Reviews of Leaves
from the Garden of Eden:
- Booklist
"Great for
reading aloud across generations."
"The sheer quantity of plot packed into each tale is
extraordinary. It's like the Odyssey, but in four pages, and with
- Jerusalem Post "Looking
for tales about demon marriages or angel encounters, magic spells or
epic quests? They're all right here, and then some."
- Jewish
Book World "Tree of Souls took our breaths away... Schwartz
now brings us a reference pulsing with one hundred magical, miraculous,
and spiritual Jewish stories."
- Jewish Light
"Howard Schwartz has once again confirmed his secure place among the
real treasures... of the Jewish community."
- Library Journal "[A]
remarkable collection of Jewish tales."
- St.
Louis Post-Dispatch "Howard Schwartz has deepened appreciation of
the heritage of Jewish literature — as well as delighted readers — with
his collections"
- St. Petersburg Times
"Wonderful bedtime stories for children... fascinating for adult
- More
to come!!