weather control is, in fact, well
documented and played a prominent role in the persecution and imprisonment
of Wilhelm Reich, regularly the subject of Steamshovelarticles.
Interested readers should also seek out the latest issue of Flatland,
which contains fascinating interviews with Reich's daughter Eva; the man who
occupied a cell next to Reich the day Reich died; and Orson Bean, the TV
personality who underwent Reichian therapy and applied Reich's ideas on
childhood education in a school environment. It also includes Flatland
editor Jim Martin's new research on Reich's weather control "cloudbusting"
work. Flatland's homepage can be contacted via a link on the list below.
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Another person testifying at the Senate hearing, Robert Fletcher, was the
subject of an article by Michael Kelly in the June 19 edition of New Yorker
that also mentioned Steamshovel. Jonathan Vankin's deconstruction
of Kelly's idea of "fusion paranoia", the coming together of leftist and rightist
conspiracism, appears on the 50 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time
homepage, also linkable from below. Steamshovel would appreciate
response from readers, to Kelly's article, Vankin's rejoinder and another
brief article on the topic appearing in the June 4 edition of the New York
Times Magazine ("Not All The Same Nuts", p. 19) for a possible forum
on the topic in the next issue.
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